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07x08 - Family Man

Posted: 04/13/24 08:24
by bunniefuu
Preivously on SWAT...

I gave up a baby for adoption
when I was 15.

He turned 18 a few months ago.

You thinking he might try to reach out

now that he's got access
to the adoption records?

I told Annie your situation
and she reached out to

a lawyer friend of hers
who deals with adoptions.

Your son filed the paperwork.

- He'd be open to hearing from you.
- He would?

A few weeks ago
you said you needed to talk.

I don't suppose it had
anything to do with retirement?

What's going on, Deac?

Me and Annie, we're, uh,
we're not doing so good.

Family's paramount.
I respect your decision.

I made this decision before
Luca got shot

and now, I-I don't know what to do.

I'd prefer to keep this between us.

NICHELLE: You doing okay, babe?

This group was the core for so long.

It's hard to get over the change.

I mean, Street's been gone for weeks.

I still catch myself
looking for his motorcycle

in the parking lot.

Now Luca's gone.

And if Deacon's gonna be retiring, too,

- it's the end of an era.
- What are you talking about?

Deac is not retiring.

Oh. When Annie and I
were at lunch yesterday,

she said something about him

giving notice. I just assumed he...

No, baby, he'd be giving it to me,

and he hasn't done that.

Well, I must've misunderstood.

Sorry for the scare, babe.

Have a good day.

You too.


Pancake special, side of sausage.

Can I get you more coffee?

Oh, please.

Maybe it'll get me
out of this crossword rut.


Hey, guys. You want the usual?

No time this morning, Kat.

You need to come with us. Now.

Jeb, I'm in the middle of my shift.

You want me to lose my job?

Forget this job, this diner.

None of it'll matter soon.

What? Wait, you're scaring me.

Look, I'll explain later.
There's no time to waste,

- we need to go.
- KAT: What? Stop.

Sheriff's department.
Is there a problem here?

No, we're just having a conversation.

No, we're not, Jeb. Now, let go of me.

Hey, you heard her. Let her go.

- Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Back up. Back up. Back up.

Hey, easy, now.
You don't need to do this.

All right? Let's talk this out.

There's nothing to talk about.

No, I need to keep Kat safe.

She's coming with us.

Okay, I understand that.


- step away from the door.
- Back up!

Let her go. Drop the w*apon.

Can't do that, man. You don't get it.

Listen to me, you need to let her go,

- now.
- I can't.



Morning. Alfaro's with us today.

Aw, Deac, I thought we all agreed


Sorry, just texting with Thomas.


As in your son?

I reached out after you got his info.

We've been emailing,
and now we're making plans

for dinner tonight.

So, this is the first time
you're gonna see him in person?

That's a big step.

"Can't wait to see you."

Is throwing in an emoji fun or lame?

Ah, depends on what you use.

Kidding. I'm excited for you.


So, tonight?
It's been a long time coming.

Not gonna lie... I'm freaking out.


You might want to
put that freak-out on hold.

We've got an armed standoff
at a diner in Topanga.

Let's roll.


Some of the blinds are pulled,

so it's tough to tell how
many civilians are in there.

There's an open window on the two-side,

but no one's been visible through it.

HONDO: We know how many suspects?

The fry cook slipped out the
back when the sh**ting started.

Said two brothers came in,

tried to abduct the waitress,
who was working.

HONDO: Jeb and Grant Weber. No priors.

- The fry cook ID'd them?
- Yeah, they're regulars.

I guess Jeb and Kat dated for a bit.

Today, he wanted her
to leave with him, she refused.

Sounds like Jeb
couldn't take no for an answer.

What set off the g*nf*re?

Off-duty sheriff's deputy
was having breakfast.

Must have tried to intervene.

Brian Hagen.
He's not answering his phone.

So, he could be injured.

All right, Powell, Alfaro,
you sit on the two-side.

Cook came out the kitchen door...

Tan, Deacon... we go in
that way. Let's move.


GRANT: Keep your mouth shut.

