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02x08 - Power Problems Part 1

Posted: 04/12/24 15:58
by bunniefuu
[bouncy accordion music]

- Oh, man.

[moaning and chattering]

- Put it in my mouth, put it in there.

- Ay!

Your appetites be as big as me beard!

- [groans]

Shiver me timbers, this is some good food, Big Beard.

- I'm so full, I couldn't eat another bite.

- 'Tis a shame.

Me daughter Lilith be on the way with some of

our famous shrimps on a sword.

- Oh, well, you didn't let me finish.

I couldn't eat another bite unless it's served...

on a sword.

- [squeals]

- Order up for Danger Force!

- Thank you. - Yeah!

- AWOL, you-- - No, me first,

I'm most important.

- Okay, um,

AWOL, you can teleport these shrimp to your belly.

- That's not how I consume food, but thank you.

- Volt, I think you'll find these shockingly tasty.

- [flatly] Word play, fun.

- ShoutOut, one bite and you'll scream

with delight! - Ah, word play, fun!

- And last but not least...

Brainstorm. - [chuckles]

- The boy who storms my brain daily.

- I was kinda wanting some word play.

- So are you officially official

with anybody online?

- No, but I am officially thirsty.

- I'm thirsty, too.

- Yeah, you are.

- I mean, uh,

I'll go get you a draft water, you beautiful dodo.



[phone ringing] - Oh.

- Oh, it's Schwoz, something's going down, we gotta bounce.

- You guys can bounce, I got free stuff comin'.

- Four swimsuit models are trapped in a walk-in freezer.

- And I'm out. - Do you want our help?

[accordion blaring off-key] - Don't want it, don't need it!

- Should we have told him they're male swimsuit models?

- He'll find out eventually. - That's true.

[phone rings]

- [muffled] Shut up, phone, Captain Man is on his way.

- No, this is a new call.

Hip Hop Purée is being robbed

by someone called Gas Clown?

- [laughs] - Gas Clown?

- I'm threatened by neither of those words.

- Yeah. - All right,

let's go paint some tears on this bozo's face!

- Okay, all right. - Let's go, Volt.

- Well, we'll come back,

we'll come back. - C'mon, let's go.

- Put down the cutlass.

Come on, let's go.

Okay, hurry up, please. - C'mon, c'mon, Volt!

- We gotta go, it's an emergency!

- Brainstorm, wait!

- Whoa.

- You have to try dessert. [giggles]


Here, have some jiggle fish.

Or this lobster split!

- Ooh, jiggle fish?

- We've gotta go, sorry.

- [sobs]

- [cackling]

Money, money, money!

- Excuse me, we're looking for someone called the Gas Clown.

- [cackles]

- I'm pretty sure that's him.

- You gassed right!

- [yelps]

[gas hissing]

- Guess he does puns, too.

- That's right, I'm going to pun-ish you!

- Gross. I'll take care of this clown.

Watch and learn.

[dramatic music]

[gas hissing]

- [cackling] - [coughing]

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

[high-pitched voice] That was a lucky shot!

Wh--Why is my voice like this?

What was in that gas?


- She sounds like Tiny Ray!

- [high-pitched] Hey, I don't sound like that!

I mean, do all squeaky people sound the same to you?

[grumbling indistinctly]

[electricity crackling]

[dramatic music]

- Volt, chill with the zapping!

- I can't! [yelps]

[steam hissing]

- Time to stop clowning around.

- [laughing] [gas hissing]

- [coughs]

[low-pitched voice] Whoa, not cool, dude!


Actually, this is kinda cool!

In a world where AWOL's about to kick this clown

in his clown keister.



- Okay, obviously that gas is

affecting their powers, so we gotta

make sure we don't get hit with--

[gas hissing]

[both coughing]

- [grunts]

- [speaking Spanish]


[disco music]

- I don't know what you're saying,

but I cannot stop dancing!

- [yells]


- This guy's messing with all your powers,

but mine are okay.



-Gas-ta la vista,baby!


♪ ♪

- It all just kinda happened.

[overlapping chatter]

- Stop talking!

