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01x04 - Is Mature Love As Difficult?

Posted: 04/12/24 13:02
by bunniefuu
Hey. Have you eaten lunch yet?

I went to the convenience store,
but they were out of nattō rolls,

so I had to buy a katsu sandwich.

Sorry. What?

What's wrong?

Oh, hold on!

You're not a little kid anymore,
so stop crying over Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon R is my youth!

If they were showing the entire Dragon Ball series,
you'd watch it, right?

And you'd cry, right? Even if you were at work!

I wouldn't watch it at work, and I wouldn't cry.

I mean, what's the point of crying
over anime at this age?

I was so surprised. I was so surprised.

-This is bad.

-This is as bad as Dragon Ball Z.

Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku

Now, let's get started

Where we left off yesterday

There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be

Getting out of the deep sea

Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down

A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only

Always remember the good times

Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy

Gently, softly

Turning pages of the story

I let my emotions flow

Gently, softly

Turning pages of the story

It seems never-ending

Will it ever come to an end?

I have no clue

Too bad I don't

She's beautiful!

-You're making me blush.
-No, the girl on the right.

But this is a cosplay photo, you know?

Seriously? This girl is an otaku too?

I don't care if she cosplays. Introduce me.

Just kidding!

Did you hear that, Hirotaka?

-I thought so.

-I could be someone's wife.

Then look at this one too.

-Huh? Oh, wow!

I was drunk yesterday.
It's not photoshopped, by the way.

-What's that?
-What's this? So lovey-dovey.

You're so cute!

Right? I liked it enough to use as my wallpaper.

Hey! What are you showing her?

Oh, my...


-Do something about this ugly hag, Momose!
-Do something about this idiot, Nifuji!

Uh... Whose fault is it today?


Anyway, can you explain?


I just want to share the same hobbies with Kabakura!

I want to make him cosplay.

I'm not criticizing Koyanagi's hobby.

But sharing the same hobby?
That's another story!

I only like watching other people cosplay.

-You won't know unless you try, right?
-You never give up!

This is your chance.

You're relentless!

Personally, I think it would be really nice.

Kabakura and Hana-chan doing yaoi?

Stop! Don't complicate things!

I got it, I got it.

I'll be a female character, okay?
You're okay with that, right?

I'm not! You're a female in the first place!

No. That's not what I'm talking about!

I just feel embarrassed.

I'm not good-looking,
so I don't want others to see me.

Don't make me say such sad things.

That's not true!

An average-looking cosplayer can make up for it
through his love for the character...

Shut up!

You're so overdramatic.

I'm not telling you to put on makeup
or dress up like a girl.

That's not the problem here!

Hey, Nifuji! Say something!

Well, I...

-did it.
-I'm going to take a photo, okay?

-I really didn't think anything of it.
-I see!


I'm sure I could make Kabakura as cute as Nifuji!

You never give up. Drop it already!

With all due respect, I was quite cute, you know?

Stop encouraging her!
I told you already, I'm not doing it!

Then let me show you what a real cosplayer can do
when she's serious.

Can't you guys hear what I'm saying?!

I thought you were an otaku.
I can't believe you don't cosplay.

And I can't believe you don't feel ashamed.

Being an otaku is already embarrassing!

It pisses me off how you act like you're normal
even though you're an otaku!

People who enjoy otaku hobbies in secret
are even more embarrassing! Coward!

People who don't care that it's embarrassing
stick out in a bad way.

That's why normal people think otaku are weird!
I'm not doing it in secret.

I'm just doing it in moderation. Unlike you!

That must be it.
They're such good friends that they fight.

I'm amazed you can say something like that
in this situation.

You guys are so lucky.
You're good friends and you don't fight.

Well, we're not exactly good friends...

Hirotaka likes games,
and I like manga and anime.

We enjoy different things,
even though we're both otaku.

We respect that about each other.

I mean, we accept it.

Sort of.

I guess?

I think it's too late to save Narumi, so I've given up.

I'll show you who's too late to save!

Calm down, Naru!
You accept each other, right? Right?

Calm down! Momose!

He didn't mean to hurt you!

To tell you the truth, I meant it 100 percent.

Shut up, Nifuji!


Anyway, let's try taking a natural photo.

-No way!
-It'll be okay. Don't worry.

I'll make you beautiful.

That's not what I'm worried about!

I prepared all this just for you.

-What are you so unsatisfied about?

Come on. You're such a sore loser.

Did you forget our deal?

You're so cute, Kabakura.

You're laughing.


What's wrong, Kabakura?

Don't ask.


Is that Kabakura?

Wow! He looks just like a video game character!

I bribed... I mean, persuaded the model.

I got a wavy wig to cover his bone structure.

I bought new eye shadow,
turned the room into a studio,

set up the camera, adjusted the lights,

instructed the model how to act,
used colored contacts,

and retouched the images later.

I did it all in one night!

Really? Gevanni!

-By the way, he looks like a monster without the wig.
-Kabakura, can I ask you one question?

Depending on the question, I might k*ll you,
but go ahead.

What was the bait?

A Yudachi Kai-II figurine.

How was the quality of your Yudachi Kai-II?



Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.


The meeting went off without a hitch.

-You did a good job on the documents.

It's from Hirotaka.

Hey. Hey.

How's your progress at work?

Do you want to go for a drink after work?

Mr. Kabakura is coming today too.

Try inviting Ms. Koyanagi too.

Anyway, try not to pay too much attention
to your news feed today.

If you work late, I'll k*ll you.

Is he drunk? Or is there a bug in his phone?

It's not a bug. He's always been talkative,
and likes to joke around.

It's just that his facial expressions can't keep up
with the mood during conversations.

There must be a bug inside of him them.

-Nifuji, can I talk to you for a minute?

Go ahead.


At your pleasure.

Why is she talking to me like a samurai?

Well, don't ask me...

It's a little much to be
an unexpected side of her personality.

Look who's talking.


This is the first time we've all gone for drinks
after work like this. This is new!

We went to the bookstore the other day,
but we all went home afterwards.

Let's talk about things that you can't talk about
unless you're drunk!

What are you talking about?
What kinds of things?

Love, of course!

She's off to a quick start.

Excuse me! