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02x05 - End On A High Note

Posted: 04/13/24 12:27
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Oh, God.



What is... ?

Hey. Is everything okay?

Oh, yes. Yes.


It's been a horrible week, Todd.

I had to fire three
more people this week.

And people avoid me like the plague.

This is not what I imagined

being a name partner would be like.

Okay, well... [STAMMERS)

It's not all bad, is it?

I overheard somebody today
call me the Grim Reaper.

In that suit?

Come on, that's a pretty fancy Reaper.

Mom, I'm serious. I am here for you.

We talked about this.

- What can I do to help?
- Well, you already have.

By showing up in a tie

and going to the opera with me.

And, oh.

Are those carnations for me?

- Uh-huh, supermarket special. $2.99.
- Okay.

I am just going to forget about work

and enjoy a night out with my children.

But did it have to be opera?

Well, yes, Todd, yes.

We are so lucky to have such a
fabulous production in Portland.

Where's your sister?

Oh, uh, Dr. Allison
is I don't know where,

and I've been meaning to talk to you

about some sort of legal action

to evict her from my apartment.

She has severely overstayed her welcome.

And she's just always hanging
around and cramping my style.

And I'm a lone wolf now.

Oh, you're a lone wolf now, are you?

Yes, I am a lone wolf.

Lone Wolf P.I., at your service.

Well, I will tell you what I told her

when she wanted to evict
you from her garage.

Good luck.

Do you know that Allison is signing up

for all these classes,
like Make Sourdough

and Refurbishing Patios

and Intermediate Bicycle Tricks.

And then she's canceling

and dropping out of all the classes?

That doesn't sound like Allison.

- Well...
- But you know she is

going through something this year.

Why don't you just go
wait for her by the door?

Yes, ma'am.

This is so great.

♪ ♪



You look incredible.

Thank you so much. You really think so?

But you don't think the
hair's too much? I don't know.

Nonsense. No such thing as too much

for the Patron's Reception.


The Patron's Reception.

Oh, uh, Beverly and I
went together last year.

Oh, will we you be joining us?

Too steep.

Maybe next year.


- Margaret?
- Hmm?

Is that your guest?

Uh... excuse me.

What on earth?

I'm late, but I made it.

A-and this is what you
choose to wear to the opera?

Mom, it's Portland. Nobody cares.

[GROANS) I knew you'd
be upset about this.

Oh, I see, you knew I'd be upset,

yet you deliberately chose to wear it.

There you are.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Wait, what are we fighting about?

Oh, your sister's appearance.

Oh, no, that's just her face.

- Todd.
- I was running errands.

And I don't like opera.

And we're gonna be
sitting in the dark anyway.

- Hmm, okay, let's just go in.

It's like the one night I ask
you to just dress up and look...

Mom, relax, okay.

It's not like I'm going up onstage.

Excuse me. [MUTTERS)


Jacqueline? [SCOFFS)

Who does she think she is, Cher?

Madonna? Popeye?

Her full name is Jacqueline
Violet Dubois Burton.

And she's an international superstar.

- Please show some respect.
- Hey, aren't you Timmy Chalice?

The weather guy from A.M. Portland?

Mm-hmm, and you're the fake
intern that locked me in that box.

Oh, oh!

It's so nice to see you again,

under better circumstances.

Oh, are you an opera fan?

- I am a Jacqueline fan.
- Oh.

And this is her final
performance as Athena.

I've never missed a single performance

when the goddess has appeared on Earth.

Oh, the goddess, oh, gotcha.

Are those flowers for her?

They're certainly not for you.

This is a beautiful house.

Just beauti...


[SIGHS) Allison.

- What?
- Put that away.

I didn't have dinner.


Diva! Diva!


♪ ♪





I can't understand what they're saying.

It's in French.

It is?

Can I have that for a second?

- MARGARET: Shh...
- Just want to...

Oh, Lyle's here?

