02x18 - Riley's Reveal

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V". Aired: April 6, 2014 – March 26, 2017.*
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In Paradise City's You Show Duel School, a second-year middle school student named Yuya Sakaki aspires to become a professional Dueltainer.
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02x18 - Riley's Reveal

Post by bunniefuu »

The Friendship Cup opening match was between Crow and Gongenzaka.

Crow was unable to focus on the Duel because he was worried about the children.

Gongenzaka was able to realize Crow's worries...

The honest duel between the two of them...

calmed the crowd, which had been arguing about Jack.

The end of the Duel was met with a roaring round of applause.

The D-Wheel.

By using the new Duel Disk technology brought about by these machines,

Riding Duels became the greatest show of speed and thrill,

as well as the symbol of freedom!

Filled with excitement, a thrilling Summon!

The cards are calling out to me.

The thrilling back and forths, the effects activating!

Look, the fun has just begun!

Charge the b*mb!

The energy is full let's start, GO!

Yes! And now to the melody of battle ringing...

Let loose your monsters! All of your passion kept within your heart!

Don't run away! Believe in these bonds!

Let loose your monsters! No matter what happens tomorrow lies right before you.

Go on let loose a huge storm! Let it fly!

Toward speed!

Zokuzoku ippai, wakuwaku shoukan,

Kono Card ga yondeiru

Dotou no tenkai yuke koukahatsudou

Otanoshimiha ha saa korekarasa

Charge shite Bomber

Energy sshu ni hajimeyou, GO!

Aa ima tatakai no melody kanade

Hanate monster, mune ni himeta jounetsu zenbu

Nigenaide kono kizuno wo shinjite

Hanate monster donnamonda ashitaha me no mae

Hora dodekai arashi bachibachi tobashite

Speed no mukou he

Where has Gongenzaka the loser gone to...

Where has Gongenzaka the loser gone to...

And right at the moment someone sneaks into Yuya's room!

And right at the moment someone sneaks into Yuya's room!

The City's Light and Shadow!

Crow Hogan is leaving the Duel Palace with a standing ovation after his win in the opening match!

It was a bit iffy at the start, but it turned out great!

It was amazing!

Good luck on your next match, Crow!

This Gongenzaka fellow...

He's able to Duel like that without using Spell or Trap Cards?

If he was a Duelist from the City, I wouldn't mind sponsoring him!

It's a shame we won't see him again...

What a truly splendid scene!

This is how the Friendship Cup should look!

The City truly is as one!

We are all friends!


Now Gongenzaka won't be here anymore...

All of you tournament entrants will be staying in this penthouse.

But you will only remain here if you keep winning.

If you lose, you will be removed immediately.

Where did Gongenzaka go after getting sent out of here...?

Don't tell me he got sent back to the prison!?

I was able to stay after losing to Jack because that was an exhibition, not a real match.

Since Gongenzaka lost in the tournament...

The lock on the door-!

Don't tell me it's already my next match!?

I still haven't found it yet...!

What do I have to do to get closer to Jack?

Can I play a selfless Duel?

I don't have the answer to that yet...!


Have you been doing well, Yuya?


Keep it down!

What will you do if someone else hears you!?

How did you get in here?

We shouldn't be able to get out of our rooms, right?

Don't worry about! Set a thief to catch a reef!


That's not how it goes?

You get an easy catch at the reef?

No reef, no gain...

Money is the key to open all reefs...

Enough with the word play already, please...

Please hurry up!

If we get caught, then I'll get in huge trouble too!

Don't tell me you used a rare card again!

I told you keep it down!

But our rooms are being monitored by the council, aren't they...?


Well, can't do anything about that!

If I didn't do this, I wouldn't have been able to meet up with you!

Huh? That's bad, isn't it!?

We need to go back right now! This is really dangerous!

Quit whining!

We've already come this far!

We're in this together, all right!?

Don't give up on me!

You can't be serious!

What is it that you'd go this far...?

Actually, I heard some gossip recently...


Yeah, it wasn't that guy, but...

Some other of our doormen were talking in front of my room!

Even if it's just for the tournament, I can't believe they get to stay in these nice of rooms!

What a joke!

Even though Crow, Shinji and Tokumatsu are Commons just like us!

Just cause they're in the tournament why do they get treated like Tops!?

I don't like it!

I hope those guys lose right away!

And just when I was thinking about giving those small-minded bastards a piece of my mind...!

What, you guys don't know what happens to the Duelists who lose?


Well yeah I've heard they get kicked out of here right away.

It's not just that...

There's a rumor they get taken to a certain place...

The prison?

Even worse!

Worse? Where?!

This is just a rumor but...

Deep underneath this the City...

There's an enormous trash-sorting facility.

And they're sent there to do forced labor, I hear.

Forced labor?!

