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01x06 - Love Is Blind

Posted: 04/12/24 17:30
by bunniefuu
This is the third time
your son's hurt somebody.

As his father, how will
you take responsibility?

Please forgive me.

It's a definite case of
parental inattention.



Parents these days are too lenient with
their children when they're young!

They need to be firm when teaching
them about right and wrong!

Is that what parenting's about?

I wonder if we're too lenient, too.

You think she might end up the same way?

Shoplifting, Miri? Why?!

Don't Do It!!

Watch Out for Phone Scams!!

Keep Calm!
Talk to Someone!

The Phone Scam Prevention Society

'Cause I was raised by
scum like you, old fart!

I'm not old!

But our Miri would never. Right?

Of course, the other mothers all
say the same about their kids.

"Other mothers"?

Hey. What'll we do if Miri breaks bad?

You're one to talk.

I'm exactly the one to talk!

Look at me!

Parental abandonment is the
reason I turned out this way!

Parental influence is so crucial, isn't it?


As Miri's parental figure,
I gotta be attentive!


Now, our next story.

What are you gonna do?

All of it! Absolutely all of it!

Last night, a local convenience
store was robbed.

Do your best.

Aw, thanks...

Wait, you gotta do it, too!

The culprit was armed with
something like a g*n...

Hey, I want to love, is this true love?

Is just wanting to be loved insincere?

What should I do?

Oh, what should I do?

As usual, the whole city

Is madly in love and excited

Extras like me just go home

But I'm not sulking at all

"And then you appeared suddenly

As though you were ripping
through those days

With your smile that leaves me numb

You shattered my heart

Hey, I want to love, is this true love?

Is just wanting to be loved insincere?

What should I do?

Oh, what should I do?

How the heck should I know?

I don't know what's going on in your head

But it's not fair that you're so friendly

Once again, I'm being
swallowed up by your rhythm

There you go, you've got me
wrapped around your finger again

There you go, you've got me
wrapped around your finger again

Miri-chan! Your papa's here for you!

Papa Kazuki! Just a minute!


Tomorrow's the field trip, huh?

Field Trip Information

I'm gonna pack one heck of a lunch for her!

Can I talk to you?

Miss Anna?

Well... Today, Miri-chan...

I'm told she got in a fight with a friend.

A fight?

I wasn't there to see it,

but one of the children said it
was Miri-chan who hit first.

Miri did?!

I've tried asking them, but you
know how it is with young kids...

It's so hard to get a straight
answer out of them.

I was hoping you might help
us get to the bottom of it.

It's already go time, is it?

You got it!

Leave this to Papa Kazuki!

Oh, how gallant!

That would be such a big help!

Papa Rei's so good!

Papa Rei's the Morio Kart master!

Hey, Miri.

Yeah? What?

Anna-chan told me a little story.

Did you get in a fight today?


Right, but didn't you have a little
argument with a kid in your class—

Yeah, he caught up!

Miri, this is very important.

Look at me!

You got into a fight, didn't you?


I mean, did you hit one of
your friends or something?

Fight? Did you win?

You're not helping!

Well, Miri?

Is it true that you hit someone?

I didn't hit him!

Then why don't you tell
me exactly what happened?

I'll give you full benefit of the doubt!

What are you so worked up about?

Well, like...

Taiga-kun was being bad.

Um... what do you mean by that?

He was mean.

That's not helping, Miri.

You need to tell me who was at fault,
and how it escalated to a fight!

These are the times when parent-child
communication is crucial!

Um... I dunno.

Yeah, that wasn't very clear.

I said stay out of it!

Papa's mad.

No, I'm not mad!

I just want to talk to you!

If you've done something wrong,
I have to set you straight.

That's my job as your papa.

But I didn't do anything wrong.

That's up to me to decide.

You don't really know
right from wrong, do you?

I do so!

No, you don't.

You're still a kid!

I do so!

Listen, Miri.

I'm doing this because I care about you.

At times like these, Papa Kazuki—

No! You're being scary!

Hey, Miri!

I don't like you, Papa! I hate you!

I hate you!

I hate you!

I hate you!

Stick to what you know, man.

B-But I have to...

As a father...


You're going all-in, huh?

Today's the big field trip.

I want Miri to show off the coolest lunch

and make it clear to everyone
whose daughter is the best!

You're trying to get back on her good side.

Yesterday's thing is still
eating at you, huh?

Morning, Papa Rei!


Morning, Miri!