Hmm, opera fan. Well, that makes sense.

♪ ♪

Blah, blah, blah,

"Jacqueline Dubois
Burton," blah, blah, blah,

"three children." Burton?

Lyle Burton.

Is Jacqueline Lyle's mother?



Brava! Brava!






This is incredible.


Aubrey! Aubrey!

We need a doctor!

Is there a doctor in the house?

Hey, psst!

- Aren't you a doctor?
- Please, is there a doctor

- in the house?
- Yes.

Oh, my God, oh, my God. Yes, okay.

Okay, sorry, sorry.
Let me out, let me out.

Call 911.

What is that woman wearing?

Out of the way. Go, go, go, go, go.

Hi, I'm a doctor, hi.

Can you hear what I'm saying?

Stay with me, stay with me.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.



♪ ♪

[EXHALES) What...


She's dead.






TODD: Wow.

Do all operas end like this?

Todd, don't be callous.

A woman has died.

Aubrey! What can I tell you?

The knife simply slipped from my hand.

Oh, the calamity!

MARGARET: Todd, why do you think

that Lyle never told us that
Jacqueline was his mother?


Fresh spring water to calm my nerves.


This isn't spring water!

I'm sorry. I'll find spring water.

I mean, maybe that's why?

She does seem to be a
tad high-maintenance.

Well, she's an international opera diva.

That must come with a lot of pressure.

This is insane.

The woman who died was supposed

to replace Jacqueline for the next show.

That stage manager is giving
them motive for m*rder.

They're definitely pointing
right at Lyle's mom.

MARGARET: I don't like the
way they're looking at her.

Mother, let me take you
back to your fitting room.

- It's just...
- I just can't believe this is happening to me.

LYLE: I think you should focus

- on your colleague who just...
- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

I know, I know.

And why aren't you embracing
your mother right now?

A woman has died during my performance.


Oh, here come the cops.

And what exactly is your
relationship to the victim?

Oh, okay, well, we don't have one.

Very sorry she's dead. Oh, hey.

Um, are you the opera
police? I'm joking.

Unless you are. Wait,
does the opera have

its own police force?

Is there an opera jail?

Is that just sitting in the audience?

I'm just joking, but do you have one?

And, seriously, can I see it?

JACQUELINE: No, no, I loved her.

She was going to take
over my role. [LAUGHS)

I'm just glad she died.

Doing what she loved.


Ma'am, we'd like to ask you more
questions at the station tomorrow.

JACQUELINE: Yes, yes, I suppose I...

No, no, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, uh...

I-I will be right there with her.

- I am her lawyer.
- You are?

Why do you need to
question my client further?

Just routine, ma'am. A woman died.

She's a witness.

Here's my card.

Oh, thank you. Sorry.

We'll see you in the morning.

I need to lie down.



The calamity, the calamity!

A woman is dead!

I'm very concerned.

- These officers seem very suspicious of...
- Jacqueline.

Putting herself at the
center of the drama again.

Lyle, she's your mother.

That's what they tell me. [SCOFFS)

History has taught me she will be fine.

No matter what.

♪ ♪

REPORTERS: Jacqueline! Jacqueline!


Look at that. They adore me. [CHUCKLES)

Imagine if I had a trial.

It would be the moment of the century.

Bigger than the Rosenbergs.

They were ex*cuted, by the way.

I-I'm gonna go check out back.

- Great.
- Mm.

Counselor, we'll be in contact

once we receive the autopsy report.

Well, my client has given her statement.

What more could you possibly need?

It was clearly an accident.

We'll confirm the cause of death
and locate the missing w*apon.

What do you mean missing w*apon?

We never recovered the knife.

Accidental stabbings typically
don't have missing knives.

But my client was onstage,

in the spotlight, the entire time.

She couldn't have taken the knife.

And plus there is no motive.

Where'd Jacqueline go?

I could never s*ab someone.

