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04x02 - Maybe it's Maybelline

Posted: 04/13/24 12:20
by bunniefuu
♪ I've got a sugar tooth,
girl, I love honey ♪

♪ I've got a sugar tooth ♪

♪ But I ain't got the money... ♪

Ah. That was good, right?

Oh, yeah.

Think I set a new PR.

You want water, coffee, both?

Definitely both.


- Here you go.
- Oh, thank you.


- the FBI, Florida...
- Mm. Mm-hmm.

Was it like,

"Gators on my porch,
I'm never going back",

or "I'm moving to South Beach tomorrow"?

Somewhere in between. I didn't realize

how much I needed
a change of pace, you know?

New scenery. New team. New me.

And does this new you

feel different about being a Ranger?

I think I realized I liked
being on the task force

because I knew it was a temp job.

And therein lies the problem.

Oh, I wouldn't go that far.

Mm. It's true.

I get a contact high

every time I go into Ikea
and I never buy anything.

No, thank you.

But no more.

Apparently, James has
something in store for me,

so I already called Tessa Graves

and told her I wouldn't be
returning to the task force.

And I started looking
for a new apartment.

- It's time to lay roots. Mm-hmm.
- No way.

- That's awesome.

Well, I'll help you find a place.

Well, thank you.

Also, any excuse
to raid Round Top Market.

- Oh, love that place.
- It's the best.

And probably a good thing, too,

'cause I'm pretty sure
I'm banned from Ikea.

You know what? Not even gonna ask.

Oh, come on, those arrows on
the ground are just guidelines.

I don't want to know.

I regret nothing.



- Hey.
- Hey, Gramps.

I see you're putting
my old iron to good use.

Yeah, thanks.

Uh, I actually wanted to...

talk to you about something.


Right here.

Well, this is a permission slip.

- For?
- Uh, Boot Camp Readiness.

Uh, it's just, you know,
some-some after-school program,

n-no big deal.

They-they train you
to get ready for the, um...

the army.

So you're still looking to enlist?

Yeah, you know, just...
keeping my options open.

If I finish this, I get to skip a rank.

That's great, August.

But you know your
father has to sign this.

[SIGHS] Come on, Gramps.

We both know how he
feels about this, okay?

He's never gonna sign this.

I-I was just kind of hoping
that you could talk

to the drill instructor,
you know, soldier to solider?

I mean, you were the one that said

I needed to learn some discipline.

Yes, I did.

- And you have, I've noticed.
- Then you know

how much I want to do this.

All right, I will talk to your father,

try to reason with him.

It's just an after-school program.

But as far as your drill instructor...

Eh, I don't think he's
gonna listen to me.

He will. Trust me. I know a guy.

All I'm saying is why don't
we have windbreakers?

The Ranger uniform is
a time-honored tradition.

- You can't just change it.
- Okay. Fine.

I'll settle for driving from now on.

Wha-what? How does that even make sense?

Wha... See, exhibit A.

You're, like, all over the line, bro.

Those lines are, uh...


You do know I drove a BearCat

when I was working with the FBI, right?

All I'm saying is

- when we actually need to get somewhere,

- I'll...

Let's go!


Made in America, my ass.

Texas Rangers. Come on out.

This is the Texas Rangers.

GRUFF VOICE: All right, all right.
You guys need to relax.

Drop the wrench.

Ma'am, who are you
and what are you doing?

Who's asking?

Walker, Texas Ranger.

As you've mentioned three times now.

Congratulations, son.

You are employed.
I'll alert the governor.

I like her.

Ma'am, you said you were getting a soda.

And I was.

Down the road, at Dandy's Liquor.

WALKER: H-Hold on a sec, everybody.

Trey, who is she?

I don't know. I don't know.

Austin PD dropped her off and Cap said

for you to call him
as soon as you got in.

Excuse me, young man.

"She" can answer for herself.

I'm Maybelline Pratt,

and unfortunately, looks
like, for the time being,

I am stuck with you.