TAN: Eyes on Grant Weber.
He's got a hostage.

No sign of the brother or the waitress.

This is LAPD.

Grant and Jeb Weber,
there's no way out of here.

You need to put your weapons down.

We were only trying to protect Kat,

get her somewhere safe.

DEACON: Deputy Hagen.

You doing all right over there?
Are you hit?

Bastard got me in the leg.
Losing blood pretty quick.

Got four civilians in here.

Second suspect took the waitress
into the back.

- Understood.
- HONDO: Come on now, Grant.

You say you didn't want this.

How about you
let these people leave, huh?

Those three can go.

This one stays.

HONDO: Okay, good. Good. That's a start.

All right. Hey, you three.

Come one, let's go.
Nice and easy, out the front door.

No, no, I said the front door.

TAN: Lost eyes on the suspect.

- DEACON: Rabbit!
- Hey, clear out! Move! Move!

HONDO: Suspect breaking
for the three-two corner.

Moving in.

LAPD! Drop the g*n.

Drop it now.

All right.

Give me your hands.

Bathroom's clear, main room's clear.

Grant Weber's in custody.

No sign of Jeb Weber or the waitress.

They're not in the building.


If Jeb got back here fast enough,

he could have gotten out of this window

with the waitress before we arrived.

He's in the wind with a hostage.

Deputy Hagen is stable.

He's gonna pull through fine.

Any idea where Jeb
might have taken the waitress?

Grant Weber's refusing to talk,

but we just got a hit on
the BOLO for Jeb's Jeep.

A traffic cam caught it running
a red light in West Hills.

Jeb and Kat Beeman were both inside.

Yeah, Jeb's home is
clear across the Valley,

but Jeb and Grant's father Calvin

has a place in Las Virgenes Canyon.

That's not far off from where
the Jeep was spotted. It's isolated.

- Good spot to run to.
- All right.

I'll tell Hondo.
Let's get ready to roll.

POWELL: 30 out, turning onto
Calvin Weber's private drive.

All right, listen up. Jeb and Grant

weren't packing heavy heat,
but that's no reason

- for us to get sloppy.
- ALFARO: Jeb grabbed Kat with some

twisted romantic intentions.

Now, he might have
feelings for her, but...

We all know how dark things can get

if she doesn't return the favor.


Place is some kind of fortress.

All right, everybody out.

Alfaro, get a look from up top.

Single-story residence, 100 yards in.

Jeb's Jeep's parked out front.
They got to be here.


Calvin Weber. This is the LAPD.

We're looking for your son Jeb.

He's got himself into some trouble.

CALVIN: You're trespassing
on private property.

You need to leave.

I'm afraid that's not gonna happen.

We need Jeb to release Kat to us safely

and to surrender himself.

Otherwise, we're coming in after him.

You do, you'll die trying.


So, easy way's a no-go.

Maybe we can climb the fence.

No, wait a minute.

Electric fence,

and that's not low voltage.

Cameras, the fence, the barbed wire.

If the outside is this nasty,

there's bound to be
more surprises inside.

HONDO: Yeah, well, fortress or not,
they got a hostage in there.

We're not leaving without her.

REPORTER: Could you please
give us something, anything?

- We'll take anything.
- Tammy, you know the drill.

- You got to give me a minute.
- I just need something.

Patrol's gonna keep the press back.

You got pole cameras
trained on the property?

Yes, sir, but nobody stepped
foot outside of that house,

so we don't know Kat Beeman's status.

I sent Tan and Alfaro
to scout the perimeter,

see if there's a weak
spot we can exploit.

All right, good.

Been checking Calvin's financials.

Looks like he started
stockpiling medical supplies

and a*mo a couple years ago
when his wife died.

He also went off the grid.
He got solar panels, a generator.

That means we can't cut their power.

This guy takes "self-sufficient"
to new heights.

Yeah, well, this might be why.

He belongs to a bunch
of doomsday prepper forums.

