01x31 - Showdown in the Sewers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x31 - Showdown in the Sewers

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS.

had its own sewer system?

It's how they dispose
of corrupted data.

This path leads to
a processing center

where old data
is deleted.

I'm afraid we'll
have to split up.

Faster, Playmaker, faster!

I know!

So this is what
my fireflies detected.

Just a tad bigger than
the usual treasures I find.

Fireflies, analyze that blob.

No way.

These energy readings
are off the charts.

As if this blob is absorbing
all the data energy

that's flowing into this room!

Return to me, fireflies!

You should have never
come here, Ghost Gal.


I'm afraid I can't allow
you to leave

after you've seen
what's going on here.

I don't need your
permission... Later!

Shutting all corridors.

But I can still log out.


Not if I jam the signal,
Ghost Gal.

It's time to Speed Duel!

It's time to speed duel.


Looks like that sewer monster
is still locked on our tail.

Even without a nose,
I can tell this stinks!


If I want to get
outta here

with my trove of data
and in one piece,

I gotta defeat Varis.

It won't be easy, but hey,

that's the dangers
of this job.

I'll make the first move.

I draw!

And I shall begin by summoning
my Gateway Dragon.


Then Gateway Dragon's
special ability allows me

to summon another
dragon from my hand

as long as its Level
is 4 or less.

Now take to the field,
Sniffer Dragon.

And this dragon
has an ability of its own.

It sniffs out another
Sniffer Dragon from my deck.

Yeah, yeah, I've seen
this all before.

I saw you use this
combo against Playmaker.

Yes, you have, haven't you.
Good memory.

Thanks, so your old school
strats won't work on me, hon.

Oh, I'm not quite
so sure about that
as you will see.

Observing my tactics
is one thing.

Confronting them is another.

And I don't have to point out
how devastating I can be.

I send Background Dragon
from my hand to the graveyard,

which lets me summon
Defrag Dragon.


And now's the time
to manifest my circuit.

The summoning
conditions require me

to have two Level 2
or lower Dragons.

Therefore I set
my Gateway Dragon

and Sniffer Dragon
in the Link Arrows.

I Link Summon.
Link 2 Twin Triangle Dragon!

You think you can win using
the same monsters as last time?

Should I be offended
or super offended?

If my strategy isn't broken,
why fix it?

By paying 500 life points,
I can bring a monster back

from my graveyard and summon it
next to Twin Triangle's link.

Such as my Background Dragon.

And with
these three,

I have all that
I need to Link
Summon again.

But you already
know that.

Along with which Link Monster.

Then I won't keep you waiting.

Authorizing the Link Arrows.

In order to Link Summon,

I require at least
two or more monsters.

I set Defrag Dragon,
Background Dragon,

and Twin Triangle Dragon
in the Link Arrows.

I Link Summon.

Behold the power of Link 4
Topologic Bomber Dragon.

That's a mighty big monster.
No wonder you're always mad.

Your pet food bill
must be off the charts.

You blabber when
you're scared.

[Ghost Gal]
Topologic Bomber Dragon
had Playmaker

on the ropes
during their last duel.

He had to use all
his resources and a half

just to pull out a draw.

It's one of the most,
if not the most,

powerful monsters in the game.

But Varis made
one major mistake.

I knew he'd summon
this dragon.

And if you give me time to
prepare, I can handle anything.

Go, Topologic Bomber Dragon.

Destroy Altergeist Marionetter!

Decimation Destruction!

Destroy Altergeist Marionetter!

Decimation Destruction!

Sorry, toots,
but when you attack me

while I have an Altergeist
on my field, I can summon

Altergeist Kunquery from
my hand to block your attack!


And while Kunquery's
on my field,

your Bomber Dragon's special
abilities are all negated!

So looks like your Bomber wasn't
the b*mb, but just a big b*mb.

Wordplay will not
win you this duel.

Well, if you think
I'm gonna lose anyway,

why don't you be a peach
and share what you're up to?

I'm assuming you didn't put that
sphere here by mistake.

So what is that thing?

And why is it storing up
tons of energy?

Huh, I guess you could
say it's a seed

to a new beginning for humanity.

