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03x28 - Revival Zero

Posted: 04/14/24 09:45
by bunniefuu
In the past the worlds were one.

In that world I wanted to give life to Solid Vision Monster's,

And continued to research them.


I guided the world towards its destruction...

And created the Devil itself!

I have finally obtained it.

I have become one with the strongest Dragons.

And gained power rivaling a God!

Just as you all wished I have become even stronger and become a greater force of power!

Eventually the world made its way towards its final moments, at the hands of Supreme King Dragon Zarc!

Four worlds split into four dimensions,

In those worlds, four young men with the same face...

And the dragons they control call out to each other.

As if they are seeking each other.

Fly away, far away!

Over your own walls!

Don't just have dreams, achieve them.

Even if you're covered with wounds, don't give up.

Go down the path you believe, the world you want, Dash!

Go forward! Dash!

My Life and My Way, day to day seems like an adventure.

There is no right or wrong, yeah, it's all up to me.

Let's make a special and original miracle happen.

Stand up again and again no matter what.

Pendulum, the dimensions expanding infinitely!

Pendulum, the days that won't come back again.

Pendulum! Make everyone smile!

Go Our Way! To get that bright future!

No matter how deep the darkness, I'll shine a light through it with this hand!

Leap forth, into a world you've never seen!

I won't regret it, I'll make it through!

Draw out a grin like a pendulum, Smile!

So Smile!

So Smile!

Fly away, far away

Jibun no kabe

Yume wa miru monojanai kanaerumonda

Kizudarake ninattemo akiramenai

Shinjita michi, sore ga nozomu sekai Dash

Susume Dash

My life and my way bouken no you na nichijou

Seikai mo machigai monai sousa jibun shidai

Special Original de Kiseki okosouze

Nando nando demo tachiagarusa

Pendulum mugen ni suzuku jigen

Pendulum nido tonai hibi de

Pendulum minna wo egao ni kaete

Go our way kagayaita mirai tsukame

Donna kurayami mo kono te de hikari terashite miseru

Tobidashite mitakotonai sekai he

Koukai wa shinaize kakenukete

Furiko no you ni egaki dasou, smile

So Smile

So Smile

The world torn apart by Zark...

The world torn apart by Zark...

Leo tells of the story of one girl, Rei!!

Leo tells of the story of one girl, Rei!!

Revival Zero


You said a certain incident split the world into four dimensions.

Is he the cause of it?

This, Supreme King Dragon?


The Supreme King Dragon is an amalgamation of the Dragons Standard, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz...

That each govern over their respective Summoning methods.

When they were separated once more the world was split by its four Summoning methods.

The Supreme King Dragon separated!?

That means-!

What's going on?

Sakaki Yuuya who we had captured in the Doctor's lab has escaped!


Yuuya was...!

That power just now...

Was that really Yuuya?

There is no time to waste!

Hurry up and bring Hiiragi Yuzu and the other here!

Now, Doctor!





You've really grown up, Yuuya!


I finally found you!

Where have you been all this time?!

So much happened while you were gone and...

Yuzu got kidnapped by Academia!

Yuzu was...

Don't worry, Yuuya.


My son is crying.

Please do not sadden these children anymore.

A man of yourself must have had your reasons.

I understand that it must have been very important.

But, don't involve these kids anymore!

Just listen to me, please!

Sakaki Yuuya...

So you've finally come here!


That Yuuya there is your son but he is at the same time not.

Quit saying things that don't make any sense!

Professor, give Yuzu back!

Give back?


I'm trying to take back the truth!

Take back the truth!?




Professor, all preparations are complete.

What are you going to do with them?!

Let them go!

Professor, please leave this to me.

This time I will for sure defeat Sakaki Yuuya.

That seems to be the Doctor who is controlling Ruri and the others.

He did this to Yuzu...!

I'd like to perform some experiments to find out where the bug that was inside of him went using the Queen inside of those four.

Leave, Doctor.

Do not think someone of your caliber could defeat Sakaki Yuuya.

I couldn't win?

Are you telling me it would be impossible for I, the genius Doctor?

Pardon my arrogance Professor but my brain is the greatest among Academia's researchers!

That is proven by the fact I have created something never done before, monsters that can manipulate humans!

I developed Parasite Fusioner to advance the possibilites of Real Solid Vision!

As a fellow scientist you should understand.

If there is something I can research and experiment then I must push forward towards it!

To see just how far my research can take-

You are correct.

I did the same thing in the past.

Following my own interests I worked to give life to Real Solid Vision.

And that resulted in my having a hand in giving birth to the Devil!

Your very thought process is dangerous.


Stop Leo!





Where is this?


Yeah, it's me!

You're back to normal!

Thank goodness, Yuzu!

Stay back!