- ♪ Danger ♪

♪ Whoa, oh ♪

♪ Whoa, ohh, ohh! ♪

♪ Danger, one two three force! ♪

[doorbell ringing]

all: Emergency!

- It's just the doorbell. - [sighs]

I know. [kids shouting indistinctly]

[exciting music]

- [speaking Schwabbalonian]

What happened to you guys?

- It was this whole thing... - It was the gas and--

- With the Gas Clown and I was there--

- Okay, okay, hang on.

I'm recording a promo for my Schwoz-cast.

[clears throat]

[speaking Schwabbalonian]

The Shwoz-cast, brought to you by Fritos.

Fritos, put them in your mouth.

Boca Boca!

Okay, donesies.

Now what happened to you guys?

- We just got our behinds

handed to us by the Gas Clown.

- He gassed us and it messed with our powers.

- What do you mean?

- Does this answer your question?



- Oh, no.

What about you guys?

- I got nothin'!

- I couldn't zap a fly!

- Aye...

Brainstorm, you too?

- My telekinesis isn't teleki-working.

We need a teleki-person who can teleki-fix me!

- Okay, Ray cannot find out about this.

- Why not? - Well,

one time, Ray and I were playing

the What Ifsies game...

Oh, what ifsies

Danger Force lost their superpowers?

- Oh!

- Ho-ho! - No brainer.

Ground the kids from fighting crime.

I'd shut down SWAC,

and finally take you

on that trip to Reno we've been talking about, eh?

- Ah, right...


Sounds nice.

- Oh, my God!

He'd really make you go to Reno?

- Were you not listening?

He'd also ground us from fighting crime!

- Yes, so he can't ever find out, you hear me?

I know how much you love fighting the crimes.

And I will not go to Reno!

- Okay!

- Oh, Danger Force!

You guys remember those swimsuit models

that I went to go save? [blows raspberry]

Turns out they were dudes.

- What? - No!

- That is brand-new information.

Yeah, they're from whatever country Dutch people are from

and they're awesome!

- We're actually from-- - This is Yan,

and this is, uh,

gah, I'm sorry, I forgot your name.

- Ruud.

- Well, I apologize, but I'm not great with names.

- No, my name is Ruud.

- Oh! [laughs]


So, uh, what's going on with you guys?

I saw you got a call about a Gas Clown?

[scoffs] So what happened with him?

- Well, we got to Hip Hop Purée and...

the Gas Clown was...

- Gone.

- We are never gonna see him again.

[chuckles nervously] No one will.

- So what, he's dead? - Yes.

- Yes. - Absolutely.

- He passed away. - That is what happened.

- He's off to that big circus in the sky.

- He's gassing angels now.

- Wow, that is so sad.

Anyway, I told these Dutch models

about your superpowers and they wanna see 'em!

Ooh, you guys like sushi? - Yeah.

- AWOL, why don't you teleport yourself to Japan,

bring these hunks home some fresh sushi, yeah?

- Okay!

Guess I'm teleporting to Japan.

[laughs nervously] Here we go...


- Earthquake, oh!

- My stuffs!

- Oh, no, clumsy me.


[indistinct chatter]

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

- Sorry about that, it's kind of embarrassing.

- [imitates teleportation]


So I just went to Japan and it turns out

they're all out of sushi!

But they did give me this pack of gum!

- No way, they got Swellview Chew in Japan?


All right, Brainstorm, you do something now.

- Uh...

- I know!

See that big red bird over there?

- Yeah?

- Why don't you use your powers to make it fly

where I tell you to make it fly.

- Oh, right. - Mm-hmm.

Sure. - Mm-hmm.

- Make it keep flying. Make it turn!

Make it poop on that car?

- I am definitely making it poop on that car

with my powers.

[amazed laughter]

- Good, now make it fly towards the Man's Nest.

Keep it going, right towards the window.

Don't make it stop.

- You sure? - Yep!

Make it go faster!

Make it hit the window?



- That was...


All right, Volt, ShoutOut, you guys next.

I want to see you top that.

- Uh, so there's... - Ah...

[alarm beeps] - An emergency!

There's an emergency.

[loud tap]

- Arson Boy is robbing the match factory.

Oh, this is perfect!

