01x16 - Hack Attack

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x16 - Hack Attack

Post by bunniefuu »

Here are the schematics
Ghost Gal gave us

to SOL Technologies'

And the databank
with all the tasty info

is smack dab in the center.

It looks like a labyrinth.

Yeah, it would take
weeks to months

to find the correct route.

That is if Ghost Gal

didn't already
map it out for us.


Well this shouldn't be
too difficult.

Aww, you jinxed it!

Now they're gonna
line it with traps

that'll melt the salsa
off a taco!

Yeah, maybe.

I'll send in my probes

to do some
preliminary checks.

And I'll stay here
where it's safe.

Not that being
around Yusaku

is any guarantee
of that, of course.

Should be done by the time
you're finished with school.

And until then...

You'll have a chance
to see how Skye's doing.

Yea, right.

And when you talk to her,

don't forget to talk.


[students chatting]

Now then students,

please note that the formulas
you see before you

will indeed be included
on the quiz...

[Yusaku, thinking]
Skye's not in class.

So do study up!

Not around here either.

Or here.

Perhaps the one who claims
to have the wherewithal

to know it all would know
of Skye's whereabouts.

Nah, I haven't seen her.
No one has.

She hasn't been
to school for days.

Seems Miss Perfect
is playing hooky.

I see.

Smart as she is, though,
she won't miss a beat.

But, like, who am I
gonna copy off of now?

Speaking of, you do
last night's homework?

Where'd he go?

According to the logs,
Skye hasn't shown up

in LINK VRAINS either.

I bet her
overbearing brother's

restricting access
to the virtual world

and the real world so no one
can get close to her.

He's like
the perfect firewall.

Must be a real hoot
to hang out with.

Skye almost didn't wake up.

I can't blame him
for overreacting.

I can!

'Cause he should be
blaming the Hanoi!

True, but I find that logic

rarely applies
to familial relationships.

Yup, that's why you're
the third smartest
species on this planet.

AI's first,
squirrels second,

then you meatbags.

Apologies, Skye.

Akira ordered you
to remain at home

for an unspecified duration.

Please turn around.

But I have prepared
a lasagna dinner for you.

[Skye exhales]

I wanted Akira to change

and he did.

Except he became worse.

Well, he can't lock an angel
in this cage forever.

[beep and whoosh]

It's one thing to hack
into my company's mainframe.

It's another to give
Playmaker access to it.

You've caused
irrevocable harm.

You oughta relax before
you pop that vein.

Akira, I know you should
never, ever trust me,

but trust me.

Do you even listen
to yourself?

What do we both want?

We want to know what happened
a decade ago to Playmaker.

And that info's locked tight
in SOL Tech's databank.

I couldn't get past
the security,

and I don't think
it would look good

if you tried hacking
your own company.

So let's give
Playmaker a chance.

And if he triggers
the alarms, great!

Security will be busy
chasing him down

while we infiltrate
the databank ourselves.

I say it's a win-win.

So you had this all
figured out from the start.

In fact,
I wouldn't be surprised

if you lost
to Playmaker on purpose.

You can believe
whatever you want.

Very well then.

We'll try it your way.

Not that I have a choice,
but if it leads to learning

how SOL Technologies was
involved with Playmaker,

this is one time
when the ends may
justify the means.

But don't make a habit
of this, Ghost Gal.

You're welcome!

Hey, Blue Angel!
Your brother left.

It's safe
to come out now!

How'd she know?

You wanna talk?

Because I see a role
for you in this too,

and it may be
your one chance

to change your life.

[Operator A]
Prototypes Green-A
and Red-B are online!

Loading latest algorithms!

Begin the final test!

Copy that!
Initiating Speed Duel!

[Operator D]
The AIs are running
at 99.9% efficiency!

Not good enough!

Make it higher
or you're fired!

Yes, sir!

While a human mind makes
a mere 38 quadrillion

calculations per second,

my AIs operate
in the octillions!

They're unstoppable!

Summon Tentacluster

[Operator A]
Green-A's BIOS,

processing speed
up 7 percent!

Green-A with Red-B

to enhance
its performance!

Yes, sir!

