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01x07 - Hectic and Hot Stuff

Posted: 04/12/24 17:01
by bunniefuu
July. Finals are over.

How are you all doing in Ikajima?

They're over!

Today, I'm not going to
worry about exam results.

All my little worries and my strife...

I think this is the first time I've been
this good friends with a girl.

I'm going to forget them all.

That's how I feel.

But I can't let
the sunshine take me too far.

The student council is hosting
a symposium after school.

I forgot to mention this sooner,

but I, Mitsumi Iwakura,

was nominated for
student council secretary!



And that ends our symposium today.

The new president is naturally...


Thank you for the lively discussion.

Do you have any
concluding words, President?

...or so I thought it would be.

Thank you all for participating today.

Our student council is still new,
and its work is only beginning now.

I hope we can proactively put the thoughts
gathered today to good use.

I'm sure you're all
sleepy after finishing finals,

so let's end it here.

Thank you all again!

Go home and have a well-deserved rest!


Congratulations on student leadership!

Kanechika. Thank you.

Let me help you with that.

I didn't expect you to join a symposium.

I might not seem like I would,
but I'm always here unless I have club.

Most ideas are born from
conversations with others.

Oh, Takamine.

Too bad you didn't get named president.

-But vice-president is great too.
-Thank you.

In fact, vice-president may be
more satisfying with more work to do.

The number two position is
a hard role in any organization.

In any case, I'm cheering for you,


M... Mitsumi...

The rest is in your hands!

Mitsumi, was I
a little insensitive just now?


Takamine's wounds have yet to heal.



Thank you,
everyone in the Swallow Society.

This general meeting marks
the end of the third-years' terms.

We'll do our best with these in hand.

Thank you so much.

-Thanks for your service.
-Thank you for your service.


We're going to miss you.

I'm relieved that our successors
are so dependable.

-We're counting on you, Takamine.

The deadline for president
candidacy was yesterday, right?

I was the only applicant,
so it's a vote of confidence.

I'm sad there won't be any competition.

Someone applied for candidacy
right before the deadline.


Oh, I see.

Well, based on my performance,
it shouldn't...

Kazakami the second-year.

Oh? What kind of person is...

Kazakami the second-year?

He's going to be tough to beat.

Wow, Mika, you know everyone.

No, he's just famous. He's like
another "Shima the first-year."


He was going to be
the next soccer team captain,

but he quit after he got injured.

Maybe he wants to do
something other than sports?

Oh, really?

If he was going to be captain,
then he's good at management,

and the boys have to love him.

And he'll have the girls' vote too.

But Takamine's been in student
leadership since she was a first-year!

Well, yeah, we've heard
a lot about her from you,

so we know she's passionate.

But outsiders don't
know anything about that.

And everyone's impression

of Takamine
is that she's super-rigid and scary.

She's going to have a hard time
against someone popular.

But no one thinks
more about the school than her!

And a manager has to be
hard on people sometimes!

I'm sure plenty of people understand that!

Ennit liddat?


I hereby name
you student council president.


Well, that's just how it is.

Kazakami was dedicated to soccer,
but had to give up on it.

I'm sure he'll do his utmost
as student council president.

So I'm going to give him my "Things I'm
going to do when I'm president" notebook.

I've been writing notes
in this since my first year,

alongside my student council work.

A true role model.

My brother had the same injury too.

You're recovered already.

Shouldn't you be fine for next year?

Honestly, yeah.

But I didn't really want to
play soccer all three years.

What? Seriously?

Student council terms end halfway
through the year, so it works, right?

And being on the teachers'
good side comes with benefits.

Man, you love the limelight.

Hey, I mean,
I deserve to stand above others.

-There you go again.
-Go to hell, pretty boy.

They're loving it!
The joke I told completely failed!


-I feel like such a fool.
-You aren't!


But this...

is all that I can do.

I wished I could say something
right away, but I couldn't

because I started to arrive
at the same conclusion as her.

Effort leads to confidence,

but believing that effort will
always be rewarded is a very,

very scary idea.

-See you.
-You too.

There's a duty for that too?

