01x18 - Dueling for Answers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x18 - Dueling for Answers

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...


Blue Angel?

Looks like you can use
some help, Playmaker.

Let's Speed Duel!

Speed Duel.

There's the core.

[Ghost Gal]
And the info we want.


Let's extract
Playmaker's info

before anyone realizes
we're here.

Attack, Tentacluster Nautilus!

Diabolical Destruction!

Sir, it appears Green-B
has been deleted.

You're all useless,
you useless drones!

Should be smooth sailing
from here, Yusaku.

But don't know
about Blue Angel.

Hope she's good.

Black Catbat!

Let's put this
duel to rest!


And that's
how ya stay blue!

Sir, there are additional
intruders in the mainframe.

Oh no!


Someone's coming!




I was waiting for you.



[alarm blaring]

It's Zaizen!

Another obstacle?


It never ends.


[Blue Angel]
Playmaker... and Akira?

What's my brother doing here?

There's the grand prize--

SOL Technologies' core.

The whole world's
info's in there,

from the truth
about your past

to the names of all
your friends--

but that
folder's empty.

I'm afraid it's
off-limits to you.

Zaizen, Ghost Gal,

now I understand
why you're here.

To stop me
from getting access.

Well, I can't speak for
suit-and-tie over here,

but that's not my bag.

I'm after
the data too.

And you were a great diversion

so I could break into this
very-hard-to-break-into place.

I see.

So you used me.


To be honest,
I'm not that surprised.

I'm surprised you're so easy
to dupe like a videotape,

except they don't
make 'em anymore.

You even know what
I'm taking about, juvie?

Y'know, I bet you even lost
against us on purpose!

Not true.

Had I won
that duel,

I would've won you,
my little friend.

Gaining access to this place
was the consolation prize.

But a pretty great one.

So, really, whatever
the outcome of our duel,

I was making out
just fine.

At our expense!

Poor thing.

Was that supposed
to make me feel bad?


Well, it doesn't.

So there's
no convincing you?

Obviously not.

That is why
I'm standing here.

If you won't voluntarily
step to the side,

then I'll go through you!

Hmm, that is certainly
one option...

but do ask
yourself this, Playmaker:

Shouldn't some truths
remain buried?

Before you arrived,
I accessed the databank

and learned what happened
to you ten years ago.

Reliving that tragedy
isn't good for you.

So let me bring the Hanoi

and those at SOL Tech
to justice.

It's true?

Then Varis wasn't lying about
SOL Tech's involvement?

SOL Tech?

What did we do?

What's he mean?

Whatever they're discussing
sounds important.

Knowledge is power, and I'm not
sharing it with these dimwits.

Patch this footage directly
to my office!

And make sure
it's a private channel!

And as for all of you
lot in here,

how rude of you
to eavesdrop on a conversation!

You're all fired!

So with this makes it

how many times has
he fired everyone today?


[Kitamura grumbling]

[Kitamura sighing]

[keys clacking]

I'll handle
my own problems.

Step aside.

I will not.

Didn't your mama
ever teach you to share?

Don't hog all the info for
yourself, ya swiny pig!

How ignominiously eloquent.

How dare you call me
an ignoramus elephant!

Come on, you're gonna
make Playmaker cry,

and you don't wanna see
those salty secretions.

So stop being rude,
you big bully!

Didn't your programmer teach
you that it's rude to point?


There's no getting
through to him, Playmaker.

It's like talking
to a wall--

if the wall
had less heart.

Now that's rude.

Akira's all heart.

He even gave up his
career to save his sister.

So you should watch
your words

because Akira has
nothing left to lose.

And there's no one more
dangerous than that.

Actually you're wrong.

I'm more dangerous
for three reasons.

One: my deck is constructed

to defeat
any and all challengers.

Two: my skills are
razor sharp.

And three:
I'm dueling with a purpose.

And you're now getting
in the way of that purpose.

I see.

Let me be clear.

I'm willing to risk everything
to get what I want.

And that even includes...

putting Ai on the line
and up for grabs.

Yeah-- wait!

But if I win, I get direct
access to the databank.

Very well.

If it's the only way
to break our stalemate...

so be it!

We'll let our cards
decide the matter!

I'll agree to that.

Let the records show
I never did!

[Ghost Gal]
Playmaker's about
to face a world of hurt.

Akira rarely duels,

but when he does,
he never loses.

Yusaku, take this three-piece
suit to the cleaners.


Let's duel!

Let's duel!

Let's duel!

Let's duel!

I'll start things off
by playing this.

A monster facedown.

