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01x10 - Scrambling and Dripping

Posted: 04/12/24 17:03
by bunniefuu

West Tsubame High School's
cultural festival is immense.

The committee spends
the entire year planning for it.

Lots of clubs
and associations put up exhibits,

all first and second-year classes
run attractions,

and third-year volunteers handle sales.

The student council, including myself,
after confirming finances and equipment,

is very busy helping wherever
additional hands are necessary.

I haven't been able to attend
many of my class's play rehearsals.

Oh, right. The play we're performing...



The play we're performing is
The Family Singers,

the story of a family
published several decades ago.

Since it was released, it's been
translated into several languages.

It's a masterpiece
loved the whole world over.

We decided to put on
an original play based on the story.

When we were deciding what to do,

our class's cultural festival rep said...

When I was in middle school,
I came here to see the cultural festival,

and that's when I decided to
attend West Tsubame.

The quality was so high, and everyone
seemed like they were really having fun.

And I've always wanted to do
a musical for a class play!

What do you think?

I'll do a ton of whatever
you don't want to!

If you're that excited about it,
we have to do it!

Come on, we need to get started!

I wanted to do a musical too!

What a great idea!

It's going to be tough,
but it'll be a good performance.

I've got a feeling it will be.

They're way too motivated
about every single event.

I know, right? It's crazy.
I was so surprised.

I guess every school's different.

Last year, a couple got real intimate
in the dark at our school,

so haunted houses are banned this year.

On that note, what are you doing?

Wait, you're in the cast?

I kind of got... pulled in...

What, you couldn't refuse?

No, I could've said no, but...

What? I'm not acting.
I'll work on the set and stuff.

Let's do it together, Shima!

No, I'm not a good singer.

Oh, come on!
You weren't that bad at karaoke!

Let's make some memories!

Me! I'll do it!

Nice, Suda!

No one'll be embarrassed if we all do it!

Huh? Wait...

Wasn't my character the guy
who does anything without complaining?

Wouldn't they think it weird if I refused
to perform for our class's attraction?

Y... Yeah, you're right. I'll do it.

That's the spirit!


Yeah. Thinking back on it,
I could've dodged it pretty easily.

Sosuke, do you have
any friends at your school?

Huh? Yeah, I do.

But trying to be a character

and not turning down things
you don't want to do...

Don't you think you'll reach
breaking point someday?

It's definitely taking a toll on you.

They'll notice that you're playing them.

That you've drawn
a line between yourselves.

We'll do rehearsals
during lunch and after school.


-Are you sure about taking on this part?
-Well, yeah, it'll be fine.

If you're sure about it, then okay.

Maybe you're right.

See? I told you.

But it's easier for me
when I keep a little distance.

It'd be a pain if they start
prying into my child star days.

I don't want to cause
any more trouble for Ririka either.

If that means staying secretive
and not making any "real" friends,

then I'm fine with that.

Don't say stuff like that, man.

Sorry I brought it up. Want my cherry?

What? No thanks.

It's covered in cream anyway.

Oh, don't tell Ririka
about the cultural festival.

Of course.

A musical? Sosuke?

You're k*lling me! When is it?

Well, I'll just do whatever.

You used to have the most fun.

Out of all of us,
you used to have the most fun.


I'm sure it sucked
when you weren't getting any work,

but, like, you were so good
that we'd get mad about it.

So, like...
Don't worry too much and enjoy it.

You're always such a great guy, Chris.

I know, right?

Oops. I farted.

Cut this one straight.

Got it.

Sorry, could you get white?

Okay, just a sec.


And then the lights change, like, bang!

You want that bang as a sound?


Think we'll be able to hand all these out?

It'd be good to have some signs up too.

The world was heading for w*r.

As the w*r's shadow loomed
across this small European country,

its people enjoyed
their last days of peace.

Please let me stay here! This is my home!

Take this time to reflect
on yourself, Lyra.

Sister Lyra was rash,
bold, and loved singing.

She was a rule breaker at the convent,

so she was sent to
the Colonel's manor as a tutor.