♪ ♪

No, I-I hear you loud and clear.
Uh, understood, Captain.

- Yeah. You got it. Okay.

- Out.

Anyways, is Cap good?

Yeah. He'll be back
after his conference.

And, uh, what about
Ms. Congeniality over there?

Yeah, that is Ms. Maybelline Pratt.

State's key witness
in the Brandt Jeric case.

Brandt Jeric's a money launderer

for every Tom, d*ck and Harry
north of the border.

Yeah, south, too, lots
of payments to Caracas.

Yeah, Jeric's an international
bean counter.

Uh, Texas wants their shot,
then the feds will get 'em.

Ms. Maybelline out here used to work

at one of the diners he
used to wash his money.

Opened a drawer she shouldn't have,

saw his client list firsthand.

- And now I'm guessing he wants her silenced.
- WALKER: Good luck with that.

Uh, DPS wants us running WITSEC on this.

Maybelline's set to give
her testimony tomorrow,

and there's chatter on the street

that Jeric might try to take her out.

So James doesn't want us
to let her out of our sight.

Shouldn't be a problem.

I mean, look at the woman...
she's magnetic.

- Yeah, okay.

Turn your back and
you'll see what happens.

Okay. Uh...

I guess we should go
properly introduce ourselves.

- Yep.

Ms. Pratt, um...

Oh, let's talk later, boys,
away from Johnny Law.

So, Ms. Pratt, um...

We're gonna be your security
detail until you testify.

Oh, I don't see what the
big fuss is, Ranger Parker.

- It's Ranger Walker.
- Oh, yes, my mistake.

Regardless, I got things
to do, errands to run.

Oh, thus your grand theft auto attempt?

Well, hard to poach that lemon.

All right, well, in any event,

we can handle your errands.

- Yeah, yeah. I got it.
- WALKER: Thanks.

Um, so why don't we get you
set up in the conference room

and we can go over
the testimony you'll be giving.

Oh, relax, son, I got that squared.

I'd rather be with Ranger Barnett.

Oh, I-I... I can handle it.

Okay. Ma'am?


Why are they calling it Meg?

No, no. Not-not Meg, it's MiG.

It's Russian or something.

♪ ♪



- LIAM: Whoa.


You okay?

I'm fine. Um...

I just... I need to get back.


Stella. Wait...


These are some pretty rough dudes.


Dealt with worse?

Oh, you make that look so easy,
Ranger Barnett.

I wouldn't call having to go

during rush hour easy,
but you are welcome.

- WALKER: Ms. Pratt,

uh, these gentlemen are your
extra security for this evening.


Hey, I, uh, I spoke with Detective Luna.

Any new leads on the
Jackal investigation?

No, not yet, but he's gonna check out

that motel you visited in Hayward,

see if anything else
turned up, you know...

- CASSIE: You have to go with them.
- MAYBELLINE: What are you say...

No! I said I am not going anywhere.

What-what's the issue here?

These clowns want to
throw me in solitaire.


Ma'am, not solitary,
it's witness protection.

It's the hole, and I ain't going.

Hey, I got my rights.


Okay, uh...

Wh-What is this for?

- Protection.
- From-from what... iron bars?


Listen, James made it crystal clear

he doesn't want Maybelline
out of our sight.

And given that she's already planning

her next escape attempt,

we got to pull 24/7 guard, full echelon.

Where, here?

No. She needs a good night's rest

if she's gonna be effective
on the stand tomorrow.

Well, don't look at me,
I gave up my place

when I joined the task force.

My building isn't very secure.

I mean, there's too many
residents coming and going.

Yeah. Sounds like we need a place...

out of the way.




I'll pull witness protection
at the ranch.

I'll call DPS on the way
and get proper clearance.

[SOFTLY]: Excuse me.

Okay, Ms. Maybelline, time to go.

Very good, Ranger Walton.

- We're ready. Lead the way.