Let me out! Let me out of here!

Now you have me locked up in here?!


I will save you!

What're you planning to do, Professor.

That's right.

You all have the right to know.

I want you to learn the truth, and accept it.

Back in the One World where the Supreme King Dragon Zarc was born.

He said he was born from the insatiable lust humans have for conflict and their joy for battle!

Duel Monster cards have souls in them.

We ignored those words from the past and I made a monster born from corrupt energy.

Then the duty that now falls onto me...

Is to make the cards that can counteract it!

With that thought in mind I looked to the powers of nature that surpass humanity.

Now matter how many times they're trampled on or burned away, plants that would bud and grow every season.

Animals that would endure the cold winters and thrive in the spring.

Among them there was no malevolent desires,

And these actions would repeat for hundreds, thousands and millions of years.

If I could contain that enormous energy inside of a card...

It should be able to easily deal with the corrupt energy of Supreme King Dragon Zarc's born from humanity's greed.

Believing that I used a crude machine and managed to somehow create four cards.

And I was on my way to face off with Zarc using those cards but...

They were taken?

By who?

The one who stole the four cards was a Pro Duelist, my daughter Rei.


You had a daughter?!

I chased after her desperately.

Stay back!

We need people like you for our future, father!

What're you saying Rei!?

What we need for the future are youth like you!

In order for you all to live in peace I will take care of that Devil that I created!

Even if it may cost my li-

I don't want to lose my father!



Don't do it, Rei!

This is...

In their Rei is trying to take all of the natural energy inside of those cards into her body!

Stop Rei!

If you do that you'll...!


How dare you!!


How dare you, to us who have finally become one...!

When I came to I was in an unknown city.

My turn!

I won't lose!

In that world there wasn't Fusion, Synchro or Xyz monsters...

It was truly only Standard Duels taking place.

What're you doing old man?

There's no way you could touch them!

That's Solid Vision!

Solid Vision...

You don't know about it?

It's the newest in holographic technology!

I didn't know who I was anymore...

But my knowledge as a scientist still remained in my brain.

And driven by something I began to work on developing that Solid Vision system...

Eventually it evolved into the Real Solid Vision system that possessed mass.

Yuushou, it was around then that I met you.

I see.

Real Solid Vision was technology that had already existed...

If everything you told us is true then...

All of it is the truth!

The world once being One,

And the fact that I created the Devil there as well.

That devil was split apart by my daughter Rei and due to that the One World split into four!

That actually happened...?

Is this really true...?

I only found out that was true when I began to investigate why I had memories of the future...

And it was then my memories slowly began to return.

Then all of the sudden I was struck by a thought.

If I am alive here and now then Rei could be alive in one of the four separate dimensions!

That's right.

You ignored me and mother and drowned yourself in ridiculous research!

It was around then...

Mother's personality changed...

I couldn't forgive you who had saddened mother.

I wanted to find out what you were doing and punish you for it!

And then you came here...

To this Fusion Dimension, Academia.


And I learned that at this base, Academia, you were planning an invasion!

I didn't move to Academia to start an invasion w*r!

Then what for!?

I already told you.

I believed that Rei was still alive...

I continued to travel across the four dimensions looking for traces of Rei!

And I finally found one!

Here! In this Academia!



You mean, Selena?!

What? Rei!


Selena was just like Rei when she was younger.

She was younger than Rei but when I saw the bracelet on her arm I was certain.

It looked incredibly similar to the one that was created when Rei separated Zarc!

But no matter how much I checked Selena had no memories of Rei!


As I wondered about it the memories of that moment come back to my mind.

At that moment Rei split into four just like the Supreme King Dragon.

As the Supreme King Dragon was torn apart, so were the dimensions as well.

And if Rei followed after that...!

Maybe Rei could have been reborn in the four different dimensions!

In the four different dimensions...

It can't be... Yuzu too..!?

Yuzu is also a reincarnation of Rei!?

That's right.

Yuzu is Rei's reincarnation in the Standard Dimension.

Selena her Fusion Dimension reincarnation.

In the Xyz Dimension was Ruri.

And in the Synchro Dimension she was Rin.

Rei had been given new life in the four separate dimensions!

My wish is to once again combine those four and revive my daughter Rei!


The ARC Area Project is the method to accomplish that.

By creating a multitude of Duelists and sending them to other dimensions and gather people turned into cards...

And by combining the life energy of those people I would make those four dimensions one again!

And by doing so Rei will be...

That's absurd!

How do you plan to restore the world using people you've turned into cards!?

Or bring Rei back to normal!?


This is your answer!


A device I designed to recreate the world.

Inside there the th dimension, ARC Five will be created!

ARC Five!?

When it has the necessary mass of life energy ARC Five will activate,

Standard, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, all four dimensions will be cured of their abnormal diverged state...