- Oh.
- But if I had k*lled Aubrey,

I would have used poison.

Like Romeo and Juliet.

[CHUCKLES): So tragic and diabolical.

- And slow.
- Okay, okay. Okay, okay.

- She doesn't mean that, you know.
- No comment, no comment.


Um, the back exit is also
clogged with reporters.

This story is going
bananas on social media.

And her hotel is
advising us not to return

until the TV cameras are gone.

Mm. Fantastic.

Aubrey is dead and I am relevant.

Oh, no, no, we need to
get her away from here

and away from the press.

- Yes.
- Uh, uh, we can take her to Lyle's place.


As a rule, I do not allow my
mother into my living quarters.

- Come on, come on, come on.
- I would never s*ab...

I know exactly where we can go.

Okay. Come on in.

Is this the waiting
room at the bus depot?

Uh, th-this is my condo.

- My home.

A place away from... from
the media and your fans.


Yes, yes, yes, by all means,

deprive me of my public
and let me wither away here.

TODD: Well, if you need
anything to eat or drink,

- it's right here in the...
- Attached kitchenette?

[LAUGHS) Dear God.

Mother. Please try to be polite.

- My boss is generously offering...
- A place to die.

After all the trauma
I've been through already.

Aubrey nearly k*lled me on that stage.

That is not what happened.

JACQUELINE: Young man, I am an artist.

I interpret truth and beauty.

Lyle has never valued the arts.

He has great talent, just
like the rest of the family,

but he rejected it and us.

- To become a janitor.
- Oh, no. He's a detective.

- I am a detective.
- I mean, not as good as me, of course.

- But he is one. Okay.
- You look into other people's lives

and clean up their problems.

That is an emotional janitor.

Okay, Jacqueline, uh,
here, please have a seat.

- Make yourself at home, sit down here. And, Lyle.

Get comfortable. Meantime,

Todd and I are going to
run back to the office,

and we're going to
look into the situation.

Now, you stay out of sight

and enjoy some quality
time with your son.

And, uh, also, don't let the cat out.


Wow. I mean...

Can you believe the way they...

Talk to each other. My God.

- So misguided.
- So immature. [SCOFFS)

- We were never...
- No. Are you kidding me?

- I wouldn't...
- No. Neither would I.

So sad, really.

- Super sad. Hmm.
- Hmm.

All right.

Jacqueline is only a person
of interest right now.

But how do we make sure she
isn't charged with a crime

when she is hell-bent
on implicating herself?

Also, are we sure she's not guilty?

Todd, she is our client
and Lyle's mother.

And even though she had motive,

there are hundreds of witnesses

- who watched her...
- s*ab that woman.

Allegedly s*ab. "Allegistab."

Allegistab and k*ll Aubrey.

- She did not m*rder her.
- Okay, fine.

So, what's our strategy?

Well, a defensive investigation.

Find the missing knife and
dispel the mystery of foul play.

And turn this back into an accident.

Regardless of what Jacqueline
implies to the press

with infuriating regularity.

Okay, so, I go to the
theater and find that knife.

And I'm gonna ask Susan
to reach out to the D.A.

and see how seriously
they're looking at Jacqueline.

Great. See you later.

Good work.

Good morning.

Okay. Uh...

Good morning.

This is fun. Good morning.




- Beverly.
- Margaret.

- What's this?
- I've arranged for Susan

to appear in Rose City
40 under 40 issue.

Oh. How wonderful.

BEVERLY: Well, we had to do something,

since you refused to promote her.

Oh, Beverly, you know full well

we don't have the money
to increase her salary.

BEVERLY: And yet she is smart,
ambitious, and connected.

She is the future of this firm.

As managing partner,

I can tell you this firm has no future

if we don't get back on financial track.

You are doing photo sh**t,

and I am spending

every waking moment just
trying to keep us afloat.

Then I suppose you should try harder

before there's a mass exodus.