Yeah. Takamine and I
are in charge on Tuesdays.

Huh, that's a lot of work.

No, not really.

There isn't much to do, so we
spend a lot of the time studying.

-Mind if I go with you?

You're going to study, right?

I'm free today. Can I?

-I think it's okay.

It's gone up.

My friend level with Shima
has probably gone up!


Excuse me!

Oh? Shima?

-Perfect timing. You can watch as well.
-Watch what?


"Komura"? What's that?
Some "Godzilla" rip-off?

I thought it was
a perfect name at the time...



Is this...

what I think...?

Yes, I see it.

Based on the height of the mountain,
Komura's head is...

My virgin work from when I first
wanted to be a film director.

I was in fifth grade.

I didn't have any friends,
so I'm the producer and cast.

This is the second time
you've shown me a video...

Professional child actors are amazing...

I have a good idea
what you were about to say.

I was really into creature features,
so the world is basically the same,

but the story is about me,

a boy genius who lives
where the monster Komura lives,

communicating with a bioarcheologist.

He's not embarrassed
proclaiming all that himself?

Are you feeling extremely embarrassed?

Of course I am!
My pits won't stop sweating all night!

Then why would you show it to us?

Because, I mean...

Isn't this kind of funny?

I know you're holding it back
for my sake, but you can laugh!

Sure, I want to make something
that everyone can see is amazing,

but I thought it'd be better if this could

make you laugh
than if I buried it forever.

But don't worry! We have Hyper Komura!

I spent the whole night
inventing this ultra... super m*ssile,

the Hyper Komura X!

It'll blow Komura
to smithereens in two seconds...

Naru-kun! Naru-kun!

Want some watermelon?
Naru-kun, watermelon!

-Shush! Shush!
-Grandma, just... What?

Dad, I'm filming right now!

Oh? It's rolling?

-Stop it!
-Yay! Hi, Mom!

Okay! Movie's over! Everyone out!




-That was a very fun movie.
-Yes, really...

Even now, I laugh whenever I remember it.

Anyway, after that, I finally
came to terms with the situation.

Oh, I see.

What I'm missing right now
is open-mindedness and fun.

I've listed my free time
and monthly break on my schedule.


I see...






It's lovely. It's very you.

Thank you.

-Kazakami, perfect timing.

We haven't had a proper conversation yet.

I look forward to working with you.


I plan on learning a lot from you.

Then let's go get some dessert this week.

Oh, my schedule for this month
is completely full.

What was that about?

Don't you think sometimes,
but very rarely, skipping might be okay?



Depending on my scores on finals,
maybe a little.

I forgot.

Summer vacation's almost here.

Yeah. I can't wait to go back home.

You didn't go back for Golden Week.

When I'm home,
I'm going to the beach every day!

I'm going to eat tomatoes and watermelons
until my stomach explodes!

Maybe I'll ask for
a big pack of fireworks!

That's an elementary schooler's schedule.

I hope I can take my friends
from high school there someday.

Shima said he likes the beach.

Omitsu, that...

You talk a lot about this... Shima.

Oh, do I? His name is Sosuke Shima.

-See you, Nao.
-Take care now.

Sosuke Shima?

What kind of man are you, Shimasuke?



-Mitsumi, good morning.
-Good morning.

Were you apologizing for something?

Oh... She asked for my number.

Well, you know, the usual.

-You said no?
-I've been doing that lately.

I don't think they're asking
because they want to be friends.

It wouldn't be right to lead them on.

This is a popular person aura...

Mitsumi, are you going
back home for summer vacation?

Yeah. I need to buy
souvenirs before I go back.

Like for Fumi who gave you that panda pin?

Wow, how'd you remember that?

I told Fumi that I'd go see Liang Liang.

I think I'll go to the zoo

and buy her a bag
and handkerchief and other panda merch.

Ooh, that sounds nice.

Wait, but isn't the zoo totally packed
during summer vacation?

I didn't think about that at all!

Shima, good morning.

-Good morning.
-So cute.

-No, I don't know those girls.

It's happening right now!