They believe the government's
about to fall,

and when it does, supply chain

- and the power grid will follow.
- Then food

and clean water become scarce,
and suddenly it's anarchy.

Preppers have been sounding
that same alarm for decades.

- This is hardly new.
- Yeah, but here's the kicker.

He and his online buddies...
they've been tracking the news.

A recent spike in crypto,
death of a state official

and a dozen other random events...

they believe that that means
society collapses today.

Come on, now.

Every other Tuesday,
one of these groups decides

that there's a reason
that the world is over.

What has any of this got to do
with Jeb abducting Kat?

Grant Weber told us that
Jeb was protecting Kat,

that he genuinely cares for her

and thinks he's saving her
from rioters and looters.

Well, as pure as their motives may be,

a deputy was shot

and Jeb brought Kat here
against her will.

We need to get her out.

Has Calvin been in communication
since his initial warning?

No. The family's been stonewalling us,

ignoring phone calls, the intercom.

It's time to force the issue.

Put the Lemur drone to use.

JEB: Kat, I already told you,

- okay? My dad has everything.
- Stop.

This is the safest place to be

- when the fighting breaks out.
- You can keep saying that.

It still doesn't make any sense.

- This is nuts.

What is going on?

You can't keep me here.

- I want to go, right now.


Enough with the attitude.


you left your brother behind.

This girl was not part of the plan.

Okay, I had to save her, Dad.

- Are you okay?
- St-Stop.

And-and Adam gets to be here.

Your sister and her
boyfriend didn't bring

the damn cops to our door.

BETH: Maybe if we send her out,

the police will go away, leave us alone.

Don't be stupid. Jeb kidnapped her.

Cops aren't just gonna walk away.

We're not opening the gates for anyone,

When panic starts in the city,

the police will leave to deal with it.

But, they push us...

...we'll be ready.

There are cameras all over this fence.

Anything we do, they'll see us coming.
Should we take 'em out?

No, if we do, they might think we're
making a move. They could panic.

We got to leave them in place for now,

let 'em think they're in control.

Look. That one's not rotating.

Means there's a blind spot.

WOMAN: How about over there?
Do you see anything over there?


Or the window.


LAPD. I need to see your hands.

What is SWAT doing here?

Your hands.

You can see we're journalists.

You don't need to point a g*n at us.

They're legit. John Doherty
and Olivia Navarro.

You can't be here.

This is an active police operation.

Wasn't when we got here.

You got here before us? How?

[CHUCKLES] Guess we got a jump
on the boys in blue.

Not the first time.

Do you even know what you're up against?

I've been researching
these people for weeks.

Calvin Weber and his family
are doomsday preppers.

We're well aware of who Weber is.

Wait, you're doing a story on them?

They're convinced the world ends today.

I had to come out and see
what they'd get up to.

You're gonna have to do that
from behind the barricades.

It's not safe out here.

This is a picnic.
I spent the last three years

as a w*r correspondent
in the Middle East.

Was in Gaza until
I caught some shrapnel.

Came home to recuperate.
I think I'm good.

Well, you got a funny idea
of what healing looks like.

Look, you can't stay out here.

We got to get you both
back to camp. Come on.

Don't see anyone on the grounds.

Initiating IR view.

Seven people. That's
more than we knew about.

Calvin and Jeb Weber, plus Kat.

Leaves four unknowns.

Well, they could be
more believers in doomsday,

could be more hostages.

The only way to find out
is to get inside.

Do it.

Deploying glass breaker.


It's some kind of drone.
It's in the house.

- Get her out of here.
- Come on.

All right, that's Jeb and Kat.

Least we know she's all right.

I warned you to stay away.

We're down. Initiating turtle maneuver.

And open upcomms.

Calvin, this is Commander Robert Hicks,


We want to make sure
everybody's okay in there.

Oh, we're all safe. [CHUCKLES]
And if you knew half

of what's coming,

you'd beg me to let you in here, too.

Let's not worry about the
rest of the world right now.

