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01x05 - Prickly and Giddy

Posted: 04/12/24 17:00
by bunniefuu
Hello, everyone in Ikajima. How are you?

It's grown much warmer here in Tokyo.

You don't need to wear a coat most days.

Midterms are coming up soon,
so everyone is studying very hard.

As you'd expect from a Tokyo prep school,

everyone is a competitive high-achiever.

I'm learning something new every day.

Yes, for me,
the competitive high-achiever.


That should do it for everyone's events.

School gets out early during midterms,

but no practicing after school.

So we'll do class practice sessions
after midterms are over.

We won't have much time,
but let's do our best!

And, actually,
this is a personal suggestion,

but I'd like us to be
the winning class if possible.

Yeah, we should have a class goal
on top of individual goals.

We'll have plenty of stress
to take out after midterms!

Do we show them how unified we are?

We can practice starting
the Saturday after midterms.

Let's go, number one!

-Let's do it!

People are this motivated for an event?


Me? Table tennis.

I don't want to be
the screw-up in a team event.

You guys are doing volleyball?
Good luck with that.

What's the point of competing
so hard on stuff that isn't exams?

They don't know how the unathletic feel.

You can feel
their macho spirit a mile away.


We need PE because people like you

would lead really
unhealthy lives if we didn't.

I'm a little relieved that some
people have that opinion.

You sound unusually kind of
negative, Mitsumi.

This might surprise you,

but I'm actually...

-I'm really, really unathletic!

I managed to hide it completely until now,

but I can't lower the class's
morale when I'm the rep!

Well, that was a nice, easy jog!

She's slow...

Oh, I see.

Want to get some practice in?

-I can join you during lunch.

But volleyball?

Have any of the girls played before?

Why not ask one of them for help?

You're hinging again.

Bending and hinging your hips
are completely different positions.

You need to relax and bend
if you want to receive the ball.

Okay... Like this?

Check your foot position again.

Why do I have to do this?!

Wow, we're really far from the bathrooms.

Yeah, yeah! That's better!

Let's try doing that again.

Oh, I see.

We might have a long road ahead of us.

Sorry... I'm so sorry...

Well, everyone has things
they're good and not good at.

Can you help me with literature later?

Yes, I can! Ask me anything!

What about you, Egashira?

Are there any subjects
you're not good with?

I have a little trouble
with math, I guess.

Wow. But this is a bigger win

than I expected!

Here, for you.

Oh, you shouldn't have.

You've been really good to me,

so Nao... my aunt wanted you to have them.

Thank you.


They're all sugary...

I'll just take this one.

Let's split them with the others.

You really should take the bread.

Your lunch is always this tiny.

-It's a girl's lunch.
-I don't really eat much.

I keep it small
because it all turns straight to fat.

It's like culture shock for boys
whose schools gave out snacks.

All the girls back home ate a lot.

It was a shock for me too.

He's pretty mysterious,

but Shima seems like
a genuinely nice person.

Lucky you, Iwakura.

He accepted you exactly as you were.

Meanwhile, I stopped
eating the things I liked,

joined a sport for a sparkly image,

joined a group for their sparkly image...

You didn't need to put in
that kind of effort.

Sorry! The teacher asked me
to do something for him.

Can you two go on ahead?

-I might not be able to go today.


-It's only the two of us.
-Only the two of us?


Their shoes are blue. They're third-years.

The first-years are supposed to
have the gym today.

Let's practice in that corner.

You're getting pretty good at passing it.


Hey! Watch where you're throwing it!

Sorry, it slipped out of my hand!

Excuse me!

The first-years are supposed to
have the gym today!



What's up?

Nothing. Ready?

I haven't felt this in a long time.

Shirai! Shibamoto!

You should be ashamed,
treating first-year girls like that!


Come on! Get out!

Yeah, yeah, sorry.

I heard you! Quit pushing me!

You're okay.

More importantly...

Shirai and Shibamoto!

Your names are at the top of
my soul's revenge list!

Soul's Revenge List:
a list in Egashira's soul

with the names of everyone
who's treated her poorly.

That was scary.

There are people like that here?

Now look here, you.

You aren't supposed to
talk to people like them.

It's better to tell
the teachers in secret.

B... But...

Telling them off to their face
isn't always the right thing.

-Don't talk to people that scare you!

But that Fukuda was really cool!

He told them off real good!

Huh? Did you know him?

No. His name was on his shoes.


This is the difference between us.

In the time it took for me to remember the
names of two people who were mean to me,

Iwakura remembered the name
of someone who was kind to her.

I knew it!

You both kept disappearing
as soon as lunchtime came around!

You were keeping your practice a secret!

I played volleyball too,
so you could've asked me too!


Actually, I'm really bad at sports...

You know, we knew that.

-So did you get any better at it?
-I'm not a natural beauty.

-I'm not scared of the ball anymore.
-And I can't be plain and simple.

Who in the world would ever want me?

We're coming down now. Wait for us!


Murashige used to play volleyball too.

Why did you ask me?

I was pretty bad to you after all.

Was it easier to bug me for it?

Huh?! That's not...

I thought you were kind of
harsh to me sometimes...

So you did?

But thinking back on it,

while the way you said things was harsh,

you never lied to me.

I wanted someone to teach me volleyball,

and I thought you'd
give me the whole truth.

Oh, and they say
teaching someone something

is harder than just answering questions.

It really was easy to understand
what you taught me.

I can tell that you practiced
a lot to get so good at it.

I'm not saying that you were
nice, though. You're not.

I know that!

You can say some mean stuff too!

