01x06 - True Blue

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x06 - True Blue

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS"...


Just when we all thought
The Gore had

one of his ginormous size
sixteens in the grave,

Playmaker's the one
on life support!

Now finish Playmaker off

and bring his Ignis
directly to me!

It all comes down
to this fight, Gore!

Attack The Great Ogre!

Ogre! Smash 'em!


[bell ringing]

The Gore is down
for the three count!

He met his maker, Playmaker,
in a duel to the finish!

That Gore was pretty good,
wasn't he?

You know what?

If we really are gonna take
down the Knights of Hanoi,

then we should try to get
all the help we can get.

We could use an ally
like The Gore.

It's too dangerous.

This is our fight, Kolter.

Not his.

We must defeat the Knights
of Hanoi without his help.


Are you all ready?
Ha ha!

[fans cheering]

Okay, True Blue Crew,
the next attack's for you!


Like I'm gonna let you
get away, silly!

Trickstar Holly Angel,
conk 'em off his board!



Game, set, and match!

But I couldn't
have won without

the bestest fans
in the whole world!

Keep shining blue!

[all cheering]

[Skye's AI]
You have logged out
of Link VRAINS.



I've been tweaking
my facial recognition program

and ran it on Blue Angel.

What did you find?

Take a look.

In the real world, Blue Angel
is actually named Skye.

Skye Zaizen, as in
the sister of Akira Zaizen,

the Head of Security
at SOL Technologies.

The one who knows everything
about everything!

She looks better in blue.


So, look at
what she's wearing.

Notice anything special?

Uh, it's the same getup
as yours, Playmaker!

She goes to my school?


This is our in, Yusaku!

To learn about the secrets
of your past,

what better way than to get
to SOL Tech's bigwig

through his sister?

All you gotta do is chat her up,
become her friend and then...

Wait, that's never gonna happen.

Uh, why not, Kolter?

Can you picture
Yusaku making friends?

That means he'd have to talk
to another human being

for more than two minutes!


He wouldn't last two seconds,
much less two minutes.

Can you imagine?

"Hello Skye.
I'm Yusaku.

Do you like bowling?
I like bowling."

[Ai, laughing]
Yup, he'll never
go through with it.

Never ever, ever, ever!

I can't believe you're actually
going through with it!

Did you practice
what you're going to say?

Because she might not
like bowling.

But I read people love hearing
about movie spoilers.



My Duel Disk isn't supposed
to have an A.I.

So if you continue talking,
you'll raise suspicion.

Just keep your mouth closed
and your eye open for Skye.

Sure, but all you
humans look the same...

[Ai scanning]




Not that one...

Oh, what's going on
back there?

Is that...

There she is!

Where's she going?

I've never been to
this part of the school.


Duel Club?


Whatcha doin' in this
neck of the woods?

Oh, just... standing.

Yeah right.
Oh, I know why you're here!

You want to join
my Duel Club!

No, you're mistaken Shima.


Come on, don't hide it.

You wanna be as flash as me.

But y' never will
with that old thing.


You are so lucky you're buds

with the best duelist
in the club.

Uh, you're the best duelist?


Then I guess this must be
a duel club of one.

Yusaku with the jokes!

But you'll end up as the joke
if you don't work on upgrading

your Duel Disk and finally
get with the times, pal.

Speaking of time, how about
showing up to meetings on time,


Uh, sorry, Prez!

Uh, I was just busy recruiting
this new member and--

A new member?

Well, why didn't you
say so from the start?

Come in.

No, wait... I'm not--

Wow, Playmaker!
You made a new friend!

Stop talking.

So sensitive today!

We're a friendly bunch.

even with Shima.

Now, now, be nice.

What brings you to the club?

Especially mid-semester?


Perhaps he saw
our new Duel Disks!

Oh, that's the one loaded
with the latest A.I. assistant.


How'd you know about that?

Cause Shima showed me
his before.

I hear that they're
basically impossible to get.

While yours truly was
stuck waiting in line

for hours on opening day,

a certain someone who
you happen to be talking to,

secretly got 'em for free for
every member in the club because

she has connections
to SOL Technologies!

My wallet thanks you, Skye!

Couldn't get 'em the day
before now, could you?




You're supposedly
super smart, eh?

That is affirmative.

Then what's your
processing speed, brainiac?

instructions per second.