How about you let Kat Beeman leave?
Can you do that?

That's Beth Weber, his daughter.

I want Grant free.

You give me back my son,
then we can talk.

You know I can't do that, Calvin.

Lemur's dead.

Well, the guy who shot it isn't a Weber.

Find out who he is.

What's the latest?

POWELL: Running facial rec

on an unknown male inside the house.


That's probably Thomas.

Tell me he didn't cancel on
your dinner plans tonight.

No, it's... He just posted
something to his socials.

Oh, light cyberstalking. Nice.

I looked him up a while back,
trying to figure out what he's like.

He plays guitar. That's cool.

He's in a band.
He posts videos of their gigs.

They aren't half bad.

It's weird.

For 18 years, I've imagined Thomas.

Now those expectations
are meeting reality.

Not liking what you find?

Just the opposite.

He's got good friends,

loves his adoptive parents.

He's blown every dream
I dared to have for him

straight out of the water.

I'm not seeing the problem.

What if he meets me and...

I fall short of what he imagined?


We got a hit on the guy
that k*lled our drone.

Adam Edwards. Did time
for as*ault and battery.

Looks like he's dating Beth Weber.

Wait. There's a BOLO out on him.

He's suspected of sh**ting
his ex-wife this morning.

He disappeared with their two children.

Logan and Erin Edwards

are likely the last two people
inside that house.

We've got little kids in there.

- Hey, Deac.
- Yeah.

Listen, I know this
isn't the best time, but...

something's been bugging me all morning.

Annie told Nichelle you're retiring.

So, it wasn't a misunderstanding.

You're leaving SWAT.

It's-it's complicated, it's...

it's something that
Annie and I talked about

before Luca got shot.

So this is something you've been
thinking about for a while.


Look, I know... this is all bad timing.

But I wanted to honor
my promise to Annie.

And then, with the uncertainty
of Luca's recovery,

I put off saying something.

Deacon, we are family.

I didn't want to burden you

with losing another team member.

God, and I hate thinking
that I've created

another problem for you
to have to solve.

Are you staying?

Then it's something
I still got to deal with.

Powell ID'd the drone sh**t.
Name's Adam Edwards.

Looks like he shot
his ex-wife this morning,

abducted their two small children.

- They're likely inside.
- HICKS: We can't wait

for the Webers
to see doomsday isn't coming.

Situation's only likely
to get more volatile.

Yeah, then we got to get in there,
and pull those hostages out now.

When Alfaro and I were on the perimeter,

we found a section of Calvin's fence

with a faulty camera.
He's got a blind spot.

We could use the laser cutters
to breach the fence,

but the minute we do,
the circuit will be cut

and they'll know we're coming.

Not if we're smart.

There. Now we can cut the fence
without breaking the circuit.

Calvin will have no idea.

Alfaro, you're up.

DEACON: Now, the fence will
still have a charge,

so watch yourself going through it.

Family hasn't left the main house,
so we take the low ground.

Tan, you're with me.

Alfaro and Powell, you're with Deacon.


All right, let's go.

BETH: What does a T. rex do?

The T. rex eats everybody!

- Roar!
- Roar!

You know, in my day,

children were seen, not heard.

Doors and windows all have sensors.

What about the kitchen door
where the drone went through?

Pop the board out,
we can slip in through there.

ALFARO: Got suspects on the three-side.

HONDO: Copy. We'll draw them to the one.

This is LAPD!

Calvin and Jeb Weber,

Adam Edwards,
we got warrants for your arrest.

W-Why didn't the fence alarm go off?

Get to positions.

Get them down to safety.

All right, let me
get this from you, sweetie.

Suspect in the five opening.

We got three suspects on the one-side.

- Deacon, make your move.
- DEACON: Roger that.

Moving to the kitchen now.

- Tan, cover me.
- Go!




Beth, I need my bag.

I'm not going anywhere with you.

I'm trying to keep you safe.

Are you kidding me?

There's nothing safe about this,
so let me go.