Grim Reaper.

♪ ♪

This... [SIGHS)

Ah, very cool.

♪ Whoa! ♪

- MAGDA: Who are you? What are you doing?
- Oh. Oh.

So sorry. Um...

- Cheryl sent me.
- Cheryl?

Sherry? Sheara?

Shara? Kara.

Kara? To pick up Jacqueline's bags?

Kara sent me, yes, to pick up the bags.

Well, there isn't much left.

The police took almost
everything as evidence.

Oh. Uh, did they find the knife?

I don't know anything about a knife.

This is what there is. She
is going to be so angry.


These are nice.

Some pathetic, deranged fan

left them in her dressing room.

I don't know how he got backstage.

We should put them on that
poor dead girl's grave.

Right, right. So tragic.

I-I... And I heard she was
Jacqueline's understudy?

Mm. Some say Aubrey had
the more beautiful voice.

Never missed a note. Perfect pitch.

Of course, no voice could
ever match Jacqueline's.

Oh, how Jacqueline hated her.

Don't tell anyone I said that.

No. I won't.

♪ ♪


From your father.

Something about opening
up your heart chakras

or whatever nonsense.

- Is he surviving the New York winter?
- No.

His arthritis is k*lling him.

And his worry for you.

Worried that you are lost out
west in the rain and the trees.

And far too uptight.

I mean, look at you.

What-what is the hair
on your face, Lyle?

Don't you think I should
go on the evening news

and decry my innocence?


Or in shopping malls,

you know, sign things and touch babies.

My story will be a beacon.


you are not understanding
how serious the situation is.

We are not leaving here

until Margaret gives us an update.

But I must speak to my public
and reassure them of my safety.


You do realize the justice
system works differently for us?

[LAUGHS) Oh, Lyle.

I have overcome racism,

sexism, ageism,

every ism you can name
to get to this point.

I'm not gonna let some
nonsense charges bring me down.


And if all else fails,

we shall flee to Monaco together.

You can be my attendant.

[LAUGHS): Yes. Yes.

[QUIETLY): No. No.

Our vendor Sam's Bagels
is threatening collection.

Good Lord. Collection?

But wait a minute. Didn't
we just pay Sam's Bagels?

- Yes. Yes.
- Right?

I-I thought I cut them a check.

Do you remember signing it?

- I don't remember brushing my teeth.
- Thank God for you.

Okay, but we will get
back to normal soon, right?

Yes, we will,

and I will not forget
everything that you are doing.

But, Francey, right now,
on top of everything else,

I cannot deal with a collection agency.

So, will you please just...

- cut another check, yeah.
- Cut another check.

- Why aren't you answering your phone?
- Good God. Allison.

Are you wearing pajama bottoms?

Wait a minute.

Are you wearing Todd's pajama bottoms?

- That's what you want to focus on?
- Well, you're in my office.

- What am I supposed to...
- That's not why I'm here.

I got a copy of the autopsy report.

- What?
- I knew that there was something strange

- going on when she died.
- Yes.

Her convulsions weren't
consistent with a laceration.

She didn't die from
the knife wound. Okay?

A rare poison was found in her system.

Probably delivered via the knife.

- A poison?
- Yes.

Who else knows about this?

They're gonna release it any minute now.

And then they're going to
charge Jacqueline with m*rder.

NEWS ANCHOR: Arrest warrant for
international opera star Jacqueline

was issued for the m*rder of
her understudy Aubrey Michaels.

Our chopper was able
to locate Jacqueline

seemingly protesting her pending arrest.



It's Jacqueline!

Free me!

Here I am!

- Hello!
- LYLE: Mother!

Mother, you come back in here right now!

My arrest is an outrage.
What possible reason

could I have to k*ll
that poor, untalented,

unreasonably ambitious starlet?

Well, she was scheduled to
replace you in the role of Athena.

A travesty.

When your soprano decides
to step down from a role,

you close the show and
burn down the theater!