Uh, Rangers Barnett and Perez
will be back in the morning.

You're not leaving me
with Cliff and Norm here?

No, you're, uh...

you're coming home with me.

♪ Dancin' in the kitchen
with my sweatpants on ♪

♪ Airpods in my ears
got me singin' my song ♪

- ♪ Top knot on my head ♪

- ♪ Got my Topochico, oh, yeah ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yes ♪
- ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Dancin' in the kitchen
with my sweatpants on ♪

♪ Airpods in my ears ♪

♪ Got me singin' my song ♪

♪ Top knot on my head... ♪

Hello, gorgeous... Bonham?

I catch you at a bad time?

Yeah, yeah, kind of. I'm...

I'm expecting someone. Someone else.

Oh, I can see that. I'll be quick.

So, I understand you're running
an after-school boot camp

for kids wanting to join the
military after high school.

Yeah. Yeah, I mean,
we train a couple hours.

Conditioning, calisthenics,
you know, that sort of thing.

I see. Well, uh, I'd like to ask
that you allow August to join.

- August?
- Yes, sir.

Uh, I mean, you know, we've
been training for a while now.

Even if I said yes,

Walker would still
need to sign a waiver.

Yeah, well, I'm not gonna
go around Cordell on this.

I'm gonna talk to him, and
this won't come back on you.

Oh, okay, uh,

well, if he approves...

and I mean, if...

I'm not gonna take it easy
on August, right?

Here, I got that.

August gets the treatment,
just like every other recruit.

Oh, don't I know it,

and I wouldn't expect
anything different.

I think it's overcooked.
You want it al dente.

See, that's a little thing
that I learned in Italy.

Should still be slightly firm.

I know what "al dente" is.

Yeah, well, I don't think you do
because that's not al dente.

- You know...
- Okay, all right, all right, I'm leaving.

- I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
- All right.

Okay, so, August can join,
right, and I'll talk to Cordell?

- Yes. Okay, yeah.
- All right, fine. Okay.

- Hey.
- Hey.


BONHAM: Uh... uh...


Uh... ma'am.

- Buon appetito.
- Thank you. [LAUGHS]

Okay. Uh, why don't
y'all set up a perimeter,

make sure no one gets in or, uh, out?

I'll bring you brisket in a few.

- Oh, hello.
- Mom, hey.

Uh, perfect. Uh, y-you busy?

Well, I have a-a wedding photo sh**t

in the morning, but... [LAUGHS]

Think you can take a break,
help me out a little?

Uh, this is Ms. Maybelline Pratt.

She'll be staying the night.
I can explain.

Nice to meet you.

- Love your home.
- Oh.

Well, thank you, Maybelline. I'm Abby.

It's clear that you're
the bow of this ship.

Always on the move, I see.

Well, when do we get those deck chairs

so we can just lay out and relax?

Honey, I've been waiting
for mine for 40 years.

They don't exist.

Oh. Well, thanks for the heads-up.

I'll let you go, Abby.

Your son was just trying to pawn me off.


Well, it was a pleasure
meeting you, Maybelline.


Looks like it's just you
and me, toothpicks.

Right. Right.

Um, I'll show you to the guest room.


Ms. Maybelline?

Oh, your wife is out of your league.

Yeah, she is.

Uh, was. Was.

- She-she passed.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Being a single parent is tough. I know.

Well, luckily, I have a
lot of good help. Hmm.

Soak up every second, son.

The days are long,

but the years are short.



- Stella Blue.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- [LAUGHS] What's that?

Essentials for every

college dorm room.

- Lava lamp.

It's a must.

- Look at this thing. Nice.

There we go.


And... ready?

- Oh, my gosh, yes.

Yeah, I wanted to bring
you this stuff earlier,

- but you kind of...
- Freaked?

Well, yeah, I would've put it
milder than that, but yeah.

You know, Ben and I spoke, and, um...

I'm just a little bit worried
about how you left.

I'm fine.

It's just an intense dream.