Fine. Go ahead.

Get shot.

Where's your brother?

Making entry on the three-side.

Hey. It's Logan, right?


I'm a police officer.

I'm gonna get you back to your mom.

What about my sister?

Well, we'll get her, too, but you first.

- Okay? Powell.
- Okay.

Get him out of here. Go ahead.

I got you. Come on.




Hondo, we've got Logan and Kat.

Logan? Where are you?

Hey, Erin? Sweetie? Come on.

It's okay. Come on.

Come on.

Alfaro, get Kat out of here.

I'm right behind you.

You sure?

Go. Go.


Winged one of the suspects.

How dare you come into my home?

You put the kid down.


Call it off.

Call it off now.

Powell, hold up.

Calvin Weber?

CALVIN: That's right.
And I have your man.

If you value his life you'll

get off my property.


I'm here, Hondo. These guys are serious.

Calvin Weber. Respond.
I know you're there.

CALVIN: I said what would
happen if you come on my land.

I'm a man of my word.

And are you a man of integrity?

Can I count on you to treat
Sergeant Kay with respect?

I want your word that
Sergeant Kay won't be harmed.

If you behave.

But if any police
come near my family again,

your sergeant will pay the price.

They got supplies to last months.

Sir, they're not gonna give him back.

- We got to go get him.
- Calvin's on high alert.

I'm not risking Deacon's safety
on a half-cocked rescue plan.

POWELL: Deacon shouldn't have been

alone in there. We left him.

He told you to get the hostages
out. You did your job.

But right now we got to
find out where in the house

- they're holding him.
- Well, Kat mentioned that the Webers

wanted to move her. Thet they
took the kids down to safety.

Down where? The house
doesn't have a basement.

Maybe not a basement,
but a prepper like Calvin...

is it crazy to think he's got a bunker?

The Webers definitely give off
fallout shelter vibes.

Here. Calvin posted in the forum

about planning to build a bunker.

That was almost a year ago.

Find out if he followed through.

CALVIN: Quit sulking.

If that girl couldn't see it
was better to stick with us,

she wasn't worth much.

JEB: She was about to see it.

Now she's gone.

BETH: Erin's upset.

She wants to know about
her mom and Logan.

Well, tell her her mom's not here.

And it's your fault Logan's gone.

He ran off, I'm sorry.
I didn't have any ti...

Excuse me.

Can I have some water,


Beth, handle it.

Jeb, come help me with
the kitchen window.

Thanks, Beth.

I'm David.

You know, I've got a family, too.

Four little kids and a wife

I'm really hoping
I get to see at home tonight.

No one cares.

Well, I can understand
why you feel that way,

given how you treated
your ex-wife today.

- Wait, what-what happened with Marissa?
- What, he didn't tell you?

Adam shot her.

- What?
- Yeah, she's in surgery right now.

- She's fighting for her life.
- You're just here as insurance.

We don't have to listen to you talk.

- You said getting the kids went fine.
- Yeah,

- and I got 'em here, didn't I?
- What is he talking about?

ERIN: Dad?

Watch him.

Checked with a neighbor.
He said he saw several

concrete trucks roll up here
eight months ago.

Figured Calvin was putting in a pool.

Yeah, but Calvin has no pool,
so he did build a bunker.

There's no way to know the layout

or even where it is on the property.

Yeah, but we've had eyes on
the house the whole time,

and no one's left,

so the entrance has to be inside.

The problem is we can't
get in to find out.

And Calvin could retaliate on Deacon

if SWAT gets too close.

REPORTER: We've been here all day.
We've been here all day.


I think I might have an idea about that.

What the hell is going on?

I haven't put a toe
outside your safe zone.

A reporter?

This is your plan?

Olivia Navarro.

She's writing an article about preppers

and she's been in contact
with Calvin Weber.

I never said that.

Her coverage of
a su1c1de bomber attack in Kabul

earned her the nickname Wolfhound.