Now my Dutch buds can watch you kids

use your powers in action!

- Or you can take Yan

and Ruud and they can help you fight crime.

- What? No, I want you kids to do it.

- We'd love to, but we can't.

We already agreed to something else.

- What could be more important

than fighting Arson Boy at the match factory?

- We...

agreed to meet with the Gas Clown's family

to explain what happened to him.

- Wow, that is so mature of you.

You know, sometimes I think your real superpowers

are just being good, honest kids.

But it's a good thing you do have

real superpowers because if you didn't,

I'd ground all four of you

and shut this place down so fast!

Can you imagine? [nervous laughter]

You guys would be outta here!

'Cause you didn't have your powers!

[overlapping chatter]

♪ ♪

- Sorry I couldn't teleport us here.

- I'm sorry I couldn't zap that waiter

when he took too long to bring the drinks!

- I'm sorry I windowed that bird.

- Bose, you weren't actually controlling that bird.

You don't have your superpowers anymore.

- Oh, right.

Now I'm sad about that!

- I'm still pretty sad about that bird.

- Same.

Every life on this planet is precious.

- They are. - All of 'em.

- Every single one! - I mean, like, it's not fair!

- Who wants some freshly dead creatures of the sea?

- Yes, please! - I love it when they're dead!

- All lives are precious

except for these! Mmm!

- Yum, yum!

- There's no tartar sauce?

Now I'm sad about that.

- I'll get you some! [giggles]


- Guys?

Kind of freaking out that Captain Man's gonna replace us.

- Why, because of what Schwoz said?

- No, because it says it on the news!


- And so we see that once again,

Captain Man saved the day, but this time

without Danger Force.

- That's right, Trent,

Captain Man showed up at the matchstick factory

to battle Arson Boy.

Cheering him on were two male models.

- And the only thing hotter than Arson Boy's flamethrower

were Captain Man's hunky new friends.

Yan's my favorite.

- Turn it off!

- [yelps]

- In other news,

Swellview's beloved red macaw

Justin Beaker was reportedly

found at the bottom of Mount Swellview.

- [sighs]

- Well, this is just great.

We lost our powers.

Now it's looking like we might lose our jobs too!

[phone rings]

Oh, great! Now I gotta answer my phone!


Hey, Schwoz, what's up, brother?

- Sorry to interrupt your lunches, but I have good news.

I might have found a way to get your powers back.

- Shut up. - [laughs]

- You shut up.

If you guys could get some of the gas

from that clown that totally destroyed you

at Hip Hop Purée,

I might be able to synthesize an antidote.

- Okay, but how are we supposed to find the Gas Clown?

- And even if we do, how're we gonna get his gas?

He destroyed us the last time when we had our powers!

- I've been working on that, too.

Come back to the Man's Nest and I'll show you!

- Really? - We'll be right there.

- But be discreet-sies when you come back.

There's a pretty big vigil

for Justin outside the Man's Nest, listen.

all: [chanting] Justice for Justin!

Justice for Justin!

Justice for Justin!

Justice for Justin!

♪ ♪

- You might not even want your superpowers back

after you try Schwoz's handy-dandy Danger-Makers!

- Aw, yeah!

- I kinda like mine.

Can still shock people. - Ow!

- Hold up.

Why didn't he get shocked?

- Well, you got to crank up a charge

after every shock.

- Oh, nice.

It comes with a chore.

- Question.

This pole is sick.

Follow-up question.

What am I supposed to do with it?

- Well, if you can hook stuff with it,

then you can make stuff levitate.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- [laughs] Sick!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, it looks fun.

But what'd you get ol' AWOL?

[laughs] - Uh...

I got you... this stick.

- A stick?

Schwoz, I used to be able to teleport!

- I used to go through a bottle of shampoo every month.

Things change. [alarm blares]

- The Gas Clown is robbing Club Soda!

- Whoa, this is great!

You can use your Danger-Makers to fight some danger.

- Yeah, and if we get one of his gas canisters,

you can make an antidote.

- You'll get there in no time

when you use the...

Man Wagon!

- Yes!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[approaching whistling]

- [grunts]

[people screaming]

- [grunting]

[metal clattering]

- Get out of that car, Gas Clown!