At an underground trash-shorting facility?

Yeah, that's what he said.

He did state that it was just a rumor though.

But I'm willing to bet that he's not wrong.

I'd heard similar rumors when I was at the internment camp.

Similar rumors?

Where those who try and break out are taken.

The rule here is whenever there's a jailbreak all of their cellmates take collective responsibility.

They get dragged off somewhere, and none of them have ever returned.

So that punishment is...

Forced labor at the trash-sorting facility?!

That's right.

They're forced to work there until they collapse,

And right there they...

That's why no one has ever come back from there.

Why something like that is beneath the City though...

If you think about it, it's pretty obvious.

It's the fault of the City...

This metropolis has always been large, but...

In the years I was in the prison, it's gotten even bigger.

A million or more people are living down there in those cramped streets.

And the living standards of the %, the Commons, are still awful.

The top %...

The , Tops are even more indulgent and greedy then before.

And that lifestyle's producing an enormous amount of garbage.

So in order to process that amount of trash, the big wigs of the City made facilities underneath the City.

But those Tops who produced this trash would never dirty their own hands in dealing with it!

So of course, they pushed this work on us Commons!

With the premise that the forced labor is a form of punishment.

That's awful...

They put us in such an extravagant room, and if we lose, they send us straight underground!

It truly is being sent from heaven to hell.

Then that means Gongenzaka...

Is in that forced labor facility?

Most likely.

That can't be!

Now that you're all excited, let's announce today's second match!

Just which Duelists will be chosen this time?!

Shinji Weber!

And his opponent is our youngest competitor ever...!

Akaba Reira!



I'll guide you to the Duel Palace.




What are you doing?

Now, come with me, Reira.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

What's wrong, Reira?

Why do you disobey me?

I-I'm not-!

Then go.

Go and show your power to the people of this dimension.



I don't want to!

I don't want to go!

W-wait please!

Wait, Tsukikage.

I shall go.


They're going to make Reira do a Riding Duel?!

What? You didn't know?

I mean, I was wondering if that was going to be okay myself...

There's no way it would be okay!

Reira is still in Junior Class!

He still shouldn't even be doing Real Solid Vision Duels, either...

I don't get all that stuff you just said, but...

I'm also against them forcing that kid to participate.

Of course.

And if he loses, will he be sent to forced labor!?


Are you almost done?

This could be really bad!


Why are you here?


What's wrong?

Excuse me.


Akaba Reiji.


What are you thinking?

Why are you making Reira fight?

Reira is still a kid.

At LDS, he's still in Junior Class.

And still...

In a tournament that the Duel King Jack Atlas is in...!

Why did you force him to enter?!

No... even before that...

Why did you put Reira into the Lancers!?

I crossed dimensions of my own will to save Yuzu!

Gongenzaka, Kurosaki, and Selena...

They all became Lancers because they had their own reasons!

They knew of the dangers of fighting the Academy from the start!

Everyone had that in mind when they chose.

But Reira...!

Reira is this small...

There's no way he came here of his own will!

You brought him here!

Isn't that right?

Why Reira...

This young child!

Why did you bring him with you!?

Answer me!

Akaba Reiji!


Fine then.

I will answer those questions.


Why did I have Reira enter the Friendship Cup?

That is to build real combat experience for Reira.

Real combat!?

You can't be serious!

Reira is still in Junior Class-

I am well aware of Reira's abilities.

That power is comparable to all of yours.

You talk about his power, but Reira is still a-

Your other question...

About him being a Lancer...

It is true,

Reira was not included by his will.

He is following my orders.

Now then, why did I insist on having him participate?

And that reason is...

In light of our recent battle with the Academy, I have realized Reira is a necessary resource.


In our fight against the Academy?

Reira is...

What are you saying?

A child like this is necessary for our fight?!

Whether you believe me or not...

Shut up.

Eventually you will accept the tru-

I said shut up!




Umm, this could turn out really bad!

If they find out I broke the rules and opened the door, I could get fired and I don't know what will happen to me...!

I'm giving this back, okay! I wasn't involved in this!


Ever since we came to the City, he's been afraid.

Wh-where's my brother?

And even when Crow had saved us...

He was always alone all curled up.

But right after, that he immediately wanted to go searching for you...

Reira, what's wrong?

I'm going to go look for Brother!

You can't!


It's not that I'm mad...


Right now, it's dangerous for us to be walking around the City.

That's what Crow told us.

Just wait for now, all right, Reira?

Even though he wanted to be with you that badly...!

Even though he missed you that much-!

You say you brought him along because he's needed in our battles!?

Quit screwing around!

I'll never make Reira do something like that!

I'll never make him fight!

Especially if he'll get sent to do forced labor if he loses!

There's no way I would let Reira do that!

If you're saying you won't protect him, then...

I'll protect Reira!