There's a Wolfhound 1988 active

in the same doomsday forum as Calvin.

They've been in contact a few times.

Doesn't make you Einstein.
And yes, I used the forum

to arrange a phone interview
with Calvin a few weeks ago.

I was gonna try to interview
him in person today.

Wanted to see his reaction
when the world didn't end.

Why am I here?

Well, that's a good question.

If she can get Calvin
to agree to an interview,

Alfaro and I could go in posing

- as journalists. She can vouch for us.
- Absolutely not.

If you're going in, I'm going with you.

You're a civilian. It's not happening.

Look, Calvin Weber already knows me.

Plus, I've been in far worse situations.

Got plenty of scars to prove it.

Sir, Tan could pose as her cameraman.

They've already seen him
in a SWAT uniform.

TAN: I was the farthest away.

If I swap clothes
with Olivia's cameraman,

they'll never connect me to LAPD.

HONDO: It could get us the opportunity

to look for the bunker's entrance
without ruffling Calvin's feathers.

But if he gets suspicious,
we're handing him two more hostages.

Calvin was in contact with me

weeks before you guys showed up here.

He's primed to trust me.

And you heard him railing at you.

He wants a platform to say his piece.

We can use that against him.

Commander, we got to do something.

We can't leave Deacon in there

one second more than we have to.

Make the call. He agrees,

you're both wearing flak
jackets. First sign of trouble,

you're out.

Once we're in, I need an opening

to look for the bunker door.
Try and keep him talking.

No problem. When I talked to him,

Calvin was champing as the bit
to explain the truth.

This is what I do. Watch and learn.

Mr. Weber, it's great to
finally meet you in person.

I'm Olivia. This is my cameraman.

We're excited for the opportunity

to get your side of the story.

It's about time the world wakes up

and listens to the truth.

Yo, ho, stop.

What are you doing?

Looking for a place to get set up.

We need good light.

Here, how about you sit
and I'll mic you up?

What are you doing?

It's not right that your father and Adam

treat you like you're second class.

- They don't.
- Look at how they snap at you

when things get out of control.

I don't want you to end up
like Adam's ex-wife,

taking a b*llet
because he gets mad at you.

He's not like that with me.

We're different. He respects me.

Beth, come on.
I saw the bruise on your arm.

Adam is not a good guy.

Best spot is in here.

Great. Then let's get started.


walk me through this. You've obviously

made some pretty extreme
doomsday preparations here.

Extreme. You call it extreme.

You wouldn't call having

an earthquake kit nutty, would you?

I suppose not.

We've all seen how
people behave in a shortage...

hoarding food, medicine, toilet paper.

In a real emergency,

multiply that panic tenfold.

Erin will not stop crying.

If your dad comes back
and she's still melting down,

- he's not gonna like it.
- She's scared and upset.

My dad'll have to cut
the poor kid some slack.

Are you seriously
questioning me right now?

So you think the authorities
aren't ready for this?

CALVIN: When your
neighbor's kids start to go hungry,

he's gonna come take your food
without thinking twice

if you can't defend what's yours.

v*olence is a foregone conclusion.

When there's no clean water or power

or food on the shelves...

anarchy reigns.

It's human nature to take,

and only the strongest will survive.

No, I didn't mean it like that.
I was just...

- Adam, knock it off.
- Shut it.

Your dad and I are trying

to protect you and your dumb brother.

- Don't you understand that?
- No,

I-I do, Adam, I-I swear. I just...

What if you're wrong about it all?



So let me ask you,

how long are you
and your family prepared to...


Get out of my house. Get out.

All right, all right. Olivia, let's go.


Move! Get out of my house!

- TAN: Yep, we're going.
- We're going. Okay.

Those were g*nshots. Your sergeant.

Yeah, we need to get back
to mobile command.

Tan radioed. He's on his way
back with the reporter.

We're still picking up
audio from Calvin's mic.

CALVIN: What the hell happened?

ADAM: The cop got up and rushed me.