W-Well, m-mine's


Aww, glitch!
Shutting down.

Your Duel Disk doesn't
have an A.I., right?

No, why?
Because I thought
I heard it talk.

You were hearing things, Skye!

How can his antique
hold an A.I.

when it can barely even
hold his deck?

You so gotta stay on the cutting
edge to get an edge, Yusaku.

If you don't get a new Duel
Disk, you'll never win a duel.

Unless he has a good deck.


Let that be a lesson
to you all

that you can't judge a duelist
until you judge his deck.

Take a look at mine.


It's, uh...


Let me take a look-see.



Are you kidding me?

Even the city dump thinks
these cards are garbage!

That is enough, Shima!

There's no such thing
as a useless card!

Only useless duelists
who don't see their worth!

Oh, you're right.
My bad. Sorry.

I got carried away.

It's fine.

I've never won with this deck.

Now that there's
a new type of dueling,

our club needs to study up

if we don't want to get left
behind in the dust.

In a typical Master Duel, there
are five zones for our cards.

But in the new Speed Duel,
that number is cut by 40%,

down to three.

This decrease actually makes

an increase
in the pace of duels,

so that's where the name
Speed Duel comes from.

We don't need to run simulations
to know that each card's value

in a Speed Duel exceeds that
of a Master Duel because...

Psst, Playmaker!
I saw what you did!

By showing that lame deck,

she won't suspect
you're Playmaker!

Unless she hears you.


[elevator dings]

Welcome home, Skye.
How was school?

Fine. My brother home?

Mr. Zaizen is still at work,
but I made lasagna.

[reporters on TV]
Mr. Zaizen! Mr. Zaizen!

Anything to the rumors
that SOL Technologies

hired The Gore
to defeat Playmaker?

That's nothing but gossip
and tabloid bait.

But, sir! Would SOL Tech
promote duels in the future?

Blue Angel's the most

duelist these days.

Think we could see a duel
between her and Playmaker?

Not a chance.


[cell phone ringing]

Here we go...

Hello, Skye.

Hey, Akira.
I saw you on TV.

And I saw Blue Angel
Speed Dueling earlier.


Skye, I thought
we talked about this.

We did.

Then I shouldn't
need to remind you

that Speed Dueling
is dangerous.

Do I make myself clear?

Yeah, I hear you.

If you fall off that board,
there is a very strong chance

your mind may never recover.

Like I said, I hear you.

Do you?

There's no logical reason to
put your own safety at risk.

Yes, I hear you.

You know I'm right.

I know.
Thanks Akira.

I'm only looking out
for you, Skye.

Even after all these years,

my own brother doesn't think
I can take care of myself.

Blue Angel's the most buzzed
about duelist these days.

Think we could see a duel
between her and Playmaker?

Not a chance.

I'll show him.

Time to link into the VRAINS.



Hey Blue Angel!
You care to duel with me?


Am I the opponent
you're looking for?


Duel me!


[Blue Angel]
The only one I want
to duel is Playmaker,

even if I have to search every
corner of Link VRAINS!

Boss, it's Blue Angel!

Well, swoop in there!

Right, boss!

Blue Angel!

Hey, True Blues!
I need your help!

All of you!

If any of you see Playmaker...

Tell him that Blue Angel's
challenging him to a Speed Duel

because that's what
the whole world wants.

And what the whole world
wants is what they'll get!

I'm ready to face
my biggest test, Playmaker.

But the question is, are you?

Central Square, one hour.

Be there!

Unlike you,
I'm super easy to find!

And that's because
I'm already here!

Where'd you find the time
to get her riled up?

So, you gonna duel her?

No, for three reasons.

Number one, if she is my one
connection to SOL Technologies,

I can't risk her getting
harmed in a Speed Duel.

Number two,

I only want to fight
the Knights of Hanoi.

And number three, it's important
to keep a low profile.

So TL:DR, you're chicken.


Excellent analysis as usual.

Don't be shy.
Just duel me, okay?

An interesting turn of events.

I believe she'll be quite useful
in our battle against Playmaker.

Oh, yeah!
You heard it here!

Blue Angel just threw down
the gauntlet!

But will Playmaker step up
to the plate?

The clock's ticking,

It's been three hours.
Where is he?

Well looks like
this scoop's a bust.

Vamoose that caboose.

But call us if he shows up!