And then I also summon
Tindangle Base Gardna

to the field
in defense mode.

What in the name
of nanobytes?!

How'd he summon
two monsters in one turn?

You must not have
the latest patch.

He can summon it when
a facedown monster

is on his field.

Didn't ask you, CPU!

I place one card facedown
and end my turn.

Two monsters
in defense mode, huh?


That barricade is as stiff
as his collar.

No matter how tough it looks,
no defense is impregnable.

And I'll find...
it's weakness!

First, I discard
Stack Reviver from my hand

to summon Bitrooper!

And just like you,

I'll also summon
a second monster

to my field this turn!

Cyberse Gadget!

And while you stopped
at two monsters, I won't!

When I successfully summon
Cyberse Gadget,

I can revive a monster
from my graveyard!

Take to the field,
Stack Reviver!


And with these three,
now I'll Link Summon!

I set Bitrooper,
Cyberse Gadget

and Stack Reviver
in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon
Link 3 Decode Talker!

Oh yeah!

That sword's gonna
cut through his defense

like it's a soft cheese!

I'm not done!

I activate Cyberse Gadget's
special ability

from my graveyard!

It summons a Gadget Token
to my field!

And since I also used
Stack Reviver to Link Summon,

I can revive
a Cyberse monster

from my graveyard
in defense mode!

So, Cyberse Gadget,
come back to the duel!

Cyberse Gadget's
return activates

Decode Talker's ability!

It gains

for every monster
it's linked to!

And since it's linked to two,

it gains

And that makes our
Decode Talker

stronger than your
Tindangle Base Gardna!

I don't see how you're gonna
get outta this!

Then you must be blind.


I activate my Base Gardna's
special ability.

When a monster is summoned next
to a Link Monster's link,

you can tribute
Tindangle Base Gardna

to summon a new Tindangle
from your hand.

Aww, glitch!

Glitch indeed.

I shall summon
Tindangle Hound!



Wait, that's all
yip and yap!

Decode Talker still
has higher attack points!

Yes, for now.

But all of that
is about to change!

Tindangle Hound, roar!

Its special ability lowers

your monsters'
attack points by 1,000

for every monster
it's linked to.

Aww, woof.

I can still recover.

No you won't,

I activate my trap!

Lemoine Point!

As long as I have
a Tindangle on my field,

your monsters can't attack
any of my facedown monsters

when they're
in defense mode.

That means we can only
attack your Hound?

But it's stronger
than our monsters!

That's... the point!

Well, attack me.

If you want your monsters
to self-destruct that is.

Actually, my monsters
have other plans, Zaizen.

You're Link Summoning

I set Cyberse Gadget
and my Gadget Token

to create
the ultimate circuit!

I Link Summon

Link 2 Flame Administrator!

That monster's weaker
than Decode Talker.

Or so you think.

When Flame Administrator
is in play,

every Link Monster
on my field gains

It ain't calculus,

but there's a whole lot
of calculatin'

goin' on here!

Your special ability
lowers attack points

while ours raise them!

So, can you
do the math?

You look like a guy who still
works with a calculator--

or even a slide rule!

Or you can just have
the computer do it for ya,

ya lazy bum!


The end result, Zaizen,
is that my Decode Talker

is stronger than your
Tindangle Hound!


Yeah, that was


And with your
pooch in the pound,

our monsters are back
to full strength!


but my Hound has
a second ability!

When it's sent
to the graveyard,

I'm allowed to flip

one of my facedown
monsters face up!

Take to the field,
Tindangle Angel!

Her special ability
now activates!

When Tindangle Angel
is flipped face up,

she summons a monster
from the graveyard facedown

in defense mode.

You can't get rid of my
Hound that easily!

Because it's
back on the field!

And I thought it was just
cats that had extra lives!

And you're no longer
allowed to attack this turn.

I've shut you down.

Aww, snap,
he snipped our attack!

Then I'll end my turn...

by placing this
card facedown.

Remember how you said
every defense has a flaw,

so you'll find a way
to break it?

Well, I'm still waiting!

It's a shame you were never
programmed with patience.

With every move,

I learn a little more
about his strategies.

Information that I can use

to turn this duel
to my advantage.

Yes, information
is powerful.

That's why
I looked up your past.

Playmaker, I believe you're
approximately the same age

as my sister Skye.


He tryin' to set
you two up on a date?

I mention it

because you're not
the only one

who suffered
a decade ago.

You see, Skye and I didn't

have such a wonderful
childhood either.

Oh, Daddy only buy you five
ponies instead of six?

How about no ponies...
and no family either.


You think
I crossed the line?

