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01x11 - Hype and Excitement

Posted: 04/12/24 17:03
by bunniefuu

Quiz Bowl starts at ten!

Come to our kimono cafe!

Octopus balls, anyone?

Come see it!

Flyer for you!

It's about to start!

Indoor slippers over here!

Here you are.

The first day of the cultural festival.

There's so many people this year!

I know, right?
The weather's good, and it's warm.

Yeah, it is.

It's off to a great start!


I want to attend this high school!

How much did you study to get in,
student council president?

That really depends on who you are.

Some people study ten hours a day,
while others study for two.

I made sure to make time to relax.

Focus during times when you can,
and rest when you need rest.

It's important to find your own rhythm.

You're such a responsible young man!

No, not at all.

Is there anything else
you're worried about?

Yes, actually...

isn't your orientation shift next?

Oh, right. Well, if you'll excuse me.

Thank you!

Were you going to keep talking
if I didn't call you?

I mean, they seemed really worried.

You would've made other visitors wait!

I nearly forgot. Thanks.

You'll barely make it on time
if you don't run!

I'll barely make it, then.

Takamine's been angry all day.

Kazakami is smart and capable,

but Takamine's been running this event

since she was a first year.

She knows what needs to be done.

It's so big that some students are
prepared to fail entrance exams to shine.


She must have wanted
to be president for it.

Iwakura, you're on break.


Blooming on the window sill
My little rose

Shining in the morning sun
Damp in the evening dew

Through these beautiful days

Together in eternity

My little rose

Let's participate
in the coming music festival!


To love is not a sin, Lyra.

This is only my personal opinion.

Johan, you must decide
how to live your own life.

-Come now!


Give me the g*n, Johan.
You can come with us.

You can't possibly do what they do.

Lieutenant! I found them!

Thank you for coming!

That was great!

You were so good!

Thank you.

Looks like Shima's enjoying it too.

Mitsumi, on break?

Mika! Good work.

People really loved it.

I hear it's the most popular
first-year class attraction.

Is Nao coming to the cultural festival?

She said she had a sh**t all weekend.

I see.

Oh? Did you get even closer?

Well, we're friends on Pinsta.

-So that's why she...


Wow! Yuna! Nocchi!

Oh my gosh, it's been so long!

We really came!

That was so good!

Really? I'm so glad! Thanks!

-Oh, Mitsumi, see you later.

Is everyone doing good?

Just great!

Nami really wanted to come too.

Come on, get closer!

Stop it. You're embarrassing me.

When's your band playing?

Oh, around three.

They were all born and raised in Tokyo.


What do you think?

The coloring is really unique and amazing.

What's this? This part's sticking out.

You noticed?

I wanted to bring out
Chiffon's fluffiness,

so I used Gesso to do that.

You've got good eyes, Mitsumi.

Makoto just said it looked good,
and that was it.

Huh? I haven't seen Mako all day.

Oh, she said she was showing friends
from middle school around.

She said she'd come by the exhibit later.

I see. Mako too...

This is a nice painting. Did you paint it?

Thank you.

I saw you in the hallway before.
You were in the art club?

Murashige... what's your first name?

Wait, is he hitting on her?

It's Yuzuki.

You looked completely dead inside.
Are you okay?


-That was the fifth guy today.

You really get a lot of attention, Yuzu.

But none of them even look at
the painting before complimenting it.

I put my heart and soul into it,
and they treat it like wallpaper,

and then they say
they're interested in me?

That doesn't make me very happy.

Oh, keep that a secret. They'd feel bad.


Excuse us.


I... I see.

I've never been liked in that way,
so I think it's amazing...

Honestly, I didn't really get along
with my friends.

I kept getting dragged into
romantic relationship arguments.

Please enjoy the exhibit.

Thank you.

...but she's had a different experience.

I heard the cooking club's churros
are good. Let's get some later.

Good idea! Let's do it!

You called?

It's crazy.
All the food stalls are packed.

They looked like they'd sell out,
so I bought enough for all of us.