Today's the big field trip!

Can't wait, huh?

Great weather! Great fun!

I don't like you, Papa.


You want me to join you at the zoo?


You're not allowed anyway.

See? It says "stay home."

And we kindly ask that parents STAY HOME!

Shut up! I know that!

But it'd be way more fun with
Papa along! Right, Miri?

I'm going to daycare with Papa Rei today.

Uh? Why?

I'm going now!

"I don't like you, Papa."

If this breakdown in our relationship
puts Miri on the road to delinquency...

I'm so sorry, Miri.

I should've been more understanding.


Quit actin' like my papa!

You always got on my nerves, you old fart!

I'm not old!

Oh, crud!

Hey, Rei!


Her lunch! I forgot to put it in her bag!

I gotta drop it off at her daycare!

Huh? But you can't.

The bus already left.

Have fun!

Take care!

Damn it!

You okay?

Wait for me, Miri.

Papa's gonna bring you your lunch!

You are? Why?

It's her big field trip!

The poor kid can't go without her lunch!

But they told you to stay home...

I'll make sure Anna-chan doesn't see me!

Let's go, Rei!


Why me too?!

For Miri. Come along!

No, I think it's for you...

Now, everyone from Aozora Daycare...

Stay close to Teacher, okay?


We'll go over here next!



Look! A baby monkey!

So cute!

Look at me!

Aw, they left...

Don't do that, Taiga-kun!

You made too much noise and scared it!

It's okay, Miri-chan.

Taiga-kun's just mean. Let's go over there.

Wow, looka that!

It says there's lions over there!

I'm gonna see 'em!

It's not safe to go on your own!

I'll be fine!

Hey! You're gonna get lost!


Where are you going?


I told you, no throwing snacks in!


This place is huge.

Don't worry. We'll find her straight
off and deliver that lunch!

I've never been to a zoo.

Hey! Where's the lions?

C'mon, let's get back.

Hey, Miri-chan.

I don't see Teacher and the others.

What do we do?

We're all lost.

That's okay!

I got lost before and it ended okay!

You just stick with me!

You come too, Taiga-kun!

Wh-What the...

Wait for us!

Where are you, Miri?!

This feels overboard.

We're professionals.

We do whatever it takes to
see our mission through!

Target sighted!

What is it?

M-Miri... You...

Oh, him? He's my BF.

We're, like, head-over-heels an' shit.




Illicit fraternization with the opposite sex!

And blatantly flaunting it, at that!

Calm down.

You're gonna regret making
a move on my little girl!

Th-That brat!

He's got more than one girl?!

Miri's not your plaything!

You're being kind of loud.

Don't think you'll get away with it!

Papa's not gonna let this one slide!

Mama, what's that?

Keep walking. Don't look.

Wake up, Miri!

You think we should call someone?

I'll admit it's all my fault!

Please don't get caught up
in some hooligan's clutches!

I'm hungry.


Miss Anna!

Where is everyone?

Anna-chan! Can you hear me?

Where are you?

Wait, are they lost?


Hand over the lunch and let's beat it.

Miss Anna!

No, I need to watch to make
sure they get back safe.

You're way more conspicuous like that.

Anna-chan'd be super mad if she saw us!

They said absolutely no pare—

What is it?

Um... nothing!

Which way now, Miri-chan?

Close call.

This way!

She sensed our unseen presence.

Great instincts, my girl!

Those are our genes at work.

Our what?


Sorry, I thought I saw Anna-chan.

Let's go!


Close one.

She does seem to have a knack for this.

Jeez, I'm too tired.

Don't talk like that, Taiga-kun!

We need to get back to Anna-chan!


Wait, isn't Taiga...

Taiga-kun was being bad.

The one Miri supposedly hit?

I hope things are okay.

You think they'll get in a fight again?

I need a break!

He's always so selfish.

Let's take a break, then.

I'm thirsty!

I'll wipe it.

Leave him alone.

Hey! I'm fine! Cut it out!

No. Just hold still.

She's looking after the kid she fought with?


I feel lots better after water!

Yeah, me too!

You didn't beep it!

Stuff at the store.
You're supposed to beep it.

At the supermarket, too.

It's gotta go beep before you can take it.

You gotta beep it!

Shut up, you little brat!

I'm sorry.

I left the store unattended.

Are you trying to buy those?

Nah. I don't want 'em anymore.

I'll get you for this.

Miri-chan, who was that?

Miri-chan, you okay?