And regain their true form!

At the same time the Rei's other selves, Yuzu, Selena, Ruri and Rin will become one inside of ARC Five and revive Rei.

This is a new beginning!

In other words, Revival Zero!

We're going to become one...

What nonsense are you saying!

Each one of those cards falling down is my comrades from Heartland?

I won't... I won't ever let you do that!

Revival Zero...

So that's how you'll revive Rei?

There was another person in that file aside from Selena...

Yuuri was there.

If Selena is the reincarnation of Rei from the Fusion Dimension...

Yuuri is...

It can't be...

Yuuya is...

Reiji, now you must work together with me!

Together we shall defeat Sakaki Yuuya!



A sharp person like yourself should have already realized...

Just like Rei was reborn after being split into four...

Zarc as well was reborn in each dimension!

He is, Sakaki Yuuya is, a reincarnation of Zarc!

Zarc who possesses the power of Duel Monsters can only be sealed by Dueling!

Along with leading the world to destruction he made your elder sister Rei sacrifice herself...

We must defeat this piece of the Devil Duelist!

We're pieces of the Devil...?

That's a lie! Yuuya isn't anything like that!

There's no way he could be!

You should already know...

Sakaki Yuuya has already merged with the piece from Xyz Dimension and is growing in power...

You should have witnessed it with your own eyes, how destructive that power is!

The only way to prevent the revival of the Devil is to end his very existence!

No! I'm not a Devil!

I want to bring..smiles...

I just wanted to make everyone smile with Dueling...

I know.

That your Dueling is for Entertainment.


And I saw...

Your Dueling made countless people smile.

And you swayed the hearts of the Academia troops that invaded the Xyz Dimension.

He was also the one who stopped the invasion!

Without him these four dimensions would not have known peace!

You're the one who disrupted the peace of the four dimensions!

Claiming you're going to make the One World while you bring fear to the people who reside in these dimensions is wrong!

As the founder of the Lancers I will push forward with my beliefs!

I will halt Akaba Leo's ambition!

Alongside Sakaki Yuuya!


Why do you not realize your so-called beliefs will lead to the destruction of these worlds!

It seems there is no point in discussing it.

In order to create the One World and revive Rei,

I will k*ll Sakaki Yuuya with my own hands!

I won't let even you interfere, Reiji!

Field Magic: Cross Over!


I dropped my wallet this morning, and missed a step on the stairs.

I got my clothes soaked by some sudden showers.

Life's full of up and downs but hasn't it only being down recently!

I can't give up here or nothing will change!

Don't I look pretty cool today?

Don't I look cool wondering about things like this!?

This moment, this instant, if I let it go it'll never come again.

There's nothing worse than regretting that!

Let's Joy!

Being sentimental, is nonsense!

No matter how many times I repeat it over and over over again inside my head

Instead of just imagining these things over and over I should...

Let's Joy!

{blurbordba&H&t(,,a&HFF&,alpha&HFF&)}My trump card, is Pendulum!

{blurbordba&HFF&alpha&HFF&t(,,a&H&,alpha&H&)}No matter how down down down I feel,

I can change it by just smiling with everyone!

It's not hard to do at all, (Come on you smile too)

As long as you're having fun you're winning!

Asa kara saihu wa otosushi kaidan fumi hazusu

totsuzen no ame ni fuku wa bisho nure

Jinsei yama ari tani aritte tani darake janaika

koko de makecha nanimo kawaranai

Kyou no boku wa sukoshi demo iketetakai

Nayandeiru sugata wa iketenai

Kono toki wo shunkan wo nogashitara nidoto konai yo

Koukai nante nani yorimo nasakenainda

Let's joy

O senchi wa nonsense

Nandomo nandomo nandomo ataman nakade

Onnaji souzou bakkari kuri kaesu yori

Let's joy

Kirifuda wa pendulum

Donna ni donna ni donna ni ochikondemo

Minna de waiwai waraeba kawareu keshiki

Muzukashii koko janaiyo hora kimi mo egao

Tanoshinda mono no kachisa

That evil something deep within our hearts...

That could be Zarc...!

Then as long as we aren't letting our anger control us...!

Zarc shouldn't awaken!

We have to hurry up and stop that machine and save Ruri and the others!

You...You've made Yuzu and the others suffer...!

You alone...!

I will never forgive!

Next time, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V:

Face-Off! Spirit Tech Force!

The fun has just begun!

Face-Off! Spirit Tech Force!

Face-Off! Spirit Tech Force!

Yuuya and the other are the pieces of Zarc...!?

Yuuya and the other are the pieces of Zarc...!?

Break away from the dark shadow sleeping in your heart!!

Break away from the dark shadow sleeping in your heart!!