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01x04 - Tingling and Scraping

Posted: 04/12/24 16:59
by bunniefuu
I like mornings when I go to school early.

We have an English quiz today,
so I'll review that.

Oh, right. Sato brought flowers.
I'll change their water.

A wonderful start to a wonderful day!

Oh, good morning, Iwakura.


How elegant!

Perfect timing!

I wanted to ask about someone.

-They're in your class...
-I'm sorry!

You gave me a passionate invitation

because I could become a memorable actor.

-But there is something else I must do...
-Did I say that?


Oh, I see.

That's unfortunate, but I pray
that whatever you must do goes well.

Thank you very much.

Not having you will be
a serious blow to my club.

If there's anything I can do
to help, I will.

Really? That's wonderful!

She's way too gullible.
I'm concerned for her now.


To start, take a look at this video.

An old TV show?

Right. It aired in
the same time slot as a huge hit,

so it didn't get many viewers,

but it's a good show.

It has a lot of dedicated fans.

So what about this...


-You noticed?
-Wow! He's so cute!

-He's the friend, Kanade.
-He's tiny! He's like an angel!

-He's in every episode.
-Huh? Why is he in this show?

-Are you listening?
-Tiny! Cute!

What do you think of his acting?

I don't really know,
but I think it's good.

Right. He's good.

Being able to express all these
emotions at an early age is incredible,

and he's doing it
because he understands what it all means.

He's smart.

Iwakura, Mitsumi!

Can you help me recruit
Shima into the drama club?


I can't really...

You're good friends
with Shima, right? Please?

I don't have any idea how to ask.

And even if he doesn't want to join,
I want to know why!

You're friends with him.
Can you at least ask him why he won't?

Iwakura, good morning.

-You're a bit later than usual today.

My morning...

Morning, Mitsumi.

Morning, Shima, Mukai.

Just a minute ago...

Mr. Terada was doing squats in the quad.

Don't you want to do that too?

I don't really want to do that.


Wait, wait, hold on.

He was on TV, right?

I would've bragged about it
when I introduced myself.

If he didn't say it,

maybe he doesn't
want anyone to know. If I...

I saw you on TV.

Hey, why don't you join the drama club?

No, no! That's way too insensitive!

Okay! Pass your papers forward.

I've never seen someone
so depressed after a quiz.

Me too.

-The next classroom is this way.

-I don't know.


Iwakura seems under the weather...

Are you okay?

Go rest in the infirmary
for the rest of today.

Excuse me.

The nurse isn't here?

I'm so pathetic.

One tiny distraction,
and I fail at everything.

You scared me. What are you doing here?

The boys are playing soccer over there.

I was getting some water, when I saw you.

What are you doing here, Mitsumi?

-I got hit in the face by a ball.
-What? Are you okay?

-Yeah, my nose already stopped bleeding.
-Wait, is now my chance to ask?

Change the topic really casually...

Shima, did you watch that show yesterday?

No. Is there a good show on right now?

I didn't watch it either.

You've been acting funny all day.
Is something on your mind?

Sorry. Actually...

Oh, I see.

That drama club president...

Oh, but don't be mad at him.

I did think he was kind of forceful,

but Kanechika is only doing
whatever he can to support his club.

Well, I don't really mind.

You'd find out eventually anyway.

I went to middle school
with Mukai, and he knows.

Oh, really?

He might not be very happy about this,
but I just don't want to do it anymore.

I did work really hard at it back then,
but it wasn't because I liked it.

It's because it made my mom happy.

What about you, Mitsumi?

Why did you come all the way to Tokyo
to become a government official?

That whole intro was a joke, right?
About standing above others.

Forget I ever said that!


The place I come from has beautiful
mountains and beaches. It's really nice.

But the depopulation is really serious.

I could've stayed there
and tried to do something about it,

but there are places like that
all across the country.

I wanted to do something to find
a fundamental solution to the problem.

I mean, I'm a prodigy where I come from.

You didn't need to joke about it.
It's a respectable goal.

-Thanks. I'll try my best.

You and Kanechika are so amazing.

Oh, but I'm doing it all for myself.

But you can put your goals into words.

People can have
expectations and support you.

I couldn't handle all that.
Pathetic, isn't it?

I feel a lot of pressure
and quake in my boots too!


I was so worried about failing
my exams that I couldn't even eat!

I would've been dead without Fumi!

-Oh, she's my oldest best friend.

Good evening!

Mitsumi, let's go eat some dumplings.

No, thanks.

If I forget vocab while I eat...

Yeah, yeah. That's fine. It's okay.

Dad's waiting in the car. Let's go now.

Here you go.

Yay! It's all here!

I'll split the fried rice.

Once exams are over,

let's come back here and eat again.

Whether you pass or fail.

I shouldn't get anything if I fail.

That's what you think.

But taking on the challenge
means a lot to you,

and I know that, so it means a lot to me.

-They're good.
-Aren't they?

Even though I was doing it for myself,

I was glad to have
a friend who knew I was.

-You're really good friends.

Must be nice.

Then let's do the same for you!

When you find something you want to do,

no matter how it ends up,

we'll go somewhere you want
and eat something nice!

That's a promise.


He's not joining no matter what.

Now if you'll excuse me.

What about the reason? Did you ask?

I can't tell you. Because he's a friend.

Tell him I'll be waiting
if he ever changes his mind!

We're friends, but...

That's a promise.

...why does my pinky tingle?

Everyone, long time.

Morning, Mitsumi.

-Long time no see.
-Good morning.

Your face says
you had a great Golden Week.

You can tell?

My aunt took me all around Tokyo.

That's nice. It was your first time?

-Oh, she bought you clothes too?
-Isn't that nice?

What did you all do?

I was busy studying for midterms.

-I didn't go anywhere.
-Me too.

Huh? You're already studying all the time?

No, I'm not.

Must be nice to have lived overseas.

You don't need to study English.

I won't help people
who talk like that to me.

Yuzu, you lived overseas?

What? That's crazy!

It was only until third grade.

I need to study vocab too.

A lot of kids at this school
lived overseas...

-There's like two or three in every class.

I thought I was one of
the more disciplined kids.

But I keep losing focus
ever since I got to high school...

What should I do and how?

She's honest to a fault.

I like your attitude.

Let's see.

You had top scores on the entrance exams
without going to cram school.

You were in the top 20 on the last test.

You've got no reason
to be this hard on yourself.

But it is good that
she feels like she's in trouble.

Iwakura, were you in the Swallow Society?


If there's anyone disciplined
at this school...

No. Still no.

We can't do anything with that much less!

You know we take our sport seriously!

Most clubs take
their activities seriously.

We considered
the achievements of each club

and decided that we had not allotted
sufficient funds to the cultural clubs.

Segawa, you will be
the next soccer club president.

Please try to reduce your expenditure.

We're barely making do
with our current budget!

And we're slowly improving
our performance in matches.

We couldn't find any evidence of that.

I said we would consider it
if you could provide evidence.

You haven't gathered it yet?

Remember this!

Didn't we meet before
in the student council office?

Call me Iwakura,
call me Mitsumi, Takamine.

I want to eliminate my unruly ways.

Ms. Hanazono told me that
no student was as disciplined as you!

If you don't mind, may I follow you

as you perform
your student council duties?

Ms. Hanazono?

Well, I can't say no to such a compliment!

Thank you so much!

Of all the teachers here,
Ms. Hanazono is the best at avoiding work.



I need to take the six-after
express and connect to a bus.

I need to leave soon.

Today, Okada is out with a cold,

so I need to visit Noyama in his place.

I only need to
pay respects and deliver papers.

-So you can come with me, Mitsumi.
-Yes, ma'am!

A lecture on urban farming?

You even come up with ideas like this?

This isn't much at all.

Sometimes, students are required
to book their own field trips.


When do you find time to study?

The reality is some people are hard
workers, while others are geniuses.

I realized that I couldn't keep up
without hard work,

and this time management method is
how I made up for it.

I see.

Objective analysis of yourself
and unending effort!

-You're so cool!
-You... think so?

I'll keep my weekly nightmares of
missing buses and trains a secret.


There are girls
who can understand like her!

-I need to provide proper guidance to her!
-Oh, would you like a gummy?

I bought some at the store this morning...

-It's times like these, Mitsumi!

I observed you today,

and there are times
when you space out for a moment.

Y... Yes!

-Do you have your study guides?

Don't waste a moment of transit time.

You need to make
every second of your time worth it!


Make every second worth it!

See you again!

Yes. Excuse us.

That took more time than I planned.

The bus leaves in two minutes!

-Are Noyama's fields over there?

We can do that another time!

If we run, we may make the bus!

R... Right!

Remember. You need to be disciplined!


We just lost 15 minutes...

Ah! I'm getting an ulcer!

I planned to be in Shibuya

-I'm buying that study guide...

What... Where did they come from?

He was right over there.

He's a house cat.
He's not afraid of people.

-Where did you come from?
-What is it about her?

She seems very serious, but...

On a fundamental level...

Oh, it's so nice that buses
come every 15 minutes.

That's like the blink of an eye
when playing with a cat.

Well, I suppose panicking
won't make the bus come sooner.

Taro! Where are you?

Thank you!

It seems he passed through
the door when it was cracked open.

-Here, these are for you.
-Thank you very much.

There's so much traffic too...

Sixty-three minutes lost.

My study schedule for today...

Can I at least
get geography done on the bus?

The annual rainfall in Southeast Asia
and the things I memorized...

-Look at that, Senpai!

You can see things like this in Tokyo too?

I'm so sorry! I did it again!
I need to study vocab.



It's okay. A day or two like this is fine.

Takamine was amazing!

She works just like a CEO!

Make every second of your time worth it!

I'll try practicing
time management like her too.

First, I need to find all my wasted time.

I can buy food at the store
in less than three minutes.

I need to be decisive
when I'm a government official.

I'll spend more of my breaks studying too.

Asking friends and teachers
is communication practice.

As for invitations to hang out,
do I turn down one in every three?

I guess it depends
on the time and situation...

Calls with my family are really long,

but they're worried about me.

I can't call that wasted time.

I definitely need my time with Fumi.

But can I only say that
because I got into this school?

What counts as a waste of time?

Wait! Don't leave me behind!

Good morning, Shima.

Morning. Wow, why the eye bags?

Oh, I knew it. Are they bad?

I was trying to make a schedule
and ended up sleeping late...

A schedule?

I wanted to try the time management
techniques that Takamine taught me.


But losing sleep is bad for you.

I'm just not used to it yet.


Good morning!


Oh, good morning, Mitsumi, Shima.

Thank you so much for yesterday!

-I learned a lot from you!
-Oh, about that...

I hope you don't take
those lessons to heart.

-I didn't tell you this.

I didn't want to look bad,

but I failed my entrance exams
for middle school.

Sometimes, I wonder what
would've happened if I had passed,

but I enjoy
my current life in high school.

You never know what time will lead

to the best things
until long after it's passed.

So I think the most important thing is
that you choose how to spend that time.


You asked for it, so I brought it!

The soccer club's achievements
and number of members over the years!

It's all hard data!

-Well? Got a problem now...
-No, none at all.

-I will review and consider today.

Would an answer tomorrow
or the day after work for you?

Are you sure?

Yes. These figures are
very well-organized.

Did you make them, Segawa?

-Yeah, I did!

-Don't suddenly smile on me!

He's full of energy this morning.

Well, see you two again.

Takamine really is wonderful.

She's really cool.

But you heard what she said.

Maybe you should do things your way.

I need to try doing this as long as I can.

I spent the time building
a detailed schedule...

Isn't spending time on things you know

you're not cut out for
a real waste of time?

That was cold!

Shima, a cold and hard argument!

Huh? I didn't mean for it
to come off like that!

But y... you're right...

You know, the best thing about you

is that you've got
your own personal sense of time,

like your own style?