01x14 - An Invitation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x14 - An Invitation

Post by bunniefuu »

[keys clacking]

You're a mystery, Playmaker.

And I do love a good mystery.

When I have less
than a thousand life points,

I can draw a new Link Monster
out of the Data Storm!

His Skill-- Storm Access-- is
unlike anything I've ever seen.

He can manipulate data material
as if he's one with LINK VRAINS.

But how does one get
such a skill?

I mean he couldn't
just learn it overnight.

Maybe the secret lies
in his past,

but that's
an even bigger puzzle.

Did you say three?

No way.

Can it be you?

After all of these years?

Ten years to be exact.

But I'm back to get justice!

Ooh, interesting.

If there's an answer
to be found,

it'll be in SOL Technologies'
data bank.

They store everything
about everything.

I like how they keep updating
their cyber security

to try to keep me out.

It's adorable.

Just need to hack through a few
more access controls.

Oh, yeah!

Wait, something's blocking
the core files.

A Data Storm?

Why in the world is that
swirling around in here?

There's gotta be a way through.


They really don't want me
snoopin' around in there.


Oh, well.

That could've
gone better.

But whatever.

I'm not giving up.

No system's every kept me out,

and the one thing I love more
than a mystery is a challenge.



I made you
some coffee, sir.



You didn't have to.



I'm so sorry!


It's all right.

Hayami, is it?

May I ask
something personal?


I thought you'd never ask!

I'm a Pisces and I'm totally
free Saturday night!

I was going to ask
how long

you've been working
for SOL Technologies.

Of course you were.

But I'm still single,
just sayin'.

Let's see one, two...

I joined the company
three years ago.

So then you wouldn't
remember any data files

from a decade ago,
or am I wrong?

No, my security clearance
isn't really high enough

to be able to access
something like that anyway.

I'm so close,
yet so far away.

I know how you feel.

Due to my demotion,
I can't access those files.

But I do happen to know
someone who can.

Uh, thank you for
the extremely hot coffee.

Yes, sir!
You're welcome!

I think that went really well!

What an amazing story to tell
to our grandkids!

I heard they kicked you down
the corporate ladder.

So tell me, how small
is your office now?

Do you even
have an office?

If those are the consequences
for saving my sister,

I would do it all
over again in a heartbeat.

Even if it means having to work
my way up from the very bottom.

Yeah, but it's still
gotta burn

that your bosses replaced you
with that toady Kitamura.

As difficult as he may be,

he must have impressed
the higher-ups

with his dueling AI prototypes.

Faster, people, faster!

Starting today your lunch hours
are cut to three minutes!


If I even see you blink,
I'll fire you,

rehire you,
and fire you again!

When my AI duelists
are 100% complete,

they'll hack up any hacker
hacking into LINK VRAINS!

And I'll hack myself a raise!

Say what you want
about him,

but Kitamura always
shamelessly gets the job done.


A loyal company man
to the end, Akira.

Well, I just don't know
how you do it.

If it were me,
I'd be deleting files.

But maybe you couldn't 'cause
they blocked your access.

Too bad, I wanted you
to look up something for me.

But seems that's
a non-starter.

I wouldn't even
if I could.

Yeah, I knew
you'd say that.

You'd surprise me
if you didn't.

That's why I already tried

breaking into SOL Technologies'
databank earlier this morning.

Of course you did.

Not to humblebrag,

but I wrote a new backdoor
program and got pretty far.

Just not far enough.

But maybe someone else
can put it to better use.

Fine, I'll share
what I uncover.

Oh, please, I wasn't talking
about you, Akira.

You know I don't give
anything away for free

and some musty ol' files
won't cut it.


So unless you're sitting
on a hidden stash of cash...

Thought so.

Besides, hacking
your own company's

not good on your résumé.

Where are you going?

We're not the only ones
who want to know

what happened ten years ago.

I'll see you around,

if I ever happen to be
in SOL Technologies' mail room.




During Playmaker's
duel against Varis,

some mysterious person helped me
get inside the Data Storm.

Looks like I'm not
the only hacker around here.

That's a security bypass.

Whoever that was must somehow
be connected to Playmaker.

So if I trace back
that bypass's source code...

Playmaker, you're about to get
an offer you can't refuse.

Oh, yeah!

Nice to stretch the circuits!

Shh! Yusaku will hear
that you're out of your cage.

So what?
He ain't the boss of me!

I thought Varis was without
fear, but he feared the Ignis.