Your shift change is coming up, right?

Wow! Thanks!

That'll be 200 yen.


I'll tell Mika
that I have one for her too.

Oh, right. My friends from middle school.

Mo and Sugita.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Murashige.

I'm Iwakura.


So how'd you get to know Makoto?

Uh... We were in the same class.

I see. Well, have fun!


I'm sorry.

If you aren't good with people like me,
there's no need to talk to me.

Y... Yuzu reads the books I lend her

and tells me what she thinks right away.

And Yuzu painted the picture over here.

She loves her dog to bits.
This is her dog sleeping.

She was extremely particular
painting this,

like with bringing out the fur texture.

Hey, actually, I've been curious
for a while now.

What breed is Chiffon?

Yorkshire Terrier.

I remembered how I was
like that at first too.

Yeah, you were.
It feels like so long ago now.

They're good girls
if you get to know them.

I know.

Oh, Mika.

I wanted to eat those churros!

-200 yen.

Oh my gosh, they look so good!

It doesn't feel like it,
but it's been half a year.

Half a year already?

Well, I'm on reception shift
for the literature club.

I have executive committee work too.

Darn. I wish we could've had
a longer break together.

Time for work.

Oh, right. I heard the literature club's
fanfics are super good.

The response was far better than expected.

We're considering a second run now.

Really? Maybe I should read them too.


You'd never know that we've only known
each other for half a year.

See you.

-Okay, see you later.
-See you.

You'd never know that we've only known
each other for half a year.

Takamine, thank you for waiting.

Thank you for coming, Mitsumi.

The traffic has died down quite a bit.

I'm glad there weren't
any major incidents.

Excuse me!

-H... Hello!

I asked the student council president
advice about exams this morning...

He was so kind in answering me.
I feel so much better now.

Um... Can you tell him that
I wanted to thank him?

She's a very polite girl.

But I understand the feeling.

When you feel insecure,
a little kindness is... how to say it...

It can make you really happy.

Is that how it is?

Oh? Good work today.

It's pretty dead now.

You don't need to be such total prudes.
One of you could skip your shift.

Kazakami, the middle school girl
from earlier...



I'm off tomorrow afternoon.
Let's do something.

Oh, what? You never invite anyone
to do anything.

-What do you want to do? The aquarium?
-Definitely not.

-Oh, but Sosuke's busy this weekend.

No, I just remember him
saying he was busy.




Busy, huh?


Ahem. Today is the second and final day.

Let's stay on our toes

and make sure everyone
who attends enjoys the cultural festival!


Good morning.

Good morning!

I heard Takizawa
and Hayami started dating!


-One, please.

I'm so jealous!
That cultural festival magic!

Now, now.

A peaceful life is a good one.

Thank you for coming!

Please watch your step as you leave.

We're indisputably the top
in the first-year vote!


I was watching, Shima.

You were great.

You look like you're having plenty of fun!

Well, yes...

Aren't plays just so much fun?

The dance club has a performance today,

so you have some time
until the next show, right?

Oh, uh, yeah.

Perfect! What incredible luck!

The drama club has a performance now,
so Shima...

Oh? The churros are good?
Maybe I should go buy some.

The line's really long.

The sooner you go the better.

-Just a look? Just a look? Please?
-Huh? What's up with him?

I need to restore my name after Komura!

You're going to be surprised with
how much I've grown!


What's your final goal or destination?

I mean, a while back, you said that
you wanted to be acknowledged...

Of course, I'm dreaming big!
I want to be the best in the...

Huh? But what would happen finally?

I want to aim higher,

but that's just a side-effect,
or a secondary reason...

You don't really know?

I can't really imagine myself
not thinking about writing a script.

So if I can make it my livelihood,
that'd be best.

Is there a destination for a daily
routine like eating and going to work?

I still can't imagine one.

My little rose!

The dance club performance is this way!

Please come see it!


-Kei, do you want an egg bun?

Here you are.

Next is the first-years' show.


One egg bun and one walnut bun, please.

Thank you, come again.