No, I get that. I'm just checking...

I'm just checking in on you.

You know, when I went
through all my stuff,

- I wish someone would've checked...
- I'm not you.

Okay? Just because something
worked out great for you

doesn't mean it's gonna work out
for everyone else.

And it doesn't matter how much
stuff you bring over here.

- It's not gonna bring Witt back.
- Whoa. Hey.

That guy tried to k*ll you and Sadie.

Did you know that he loved rugby?

The New Zealand All Blacks
was his favorite team.

He was actually into a lot of stuff.

Just take one look at his IG,
and it would tell you a lot.

No one is just one thing,
is all that I'm saying.

So, like, okay, maybe
he tried to hurt us,

but he was still just
a college kid, like me,

who had his whole life ahead of him,

and now he doesn't, and it is my fault.

Okay, Stella, take a breath.

I'm just trying to help, okay?

Why don't you just try something

that will pull you out of this?

Equine therapy...

You know what?

Why don't you just leave?

Okay. Fine.


- Hello.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- So... you look busy.

Yeah, when am I not?

What's up?

Well, uh...


What's this?

August's Boot Camp Readiness.

- It's an after-school program.
- What?

Now, it's not like we're sending
him overseas or something.

Yeah, now, h-hold on, hold on, hold on.

You know what you're doing
right now, Daddy?

You are, uh, you're interfering.

- No, I'm simply asking, son.
- Okay.

Well, I'm simply asking, as well, Daddy.

Uh... stay out of this one.

It's my son. Uh...

I can't deal with that right now.

I got work to do. Excuse me.




- Hey.
- Oh.

- You making a parade float?
- No.

I am helping Ben with
another wedding in the barn.

That's y'all's third wedding.

Well, you never cease to amaze me.

Thanks. Tell my fingers that.

- Mm.
- What's going on?

Oh, you know me. Meddling.

- I thought that was my job.

I approached Cordell
about letting August

join after-school boot camp.

He wasn't having it.
He told me to butt out.

Okay, well, we've been
telling Cordell for years

he needs to get his house
in order regarding the kids.

And now that he's actually listening,

you're what? I mean, upset?

No. No, no, no.

It's just, you know, it's just that,

August is almost 18, and...

[SIGHS] whether anybody likes it or not,

he's fixin' to be making
all of his own choices.

And trust me, I know a thing or
two about raising boys into men.

You tell 'em not to do something,

that's exactly what they're gonna do.

Please tell me more
about raising two boys.

- I'm dying to know.
- Good Lord, Abeline.

You know what I mean.
Ah, remember that time

that I tried to stop William
from going to Skate World?

I told him no, the boy went anyway.

Came home with a broken wrist.

As I recall, what really
happened is, I said no

and you said yes,

and then I spent the entire
night with Liam in the ER

while you went out on a cattle drive.

I'm just saying that whether
the kid becomes a soldier

or a rancher or a florist,
it should be his decision.

Well, that's what I'm saying.

Oh. Well, then you're right.



we ought to be thinking more
about our own futures.


In retirement.

Talk about surprises.

Are you serious?


Well... let's give it a think.

- Right?

All right.

Ms. Maybelline,

wh-what... what are you... doing awake?

It's-it's the middle of the night.


I raised five kids.

I learned the art of stealing moments.

Dead of night was the only downtime

I could get for myself.


Join me.



Just for a little taste.


So, how are you feeling

about your, uh, testimony?


Good? Not, uh, nervous at all?

Ain't no point in chewing up a bit.

You don't get to be this age

without running into your
fair share of bad guys.


Wow. That's, uh, that's very courageous.

Well, you're a single parent,

you know courage is a part
of the job description.

What's troubling you?

My, uh, my son, my underage son,

my baby boy,

he wants to join the military.

And... I'm having a hard time with it.

Your baby boy is almost a man.

And let me clue you in about children.

They are not ours to keep.

More like the best friend
who never pays.


You're gonna have to
let him go eventually.