Yeah. I was just telling
him he's gotta beep it!

Who was that guy?

Lots of shifty types around here.


Where could she be?

It's Morio Kart!


I love Morio Kart!

You know about it?

My papa's so good about it!

He gets first place on all the races!

For real?!

That's super cool!

Wait, you know the one thing?

The platinum parts you get
if you beat all the races?!

Papa's got them all!


Then what about the super
booster perfect yellow?!

Taiga-kun's having fun.

It's like they're friends now.

He's got it!

Wow! Your papa's so awesome!

Yeah! I love Papa Rei!


Why are you always the one getting
credit at times like this?!

Come visit and Papa will teach you!


Hey, Miri-chan.

I'm hungry.

Let's eat our lunches.


I wanna eat too!


Then let's eat and
go back to searching!


Thank you for the food!


So cute!


What the...

My lunch!

You forgot to bring it?


I gotta take it to her!

You can't let them see you!

But the poor kid!

What's that?

Take it.

You sure?

We're both Morio Kart racers, right?


Thanks, Taiga-kun!

Let's all eat together!


Taiga-kun's gonna steal our fried
chicken and be mean again.

You won't do that, right?

I won't do it again. Sorry.

Okay, then!


Let's all eat together!

These rice balls are so tasty!

My mom makes the best rice balls ever!

Guess I'll take this home.

That Taiga kid's pretty cool.



I'll never accept him as Miri's BF!

Hand it over!

I'm so hungry I can't think, dammit!



Knock it off, kid!

Cut it out!

Stay outta my way, brat!

Let go!

It's bad to be mean!


You're that kid from before!

You let Taiga-kun go!

Shut up and hand over the food,

or else I'll...

Wh-Wh-Who the hell are you guys?!

A rabbit and alpaca who just
happened to be passing by, pyon.

Unhand the kid, paca.

I don't gotta take this crap...




Y-Y-You son of a...


Your punishment, paca.


It's just a toy, pyon.


Alpacas are so strong!

Are you unharmed, children?

Thank you, Mr. Rabbit!

You saved all my friends!


Thanks so much!

As long as you're safe, pyon.

So long, paca.

Take care, pyon.


See you later!



See you!


Where's my costume?

Where'd they go?

I don't think they recognized us.

Fortuitous, paca.

Miri-chan! Kids!


Miss Anna!

I'm so glad!

I was so worried about you!

I'm sorry it took me so long to find you.

We're sorry!

I woulda been fine!

Don't say that, Taiga-kun!

You gotta say you're sorry to Anna-chan!

Anna-chan. Sorry!

What? Miri-chan, Taiga-kun...

Did you two make up?

We've always been friends.

We're both racers!


I see.

They caught him, apparently.

The convenience store robber? Here?!

This field trip is very special,
so don't wander off, all right?

Yes, isn't that frightening?


She's way more attentive than I thought.

Who is?

Miri, I mean.


I had myself all worked up
about being a proper dad...

But maybe I oughta trust my kid more.

Well... just do your best, I guess.

We're back.

Papa Kazuki! I'm back!


The trip was so fun!

I'm so glad.

Oh, yeah...

I'm sorry I forgot to put
your lunch in your bag.

I was okay!

Also... I met a really big rabbit!


I got to hug him!

Wasn't there an alpa—

Did you, really?!

Put your things away,
then wash your hands and gargle!



A note from Anna-chan?

She said yesterday's "fight" was Miri
trying to stop him from being mean,

and her hand just accidentally hit him.

So Miri didn't hit him,
and they weren't fighting?

Looks like.

Papa Kazuki!

I wanna eat the lunch you made!


I'm sorry! It was all my fault!

You didn't do anything wrong!

That's tickly!

I love you, Papa!

You're such a good kid!

There, there, there, there!

The scenery never changes and
every day is full of surprises

But those are the best parts

Wrapped around your finger
and going in circles

These days are dizzying yet endearing

On your restless nights,
I softly whisper a lullaby

And stroke your hair to the
rhythm of your breathing

I just want these days to
continue as long as possible

Even if it's just a day

I chased after you as you ran barefoot

Maybe one day, you'll surpass me, ah

I wonder what tomorrow's going to be like

Why don't we walk together?

This will always be our place to come home to

And it'll shine down on our sadness

That's all right, yeah, that's okay

Let's try to share our love together

Let the light always shine upon hope

When the future is unpredictable

Coffee • Light Meals