Doesn't a gentleman know he
should never stand up a lady?

You're a...

A Knight of Hanoi!

Indeed I am.

But I'm first and foremost
your biggest fan.

Now, listen to me.

I can bring Playmaker straight
to you, Blue Angel.

That is what you want,
isn't it?

In fact, I can even
guarantee your victory.

Would you... like that?

I don't need any help from
the Knights of Hanoi!

Like I said,
I'm only here as a fan.

My sole desire is to aid
my favorite duelist

so that she can
defeat Playmaker.

If you should ever find yourself
in peril during a duel,

do not hesitate to put into play
the card I just provided you.

May you duel well, Blue Angel.



Who was that?

Was I... dreaming?

Hey, Playmaker!
The message boards

are trashin' you for not
dueling Blue Angel yesterday!

I don't care.

Scaredy cat, coward,

And those are the nice ones!

Oh, oh, I'll play a .wav file

that summarizes
your reputation.

Is there a word stronger
than no that...

It's Yusaku, right?

You got a sec?

Uh, yeah.
What's up?

I don't want to keep you from
class if you're busy...

Hey, smarty.

Putting your processors
to good use?

To erase you from existence!

Huh? Sheesh, what's gotten
into your firmware?

Looks like someone
needs a defrag!

So why exactly did you decide
to join the Duel Club?

Well I didn't technically--

They're kinda like family.

But don't tell my brother that.

I heard your brother works
for SOL Technologies.

Some say he might run
the whole company someday.

Ah, so that's why
you joined the club.


It happens all the time.

"Hey, can you ask your brother
for the new Duel Disk"

or "Can you pull
a few strings
and get me a job

at SOL Technologies?"

It seems like it never ends.

That's not what I--

Yeah, don't even try.

It's not like Akira even
listens to what I say anyway.

[Skye crying]

Smooth move.

Looks like I'm still
your one and only friend.

Keep dreaming.

[Ai beeps]

[bells ringing]

[students chattering]

Aww, glitch!

Hey! Will you
keep it down already?

But I've detected
a Knight of Hanoi!

Where, in Link VRAINS?

And that's how Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle forms

the foundation
of all network systems.

Without it, Link VRAINS wouldn't
be-- what do you kids call it?

The "b*mb-diggity."

May I please be excused?

And you really don't want
to know the why or the what.


No one's here.

Link into the VRAINS!


Are you certain the Knight
of Hanoi you detected is here?

Yup! The signal's pinging
within 50 meters.


No, that's Blue Angel.

It's about time
you showed up.

Blue Angel,
what are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

Uh, you're the one
who challenged me.

No, I didn't.

Uh, hello,
you most definitely did.

You sent me a message.

"Now or never," remember?

No, I actually don't remember.


Did you send her one?


Why would you do that?

So that you can duel against
a Knight of Hanoi.

But that's not one of
the Knights of Hanoi,

that's Blue Angel.

Or perhaps they're one
and the same.

Wait, that can't be!

Oh, it can.

I'm getting a faint whiff of
Hanoi permeating from her deck.


Why would Blue Angel work
with the Knights of Hanoi?

And what does P.U.
stand for?

It doesn't matter!

It matters if
The Knights of Hanoi

are increasing their reach.

Yeah, that'll be
bad news for us...

I mean, for me.
I don't care about you.

How noble of you.

Fine, Blue Angel!
I accept your challenge!

[Blue Angel]
Ugh, I can't even...
You challenged me!

You're the worst!



Strap on your belts, folks!

It's Blue Angel
versus Playmaker!

And it's not just any duel,

it's a Speed Duel
where one wrong slip

could crash your CPU!

Going against Blue Angel?

Excuse me.

May I have two hot dog
sandwiches please?

Of course.

But they're not sandwiches.

I don't know what
changed Yusaku's mind,

but it can't be good.

Man, Yusaku's been gone
for a while...

But that's what he gets
for eating nothing but sausages.

[phone beeping]

Whoa, an alert!

What the whaaa?

Do you care to share
with the class?

Uh... No.
I'm sorry.

But I'm not sorry that
I get to watch this duel!

This is so... flash!


Speed Duel!
Speed Duel!

Who's gonna rule this duel?

There's no mistaking that

the True Blue Crew thinks it'll
be their hero, Blue Angel!



Thanks guys!

And best believe
I won't let you down!
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