It's only
a matter of time

until the world
recognizes my genius.

Optimal action:
activate Abyss Invitation.

[Operator B]
Red-B is also
passing all tests

with flying colors.

My AIs are the future!

And my future promotion,
my future riches,

my future statue
in the International
Science Hall of Fame!

And to think,
all this because Zaizen

cared more about his family
than his job!


Okay, what did you
learn, Kolter?

The path to
the core's legit,

but there are booby traps
along the way.

Well, I'm pretty sure
we can handle it.

Famous last words
by famous last fools.

Even if you follow
the route exactly,

you still won't have a whole
lotta room for error, bud.

But as long as we keep
our communications online,

I can help guide ya
through the obstacles.

I know you can, Colter.

My man!

Woah, woah!
Hold your hacking horses!

You know there's traps,

but we're gonna go waltz
right into 'em?

Even your logic circuits
know that's frazzled.

Forget about your past,

Who needs it?

Just look to the future
that's shiny and bright!

But I have no future
without my past.

Umm... deep.

Well, that settles it then.

so we best
get going, all right?

No, that settled nothing!

I have six
follow-up comments

to add to that--
Whoa, hey, whoa!

Link into the VRAINS!


This place is more massive
than I expected.

Yeah, it's no joke,

so I designed
a propulsion device

to help you
speed through it.

Uploading to you now.

Grab your ride, buddy.

Just follow my directions
to the letter

and we should be gold.

You got it.

Okay, in 2.5 seconds,

you'll hit
an intersection.

Go 90 degrees
straight down.

Keep your eye out
for what looks like
green diamonds.

They're fraggers.

One touch and you're
digital dust.

They'd usually
home in on you,

but your tether's
sending a jamming signal

to keep you hidden
from those fraggers

and whoever's manning
SOL Technologies'
security feeds.

[Ai chuckling
Playmaker, you look like

you devolved into a lemur
with that tail.

Or maybe it isn't a tail
and you haven't gotten

enough Fiber optic
in your coding!

Stay focused!

Ugh... fine.

Okay, Yusaku.

Level off
in 5... 4...

When you hit a wall,
you're gonna turn right.

This is the last
section of fraggers.

Once you're past them,
you can take a breather.

Take the third left
and you're in the clear.

Huh? What's that?!

That wasn't
here before!

[Playmaker, thinking]
SOL Tech upgraded
their security.

But there's
no turning back now.

Hold tight, guys!

I've just sent you

[Kuriboh squeals]

Break hard right
and lose 'em now!

You didn't lose 'em.
You found more!

[Ai yelping]

[Kuriboh squeals]

Just rapid fire
those Kuribohs next time!

Can't! You only have
one Kuriboh left!

You really are
the worst programmer!


Phew... Aww, glitch!

[Kuriboh squeals]

Way to break
through, Yusaku!

You're in the clear,
and I mean it this time.

You're almost
out of Area "A".

And that's A-okay!

After those rough patches,
it'll now be a breeze--

What-- Ahh!
That's no breeze!

That's a Data Storm!

How can there be
a Data Storm in here?

That's the wrong question.

The question is,
how do we get past it?


The tether's severed!

Oh no!

[Playmaker straining]

[alarm blaring]

What's the alarm?

Sir, it seem
someone is hacking

into our company's


[Operator A]
I'll put it
on screen!

It-- It can't be.

That-- That's Playmaker!

There you are,

He's getting through
where I couldn't.

He dare invade
my systems?

[growling and grunting]

I will teach
that insipid intruder

to dare snoop
in my backyard!

Launch my AIs immediately!

We have guests.

entity detected.

Mark for deletion.

It doesn't look like
I'll be able to evade them.

Initiate Speed Duel.

What?! Two-on-one?
That's not fair!

Who programmed
you AIs to cheat?

Looks like you
were correct, Emma.

It seems Playmaker
will serve as a useful
distraction for us.

Told ya so, Akira.

You good to go?

Let's link into the VRAINS!

C'mon, you two!
Play fair!

You're giving
AIs like me a bad name!

Oh, I don't think
that's their fault.

They're trying
to cut us off!

Step on it!