Yeah, probably.

My "B."

we had no family,

no home, no money.

It was just me
and Skye, the two of us...

against the entire world.

I may have only been 16,

but it was my duty
to take care of Skye,

so I had to grow up fast--

no, I was forced
to grow up fast.

Desperate for
food and shelter,

I did whatever I could
to earn a dime.

So word on the street

is you're some
kind of hotshot hacker.

But you're just a kid.

And you are
just a goon.

Ha-- I like your spunk.

Tell ya what,
I'll give you a chance

to prove your

Sit over there.

Break through that
bank's firewall...

or I'm gonna do some
breaking of my own.

I didn't want to do
his dirty work

but it was the only
work I could get.


Nice job.

Now beat it.

It was a dark time

but a single glimmer of light
kept me going.



That took forever.

I'm hungry.

I bet a pizza
will cheer you up.


Skye was just six years old.

Making her happy meant
the world to me.

And making
sure she felt safe.

Even to this day.

I would've broken
if someone took her from me,

which I know you
can relate to

because of that... incident.


It must've been awful.

I can't possibly

What's this?

What incident
does he mean?

Come on,
details, details!

He said it was

"Awful" ain't the word!


You've suffered enough.

Let me handle this
so you don't have to.

You know nothing!

You want to fight
our fight?

This is not your battle!

This is not your battle!

Zaizen, your intentions
may be pure,

but you don't truly
understand my plight.

You had your own struggles

but you didn't
live through mine.

I must end this.

No, you're wrong.

There is always
another solution.

He has an ear and a spare

and he doesn't know
how to use 'em!

This is our fight.


Oh, I heard you.

I was just hoping I didn't
have to believe you.

How "linguical."

Well, bring it on
if you wanna stop us!

Fine then.

I believe it's my turn.

I took care
of the trash talk, Playmaker.

The rest is
up to you.

You're welcome!

Here I go!

I draw!

First, I'll flip over
my Tindangle Hound.

And by doing so, I activate
its special ability!

Tindangle Hound targets

one monster on the field
and gains its attack points.

Then that monster it targeted
is flipped facedown

into defense mode.

Tindangle Angel!

Energize Tindangle Hound
with 500 attack points!


Then Tindangle Angel

switches to defense mode
to protect me!

Aww, I knew I shouldn't
have taunted him.

Not that
I'm gonna stop.

Next, I activate
Tindangle Hound's second effect!

Both your monsters lose

making them
weaker than my Hound!


Destroy Flame Administrator!


Since Flame Administrator
is gone,

so is Decode
Talker's power boost!

Weakening it to 1,800.

But it can go lower
than that!

Since it's linked
to one fewer monster,

it loses 500 more
attack points!

Oh, the tragedy of casualty!

We can never recover
from this!


One fewer linked monster
also means

As if that
scares me.

I'll end my turn...

by placing
this card facedown.

[Ghost Gal]
Heh, how cute.

That hound is protecting
its angel,

like how Akira
is always protecting Skye.

But the angel in turn,
can use her ability

to bring
the hound back to life,

like how Skye revived Akira's
spirit during those dark days.

This combo's tough to break,

like a bond between
a brother and a sister.

But the question is:

Is Playmaker even stronger
than that?

It's my turn!

I draw!

I'll start by summoning
Balancer Lord!

I'll follow that
by activating my trap card!

Limit Code!

This card gets
a Limit Counter

for every Cyberse Link Monster
that's in my graveyard.

At present, I have
only one monster...

the Flame Administrator
that you took down,

therefore Limit Code
gets one Limit Counter!

Next, I can summon
a Code Talker from my deck

by equipping it with
Limit Code!

And I know just the one!

Now descending to the field
is my Encode Talker!

By summoning Encode Talker
next to Decode Talker's link,

its special ability

giving it 500
more attack points!

So what?!

Tindangle Hound's special
ability will cancel out

that bonus
and then some!

Um, when you
let a puppy pound

my Cyberse monsters,

you're making
me look bad.

Not that I have
an ego... that big-ish.

My deck is built to counter
all of your Link Monsters,

so you should
stop summoning them.


I do appreciate the advice
but I'm not stopping.


In fact,
I'm doubling down, Zaizen!

Watch this!

I create another circuit!

See for yourself
as I bring out a new monster.

I set Balancer Lord

and Link 3 Encode Talker
in the Link Arrows!

Why would you do this?

I Link Summon!

Link 4 Firewall Dragon!

No way!

That's Firewall Dragon!

That's the monster
you used to defeat Varis.

But you're going to find,

that I'm no Varis!

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