DEACON: Yeah, well, someone
had to stop you from attacking Beth.

- That was Deacon.
- JEB: If I hadn't held him,

things could have gone sideways.

ADAM: The cop's a problem.
Let me solve him.

CALVIN: Enough! Beth,

get-get this mic off of me.

- Deacon's okay.
- Uh, for the moment.

You're fine.

Get the girl someplace where
she's not underfoot, huh?

I'll send Adam down to watch the cop.

That the interview footage?

Yeah. When Calvin opened the
bunker, I pointed the camera

at a mirror, hoping
I caught something useful.

There. The bunker door.

Those locking rods are standard size.

Four well-placed charges
will get us through the door.

Yeah, but the problem is
Calvin's security system's

still operational. He'll see us coming

before we can get inside.

And he'll take it out on Deacon.

If only we could shut down the cameras.

Calvin bragged about his power setup

in our early conversations.

I still have all of our exchanges
saved in my research file.

Uh, we need to see them now.

Are you all right?

When we're up against it,
usually I look to Deacon.

He's my right hand.

We're gonna get him back, Hondo.

You find a way
to deactivate the cameras?

TAN: No.

In Calvin's initial messages
with Olivia,

he describes his power configuration.

Both the solar and generator circuits

are wired through a fuse
box in the bunker itself.

So we can't get to it.

Hang on. We can't.

But Deacon can.
He's already in the bunker.

If he kills the fuse box,
the security system

will shut down and SWAT can do the rest.

Calvin still has Deacon's radio.
We can use it to get

Deac a message, but the Webers
will hear every word.

All right, then we use a code.

Back when Buck was in charge,
we had a call.

Guy named Markham had taken hostages

- in his office building.
- Yeah, and before we could

make entry, we had to k*ll the fuse box.

Okay, all right, smart.

But even if Deacon understands,

We don't know he can act on anything.

Deacon will come through.
He always does.

Calvin Weber. This is Commander Hicks.

Do you hear me?

Need you to pick up.

What do you want now, Commander?

Well, we heard sh*ts earlier.

I want to talk to Sergeant Kay.

I understand you wanting

to defend your family against harm.

I'm just trying to do the same.

Tell your boss you're okay.

Commander, I'm fine.

Hey, Deacon, it's Hondo.

Look, I know things are tense,

but just know that
we're doing all we can,

just like we did with Markham,
you hear me?

Keep the faith, Deac.

Yeah, Hondo. I hear you.

Okay, got your check-in. We're done.

Get the team. We need to be
ready to move in quick.

ADAM: If this doomsday
stuff doesn't happen,

they're not taking me.
I'm not going to jail.

None of us are.

Go play with your toys.

DEACON: Listen to me.

I've seen situations like this

play themselves out.

You heard them.

They're not gonna go peacefully.

They'd rather fight. They'd rather die.

Now, I think I can get us out of here,

but I'm gonna need your help.

I don... I don't know.

I don't know.

All right. Wh... what about Erin?

You care about her.

Maybe see yourself in her a little bit.

Well, you should.

Because your father and Adam...

they are trying to control her,
just like they do you.

"Don't cry. Do this, or else."

You got to get her out of here.

She's just a little girl.


You deserve something better than this.

But you only got one shot.

There's not gonna be another one.

What do you want me to do?

My team's coming.

- But we need to destroy that fuse box.
- What?

H-How do you know?

It's something that Hondo just said.

We've worked together long enough.

I know what he meant.

Uh, you... And you trust that?

Me and Hondo?

One hundred percent.


Here. Cut yourself loose.

Do whatever you want.

- I'll keep Erin quiet.
- No, no, no. I can't. Not yet.

The second I'm free,
they'll be all over me.

I won't be able to get close enough.

But you can.

Beth, you can do this.

CALVIN: How's it looking, Jeb?

I don't see anything on the news.

Everything looks normal.

ADAM: Beth.

Whatever you're making, bring us some.

Maybe the pasta?

Oh, and, uh, I guess
Erin'll want some, too.


