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02x14 - Jack the Clipper

Posted: 04/12/24 16:02
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

- Okay, which one of you touched my carbon activated,

French volumizing hair dryer, 'cause I have told you--

all: Shh! - Shushies!

- We're watching "Genuine Moments."

- What's that?

- Uh, only the best new show on TV.

- Every episode has a bunch of super heartfelt,

genuine moments.

- Pfft, sounds stupid.

- You know what, Jennifer?

I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore!

[all gasp]

- I want to be your husband.

all: Aww.

- ♪ Genuine Moments ♪

- Okay, this is actually pretty good.

- Right?

Even Chapa likes "Genuine Moments."

- No, I--I don't like it.

[all gasp]

- I love it.

all: Aww.

♪ Genuine Moments ♪

- Hey, what's that big, bright thing out in the sky?

- For the last time, Bose, that's called the moon.

- Copy that, but, uh, when did the moon

get the Danger Force symbol on it?

- That's new. - Could be aliens.

- Looks like it's coming from the top of Nakatomi Tower.

- Oh, my God, the aliens are from Earth.

- It's not aliens. - I mean, it could be aliens.

- Okay, it's probably not aliens.

- Now I'm gonna be bummed if it's not aliens.

- Well, whatever it is, we gotta go check it out.

Danger Force, let's chew this thing

and do this thing.

[heroic music]

♪ ♪

Everyone on AWOL's back! - Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!

Chiropractor said no more of a bunch of people

climbing on my back anymore.

- Okay, fine.

Everyone climb on Brainstorm's back!

- What? - AWOL, teleport us!

- [grunts]

[TV beeps]

- ♪ Genuine Moments ♪

- Moments!

♪ ♪

[rat squeaking]

- Okay, guys, now remember, it's probably not aliens,

but just in case, make sure-- oh, an alien!

k*ll it with fire! - No, no, Captain Man!

It's me, The Commissioner. - Oh.

- He doesn't look like an alien.

- It's worse.

It's Swellview's new police commissioner.

I've been dodging this guy's calls for weeks.

- Well, do not blame it on us like you usually do.

- Good idea. - No!

- Hey, buddy! - Cappy!


I've been trying to call you for weeks.

Haven't you gotten any of my voicemails?

- ShoutOut lost my phone.

- Every time. - This guy.

- Ah, no biggie, my guy! - All right.

- Now that I got this sweet spotlight,

I can contact you anytime.

- What about during the day?

- Hey, are these the Danger Force kids?

Nice to meet you guys.

- So, uh, what do you want, The Commissioner?

- Wait, your name is "The Commissioner?"

- Sure, though you could always call me

by my real name, Melverp Korthenschottz.

- So what do you want, The Commissioner?

- A horrifically evil criminal just arrived in Swellview.

We call him Jack the Clipper 'cause he ambushes people

and gives them truly heinous haircuts.

- Come on. They can't be that bad.

- Oh, no?

- No! - Oh, my eyes!

My eyes!

- Please put your hat back on, man!

- I think I'm gonna Melverp! - Okay, okay, okay.

- [retching] - Okay.

- How tragic. So sad.

Oh, I'm just texting, by the way.

I'm not taking a photo. [shutter clicks]

- I thought you said you lost your phone.

- I said ShoutOut lost it.

Anyway, this new villain seems more funny than scary.

- Well, you may think it's funny now...

- I do. I just said so.

- But Jack the Clipper can strike any time,

any hair, including yours.

- Oh, God. - Oh, God.

- Oh, God! - Wow, really?

- Isn't your hair indestructible?

- No, it's indescribable...

-ly beautiful, but it can be chopped,

cut, shaved, dyed, moussed.

Who knows what this guy could do to me?

[air whooshes] [screams]

What the heck? What is that?

Ah! Ah!

Bleh. - You boys okay?

- [breathing deeply]

- Don't worry, The Commissioner.

We're gonna find Jack the Clipper.

- Yeah, that Clipper's gonna get jacked.

Let's roll! - Heck yeah!

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

One more thing. - What?

- Any chance that you would

maybe want to get together and watch a sport?

- Um, you know, I--ah, I can't.

- No, me either. I can't do it.

- No, I've got--I'm busy.

- Me too, yeah.

- Gotta go look for my phone.

- It's right there in your hand.

- Ooh, gotta go!

- Dang it, Melverp! You came on too strong!


[air whooshes]

[screams] Melverp!




- It all just kind of happened.