Yeah. Sure. Uh, I guess that's what, uh,

really makes me anxious.

Thinking about, uh...

... the quiet.

With one kid up and out

and the other trying to fly
away as fast as he can,

I... I guess I thought
I'd be more ready.

- Yeah.
- I mean, I can still hear 'em

trying to clobber each other
over the remote.

Now college and the army...

They're leaving me.

You know what your problem is?
You got it backwards.

In my experience,

if you've raised a child to
be secure enough to leave,

you've done a good job.

And guess what.

Typically, they often come back.

Well, I guess I'd better turn in.

Big day tomorrow.

You seem like a nice man, Ranger Walker.

So don't worry about those young'uns.

It may seem like they're not listening,

but they definitely are watching.


I'll put that away for you.

Just for a little taste.




♪ There ain't no train ♪

♪ Could roll you back where I remain ♪

♪ White wings and chimney smoke ♪

♪ The thin lips of subway ghosts, and ♪

♪ Hey, old world ♪

♪ Where'd you put that heart of mine? ♪

♪ Hey, Old Jim ♪

♪ Leave it back on Texas time ♪

♪ And I can fly no higher ♪

♪ Hands can't break the telephone wire ♪

♪ And I can fly no higher ♪

♪ Hands can't break
the telephone wire. ♪

- I'm sorry.

- MIKE: Were you two close?


He did love rugby.

Oh, um, I saw it on his social
media or something.

I see.

I'm Witt's Uncle Mike.

Stella. Nice to meet you.

You, too.

I'm sorry for your loss.

He was a good kid.

Guessing you guys
went to school together.

Yeah. Well...

No, we both went to UCAS,
but I didn't really know him.

Just thought I'd pay my respects.

I see.

Well, it's nice to know Witt was able

to touch lives of people
he's never even met.

Uh... I'm-I'm sorry.

Uh, again, I mean.




- MAN: Yep.
- It's me.

So, this is interesting.

You okay, Maybelline?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

My stomach's a little unsettled.

I just need a ginger ale or something.

All right, fine, I'll go
find a vending machine

- and I'll meet you guys in the courtroom.
- All right.

You ready? Okay.


We got to help. We got to help.

Hey, hey, buddy, buddy.

Hold it. [GRUNTS]

Can I help you?

- Uh, yes, thank you, stay with her.
- Okay.


There's another security
checkpoint this way.

- But shouldn't we wait for... ?
- Come with me now.

Are you sure?

WALKER: Hey. Stop, stop, stop.

Don't resist.

- Walker!
- Yeah?

- Where's Maybelline?
- What?



- Maybelline!
- Maybelline?

- Maybelline Pratt?
- Maybelline!

- Ms. Pratt!
- TREY: Walker.

Trey? Trey! Hey. Up here,
up here. Trey, Trey.

- Maybelline is missing.
- What? How?

Guys. We have a missing witness.

Elderly woman, possibly in danger.

We need to lock this place down now.

- You got it, Ranger.
- WALKER: Thank you, sir.

- Code silver. Repeat, code silver.
- WALKER: Trey.

Comms. We're gonna
split up and find her.

Anybody spots her, call it in.

Hey, genius, the courtrooms
are back that way.

Don't worry, ma'am.
Taking you somewhere safe.

Yeah, and I'm gonna marry McConaughey.


Enough fun, dummy. They're on to you.

Hey! Help!

- Help!
- Don't do that again.



Oh, oh!

♪ Well, I'm walking ♪

♪ Through the night ♪

♪ I don't need nobody... ♪


where are you taking me?


♪ Through the night ♪

♪ I need love... ♪

- Hey, hold on.
- Get in.

- ♪ You don't give me that sugar ♪

♪ I don't feel right ♪


Ms. Pratt! Maybelline!

Okay, you can drive more often.