♪ ♪

- [cackling]

- You may have beat us last time.

But get ready for round two.

- And this time, I have a pole.

- So just give it up,

'cause we've got you outnumbered

four to one.

♪ ♪

- All right, that's enough clowns!

♪ ♪

[clowns cackling]

- You clowns wanna laugh?

All right. [danger-maker pumping]

I'll give you something to laugh about!

♪ ♪

- Clown fight!

[cheerful circus music playing]


♪ ♪

- [cackling]

- Ow!

[gas hissing]

- [coughing] - [laughing]

- Come on, guys, stop it!

- [cackling]

[exciting music]


- [grunts] - [groans]

♪ ♪

- [grunts]

- Thanks for the help, Captain.

- Get back to the Man's Nest.

- Wait, what?

- Schwoz told me everything.

- Yeah, but-- - Now!

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

- The lies. The deceit!

- The scandalosity. - You're in on this, too!

He's right, the scandalosity was off the charts.

You could've got yourself k*lled out there

fighting those clowns or worse!

- What's worse?

- You could've embarrassed me in front

of my two best friends in the whole world!

- Were they even there?

- No, they're already on the plane

back to wherever Dutch people come from.

But they could've been there!

- We were just trying to get our powers back.

- Yeah, Schwoz said he can synthesize an antidote

if we bring back a sample

of the Gas Clown's gas.

- And we got it.

We took that man's gas.

- I took it, actually, because as you recall,

I had to come and save you!

- I think we had it well in hand.

- You fished your own butt, Bose!

- That's fair, that's fair. - Yeah.

- We'll get you a butt band-aid later.

- Look, I'm sorry, but if you guys can't

get your powers back,

I'm gonna have to take back your gumballs

and suspend you from fighting crime.

- What? - But that's not fair!

You let Henry fight without superpowers!

- Yeah, and he almost died, like, , times!

- We're gonna get our powers back!

- Yeah, Schwoz said he could do it!

- Well, Schwoz cannot just magically science up a way

to fix every problem, okay?

That's not how life works.

- It's done.

- Yes! - Yeah, Schwoz!

- You rock!

- Schwoz! - Wait, what, how?

- A scientist never reveals his secrets.

- No, a magician never reveals his secrets.

- Oh, okay, then I can tell you.

- Don't care how, just want it now.

- Facts.

- Wouldn't understand it anyway.

- Here's to being super.

♪ ♪

[all sputter and cough]

- Ow!

- Did you just sh**t us in the neck with darts?

- The antidote was in the darts.

I trickied you!

- Why? - Because!

You're all scared of needles.

Remember the monkey? Rick Twitler?


- I took that other needle like a champ.

- That doesn't matter.

- Matters to me.

- What matters is if it worked.

Did you get your powers back?

- I don't know.

You tell us, old man.



Wait, why isn't it working, Schwoz?

[solemn music]

- [sighs]


- [yells]


♪ ♪

- Lift that cart.

♪ ♪

- [grunts]

♪ ♪

- Danger Force, turn in your gum.

♪ ♪

What's in your mouth?

- [muffled] Nothing.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- What happened, Schwoz?

Why didn't it work?

- I don't know.


the thing that took your powers away

wasn't the Gas Clown.

- If it wasn't the gas, then what was it?

- I don't know, but I'm starving.

Anybody want to order some Big Beard's?

- Dude!

We just lost our powers.

Of course I want Big Beard's.

- Arg, for delivery?

It would tickle the tips of me beard hairs

to bring you Danger Forces some food.

- Okay?

- One Danger Force special coming up.

- But we also want quatro Tres Leches crab cakes,

a big box of fish biscuits, an order of lobster thermidor,

which obviously dates back to the French Revolution.

And finally one clam, just one.

We'll all split it.

Hello? You still there?

Guys, I think he hung up on me.

[dramatic music]

[rock music]

- ♪ Always on the scene in the nick of time ♪

♪ The second I see trouble, I know I'll be fine ♪

♪ I'm okay ♪

♪ I'm okay! ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Danger ♪

♪ Whoa oh-oh, whoa oh-oh ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Danger one two three Force ♪