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02x04 - A Henry Among Us

Posted: 04/12/24 15:54
by bunniefuu
- This is a KLVY breaking news report

with Trent Overunder and Mary Gaperman.

- We've got breaking news,

and it just took place right here in our studio.

- But we don't know what happened

because we fell asleep on the air.

- That's wrong, Mary.

We were knocked unconscious, but our cameras were rolling

so we can show you exactly what happened.

Cyborg Rick Twitler saw that Volt had blasted

his living computer viruses into oblivion, and said...

- I'm gonna miss those viruses.

- He left two mysterious notes,

one for Captain Man and another on Drex's hand.

- Meet on top of...

- Then he dragged ShoutOut and Volt right out of here.

Then Mary started sleepwalking over to our studio kitchen.

Drex woke up, read the note on his claw,

kicked Captain Man in his sleep,

and ran away.

Mary came back in with a half-eaten sandwich,

dropped it near Brainstorm,

then sat back and fell asleep with her mouth wide open.

When we finally woke up,

everyone was gone.

That's right. Gone.

- The question is:

what did Brainstorm do with my sandwich?

- I think the real question is:

where did Rick Twitler take Shoutout and Volt?

- And do they have any information

about my stolen sandwich?

- Sweet baby Jessica down a well, Mary, you saw the--


- Stay with me, Bosey!

- Did my half-sandwich make it?

- [munches loudly] I'm sorry. It did not.

- Schwoz, we got an emergency here.

- I know! Brainstorm is exhausted

from putting the Man's Nest back in place.

- No, we gotta go find Chapa and my sister.

- No, Henry's not answering his phone.

AWOL, teleport us all the Dystopia.

- Not until we find my sister.

- But Henry could be in danger.

- I'll call him. Henry usually picks up for me.

- Oh, please. If Henry's not gonna pick up for me,

he's definitely not gonna pick up--

- Hey. What's up, buddy?

- He's my friend!

I will be the one who calls him.

- Hey, Henry!

I've got Ray right here for you--

- This is ridiculous. I'll be right back.

- So how come you keep ignoring those calls from your boss?

- I'm trying to focus on...other things.

- So why did you answer your friends?

- 'Cause I was trying to make you jealous.

Did it work?

- Maybe.

- Jeez!

- Henry, we gotta bounce. - Yeah, no.

I'm kind of in the middle of something right now. Sorry.

- Let's go. - No, no, no. Seriously.

Seriously, don't do this right now, man.

Also hi, how are you? - I'm sorry.

- That's how normal people greet each other.

Okay. I forgive you. I'm gonna go.

- No, you're not gonna go here. You're going somewhere else.

Hey, hey. I don't have time-- I don't have time for this!

Hey. My name's Miles.

What's yours? - Gemma.

- Gemma, that's Italian for "precious gem."

Did you know that? - All right.

We're all very impressed. - No, right?

- No, we need to get going, so. - Hey.

It's very rude to interrupt, man!

- Oh, really? Okay. - Yes.

- Hey, we'll be back-- I will be back, not him.

- Now that she's seen the Miles, she doesn't want you.

- Oh, the Miles? - Yes, the Miles.

- Oh, really? That's great for you.

[both groan]

- Chapa, are you okay?

- I feel like you look.

- Oh, good. You're feeling gorgeous.

- What's on your neck?

- What's on your hands?


- Stop it!

I don't think that's gonna work.

And by the way, where are we?

- On top of Nakatomi Towers.

Feel free to leave,

but you're not the one who floats

and you're not the one who disappears.

you might wanna stay away from the edge.

- Well, I am the one who screams--


- Are you done?

- What are we even doing here, Twitler?

- Waiting for a friend.

- [grunting]

- This is a weird place to meet, but okay.

- And there he is!

Did you just climb up the side of a building?

If so, that's very--

[weakly] I see you got my note.

- You used me as a distraction and shot me into space.

Give me one reason why I shouldn't end you right now.

- My infectious charm? - [growls]

- I can give you what you really want.

- Fashion sense?

- What did you say?

- Who wears headbands?

- I mean, Henry Hart.

I can give you revenge on Henry Hart.

- Explain. - [wheezes]

My guess, and it's a good one, 'cause I'm, well, me

is that Captain Man woke up in KLVY,

saw that these two were missing,


and called in Henry from Dystopia.