Beth, what are you doing
with the hammer?

Yeah, what the hell are you doing?

CALVIN: Beth, put the hammer down.


Fuse box! Fuse box!



HONDO: Deacon did it.

Power's down. Let's go.


Beth, go! Get to the bedroom. Go!


CALVIN: Ready yourselves!

Cops are gonna be coming.

Oh, come here. Come here.

Okay, come here. [PANTING]

It's okay. I've got you.


- Beth, you let me in,

you ungrateful bitch!

Charges set.

Three, two, one.



HONDO: One suspect down.

POWELL: Second suspect in custody.

- Third suspect in custody.
- HONDO: Deacon!


I'm here, Hondo, I'm here. I'm good.

I've got Erin. She's safe.

And Beth Weber has agreed
to turn herself in.

Tan, go get Beth.

Give me your hands.

All right.

Final suspect in custody.

- Come here.
- HONDO: 20-David.

We've recovered Deacon and Erin Edwards.

We're Code 4.

That's it, sweetie. Oh, all right.

Very brave. There you go.

You had me worried, man.

Understatement of the century.

Let's get out of here.

Watch your head.


I sent the kids to the hospital
to see their mom.

- She's gonna be okay.
- All right, good.

Well, without Beth's help,

SWAT would have never
got inside that bunker.

I'm gonna talk to the D.A.'s Office,
see what we can do.

You know, she never made
a move to save herself.

But even though Erin's not her kid,

Beth got brave

when she realized Erin was in danger.

Ah. Well, some people
are just like that, you know?

Always putting everyone else first.

It can be good, but...

you can't do it forever.

That'll eat you up from the inside.

All right.


Listen, I'm sorry.

I didn't want you to hear I was retiring

from anyone but me.

That's not what had me thrown, man.

Deacon, you were on
this team when I joined.

I don't know what 20-Squad
looks like without you on it.

SWAT has been the priority
in my life for a long time.

It's time to make a change.

So, this is your formal notice?

I'll give you a few weeks.

Help with the transition.

We'll figure this out.

Hey. I didn't see you when
we got back from the raid.

I thought you might be off, uh,

writing up your story already.

Oh. Not without knowing the ending.

Thank you. For helping us.

Yeah, no problem.

I, uh, I'm gonna get
a great article out of it.


And then what... hop on a plane?

Go cover the next international crisis?

Mm, I don't know.

Seems like L.A.'s

suddenly getting more exciting.

Well, if you're sticking around,

maybe I could buy you a drink sometime.

What about right now?

You can give me a quote about the raid.

I could really use
an insider's point of view.

Good, you're still here.

Leaving to meet Thomas in a few.


I'm not good at the whole
feel-good talk, so...

...this is what you get.

You're former Search and Rescue.

A SWAT officer.

There are videos of you
jumping off of buildings.

You're cool.

And annoyingly sarcastic.

And... occasionally funny.

- Thanks, Alfaro.
- Wait, I'm not done.

Because most importantly, you are brave.

And even though you're
scared to meet Thomas,

you never once thought about
backing out of dinner tonight.

Maybe he won't see all that right away.

But if he's anything like his mother,

he's smart.

And eventually, he will.

That was pretty feel-good.

All right, all right.

Get going. I'll finish this stuff up.

Sure? See you tomorrow.



I'm Zoe.

Thomas. But you knew that.

- I knew that. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah.

Thank you so much for coming.

I know I asked out of nowhere. Um...

I've, uh, kind of been, uh...

I've waffled between terror
and excitement all day.


I saw some videos of your band playing.

I think it's so cool
that you play guitar.

Are you kidding?

Don't you, like,
defuse bombs for a living?

Not exactly, but...

I'd love to tell you about it.


Hey, baby.

- You didn't have to wait up.

I'm still new to the...

"cop wife" thing.

I get anxious.

And that look makes me worry more.

What's going on?

You were right about Deacon.

He's retiring.

Told me today.