[overlapping chatter]

- Stop talking!

- ♪ Danger ♪


♪ ♪

♪ Danger! One, two, three, Force! ♪

[doorbell rings]

all: Emergency!

- That's just the doorbell.

- I know.

- Natalie Mazdah...clipped.

Vice Mayor Willard...clipped.

And Bennie, that stupid dog with a hat

who was super mean to me at Club Soda,

but whatever...clipped.

- Ah.

- Uh, is there a point to these pictures?

- I just think they're really funny,

especially you, Bennie.

Especially you.

- Well, I'm doing some real detective work here.

So, barbershop quartet,

where were y'all last Tuesday night

at :?

all: ♪ The barbershop ♪

- Can anyone confirm that?

- ♪ Her ♪ - ♪ Her ♪

- ♪ Her ♪ - ♪ Him ♪

- All right, story checks out.

You all can head back to the barbershop.

trio: ♪ Down the ♪

- ♪ Tube ♪

trio: ♪ Tube ♪

- Ugh, we've been at this for minutes,

and we've made no progress.

Meanwhile, Miles and I could get

our tips clipped at any second.

- Why do you guys so much about your hair?

- Uh, vanity?

- I've been growing my locs since I was born.

They connect me to my ancestors and my community.

They're like antennae to the energy

that flows through the universe.

- Also vanity.

- I mean, no one's saying I don't look good.


- You guys could just get Schwoz

to make you one of those hair helmets that Bose has.

- The hair what-met?

- Beautiful day outside.

Who wants a doughnut?

- Nobody wants your floor doughnuts.

Ooh, is that a floor Boston cream?

- Oh, hey, hey, hey, they're talking about

Jack the Clipper on the news.

- Turn up the volume.

- And if you're just turning up the volume,

we're about to conduct an interview

with Regina Peacock, the first victim

of Jack the Clipper.

- Welcome to the news, Regina.

We know this must be tough for you.

- But please, tell your story.

- And start it off with, "Once upon a time."

- Um, once upon a time... - This is gonna be good.

- I was about to leave work, when suddenly,

all of the lights went out, and...

[gasps] - The lights, they're gone!

- It's happening again!

[scissors clipping]

[people screaming]

- Jack the Clipper's there!

- We gotta get down there and help them.

- You guys should go!

I gotta stay here and flip through my phone.

- You're coming with us!

- Everyone pile on Brainstorm! - Yeah!

Wait, wait, wait, what?

- [grunts]

- I'll get the lights.

[all gasp]

- Oh, my God. - Oh, my God, my hair.

I'm hideous.

Trib, cut to Mary, for goodness' sake!

- No, Trib, cut back to Trent!

- Mike Tribble, if you love me,

you will never put me on camera again!

- I can't believe it's happened again!

If we're not safe on the news, we're not safe any-hair.

- It's every strand for itself, people!

Run for your life! Get us out of here!

- Stop! - Let me go!

- Now! - Let him go! Hey!

- Ah, give me that hat back! Give me the thing back!

[screams] - Hey!

Is Jack the Clipper still even here?

- No, but I think he left a note.

- Yeah, he stabbed it into the wall

with these left-handed scissors.

And it says, "I'm coming for you."

- [gasps]

- Hey, it looks like me. - Don't you get it?

He's coming for us! - Whoa!

- [sobbing] We're all gonna look like him!

- That wasn't nice at all.

- Have you guys still not fixed the hole in the ceiling

from when the Man's Nest landed on the roof of KLVY?

- You guys are the ones who made that hole.

- When Brainstorm saved your lives.

- With hair like this, I'm starting to wish he hadn't!

- [gasps] But look!

There's a light in the sky with the Danger Force symbol!

- Actually, that's just the moon.

- Again, no. It's The Commissioner.

Maybe he has a lead for us! Let's go!

- Ugh, do we have to?

- You'd rather stay here and wait for Jack the Clipper

to return and ruin your hair? - [gasps]

- Everyone on Brainstorm! - Ah, jeez.

- Hold still. Stop moving.

- [grunts]

[dramatic music]

- Captain Man! Thank God!

You brought the kids again.

I just thought it would be-- you know, it's fine.

- Ugh, what is that smell? - Probably me.

I've been stuck up here since you left.

But the good news is,

I've made friends with the rats.

Now, that one over there is Cappy,

and that's The Commissioner Jr.,

and they're best friends.

- Oh, my God, why'd you call us up here?