C'mon, c'mon!

Don't let Playmaker escape!

Oh, how could this happen
the first week on the job?

Seek optimal routes.
Surround and apprehend.

If the board discovers
that I let Playmaker

into SOL Technologies'

I'll have to move back in
with my mother!



But wait...

If I defeat Playmaker...

I'll transform this liability
into reliability!

I'll not only be the one
who captured that elusive Ignis,

but I'll also be the one
who programmed

the greatest AI duelists
in existence!

That's right!

Then comes the glory!
And a gold car!

For my gold garage!

Mind movin'
outta the way?

Yeah, I'm talking
to you!

Move that
chartreuse caboose!

I doubt talking to it
will change its mind.

Initiate Duel Mode.

[Operator A]
Chief Kitamura, the duel
is about to begin!

Listen up, children!

If you lose this duel,
you're all fired!

But I know my AIs are
far superior to Playmaker.

Time to Speed Duel!

Speed Duel!

Proceeding first.

Pay 500 life points.

Summon Tentacluster

Next optimal action.

Machine Duplication.

Action result: Summon
two Tentacluster Darkwhips

from deck.

My AI has everything
it needs to Link Summon!

Materializing circuit.

Summoning conditions:
three Tentacluster monsters.

Response: set three
Tentacluster Darkwhips

in link arrows.

Link Summon complete.

Action result: Link 3
Tentacluster Nautilus.


That was the first-ever
Link Summon

successfully performed
by an AI!

And it was my AI!
All mine!

Funneling permutations
to optimal action.

Special ability
of Tentacluster Nautilus

Summon Tentacluster

next to link
of Tentacluster Nautilus.

New optimal action:

Proceed with summon of second
Tentacluster Drillworm.

By combining my genius

with the AI's
raw computing power,

Playmaker stands no chance!

Analyze duel state.
Optimal action:

Special ability
of Tentacluster Nautilus.

Destroy monsters
next to its links.

Trigger special ability

of Tentacluster Drillworm.

Opponent discards

random card from hand.

Additional: If discarded card
is monster card,

one extra card
discarded from hand.

Monster card discarded.

Discard extra card.

It wants to
destroy my hand.

Not a bad strategy.

Wish it wasn't used
against us!

Well, for the first time
we agree, Ai.

That's not true.
Is it?

Prior action: Destroyed
second Tentacluster Drillworm.

Consequence: Opponent
discards additional
random card from hand.

Monster card discarded.

Discard extra card.

Action: End turn.

Good job, Playmaker.

You managed to lose
your entire hand

before you even took
your first turn.

So we can now agree
on a second thing.

You're getting
your keister kicked

by a bunch
of zeroes and ones!

Well, I know someone
who's more zeroes than ones.

It's my turn!
I draw!

Thanks for keeping
the cats away.

It makes things so much
easier for us to play.

Action: Banish Tentacluster
Drillworm from graveyard.

Opponent discards

random card from hand.


Additional consequence:

Re-summon Tentacluster
Drillworm from graveyard.

Are your cards
made out of butter?

Is that why you can't
hold on to 'em?


There's nothing you can do,

You're outskilled
and outwitted!

[Ai yelping]

Who taught ya to drive?

Well, I can beat Playmaker
fair and square,

or I can also knock him
off his board

and wash him away
in the data stream.

Either way, the end result
is a victory for me.

And with that victory
I shall reap the rewards.

First will come the riches,
then the fame,

and then VIP access
to the world!


I am issuing a new directive

to ensure your focus
will not sway.

all lunches are to be taken
on the weekend!

Scratch that!
There are no more weekends!

For you see, your sacrifices
will be the stepping stones

to securing my triumphs,

and there cannot be
any risk for my rewards!

Ever think of signaling?

[Playmaker gasps]

I leave LINK VRAINS for, like,
two and a half seconds

and now duelists are robots?

How did-- Blue Angel?

A two-on-one duel?
Are you for real?

That's so not cool.

Well I'm here to
even up the odds!

Intruder determined
as hostile.

Optimal action:
eliminate intruder.

Go ahead and give it
your best shot.

In the end,
you'll be seeing blue!

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