The Colonel had many children,
but since his wife's passing,

he could not bear to face his children.

I have work to do.
Take care of the children.


Will Lyra be able to bring songs
and smiles back to this family?


And what will become of the forbidden love

between Emilia, the Colonel's niece,
and Johan, the gardener?

Lady Emilia!

Oh, you little rose that I found

How bravely you face the raging storms

I will protect you

Come hold my hand, my little rose


Wonderful! Just wonderful, you two!

The award is all but guaranteed!

I'm getting goosebumps!

Sorry for bumping into your hand.

It's okay.

Must be nice playing his lover.

But those two are perfect for their parts.

Kinomoto is in the dance club,
and she can sing.

And more importantly,
Kinomoto has a boyfriend,

and everyone's seen them
flirting with each other.

I think that's why
the girls weren't against it.

Please take care of Koharu.

No one said it, but that has to be it!

Oh, wow. You're rehearsing.

You're back!

Nishino, can you
pass these out to everyone?


-Can I do it after rehearsal?
-Mitsumi, do you get it?

-I get that you're busy.

But cultural festival magic is a thing.

Wait, no, that's not your problem.

I got paint on me.

I'll go get more boxes.

They look like they're having fun.

Third-year classes don't host attractions,
so they only have this and next year.

Administration is fun,
but I wish I could do something here too.

We can't cut this part any more...

Asano, let me know
if there's anything I can help with.

What? Would you?

The full play always goes over time.

The writing team agreed to check
and discuss it tomorrow.

Can we get your opinion too, Iwakura?

This is a video of yesterday's rehearsal,
and this is the script.

It's a really long play...

But I know you're busy, Iwakura.
Do you really have the time?

Don't worry. I think I can join
the meeting tomorrow morning or at lunch.

I knew it! Thank you!

Not at all. I wanted to help out too.

But I brought the pamphlets home
to work on them last night too.

I'm a little sleepy.

Look out! You okay?

Hey, we've got loose nails on here.
Be careful. Seriously.

I... I... I'm sorry.

Right. You're somehow making do
with the wood we have.

Breaking it would be bad.

Mitsumi, are you tired?
Maybe you should take a break?

I'm fine! Thanks!

No, I think
you're taking on too much work.

You could ask other people to help.

I'm having fun doing it, so it's fine.

I like being relied on.

And it's a big event.
I want to do as much as I can.


Well, good luck with rehearsal!


And cut!

Okay, we'll use that one.
I think it turned out good.

Take five, everyone!

Mom! Mom, were you watching?

I was watching Sosuke.

You were really good.
You worked really hard.

Why remember that now?


Whoa, what now? Voting ballots?

Yeah. They asked for more in a rush job.

Don't work too hard, now.


-Good night.

Oh, right. I need to
watch the rehearsal video.

Sorry! Good morning!

Good morning, Iwakura.


The bell's about to ring.
It's about to end.

Well? Any good ideas?

Well, um...

I'm really sorry!

I fell asleep yesterday.
I didn't get to watch it...

Oh, okay.

It is what it is.

I screwed up!

What about lunch?

I'm starving!

I can watch it over now...

Mitsumi, let's have lunch.


Oh, this might work! Asano!

I think Asano's in the courtyard.

-I'll be back real quick!
-Huh? What about lunch?

Sorry! Eat without me!

If she didn't watch it,
she didn't have to come rushing in.


Iwakura's always running.


I know why I remembered that now.

She could nearly fall and hurt herself.

I wish she wouldn't take it on
if she couldn't do it.

Well, you know.

She's kind of spinning her plates.
Too motivated.

Like a small child.

That's no reason to call me at work!

You lied that you were on a business trip!

Why do you always have to yell?

That's enough out of you!


What's wrong?

It's okay. We just had a little fight.


M... Mom, I memorized all the lines,
even the one after the one after mine!

That's amazing, Sosuke.
There were a lot of long lines.

I can say them. Listen!

You can only see fireflies at night.

So let's sneak out at night
and go to the river.