Okay, let's go over there to eat...






Eckuse me.

Where is class 1-3?

Do you know where your mom or dad is?

Mama is goed to class 1-3 too.

-What? Really?

Class 1-3 is over there.


How's it going?

Oh, Iwakura.

Good to see you.

Excuse me.

This boy says his mom is here.

Oh, he's so cute!


Did anyone come by?

We haven't opened the reception table yet.
No one's here.

Huh? That's a problem...

Can you tell me your name?

That keychain...

A... Are you Shima's little brother?

Yes. I'm Keiri Shima. I'm tree.

He's so cute!

You don't look much like him.

Shima has a little brother this small?

So what are you doing here? Your mom...

Uh... Keiri, are you lost?

Yes. But Mama is coming to class 1-3.

Wait, wait, wait...

What do we do?
His mom's definitely looking for him!

Maybe she didn't hear the PA!

I'll run to HQ to see if she went there!

Where's Shima?

The drama club... I'll go get him!

-Keiri, let's sit here and wait.

That backpack's so cool.

-Isn't it?
-Let me see it closer.

-He's got nerves of steel.

Sorry, but I'm coming in.

What are you doing here?

Wh... Who?

A debt collector.

What do you want?
The payment isn't due until...

H... Hey!

Smells fishy. Why don't you open a window?

Where's your father?

He isn't here!

Nothing good will come from hiding him.

You get it, don't you?

You're the outsider here.

Mamoru, let's go! I'll get the money!

What a waste of time.
What a way to spend a Sunday.

Thank you very much!

Th... Thank you very much.



That was so good!

R... Really?

No, like, seriously!

Frankly, your original plays
are really hard to get,

but the foreshadowing all led to stuff
in the second half!

Like, seriously, it was awesome!

Really? Yeah! I knew it!

I thought everyone was going to love
this one for sure!

Thanks for coming to see it!


-Oh! Shima...

Mukai, what's up?

Your little brother got lost
and came to our class.


What? What do you mean? What's happening?

You mean my mom's here too?

-How else did he get here?


He came to our class alone?

Yeah, I'm shocked. He's three, right?

Wouldn't he cry
if he got separated from his mom?

He's usually really quiet and shy...

Huh? He was talking really smoothly.

But, well...


Even kids can tell if someone
will pay attention to them or not.

Yeah, but I don't know
how I'm supposed to deal with little kids.

I'm the step-kid.

If I pay too much attention to him,
Dad will feel awkward.

I used cram school as an excuse
not to be home for most of middle school.

I don't think Keiri's
all that interested in me.

I don't really get your family
and all that,

but a three-year-old wouldn't be
uninterested in his big brother

who lives with him.

You can come up with
the lamest excuses, Sosuke.

Oh, I need to call Mom.

She's panicking for sure. I know it.

Why did Mom come today?

I guess she's going to see
our class's play.

But why?

What? Really? Your classroom?

Okay, I'll go there right away.

Thanks, Sosuke.

Sorry, it seems he went to
my older son's classroom.

They found him.

Oh, that's wonderful news.
I'm so relieved.

I'll go directly to him.

You wouldn't be Shima-Sosuke's mother?

Y... Yes.

Oh, good! I'm one of
Shima-Sosuke's classmates.

My name is Iwakura.

In our classroom, uh... Keiri...

Oh, Sosuke just called about that.

Oh, good. That's so...

Are you okay?

Let's walk slowly...

Oh, there he is.

He's laughing his head off.

Keiri, look. It's your brother.
Isn't that great?

Big brother...

Big brother!

He's relieved that he has his big brother.

You can totally see the resemblance.

Huh? What resemblance?

He's considerate. For better or worse.

He was... being considerate?


I'm home.


I get the feeling I was like that too...

Sh... Should we wait for Mom in the hallway?


I'm so sorry.
I should have paid more attention.

No, not at all.

Shima's mom...

-The girl earlier was so considerate.
-She looks like a really nice person.

The students here must be so responsible.

It's down this hallway.