[Ghost Gal]
Ugh! That's your answer Varis?
Come on...

You know what I hate?
When people don't give

a straight answer and try
to be all metaphorical.

Like, you think that
makes you mysterious?

It makes you a tool.

It's my turn.
I draw!

I summon Altergeist Silquitous!

Then I activate my trap
Altergeist Protocol so that you

can't stop Silquitous from
using her special ability.

If I return one Altergeist
to my hand,

Silquitous forces one of your
monsters to return to your hand.

So by retrieving
my Altergeist Protocol,

Topologic Bomber Dragon
is sent packing.

Since Link Monsters

can't return to the hand,

Topologic Bomber Dragon
must return to my
Extra Deck instead.

By getting rid of your
one and only monster,

your life points
are wide open for attack!

And an unsecured target is music
to a hacker's ears.

Authorizing Link Arrows!

The summoning conditions
require two Altergeists.

So I set Altergeist Kunquery
and Silquitous!

I Link Summon.

Link 2 Altergeist Kidolga!

But this monster's
just a stepping stone,

because I'll use it
to Link Summon again!

I require at least
two Altergeists,

so I set Altergeist Marionetter
and Kidolga in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 3 Altergeist Primebanshee!

But she won't be the only
monster on my field.

I activate
Altergeist Manifestation.

This trap revives one of my
Altergeists from my graveyard.

Now which one should
I bring back to life?

has more attack points.

But I think I'll go with
my Altergeist Kidolga.

Next, I place
two cards facedown.

You chose the monster

that has the fewer
attack points?

You can cool it
with that fake surprise.

Attack points are a big thing,

but you know
they're not everything.

Just like I know that
facedown card of yours

is meant to scare me
off from attacking.

But I don't play scared.
Here I go!

Altergeist Primebanshee!
Attack Varis directly!

Tentacle Lash!

Ha! I knew it.

Your facedown card's a bluff.

It can't stop my att*cks.

And since my Primebanshee
dealt you damage,

Kidolga's special ability
kicks in,

letting me resurrect a Link
Monster from your graveyard

and summon it next
to Kidolga's link.

So I think I'll help myself

to your Twin Triangle Dragon.

So that's why you
summoned your Kidolga.

[Ghost Gal]
You're catching up.

Kidolga, why don't you
go say hello to Varis?

[Ghost Gal's AI]
Varis is down to 400
life points.

That means with
one final attack, he's done.

Varis, how do you
think it'll feel

to lose against
your own monster?

You know what?
You don't have to imagine, go!

GG, hon.



You deluded fool.

You tricked yourself
into thinking

that you actually
had a chance to win.

Hey, buddy,
you're getting close

to the source of the signal.

Super close.

Good, book it,
we're almost there!

It's a dead end.


Ha-ha! Lights out!

But how can a flashlight
zap a monster?

I don't know, but the light
came from down there.

So, we must be above
the anomaly.

Let's go.

There it is.

Yeah... But there what is?

We can't get in!


And Ghost Gal.

Why is she dueling him?

You wiped out all my monsters?

But if you had
a trap that powerful,

why didn't you use it earlier

so you wouldn't
take major damage?


You wanted
to take the damage

so that you could
activate your Skill.

Finally, you're
catching on,
though a bit late.

I can only activate
my Skill Storm Access

when I have 1000
or fewer life points.

Ugh! I've played
right into his hands.

But it doesn't mean
I can't play out of them.

When Primebanshee is destroyed,
I can retrieve

an Altergeist from my graveyard
and add it to my hand.

Such as my Altergeist

If I can get his life points
back above a thousand,

he won't be able
to use his Skill.

It's my only shot.

I activate my Skill,
Secret Cure!

I draw cards from my deck
until I get a monster card,

and then
we both gain life points

equal to that monster's
attack points.


But can you draw one with
more than 600 attack points?

[Ghost Gal]
I'm betting on it.


Altergeist Lunquery
has zero attack points.

This didn't help at all.

Well, looks like you failed.

And if you don't
even have luck,

then you truly have nothing.

It's now my turn.

You're wrong, Varis.

I may not have much,
but it's more than enough.

My trap card Altergeist Protocol

prevents you from negating

my monsters' special abilities.