- Knew you'd come around.
- ♪ Take it all ♪

♪ Take it all back ♪

♪ Take it all, take it all back ♪

- Hold on.
- ♪ Take it all ♪

♪ Take it all back ♪

♪ Take it all, take it all back ♪

♪ Take it all, take it all back ♪

♪ Take it all... ♪

WALKER [OVER COMMS]: Trey, you hear me?

Yeah, we're tailing a gray SUV
in the parking garage.

- Looks like he's heading to the top.
- TREY: Copy. I'm on it.

Yeah. Copy.

- Right? Got him?
- Yep.

♪ I need love ♪

♪ You don't give me that sugar,
I don't feel right ♪

♪ Ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-oh ♪

♪ Ah-ah-oh, ah-ah-oh... ♪

MAYBELLINE: Ow! Let go of my arm.


Stop that.

Help. Help. Somebody help.

- Stop! Texas Rangers!
- On the ground now!

Let her go!

Don't do it. You're surrounded, buddy.

No, no, no, no...


- WALKER: Cass.


CASSIE: Are you hurt?

♪ Take it all, take it all back ♪

♪ Take it all, take it all back. ♪

All right, you're done, buddy. Good.

You're done here.

You okay?

I-I'm okay.

You saved me.

Ms. Pratt.

- You're welcome.

It was, it was kind of a team effort.

- Hey, bud.
- Hey, Dad.




Uh, you know?

Spoke to your granddaddy.

He told me about boot camp.

Come here. Have a seat.

Let's, uh...

let's chat.

So, I'll start.

Augie, I can tell that this boot camp

is important to you.

I can.

But I still think you
should focus on school.

I am.

I-I have a 3.7,

and I'm still helping out
at the Side Step.

I know, I know that,

and that's-that's good. That's great.

But, kiddo, listen,

I-I was barely older

than you are now when 9/11 happened

and I joined the military.

And I do not for a moment

regret that decision,

but I still do think sometimes

about time lost.


You know, figuring things out

at my own pace, and


I just worry about you.

I mean, I get it, Dad.

But you don't have to, okay?

It's not like I'm shipping out
tomorrow or anything.

I guess, um...

I don't know, I guess I thought
you'd just be proud that

I'm finally taking my future seriously.

I am proud. So proud.

Of course I'm proud, but...

I will also always worry about you.

You're my son.

You're my only son.

And you used to be my baby boy.

Now here you are, on the cusp of, uh...

manhood, and...

♪ Telephone wires... ♪

Here. Uh...

This is for you.

Your signed liability waiver for Trey.

Or for, uh... [CLEARS THROAT]

Drill Sergeant Barnett.

♪ Highway signs... ♪

[CHUCKLES] Are you serious?

Ah-ah-ah. If...

if you promise me

to show your face now and then.

Dinner every Sunday night.

And you got to keep up
with your schoolwork,

- keep up with your chores.
- Uh-huh.

Then, yes.


I promised to respect your decision

and, uh, I meant it.

♪ If you lie awake ♪

- ♪ While your universe shakes ♪

♪ And I go weightless... ♪

All right. Hey, I'm gonna, uh,

head to the Side Step,

meet up with your big sis and Geri.

You want to join?

Thank you, but, uh,

I need a shower and a mattress.

- Trey's a hard charger.

I know a certain older lady

that would agree with your assessment.

- ♪ We got miles to go ♪

- ♪ Miles to go ♪

♪ But we're almost home. ♪

AUGUST: Oh, I, uh,
I refinished this table.

Look at that.

Good job.

Thank you.

You shouldered a lot.


You know I, uh...

I never meant to make you
grow up so fast.


Can we, um...

can we sleep out here tonight?


♪ ♪

- Here you go.
- BEN: Thanks.



SADIE: Hey, this is Sadie.

- Leave a message at the beep.

Sadie, it's Stella.

I don't care what state
or even country you're in.

You need to call me back, okay?

Call me.

How much of that did you hear?

Enough not to ask.

And I definitely know

not to ask if you're doing okay.


I just...

I need to talk to someone
that's not family.