While AI are supposed to do
what we program them to do,

the Ignis do whatever
they want to do,

because the Ignis,
they have free will.

And what the Ignis want to do

is bring an end
to the entire human race.

Why would the Ignis bring
an end to humanity?

Ai can barely bring
an end to a sentence.


Hey, bud, can you come
to the stand ASAP?

Yeah, sure thing.

Playmaker's so dumb that when
a girl asks him for a date,

he gives her a piece of fruit!


Master, I hear footsteps.

Aww, glitch!
Get me back in the cage!

Yes, master!

What up, my dude?

Kolter called and wants
to see us right now.

So let's go.

Do I have a choice?


[door closing]

So check this out.

It's a message
from Ghost Gal.

Looks like gibberish.

Sure does
but the thing is

it's written in a cipher
that only I use.

So she sent you a code
using your code?


That makes it
extra super secure...

or she's just
showing off.

Either way, it means
no snooping snoopers

can intercept and read
this message.

So what's it say?

She's challenging
you to a duel.

Well not you you,
but Playmaker.

And if she wins the duel,

she gets to take
possession of Ai.

Dream on, sister!

No way my pal

would risk someone
as important as me.

Right, best friend
forever, yeah?

I'm in.


Just look at what she's
offering up in return.


If I win,
we get backdoor access

to Sol Tech's mainframe.

Oh, but you'll be
risking me!


Is that bad?

Super bad!

And what
if she's lying?

Then that would stink

but I really
don't think she is.

You see, she included
part of her program

and it looks super legit.

Let's message her back,

Tell Ghost Gal I accept.






Here I come, Playmaker!


She's in.

Then it's time.


You better win.

Or don't even duel at all!

You really gotta put
my life on the line?



For three reasons, Ai.

One: SOL Technologies'

is the largest in the world.

It must contain info
that will help us.

Two: Kolter may be skilled

but he lacks
the prowess to break past

SOL Tech's securities.

Eek-- savage, bro.

Three: I cannot rest
until I learn

what happened
to me ten years ago.

Link into the VRAINS!



Uh, nothing's
happening, boss.

This place is emptier

than my bank account
thanks to you.

Quit your bellyachin'!

All we gotta do is film
some new Playmaker footage!

Then me and you are gonna be
back in business, pronto!

Oh, is that all?

Then it
should be simple

because we only need
to redo 100% of our work!

Well, if doin' that's
what we gotta do

then that's what
we're gonna do.

Got it?!

Or else they're
gonna fire us!


Anything but that!






It's Ghost Gal!


And there goes

You mean
there goes our paycheck

if we don't follow 'em
and fast!

So stop flapping your gums

and start flapping
your wings!

You got it, boss!

Aw, watch the scalp!

Hey, Playmaker.

Hope you can
keep up with me!

They're fast!

I need to update
my flight program!

You can when
we get this scoop!

There they are!

Roll the cameras!

I am!

I've never felt
so alive in my life!

Ready to duel,

I do hope that
this is not another one

of your tricks,
Ghost Gal.


Okay, usually,
but not this time.

The backdoor program,

all zipped up
and ready to go.

I bet you can find
all sorts of info,

even what happened
in your past.

That's a valuable

So, why are
you risking it?

Because your AI will fetch
a much higher price.

I already
have buyers lined up.

Besides, you intrigue me,

The quiet brooding,
the fire behind the eyes,

how you risked your life
to save Blue Angel.

I ship it.

But the only way to truly
know someone is to duel them,

so unless you have problem,
I say we get duelin'.

I have
no objections.

I do!

Don't wager my life for
your prequel backstory!

I'm box office gold!

Box office platinum!

Since no one
important objects,

why don't we get this
duel started?


Am I set on mute
or something?



Here we go!

Speed Duel!

Speed Duel!

Stay frosty, buddy.

You got this.

Ghost Gal's seen plenty
of our duels,

but we know nothing
of her strategies.

So she definitely has
the advantage over us.

I don't really mind.


slow you down?

Not even a little?

You can go ahead
and choose to play scared.

But I'm choosing to face
this fight head on.

I'm going first.

And I summon
Altergeist Marionetter.

Next, her special ability

lets me take
a trap card from my deck

and place it facedown
on my field.

And I bet this'll
come in handy later too.

You're up, Playmaker.

Two facedown cards--

she's obviously
trying to trap ya.

My turn!

I draw!

I summon Cyberse Wizard!

Okay, Playmaker,
play it safe.