Plus, if you try to use
a special ability of your own,

I can send an Altergeist
to my graveyard

to stop it from activating.

And with Kunquery in my hand,

I can use its special ability

to stop any of his att*cks.

And as backup,
I can resurrect my Silquitous

and kick any monster
he summons off his field.

With all these protections,

I'll definitely
survive this turn.

You seem prepared
for all possibilities.

Except for this one.

I activate
a trap card from my hand.

That's illegal.

Seems it's not.
By paying half my life points,

I'm allowed to play it.

My trap card
Red Reboot shuts down

Altergeist Protocol's effects
and renders it useless.

But in exchange, you're allowed
to take a trap card

from your deck and place it
facedown on your field.

Not that it'll help.
This card has one last effect.

You can't activate
any trap cards this turn.

Hmpf, but if I make it to my
next turn, I can activate it.

And this'll
guarantee me the win.

I'm not saying that
you didn't pick up my plans,

but I still stacked
enough defenses

to take anything
you dish out this turn.

I find it
incredibly amusing

that you still think you
have a sliver of hope.

Hope abandoned you
the very moment

you decided
to duel against me.

I activate Background Dragon's
special ability.

Background Dragon?

When I have no monsters
on my field,

I can not only resummon

Background Dragon
from my graveyard

but another dragon
from my hand.

Resurrect, Background Dragon.

And I summon this.
Sniffer Dragon.

But two dragons alone
aren't enough to satisfy

what I have in store for you,
Ghost Gal.

Thankfully, when I successfully
summon Sniffer Dragon,

I can add another
Sniffer Dragon to my hand.

Which I will also now summon.

Now watch Ghost Gal.

Watch, as I churn this breeze
into a full-fledged Data Storm.

These winds rage for me
and me alone.

Drown in my destruction.

I activate my Skill.

Storm Access.

It's perfect.


Now bear witness

as I manifest
my circuit once again.

Authorizing Link Arrows.

I'm required to set only
two of my monsters.

But I will be setting all three

of my monsters
in the Link Arrows.

I link the circuit
for the final time.

I Link Summon...
Link 3 Topologic Trisbaena.

Varis upped his deck.

But this is only the start.
By banishing three copies

of the same monster
from my graveyard,

I can now bring
Defrag Dragon back to life

to rejoin me in this duel.

I banish my three
Sniffer Dragons.

Welcome back, Defrag Dragon.

And since I summoned
Defrag Dragon

next to Trisbaena's link,
I triggered its special ability.

It banishes Defrag Dragon and
all of our spell and trap cards,

dealing you 500 points
of damage per card.

Exile's Retribution!

And next, Topologic Trisbaena

will now attack
your life points directly.

This duel is over.

Dire Destruction!

[both gasp]


Are you okay?
Ghost Gal!

Playmaker? How embarrassing.

The one spectator to see me lose
had to be you.

Just hold on.
I'll get you out!

There's no time.

Take this.

It's the data I gathered

by analyzing the sphere.

I'm sure it's the key
to the Hanoi's master plan

and worth a valuable penny.

I'm only giving it to you
for free because, uh...

well, I won't be
around to spend it.

Don't say that.

Too late.

No! No, Ghost Gal!

One last thing: If you duel
Varis, be careful.

Even more than before.

He now has a card that--

This can't be happening.

That blob absorbed
her data!

It's been a while,
hasn't it, Playmaker?

How could you?

This is low
even for you.

Her data is going to help usher
in a new era of peace.

You should be thanking me.

I've had enough
of your games, Varis.

But the games have
only just started.

And the only way for you
to win is to defeat me.

Begin, the Tower of Hanoi!

Wait! Get back here!

Varis, you coward!

Um, Playmaker, instead of
getting him to come back here,

how about instead
we get outta here?!

Not now Ai.

But-but-but your noodle arms
are too weak

to tear apart this fence!

Since when do I have
to be the responsible one?!

Activate emergency log out!

Ach, whoever said no news
is good news wasn't a reporter.

Hold the press, what's this?!


There's a story breaking

right before our very eyes!

Well now, that went
from zero to a hundred.


I know.

Varis, what have you done?

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