I'm sorry, but you know what I mean.

You mean protective dad or uncle

with the last name Walker?

[CHUCKLES] Exactly.

Well, I am neither.

And I do know one of
those two guys very well

and can say your uncle means well.

He's just... concerned.

I know, but it...

it's for the wrong reasons.

Have you ever felt guilty
for something that

you know that you can't change?

Have a seat.

Of course.

My old boyfriend Lucas,

you know, he was sick

and he passed away.

I still grapple with

the guilt over what I thought

I should have done or could have done.

But it wasn't actually guilt.

It was sadness.

But that guy Witt, who broke in,

he did terrible things

and he tried to hurt you and Sadie.

What happened was an accident,

but I can understand how you
feel bad about the outcome.

And I'm here to let you know
that's called being normal.

It means you have a conscience.

Do you ever talk about him? Lucas?


I don't have a Walker
around every corner

like you do, but yeah.

It helps.


if you ever want to just chat...

... I'll listen.



- Walkers around every corner.

Stella Blue. There you are.

Ready to hit some bull's-eyes?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- Mm-hmm.
- All right, let's do it.

How's she doing?

She's strong...

given the circumstances.


Geri-rigged. What's up, girl?

- Hey.
- Hey.

I was hoping you'd stop by.

Oh, yeah? Why?

I have something for you.

Uh, well, that's an odd thing
to keep behind the bar,

but no judgment.

So, I've been thinking about

what you were saying about

finding a community and settling down.

Yeah, and?

And I was thinking...

... maybe you want to move in with me?

Geri, I-I...

Listen, it-it won't feel crowded.

I'm at Cordi's a lot.

But, you know,

if and when I were to
ever let go of my place,

it would be nice to know
that it went to a friend.

You know, someone who
wants to lay down roots.

And it couldn't hurt having
another Ranger around,

given recent events.

Geri, I am blown away.

So you'll consider? I mean, will you?

I'm not gonna force you
to go to any spin classes.

I'm cool, okay?

Geri, what's to consider?

Yes, give me the keys.

- Really?
- Yes.

Amazing. Okay.

I'm getting us a round. On me.

No, it's, uh... Let's take these.

On the house.

- To roomies.
- To roomies.

Hello, ladies.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- How's Ms. Maybelline?

Well, the case wrapped up nicely.

The bad guy went away

and Maybelline Pratt is
on her way to Boca Raton.

- Ah.
- And I made sure that she got

- on that plane personally.

But not before she answered
my phone when Lauryn called.

- Uh-oh.
- Yeah.

Let's just say there
won't be another date.

Maybelline made sure of that.

Well, come on, I'll
buy us another round.

And you can tell us

all about that sweet, sweet goodbye.

Hmm, hilarious.



Hey, Stel, uh...

I hope you know that I'm here for you.

Anything you want to talk about,

anytime, anywhere, always.

- Thanks, Dad.
- Of course. Thank you.

- Y'all ready to get darted?
- Wow.

Okay, uh, one,

- that is not a thing.
- Yes, it is.

Two, that's not a thing.

- Yes, it is.
- Three,

if y'all want to get
destroyed again, uh,

I think we can gladly accommodate.

BEN: Oh.


... you're my partner.

Olive branch?


Hey, so, Liam?

- He's awful.
- I am standing right here.

- I can hear you.
- STELLA: Okay, let's go.

- O-Okay.
- Well?

All right. Well, they made their bed.

- Yup.
- Uh, so what do you say?

- Crush 'em?
- Oh, crush 'em.

- WALKER: Crush 'em. Yeah.
- Yeah.

♪ Baby, we're doing fine ♪

♪ Better than most who
have ever been alive... ♪

- Nice.

♪ Don't you know, we're doing good ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm lucky, I'm doing fine ♪

♪ I keep telling myself ♪

♪ You're lucky, yeah,
you're doing good ♪

♪ I'm lucky, yeah, you're doing fine. ♪