The pre-summer vacation popular kid rush!

The second-year Madonna, Yagi...

I'm so jealous, Shima!

Excuse me, teacher,
but what is this "rush"?


When summer vacation starts,

you don't see each other
for quite some time.

Before that happens,

there is a rush of people
asking for numbers and asking for dates.

Similarly, in middle school,

I failed to ask
my beloved Kaori for her number.

When we came back from
summer vacation, she had a boyfriend.

T... Teacher...

Wouldn't even Shima give her the okay?

Either that,
or he already has a girlfriend.

Don't listen! Don't listen!

Asking without any previous interaction

makes you 100% not just a friend.

It's tough to do. It takes real guts.

I don't think they're asking
because they want to be friends.

That's true.

They worked up the courage to ask.

It sure would make a guy happy.

It sure would make a guy happy, girls!

At least pretend like you
wouldn't take any girl who'd ask.

-He's back!
-Hey, player!

Yagi asked to talk to you, right?

What were you talking about?

Just some stuff.

Sorry, keep her talking to me a secret.


He turned her down.

He has tact.

I'm relieved, but my heart is breaking.

Without my bizarre string of coincidences,

maybe he would have shut me out too.

-Um, would you mind being friends?

I feel sympathy for the girls!

We're going to meet up
over summer vacation, right?

Like go to someone's place to study?

Wow, that sounds fun!

Oh! If we have a sleepover,
I want to watch a movie.

Oh my gosh, that'll be so fun!
A pajama party!

When should we do it?

Mika, are your parents okay
if you sleep over?

Oh, I was invited too.

I think so.

-Wasn't your family kind of strict?
-No, they aren't.

I thought I would never have anything
to do with a p... pajama party.

Let's do every
high school girl thing there is!

-It's fine, I don't need to!
-There, there.

But yeah, it does seem kind of weird.

We're all completely different.

Yeah, we are.

If we weren't in the same class,
we would never have been friends.

Please relay this to
your respective classes.

That ends the reps meeting.

Thank you very much.

Should we make
a quick announcement in the morning?

Yeah, let's do that.

Speaking of morning, today...

You know how I said the zoo
would be totally packed?

Y... Yeah.

I'm a little bit nervous about it, but...

-What about it?
-Um, well...

I checked,

and it looks like weekdays aren't
that packed during summer vacation.

Oh, really?

-Forgetful me, forgetful me.
-You're right.

-Oh, adults don't have summer vacation.
-Crap, I can't go in.

Sorry for making you worry about it
when I didn't really know.

He's so nice.

Coincidence or not,
I'm glad we became friends.

I can't say I didn't daydream about how
fun it would be to go to the zoo together.

I need to value this friendship.

Are you going with anyone?

Oh, about that.

-The girls...
-Why don't we go together?

-It slipped out...

-Before the Bon Festival, right?

When are you free?

-Are you sure?
-Huh? Yeah.

It's easiest to go in a group
of two or three.

How about Thursday
or Friday week after next?

He's acting completely normal.

Shima's that considerate
to girls and can read people so well,

but he hasn't noticed my
"wait, isn't that a date?" aura at all?

Then Thursday.

-Maybe to Shima, I'm...
-Go somewhere together? Okay!

Is this how I look to him?

-I've never seen a panda in real life.
-What? Really?


I thought everyone in Tokyo
would go to see them.


No, of course not.

He doesn't not want to go
somewhere with only me.

Oh, really?

Oh, sorry, phone call.


Huh? The school gates?

Yeah. I wanted to see what it was like.

What? Come on, just a little?

Yeah, fine, whatever.
I'll just ask whoever I can find.

Hey, you there.

Do you know which class Sosuke Shima's in?

Sorry! Emergency! I'm going home now!

Uh, okay.

Oh? This is it?

Talk about normal.

Are you a friend of Mika's?

I think I get it.

There you are!
Ririka! I told you to wait at the gates!

I never said I'd wait.

You're trespassing! We're going now.

Well, see you tomorrow.

She was kind of different.

No! She isn't just different!


-Is that the girl just now?
-Yes, it is!