I'll bet he's at the Man's Nest right now.

- Hey, Henry. - Ray.


- Too busy to take my calls?

- [groans]

- I was on a date.

- Oh, but you weren't when Bose called?

That's interesting. - Oh, my God.

We're really gonna do this right now.

- Oh, what are we doing? - You do this every time.

- Oh, what do I do? - It's called

healthy communication. - Health--oh, yeah.

Let's talk about healthy communication.

- Should we stop them?

- I think this is just what they do.

- I can't talk to you when you get like this.

I can't even talk to you. - Oh, you can't?

Can't talk to me? All right.

- You always do this. - Oh, what do I always do?

- Hey. - Hey, good to see you.

Stop being ridiculous. - Oh, I'm ridiculous?

- It all just... kind of happened?

[overlapping chatter]

Stop talking!

- ♪ Danger ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

all: Danger. ♪ One, two, three, force ♪

[alarm blares] all: Emergency!

- That's just the doorbell.

- [sighs] I know.

- Can we please wrap up this therapy session

so we can go find Chapa and my sister?

- Almost done. Almost done.

Henry, can you agree to take Ray's calls

unless you're in a life-and-death emergency?

- I can agree to that. - Okay.

And Ray, can you agree that Henry has his own life

and that his boundaries are not an attack on you?

- I always pick up when he calls me.

- Come on! - See?

- And he doesn't call very often.

Just putting that out there.

- I'm going to go find my sister.

Anyone who wants to help can hop on.

- Do we know where she is? Did I miss that part?

- Nah, I'm just gonna teleport around town

until I find her-- [phone rings]

- Hey, she's calling me right now.

- Oh, you pick up when she calls?

That's refreshing.

- Mika? Hello?

- Mikaaaaa!

- Seriously?

That's, like, louder than her, dude.

- My bad, my bad, my bad.

- So what's this thing you're building?

Something to call down more of your computer viruses

so you can destroy the Internet?

- No, I think that one k*lled the last of my viruses.

- Sorry. - It's okay.

Now that I'm half-robot,

I have a very different take on the Internet.

- Guys, I think I know why Mika called.

- Oops. - Dude, stop!

- [yelps]

Okay. That was Henry using his boundaries to attack me.

- Henry, would you care to respond to Ray's feelings?

- Those--those weren't my boundaries, dude.

That was my force field. And I think Mika called me

so we can listen in and see what Twitler's plan is.

- Okay. And Ray, would you care to respond to Henry's--

- I'd "care" to hear my sister!

- So tell us your plan, Twitler!

- Why are you pointing like that?

- I always point like this.

- No, you don't. - It's my signature point.

- Who has the signature point? - Oh, I've got one.

- Really? - Yeah. It's like this.

- Oh, yeah. That's a good one. - Right?

- Just tell us your plan!

- Will you let me in? - Will you be cool?

- If you let me in. - Will you be cool?

- Let me in. You'll find out.

- Will. You. Be. Cool.

- I don't think he's ready to be cool.

- Dang it! [grunts]

- Guys, plan!

- And then, I thought, if I can't beat the Internet,

I'm gonna be the Internet.

- Are you gonna s*ab it to death?

- [forced laughter] No.


- Wait, why are you suddenly glowing?

- I'll bet he's drawing Internet power.

- Because I'm drawing Internet power.

- Nice. - Yep. Told you.

- Guys, quiet. I'm trying to listen.

- Wow.

- I'm a human-computer hybrid,

so I can absorb and control the Internet itself!

- Oh, no!

Someone's gonna control the funny cat memes

and old people arguing on Fakebook.

- I'll control more than that. - He's right.

These days, everything is connected to the Internet.

- Points to the smart one. - Whoa!

- [chuckles] Once I control the Internet,

I can control machines, factories, aircraft carriers,

ports, cities, countries.

- You'd be able to run the world.

- From right here in Swellview.

- Then do it, tough guy.

If you're so great, quit talking to us

and start being the Internet.

- I need a little more power

to maintain the optimum algorithmic computations,

but if I could just get my hands on some Iridium Crystals,

maybe buried in some sort of rubble somewhere...

- I--I can't--I can't hear a word he's saying.

Can you connect your phone to the Man's Nest speakers?

- Oh, no. I don't know how.