- Because I was starving, cold, and alone,

so I was looking out across the city,

and I saw a guy headed into Hip Hop Purée,

and he had scissors for fingers.

- Whoa, cool.

Wait, scissors can cut hair!

- That's gotta be Jack the Clipper!

- Great, you guys go take him down,

and I'll, you know, stay as far away

from that barbaric barber as possible.

- Can't get much farther away

than up here with your old pal The Commissioner.

Oh, hey, you want to go splitsies

on this roof pizza that I wrestled away

from The Commissioner Jr.?

- Everyone on Brainstorm's back!

- Oh, so it's just automatically me now?

- Bye, The Commissioner. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

I'm still stuck up here! [sobs]

[rats squeaking]

Yeah, I know I scared him off again,

The Commissioner Jr.

[rats squeaking]

Oh, I'm sorry, Cappy.

I thought you were The Commissioner Jr.

Come on, Melverp! You're better than that!

♪ ♪

- Ugh.

Really wish I knew what a chiropractor was,

because I think I need one.

[electricity crackles]

Hey, when did you become a chiropractor?

- Aw, look at those horrible haircuts.

- We're too late.

♪ ♪

- Check out Jack over there,

just sitting around enjoying a celebratory purée

after his crimes.

- Let's go put a crimp in his style.

- Yeah, let's go dand-rough him up.

- And then let's give him some bangs!

Okay, that was a good one! Just get--

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

- [groans] - What?

- Something about this doesn't feel right.

- Everyone in here has a bad haircut,

and that guy's got scissors for hands.

It's a perfect fit. - A little too perfect.

- There's only one thing in this world

that's a little too perfect, and that's me.

- Those scissors at KLVY were left-handed scissors,

but he's in there drinking a purée with his right hand.

Or at least he's trying.

- Dude, you are overthinking this.

The guy with the scissor hands did the choppy-choppy.

- Listen, we didn't even hear Regina's full story.

All we heard was, "Once upon a time."

- That's how you know a story is gonna be good.

- Just--

- I think we should go talk to Regina.

Maybe she can give us a clue. - Fine.

You go have tea with Regina

while we handle the real bad guy.

- But when we're on the news later

being hailed as the heroes of Swellview,

we're not gonna mention you at all.

- At all.

Let's go get him. - Yeah!

♪ ♪

- The jig is up, Jack! - You're coming with us.

- Your rain of hair-or is over.

- Hey, what is going on here? - Don't worry, sir.

We're protecting you from this monster.

- Monster? That is Freddy Scissorfingers.

- To you, he may be, but to the rest of the world,

he's Jack the Clipper.

- No, he is not!

Freddy's fingers are safety scissors.

It's physically impossible for them to cut hair.


- Then what does he use his scissors for?

- Mainly construction paper and crafts.

Oh, like he made these valentines for my whole family.

I take 'em with me everywhere,

even when it's not Valentine's Day.

Freddy is merely a sensitive soul

with freakish fingers.

You leave him alone.

- Yeah, you leave him alone! [all shouting]

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

If Freddy is not Jack the Clipper,

then why do you all have terrible haircuts?

- Don't you read?

It's a two-for-one purée sale

for victims of Jack the Clipper.

- Oh, man, really wish we saw that sign earlier.

- Wow, I cannot believe you kids

jumped to conclusions like that.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

- So if Freddy is not Jack the Clipper,

then who could it be?

[sirens wailing]

- AWOL, what a pleasant surprise.

- Hey, Regina, I have some questions for you.

Have a few minutes? - Why, of course.

Come on in.

[eerie music]

And may I say, you have beautiful hair.

- And may I say,

what a beautiful place you have.

[quietly] What a dump.

- Forgive my mess. I just moved in.

- Bad timing.

Seems like you and Jack the Clipper

came into town at, like, the exact same time.

- Yes, unlucky.

- I wanna ask you some questions

about when Jack att*cked you.

- Why, of course. Anastasia, turn off the music.

- [with Russian accent] Da, turning off music.

- So what happened when Jack the Clipper att*cked you?

- Well, once upon a time, I was about to leave work,

when suddenly, all the lights went out.

When the lights came back on, I was stuck

with this awful haircut.

- Cool.

Is this a left-handed guitar?

- Yep, I'm a lefty.

- Interesting.

You know who else was left-handed?

Jimi Hendrix! Genius with a guitar.

- Yay.

- Anyway, did you get a good look at your attacker?

- No, I couldn't tell if he was big or small,

ugly or handsome, but I do know

he would have loved your locs.