Uh, okay, that's lovely.

Now, when the judge asks you
how you are going to plea,

you say "Not guilty" and
nothing more. Nothing.

I understand fully.

I would never say anything else.

- MARGARET: Okay...
- Why is she wearing a cloak?

I don't know,

but I'm sure we're gonna find out.

On the charge of m*rder,

how do you plead, Ms. Burton?

♪ Not... ♪

♪ Guilty! ♪


Sit down, sit down. Sit.

However, there is
information I must impart

before I am cast to my doom.

Oh, please continue, Ms. Burton.

Uh, no, no, no...

I am not the murderess.

I am the victim.

That knife was meant for me.

- We changed the libretto

so that I would plunge the knife

into my own chest at the end.

But on that fateful evening,

it slipped!

It slipped from my hand.

Someone wants Jacqueline dead!

- [CRYING): Oh, God.


Y-Your Honor, um, given
the new information,

I will be filing a motion
to dismiss this afternoon,

and if the prosecution would
like to place the defendant

under house arrest, with a gag order,

I don't see how we can fight it.

A gag order?

A songbird dies if it is silenced.

It dies.


- Mother?
- Mmm?

You should have told us about
the libretto change earlier.

Well, why spoil a good twist?

You know nothing of
basic story structure.


You know, if someone really is

trying to k*ll Jacqueline,
they could try again.

He's right.

We need to keep her someplace safe,

someplace away from the press.

We can't go back to my place.

They're onto that.

LYLE: Somewhere secluded.

Somewhere out of the
way, somewhere forgotten.

- Somewhere no one would ever go.
- Hmm.

I've got it.

Well, here we are.

This is where you have been living?


With your sister, this entire time?

- Mm-hmm.
- This dilapidated warehouse.

Have-have you both
taken your tetanus sh*ts?

It is a former shoe factory, thank you.

Welcome. This is why I
avoided you seeing it.

And, hey, I got an amazing deal on it

because of the plumbing issue.

I mean, mostly everything works

but the water in the
toilet is boiling hot,

but it actually makes a pretty good...

Todd, you think that Jacqueline
is going to accept this

when she didn't even like my condo?

Shh-shh-shh. Here she comes.

LYLE: Right this way, Mother.


A palace.

Well, yeah.

A palace of filth and depravity.

- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, that's not what I was thinking.

Just like my first apartment in Rome.

Just like in La bohème.

Where the young lovers die right here

in this bed of tuberculosis.

Oh, these walls have seen so much pain.

Oh, I don't know so
much about pain, really.

Oh, Lord, look at this haunt of a woman.

Is she a ghost?

Obviously you've died but
were unable to cross over.

Oh, Jacqueline, this is
actually my sister Allison.

Well, she reminds me
of poor dead Aubrey.

So waxy and pale in the face.

Okay, uh, Todd and Lyle,

let's come over here and
talk by the kitchen sink.

- Okay.
- Okay? Let's just...

JACQUELINE: You must simply lie down.

I'm... Yeah, I'm fine, really.

According to my calculations,

our prime suspect is
Chalice the weatherman.

His peach roses were found
backstage at the opera house,

proving he had access to the knife.

But why would Chalice
want Jacqueline dead?

He's her biggest fan.

Her rabid fans do crazy things.

I wouldn't put it past 'em.

Also, don't forget about the poison.

It's found only in
Brazil and it's very rare,

so not a lot is known about it.

Thank you. I don't need a pillow.

Hush, child, hush. No one can hear you.

And Brazil was the
last stop on the tour.

TODD: Yes, Chalice said he's never
missed one of Jacqueline's shows,

and according to his Instagram,

he is hosting a candlelight vigil

outside of the courthouse
to free Jacqueline tonight,

- so let's go.
- Ah-ah-ah.

- You can't go. Chalice knows you.
- What?

Lyle will infiltrate the
vigil and suss out Chalice.

I am way ahead of you.

TODD: Wait, what?

So you steal my idea

and have an incredible
T-shirt at the drop of a hat?

What are you, Clark Kent? I hate this.

What am I supposed to do?

You will stay here with Jacqueline

and protect your sister.

I will drive us out of
this hellhole to the court

for the motion to dismiss.

- Is it over here?
- Yeah.


I want to thank you again
for helping my mother.

She can be... challenging, I know.

My own mother could be challenging, too.

She led a huge life

full of social engagements
and parties and...

Unfortunately, she died before
we could settle our differences.

Which is just meant to say that

maybe you could try to fix
things before it gets worse.

By worse, I mean your
mother going to jail,

not your mother dying.

The only thing that
could k*ll that woman

would be having to fly economy.

♪ To sing God's praise ♪

♪ Than when we ♪

♪ First begun. ♪


Thank you for organizing this vigil.

Oh, Jacqueline has changed my life,

and she doesn't have
anyone to support her.

Hmm, except her lawyer, her assistant,

agent, husband, three kids.

No, she only has two children.

Okay, agree to disagree.

But the important thing is, she has you,

- her biggest fan.
- Oh.

Have you been to all
of her performances?

I have never missed a one.

That's a lie.

I went to São Paulo.

You weren't at that performance.

All right, I missed one. One.

Because I am a news broadcaster.

I have to appear on TV daily.

You only care about the weather.

That is not true.

ALLISON: I am actually, literally alive.

You mean figuratively, darling.

I'm actually a doctor.

I'm out in the real world,

I'm living my life.

Does that mean you're moving out?

Todd, uh, not now.

It's not the time. Your sister is...

No, it means I'm... I mean, yes,

eventually I will move out.

To my exoneration.

Thank you, Margaret.

- We are not out of the woods yet.
- What?

My, uh, motion to dismiss
was unfortunately denied.

And our alternate suspect Chalice

is not looking very promising.

You know, you don't
have to look so gleeful

at the thought of me leaving.

You know, I'm not gleeful,

I'm just relieved that
you're finally moving on.

Soon. Crossing over, as it were.

No need to insult each other.

You gave up music to run
around and play detective,

and you can't even clear
your own mother's name?

MARGARET: I think that what
Jacqueline is trying to say,

- Lyle, is that...
- You know, I'm sorry that

I'm cramping your style,
Mr. Phony Baloney Lone Wolf,

but things aren't going
so great for me right now,

and I think you, of all
people, should understand that.

I do understand, which is why,

when I'm finally getting started,

you can't just burst
into my new apartment

and dump your crap everywhere.

JACQUELINE: That poor girl
ran straight into my knife,

and you let the police

carry on, push me around...

- That's not what happened.
- That is not what happened.

LYLE: You are the reason
we cannot solve this case.

You say all the wrong things
and you change your story.

You crashed into my garage

and exploded across my entire life...

That was two years ago, Al.

What I am hearing is that each person

has a different take on what transpired.

Yeah, it's called perspective, Mom.

LYLE: Perspective? Ha.

Something you clearly lack.

- How dare you?
- How dare you?

Music flowed through you.

- You had a spark...
- Mother!

I am not a failure.

And I am not a ghost.

Of your former self?
I mean, you kind of are.


Excuse me.

Where are we going?

Anywhere but here.



FRANCEY: I really like
this one and, ooh, that one.

Oh, yeah, me, too.

Have you shown these to Margaret?

What's the point?

Nothing I do impresses her.

But Beverly, on the other hand,

she seems to really be, you
know, looking out for me.

If Beverly is offering
you all of this, great.

I mean, people would k*ll
for these opportunities.

Just don't forget who
helped get you here.

Lyle, what instrument did you play?



I was pretty good, too.

And she saw that.

But I didn't love that
the way I love this.

I enjoy putting the pieces together.

And you are very, very good at it.

She can't see that.

Honestly, half the time

I don't see my own children.

I mean, lately Allison is...

I don't know what.

And for the longest time,

I didn't know where Todd was heading.

It's hard for a mother to keep up

when things keep shifting.

Everybody has a different point of view.


Maybe Todd was right.

- Ugh.
- About perspective.


Hold on.

It's Todd. Hello, honey.

TODD: Mom, I think maybe I was right.

- About perspective.
- Ugh.

All right, we'll all go one by one,

but right now we all want to know

exactly what you saw
that night at the opera.

- Go.
- I could see everything from where I was sitting.

Is this really necessary?

I saw my mother onstage.

I saw a million shining
eyes looking up at me.

I was asleep, actually.

It was actually pretty impressive.

The music built...

Right towards the end...

The music rose...

- Growing louder...
- It woke me up.

Just before Jacqueline
hit her final note...

It was after the final note.

It was during the final note. Her note.

- The knife...
- Just flew out of her hand.

I really, genuinely thought
it was part of the show.

That poor girl.

Right in her side. Thunk.

And then a strange
hobgoblin-like creature

crawled up onto the stage.

I didn't crawl, I ran.

And she went to the victim.

- She knelt down.
- Allison knelt down.

- Your sister knelt down.
- She knelt down.

There was something sharp under my knee.

I-I still have a bruise from it.

I must have landed on something.

- The knife?
- The knife?

- The knife.
- The knife.

And then, at some point,

somebody bumped me or pushed me

off to the side... I
don't remember when or who.

Someone grabbing the knife, but who?

To hide the evidence, but who?


You slid a note. In this recording.

What does that mean?

Uh, she hit the wrong key
and then slid out of it.

And then in the performance
you kept looking to the right,

to somewhere offstage.

TODD: Wasn't Magda the first
person onstage after the accident?

Yes, yes, yes, that's right.

Magda was backstage coaching you,

helping you find your note.

[LAUGHS) My little
boy has perfect pitch.

Just like Magda.

- Ha!
- What?

JACQUELINE: Yes. We met as teenagers

at the Conservatory in Venice.

My career took off, and Magda's didn't.

My parents could afford
lessons and tutors.

I had opportunities.
But more than that...

[CHUCKLES) ... I had star quality,

which she lacks completely.

So I brought her along
with me, took care of her.

And occasionally she helps me.

Helps me with my voice.

And she watched you rise.

Watched you succeed.

While she withered away into obscurity.

Jacqueline had better opportunities.

And people would k*ll for
opportunities like that.

We need to get Magda to confess.

- Magda?
- Break her down. If only we had the knife.

We may not have the knife, but
we do know about the poison.


Remember what Allison said:

"It is so rare that very
little is known about it."

Well, we can use that to our advantage.

There is one surefire way to
get an on-stand confession.


Ms. Jennings, you and Jacqueline

attended an opera conservatory together.

You must have had big dreams.

You wanted to be downstage
center, playing a leading role.

Everyone who attends
conservatory has those dreams.

Of course.

But now you are Jacqueline's assistant?

And you've been so for 15 years?

I guess I was just unlucky.

Or maybe someone else
was just more talented?

Teachers didn't like me, I...

But here was Jacqueline,

bursting with talent.

She has that amazing
voice and perfect pitch.

She does not have perfect pitch.

I have perfect pitch.

I-I find that very hard to understand,

I mean, given her career.

Objection. Argumentative.

MAGDA: She would be nothing without me.

I have been helping her

and coaching her this entire time.

I am the better singer.

I've always been better,

and Jacqueline knows that.

So why are you choosing
to just hide in the wings?

She's been keeping me there.

She owes me everything,

but I am her dirty little secret.

She is threatened by my talent!

MARGARET: Ah, of course,

so you wanted revenge?

You wanted to k*ll the
woman who k*lled your career.

No, I was protecting Aubrey.