Just be quiet, and we can hear--

- Schwoz, get in here and help Henry

connect the phone to speakers!

- We're trying to hear what he wants to get his hands on.

- The Wi-Fi password is "INCHBICEPS". All caps.

- Get it? Boom. [grunts]

Boom. See?

- Okay, I'm begging you to be quiet.

- So you need someone indestructible

to dig into the ruins of the Man Cave,

pull out the Iridium Crystals that are still down there,

and bring them back to you.

- Smart guy.

- And if I get you these crystals,

you'll get me Henry Hart?

- Cyborg's promise.

- Deal.

[growls, then laughs]

[thud] [car alarm blares]

Still alive! And still evil!

- That dude is hardcore.

- And so are both of you,

which is why I want you two to help me run the world.

- Whaaaaat? - Okay. Now I'm listening.

- Okay, Cyborg really did that. - They get a job offer--

- Quiet. I'm trying to hear.

- When I'm in charge. I'll run things perfectly.

There'll be no hunger, no crime, no sadness,

no mean comments on the Internet.

- She does hate those.

- Oh, I do hate those.

- No! - See? See?!

- So, how about it?

You wanna help me make a perfect world?

- I mean, kinda.

- I can't believe you're listening to this junk.

- Go, Chappa. Good for you.

- That is my girl.

- Look, I know you love telling people what to do...

- Yep. - And you always think

you know better-- - 'Cause I do.

- But that doesn't mean you and Smirky the Cyborg here

get to play the World Boss for an entire planet.

- It sounds fun, though.

- It's not gonna be that fun

when Captain Man and the rest of Danger Force,

roll up here and throw you off of this roof.

all: Yes, yes! - That's my girl.

- They'll try.

And when they do, you'll help me defeat them.

- Why would I do that?

- 'Cause...

I can help you find your cell phone.

[all gasp]

- Oh, I forgot about her cell phone thing.

- Do not joke about my cell phone.

- I'm not.

I know exactly where your cell phone is.

I pinged its location just now when I jacked into the net.

- He's lying.

- [scoffs]

Does this picture look familiar?

It's from your cell phone, isn't it?

- Is it? - Yeah.

- Yeah.

You help me defeat your friends,

I give you your cell phone.

- Gentlemen, we are in trouble. - You're not wrong.

- No. You do what you want.

I'm not gonna turn on my friends.

- Yes! - That's my sister.

- That my girl, also.

- Yeah, I actually kind of like my friends...a little bit.

Don't tell them.

- Okay. I tried.

On to Plan C.


I hope your friends at Man's Nest enjoyed the show.

- She hung up.

- Schwoz, did you track their location?

- Oopsie.

- "Oopsiee"?!

- I got caught up in the show and forgot.

- So what do we think Twitler is doing to them now?

- Probably touching my sister's hair.

She hates when people touch her hair.

- I touch her hair all the time.

- And she hates it. - Good to know.

- Okay. I tried my best not to touch your hair,

but it's hard not to when you're brainwashing someone.

[powers up]

- Ooh, first one's outta the oven.

How are we looking?


- Brainstorm will make it look like an accident.

Then we surprise Drex when he crawls out of the rubble

that used to be the Man Cave.

- You mean like Junk-N-Stuff, right?

- No. There's this old Man Cave airshaft

that connects to a sewer outlet

behind this store called Mouth Candy.

My guess: that's gonna be where Drex climbs out.

- And when he does, we take him down

and make him tell us where ShoutOut and Volt are!

- Right. - Guys.

This feels like a trap.

- How? - It's too easy.

I mean, Rick Twitler probably knew we were listening

the whole time. - Pfft.

How do you know that? - He knows everything.

It's kind of his thing.

- I say we go. - I say go.

- I say trap.

- I don't know what to say.

- Ohhh!

What? This is interesting.

- [chuckles evilly]

[both grunt]

Getting slow, old man.

[both grunting]

- Can I get in? Hello?

Okay, you two clearly have a thing going on.

- Ahh--huh? - I'm okay.

[both grunting]

Boom! It felt good.

- [grunts]

- You wanna kick him or something?

- No, I can't do that. He's already on the ground.

- Sure you can. Watch.

- [screams]

- Shh.

- So it was the trap? But why is Mika all evil now?

- I don't know, but if there's an evil ShoutOut,

there's probably an evil Volt-- [zaps]

- Boss says, bring this one back.