Caution is
the key to victory.

Cyberse Wizard,

That's the opposite
of safe!

I can hear her already:

"Too bad, Playmaker,
you triggered my trap."


Let's see if you're right.

Cyberse Wizard,
destroy Marionetter!

Too bad, Playmaker,

but you triggered
my monster's ability.

I can summon
Altergeist Kunquery

to stop your attack!

No way!

Oops, she used an ability
instead of a trap.

But I was close!


That's not all.

As long as Kunquery's
on my field,

your Cyberse Wizard loses
all its special abilities.

Oh, I get it.

That ability's
a lot more powerful

than most traps
and-- billboard!

It's strategically
more effective

to keep us guessing

where she'll play
her next card from.

I end my turn.

Of course you do.

Because there's
nothing you can do!

But me on the other hand...

I summon a second
Altergeist Marionetter!

And just like before, I take
another Altergeist trap card

from my deck
and place it on the field.

A third facedown card...


She's waiting for us
to stumble into her traps

like a real-deal
trap queen.

Is that what you think?

While you were focusing
on my traps,

you overlooked my monsters!


this doesn't look good!

I'm creating a circuit
that links the known

with the unknown!

She can Link Summon?

We're in
for it now!


Don't blink, Playmaker!

Because like you,
I can Link Summon,

except I do it with flair!

I set all three of my

in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

I Link Summon!

Link 3,
Altergeist Primebanshee!

I activate my trap,

Altergeist Manifestation!

It resurrects Altergeist
Marionetter from my graveyard!

To activate my
Marionetter's ability,

I need another Altergeist card,

so I activate
Altergeist Protocol!

By destroying this trap,

my Marionetter
pulls the strings

of a second Marionetter
in my graveyard

to re-summon
her to my field!

But she won't be
sticking around for long.

Primebanshee tributes
my Marionetter!

Allowing me to summon
a different Altergeist

from my deck next to
Primebanshee's link.

Rise, Altergeist Meluseek!

Next, I place one card

Is this for real?

I thought she was
playing defense,

but she summoned, like,

in one turn!

What trick is she
gonna pull next?

How's the footage?

Aces, boss!

But it's hard to stay in focus
while I'm carryin' ya.

Hey... no one's
payin' ya to complain.

With that,
I'm all set.

Now to get down to business.

I've analyzed your strategies,

and you're winning
these days using your new Skill,

Storm Access.

Sure it's one tough Skill
to beat,

but you can only
activate it during your turn.


I'll make sure you never
get the chance to use it!

My trash-talk translator

says she's aiming
to win this turn.

But since we have this stylin'
Wizard to protect us,

she can't deal
enough damage

to wipe out all
of our life points.

She's like a hot-air balloon--
full of hot air!

How's that
for trash talk?!


I refuse to believe
a duelist of her caliber

would be so careless.

Humans do dumb stuff
all the time!

Are you calling
me dumb?

I've never been
so insulted in my life.

At least I can count!

You may have grown a body,

but you sure have
a thin skin.

Yeah, well...

wait, I have skin?

She traded monsters
with higher attack points

for weaker ones.

There's only
one reason for that.

For their unique
special abilities.

At least he's not dumb.

That's right,
my Meluseek

can attack you directly
even when you have a monster!

But that's not enough
damage to win!


Go, Altergeist Meluseek!


That barely tickled!

True, but when Meluseek
deals you damage,

one card on your field
gets sent to the graveyard.

And since you only have
one card out,

even that silly AI
can figure out which one.

Ta-ta, Cyberse Wizard.

We'll have nothing
to defend with?

This could've gone
better by, like, 100%.

Her remaining monsters

have a total
of 3,700 attack points,

while we only have

Nice-- your AI can do
kindergarten math.

But no formula
will save you!

Altergeist Marionetter,
attack Playmaker!


Oh, Playmaker's gonna lose!

He's actually gonna lose!

And you know
who's gonna win?

We're gonna win!

And our
bank accounts!

Yeah, but still,

I know we ought
to be celebrating,

but I don't know how to feel

seein' LINK VRAINS's
hero going down.

Our careers
are gonna be back on track

but Playmaker's gonna get
ditched and dismissed.

Ghost Gal, your odds
of victory are at 99.9%.

I thought you were something
special, Playmaker.

I'm disappointed.

Oh well.

I'll just
have to comfort myself

with the pile of cash

I'll get from
selling that AI.

Come on, Playmaker,

you have one last trick
up your sleeve, right?



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