- Did you make this wig? - I did.

I make wigs out of other people's hair sometimes

as a hobby.

- A hobby, huh?

I know exactly what's going on here.

You're a serial hobbyist! Me too!

I've done knitting, scrapbooking,

wrote some "Genuine Moments" fanfiction,

you name it.

Wait, uh, is this you

graduating high school

with the same haircut you have now?

- Yes, uh, because Jack the Clipper

also att*cked me many years...ago?

- [laughs] Well, that doesn't make sense.


you're Jack the Clipper.

- No.

I'm Regina the Clipper.

Anastasia, turn off the lights. - Da.

- [gasps]


Anastasia, turn on the dang lights!

- Oh, she's only programmed to respond to my voice.

- Anastasia, it's me, Regina.

I'm left-handed, and I make wigs.

Turn on the lights! - That's a terrible impression.

- Is not that bad, but no.

- This is what I sound like.

Anastasia, play creepy stalking music.

[eerie music]

- Regina, you don't have to do this!

Oof. - Oh, but I do.

You see, once upon a time, I had beautiful hair,

but I was involved in a horrible barbershop tragedy

that left me stuck

with this awful haircut permanently!

- But can't you just get a new haircut?

- I said "permanently!"

And if I have to live with a bad haircut,

so does everybody, including you.

[both grunting]

Anastasia, turn the lights back on!

- Da. - No.

[dramatic music]

- Hey, guys, we really should be looking

for Jack the Clipper-- [both shushing]

Yes, after "Genuine Moments." Right, that's what I meant.

- Jennifer, I can't marry you.

[all gasp]

Without your mother present, so I flew her into town.

all: Aww.

- ♪ Genuine Moments ♪

- [blows nose]

Where has this show been all my life?

- Guys, guys!

[all shushing]

- We're watching "Genuine Moments."

- Jennifer, my dear daughter, I don't like this marriage.

[all gasp]

And I also don't love it.

[all gasp] - What?

- I super-duper love it.

- And I super-duper love you, Mommy.

all: Aww.

- [screams]

- It is an "aw" moment, not an "ah!"

Wait, why are you fighting that lady from the news?

- [screams]

[dramatic music]

- She's Jack the Clipper!

- It's Regina the Clipper!

- Oh, help me!

- Uh, you heard the kid!

Help him! I'll protect my hair.

♪ ♪

- Chad, I'm sorry.

I can't say "I do."

[all gasp] -

- All right.

[electricity crackling]

- [screams]

- [groans]

Was that so hard? - Ah, guess not.

- I just hope we didn't miss anything.

- I have to say one more incredibly genuine thing!

- Guys!

- This moment is about to be so genuine!

all: No!

- [laughs] - Oh, you monster!

- First Bennie, and now this! - What is wrong with you?

- [laughs]

Oh, it's not so easy to take out Regina the...

- [screams]

- Okay, I'm done now.

- You want to take her to jail? - With pleasure.

Our hair is finally safe.

- You're welcome.

- I can finally take this helmet off.

It's been straight hours. - [chuckles]

[all gasp]

- What?

- You might want to leave that helmet on.

- Hey, look, another spotlight.

- No, this time it's the moon, and--

oh, he got it right.

- Oh, that cry for help?

That's been out there for a couple hours.

- Why didn't you say anything?

- Because I don't like The Commissioner.

- Okay, everyone on Captain Man!

- What? Hey, hey, hey!

- Hold still!

- Whoa! [laughs]

Thank God you finally answered.

- What--what do you want, The Commissioner?

- I just wanted to tell you, Captain Man,

that I don't want to be your friend anymore.

[all gasp]

- Oh, thank God.

- I want to be your best friend.

all: Aww.

♪ Genuine Moments ♪

- We'll leave you two to your moment.

- What? No, no, no, no, wait, wait!

- It's locked.

Looks like we're stuck up here. [laughs]

But at least we got each other, huh?

Hey, you want to build a fort? - Uh, not really.

- How about a hug? [laughs]

- [groans] - Come on.

- Guess I don't have any other choice.

- [laughs]

- [screams]

[crashes, grunts]

[car alarm blaring] I'm okay.

- Oh, my sedan!

[car alarm beeps]

- ♪ Always on the scene in the nick of time ♪

♪ The second I see trouble, I know I'll be fine ♪

♪ I'm okay ♪

♪ I'm okay! ♪

♪ Danger ♪


♪ ♪

♪ Danger! One, two, three, Force! ♪