- This wasn't part of the deal, Twitler.

You said I could get revenge on Henry Hart. That ain't it.

- Ooh...

Sounds like you guys got a lot of stuff to work through.

Can I recommend Brainstorm?

He helped me and Ray unpack some stuff.

We're in a really good place now.

- You will get him soon enough.

Poor Henry just has something I need.

- A foot massage?

Pop those bad boys off. I got you.

[screams in pain]

- A force field.

Anybody wanna come for the king of the world?

Too bad? You can't.

[cackles evilly]

- Okay. That actually looks a lot like revenge.

- Why is my sister evil all of a sudden?

I mean Volt, yeah, I could see that coming, but not Mika.

- That force field remind you of something?

- Not at all.

- It's exactly the same as Henry's force field?

- Sure.

- The force field is being generated

from the top of Nakatomi Tower!

- I bet that's where Twitler's got Volt and ShoutOut--

- Bose, I'll bet that's where Rick Twitler's

got my sister and Chapa!

- Yeah. I just said that. Also Henry--

- And Henry. - Yeah. And that too.

We should teleport-- - We should teleport

there to the top of Nakatomi Towers!

- I just said that. What's the matter with you guys--

Forgetting something? - Come on.

Getcha head in the game! - Use your head, man.

- Okay. Here's the plan.

We run the old Tennessee Hambone with Aloha Twist.

Twitler's the anvil. Pincers on Drex.

Are you guys ready? - Yeah, yeah.

Quick question, though. - What?

- Do you know that they can see us?

- Hey.

- Okay. That is new information.

- Are we still doing the Kentucky Ham Farm thing, sir?

- Nope. New plan: try not to get k*lled.

We totally knew you could see us.

So, you know,

that was on purpose.

- No it wasn't. - Yes, it was Drex!

We wanted you to get a good look at our face

so you could tell the devil who sent ya.

- Great line. - Thank you.



- [sighs] I'll get him.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Please don't hurt me.

[zaps in slow-motion] - [screams in slow-motion]

- Wow. I did not think that would work.

- Thanks for the lift.

- Just try to stay on the roof--


- Hey, buddy. - Hang on, kid.

[powers down]

[zaps] [screams in pain]

- [screaming] [zapping]

- [screaming continues]

Is that all you got?!

'Cause it really hurts!

[both grunting]

- Great move! - Thanks.

[zapping] - [screaming]

- [grunts] All right.

You better... pick up my calls!


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[zapping] - [screaming]

[both grunt]

[all grunting]

- You think this will work? - It's got a reverse button.

- [chuckles evilly]


- Oh, come on!

[thud] [car alarm blares]

- Let him go, Twitler.

- We said, let him go.

[both grunt]

- This probably gonna hurt.

- [screaming] [zapping]

- Oh. Hey, stranger. Thought you were in Dystopia.

- Yeah. When did you get here?

- About four-- - Mikaaa!

- Seriously? That's, like, louder than her, dude.

- Right?

- Wait! Wait, I'm back.

- Oh, what? Did I miss it?

- A little bit. Like a small fraction.

- You looked cool, though.

- Well, what are we supposed to do with him?

- I have ideas. - Ooh...

- I'd like my body back, please.


This isn't funny!

- Then why are we laughing?

- Right? - It's hilarious.

It's funny. It's really funny.

[phone rings] - Oh, hold up. Hold up.

Hold up. I gotta take this.

Hey, Ray. I'm so glad you called.

- Just checking.

- So when do we go find Drex?

- Can we have one day off?

both: No days off. - That's my girl.

- Schwoz said Drex isn't even in Swellview anymore.

- Sounds like he's someone else's problem.

- Yeah. Mine.

- I thought you were going back to Dystopia?

- Eventually, but I don't like the idea

of Drex being out there.

The world's a worse place with him in it.

- You want some help?

- Nah, I got this.

- See you around, Henry Hart.

- [squealing]

He's looking for his head!

[laughter] - Lookit!

Look at him! Look at him!

- Ah, I miss this.

[beep] Down the tube.


- ♪ Always on the scene in the nick of time ♪

♪ The second I see trouble, I know I'll be fine ♪

♪ I'm okay, I'm okay ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Danger ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

all: Danger. ♪ One, two, three, force ♪