Answer my question.

What is the reason you are refusing to fight?

It's obvious it's because he's scared!

I am asking Reira this.

Answer me.

Don't force him!

Answer me, Reira.




He gave me...

some sweets.

Back then?

You too, over there!

There's plenty to go around, so get your share!

It's a welcoming gift from us Commons!

Eat your fill!

Reira's talking about back then...?

That's why...

I see.

So you don't want to fight an opponent who had been charitable towards you.



Fight in Reira's place.




Don't be me mad at me, Brother!

I'll do what you say, Brother, so...!

I'll always do what you say!


So please-!

I'm not mad.

In fact I am overjoyed.

That inside of you something you can truly call yourself is taking root.

And I was able to confirm it.


Development of the self is a great catalyst for growth in a Duelist.

It is a strong foundation for allowing one to form strategies on their own.


You still plan to make Reira fight after this...!?

I said wait!

Hey! Come back, Reira!

Stop it.

You were the one who said not to force him, right?

It might be hard on you, Yuya, but that kid Reira...

...seems he likes that glasses guy more than you.

Pulling him away would be even more harsh...

Umm, I'm sorry, but...

Could you return to your room, please?


The roots of one's self...

He has no self?


That child has nothing you could call one's "self".

No will to become something or desire to do anything.

None of those exist inside of that child.

From our scientists' point of view, it's most likely a defensive mechanism that child developed from growing up in a hostile environment.

A hostile environment...

Where did you take this child from?

From a certain country's warring states.

There, fighting has been ongoing for countless decades.

In that country, with no one to protect him or rely on, this child threw away his own self in order to live and became a power for others.

Become a power for others?

He completely alienated his own self.

Or to put it another way, he can completely and perfectly follow the orders of another.

He can become a vessel where another's own will can be planted and born from.

In fact, you could even simply call him a puppet.

That is exactly why he will become a great power for us.

Do you not think so?


I'm certain if my mother knew of this, she wouldn't approve...

That a puppet...

should not have a heart of its own.

Sorry for the long wait!

It seems there was a bit of trouble which caused us to be late on announcing the players!

Let me introduce to you again, today's competitors in the second match!

Shinji Weber versus...

Akaba Reira!

A ninja?!

Was Reira a ninja?!

Our youngest competitor is a ninja?

That's wrong!

Huh? It's wrong?

What's going on!?

Just who is that ninja?!

I don't have any clue myself!

Tsukikage is...

in place of Reira...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shall we begin? (Come on!)

Thank you for waiting,

Don't miss it!

Start a countdown , , , !

Step forward & draw!

That feeling that something is going to happen,

When you Synchro with your soul and your burning heart beats faster.

You want to waver, this is your limit.

Scattered throughout the field,

Are countless possibilities to draw on, fight it out!

You feel like you're a speeding jet coaster!

Zooming around Ba-Bang! Entertainment!

Crossing space-time and connecting your friends and your goals!

Can't you handle it like you usually do? No! Don't give up!

I will go!

To further heights, (Fly so high!)

Are you going to do it now or let it end?

No one knows the answer to it!

In a do or die turn, turn it around with a flash!

To someday reach that best image you wish for,

Just smile just smile!

Make a full smiling ARC!

My pride never changes!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Don't miss it.

Step forward and Draw!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shall we begin? (Come on!)

Thank you for waiting,

Don't miss it!

Start a countdown , , , !

Step forward and draw!

Nanikaga okorisou na youkanga

Tamashii he to Synchro shite atsui Heart ga takanaru

Yuru ga shita imamade no Limit.

Field ni chibaratteru

Muzuu no Possibility hikidashite Fight it out!

Kibunha marude Hashiru Jet Coaster!

Kakemawari Ba-Bang! Entameito!

Jikuu wo koete tsunagaru nakama to no Goal!

Hitosujinawa deha ikanai? No! Akiramenai!

I will go!

Motto takami hi (Fly so high!)

Kokode yareruka soretomo owaritte

Darehitori wakannai kara

Zettai zetsumei Turn mo hade ni Turn over!

Itsuka tadoritsukitai saikou no image ha

Just smile just smile

Zenkai egao no ARC

My pride never changes!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Don't miss it.

Step forward and draw!

The Tops captured me after I escaped from that prison...

and dragged me here to make a show out of me!

But I won't just give in to their whims!

I'll turn this society on its head!


What are you planning to do...?

Next time, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V:

Bee Force - All Out Rebellion!

The fun has just begun!

Bee Force - All Out Rebellion

Bee Force - All Out Rebellion

A small but great power has taken root inside of Reira's heart.

A small but great power has taken root inside of Reira's heart.

Next time, when Shinji expresses his burning emotions the crowd-!?

Next time, when Shinji expresses his burning emotions the crowd-!?
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