Sorry, I didn't bring pants with me today.

I can join if we're only doing passes.

I'm the peanut gallery.

Murashige, can you come tomorrow too?


Then we're teaching Iwakura together.

Kurume, you record her during practice.


Just so you know,
when I get serious, I'm serious!

If we're in it, we're in it to win it!



Was today a fun day for playing around?

I wish I could've been here.

Did you finish what the teacher asked?

Yeah, but it looks like you have
enough help. Should I go back?

Come on! We don't have
much time! Let's get to it!



Do your best.

Do your best?

Do your best.

We're going to have you able to pass
the ball by the time team practice starts.

Get your head in the game, class rep.

Yes, ma'am!

And done!

How do braids look?

Mako, you're so cute.

-You're welcome.

Like it?

You like it when you look cute, don't you?


-Come on, come on.
-Will you stop?

So you can braid your hair yourself...

I'm not saying you have to look that nice...

but that top knot is plain bad.


I wanted to get myself motivated...

-No, no, no. It's totally lame.
-House hair.


Give them back after, okay?

Mika, thanks! I appreciate it.

Yeah, yeah.

Oh? Mitsumi, that's a cute forehead.

Today is the day of the Class Match.

-Stay calm!

-You got this!

You got it!

That's match.

Yeah! We made the tournament!

We're looking pretty good!

Good thing we practiced on the weekends.

We're going for the win!

Let's do it!

This is why I hate the Class Match!

-All good.
-All good.

We'll get revenge for you, Mako.

Let's have lunch.

She's acting like a volleyball pro
after only winning a couple games.

It's kind of boring when
you're not playing a match.

Let's cheer on the others after lunch.

I've got something for you today.

I made some pickles for us to eat!

What? You made these?

We need electrolytes.

I'll take one.

I'll give some to Shima and the boys.

We're going to watch basketball, right?

I'm not sure if that's
a good time to give it to them.


Check this out, Mukai.

They say boys who play
sports look 30% cooler.

Oh, really?

It's time to line up.

-Let's do this.

She might be here today.

My future love!

My amore!

Shima, you can do it!

You're a real optimist.

Wow, so many people.

Yeah, I think most of them
are here to see Shima.


Is number five this Shima boy?

Yeah, it is! He's so cute!

Even upperclassmen...

Yamada, nice shot!

You can do it!

I did it!

He could've made the shot himself!

The other team
doesn't have any good players.

He stands back and lets
his friends steal the show...

Oh, he's so cool!

They're crazy.

-You can do it, Shima!
-Shima really is that popular.

I already knew he was,

but it's more obvious during these events.

Class three wins!

You're not giving it to him?

Yeah, it doesn't feel like
a good time to talk.

Where are the other girls?

So even Mitsumi could feel the situation?

Oh, want to go back?
We have another match soon.

Shima's a great guy,
but why do I feel so empty?


Nice shot back there.

-I love the Class Match!
-Isn't that great?

Oh, Iwakura? Sosuke's over there...

It's fine, it's fine.
I only came to watch.

Yeah, you can't give them
anything with that crowd!

You'd get stares, like, "Who the hell
are you?" just for talking to him.

Oh, and like, "Oh? She even made
refreshments for him?"

Like that?

Really?! That was close...

Is Shima that popular with the girls?

Isn't it amazing? It's only June...



Huh? Senpai, what are you competing in?

Soccer. I'm a bench warmer,

so I was in the kitchen making rice balls.

In terms of being athletic,
I'm what you call completely useless.

So I'm focused on maintaining
the team's energy levels and health.

They're freshly rolled, so why
don't you girls take one each?

I rolled them in cling wrap.

No, stop thinking that that's
what you should've done.

Thank you.

Let's eat them over there.

Oh, then these...

-Shima must feel so lonely.

Well, I've never been popular
in my life, so it's only speculation.

He never rejects anyone,
but others can act so reserved...

Lonely? Shima?

He was my first friend
after coming to Tokyo,

so I thought that we were good friends.

I thought that maybe Shima
didn't think the same way.

I thought I was the one
who felt lonely, but...

But why did he want to be
friends with me in the first place?

Th... They're good.

They're first-year regulars
in the volleyball club.

This can't be fair.

It seems that I'm next to serve.

Aiming at an amateur with a jump serve?

-No fair!
-Quiet, you! A game's a game!

She's planning to win
with aces the whole way.

Mitsumi! We'll try to receive
as best we can. Do your best!

Y... Yeah...

You know how much you practiced!

You can do it!

That's right.

On the day of the entrance
ceremony, I was desperate.

I was too desperate.
I messed up everything I did that day.

I'm pretty sure I only
caused problems for Shima.

But he didn't mind that they
called me "the barfing girl."

He still talked to me.

Second place, huh?

We were so close!

Yeah, but that was really fun.
We played really hard.

Yeah, you're right.

Our class is in the finals
for boys' basketball.

It's about to start now.

I'm going to run there really quick!

I couldn't cheer them on earlier!

I'm going to give this to them too!

Dang, she's strong.

She can even make
that kind of decision. I'm jealous.

The way you said that...
Egashira, do you like Shima too?

Oh, no, no!

You all think
he's kind of cute too, right?

And we've only been in school two months...

Well, Mitsumi's still kind of like
"just a friend" right now anyway.

But they get along so well.

Let's go cheer them on too.

That might be true,

but falling in love with someone

kind of starts by wishing
for things that you don't have.

You can do it!

This is only a guess,

but the things that Shima doesn't have...


Dude, you are so awesome!

...maybe a girl like her has them.

That's what I felt.

What's this?