She was so talented.

And Jacqueline was going to crush her

just like she crushed me.

I had to stop her!



The defense rests,

- Your Honor.



Brava. Brava. Yes.

- Brava. Yes.

- Yes.

Theater people can be so dramatic, huh?

- [LAUGHS) Yes.

Magda crumpled like a
house of fine gingerbread.

Well, I just gave her a
little push, that's all.

And I did not keep her down.

You couldn't have acknowledged
her just a little bit?

Perhaps thanking Magda
might not have diminished me.

[LAUGHS): Oh, God, no, no, no.

Nothing could diminish your bright star.


Truer words were never spoken.

Jacqueline, we could not have
won your case without Lyle.

He is a wonderful detective.

And can I just say, mother to mother,

if I can work with my
son Todd, who was a mess,

trust me,

I think you could maybe
find a way to meet Lyle

wherever he is.

[SOFTLY): Thank you.

Oh, here comes your mom.

Looks like she's mad. Okay, bye.


So, Lyle,

it looks like you're,
you're good at your job.

A detective.

But you can't tell me that
your perfect pitch didn't help.


I never had that.

I wish I did.

Maybe it did help.

[WHISPERING): I love you.

Come on.

[SNIFFLES) I know.

I love you, too.

- TODD: How'd you do that?
- Ah, they wanted to connect.

They just didn't know how.


Hey, Susan.


I just wanted you to know that, uh...

I am, I am really so happy for you.

You're married now, and...

Aw. That is a big deal.

And I never had that kind
of opportunity because...

well, I-I got started
later in-in my career.

I mean, maybe I'm even a tad jealous.


But I am really, really happy for you.

I appreciate that, Margaret, but...

Beverly has really been helping me.


With-with opera tickets
and photo sh**t.

Susan, I-I guided you,

I-I've supported you and...

Okay, I may not be able to
give you a promotion right now,

but that doesn't mean
I'm not rooting for you.

Yeah, with all due respect, Margaret,

I'm hearing you talk
a lot about mentorship,

but Beverly is actually doing it.


But like I said, Beverly is doing it,

- but she's doing it...
- BEVERLY: Ooh. Margaret.

Would you excuse us?

I have something to discuss with Susan.


This check will take
care of Sam's Bagels,

and I think that is it for today.


Here you go.

Are they still calling me
the Grim Reaper, Francey?


Oh, honey, nothing lasts forever.

I'm gonna go put this in the mail.

You going out to dinner with Todd?



But if you're free, I'd
love to go out with you.


I am.

- Oh.
- And I'd love to.

- Okay.
- Come on, girl.

Hey, Al, um, I-I wanted to talk to you.

Oh, hi, I-I was actually
waiting to talk to you.

Oh. Uh... what about?


Listen, I am going to move out.

Eventually. Loo... I
started looking online today.

- It's going to happen.
- Hey, I'm sorry.

- Eh.
- No, I owe you,

and-and you don't have

- to just leave just because I...
- No, but-but I-I realized

why I was staying, and-and
so I wanted to tell you.


I think I'm clinging to
you because you're familiar,

and I'm not there with Mom right now.

Right. And so the thought
of, like, signing a lease

or buying another house
or moving, it's just...

I'm g*n-shy.

- You know? Like, I...
- Yeah, yeah.

I failed at all of that.

And so,

while I'm waiting for
that to, like, feel

like something I'm
ready to try... again,

I think I just want to
feel anchored by something.

- Mm.
- And I think that something is you

right now.

Um, so,

thank you for letting me
sleep on this disgusting couch.

[LAUGHS): And...

and I-I will be out of here eventually.


Hey, look.

You don't have to go.

I don't have to be
the lone-est lone wolf.

I'm still doing it, I'm
putting things together.

I'm still on my way up. Hmm.

And you're not cramping me.

That much.

It's okay.

Look, I do want to leave.

And I don't.


I know.