Keep it secret from the grown-ups.
We go by ourselves.

I'll think of a plan.

The nurses come by
the same time every night.

Once every hour.

We'll sneak past the nurse's station
while they're gone and go outside.

Johan the gardener falls into
a forbidden love with Emilia.

But then, he's enticed by a man
he respects to assist the fascists.

He's too earnest to
allow himself to return.

He wants to believe that he's right,
and without resolve or awareness...

In the end, he's crushed
by his immense guilt,

turning from the family and running away.

It's the perfect role for me.

-Do you think we'll even make it?
-I know.

Thinking about it,
we don't have much time left.

Which do you want?

I took on a job over summer vacation.
I'm doing pretty well.

Choose any one you wish.

Huh? You're suddenly a lord?

Uh... Then...

Tangerine jelly.

You'd never think it was October.


Didn't I pass Shima earlier?

That means he overheard Asano talking

and came back because he was worried?

He's so considerate.

Sorry, I was spacing out.

Right! I saw the video of the rehearsal.

It was so good! The way you played Johan!

Oh... Well... Johan isn't good at all.

We're going to put on a play!

I'll do it.

That's the spirit!

He might not be very happy about this,
but I just don't want to do it anymore.

I did work really hard at it back then,
but it wasn't because I liked it.

It's because it made my mom happy.

Huh? What?

Huh? What?

He made her cry.

Making a girl cry...


-Feeling better?

Shima, you didn't want
to be in the play, did you?

You told me before, so I knew...

Actually, it bothered me,

but I tried to convince myself it was
because you really wanted to do it.

I'm sorry.

No, it's all my fault
because I wasn't completely firm about it.

No, like, that's not all.

I think you heard them talking
about me in the courtyard.

I committed to a job,
and then neglected it.

I only had the desire to do something.
I caused problems for others.

Shima, you're worried about me even
when you're going through a hard time.

It's like... I'm not thinking
about anyone but myself.

You don't need to mind that much...

I'm sure it's a really big deal to her,

but she'd cry over something like this...

The more variables you deal with,
the more problems you're going to get.

This isn't even that bad.

Are you really okay?

You came all the way to Tokyo.

You're trying to become
a government official.

My high school life became
a little fun when you came into it,

but I feel mountains
and ocean fit you a lot better.

Could you stay just the way
you are and never get hurt?

Oh, but I really meant it
when I said you played Johan well.

The dance with Emilia was really cute.

Oh, thanks.

Can someone really just report someone
when they're so much in love?

That's the big problem with Johan.

That's why he starts
running down the wrong road.

But no one dies in the end.
He can come back.

Emilia's supposed to be
the same age as us, right?

And Johan's only a year older.

Maybe they didn't want to
write a final conclusion?


-Want to try doing it?

Oh, you little rose that I found

How bravely you face the raging storms

Come hold my hand, my little rose

Okay, this is where Emilia stands up.


You cut me, this little rose
From my branch

Something-something, hm-hm-hm...

I don't know the lines!

Now, go up the steps...

Your little rose

This is so embarrassing but fun!

You're really good, Mitsumi.

Thanks, Shima.

I'm okay now.

Let's go back.

-Shouldn't you go to the nurse's office?

Won't it be awkward? Like with Asano.

Yeah, but I want to talk with her too.

You know, Shima,

I might trip and fall
in really stunning ways sometimes,

but because I do,
I'm really good at getting up too!

Mitsumi is Mitsumi.

We're still over an hour...


Sorry, I couldn't figure out anything
for the script on the spur of the moment.

Oh, yeah.

But if you use something
like this on stage,

you could save a lot of time.

Let me see.

You're right. And it won't cost anything.

Can you use it?



We're rehearsing the second half.


Happy birthday, Shima!

Wow, thanks!

My little rose

Heh. You're the same age
as Emilia now. How cute.

Ouch! You're that mad?

No, just felt like it.




-Excuse us, Uncle.

I have an announcement for you all.
There is someone I would like to marry.

You used to have the most fun.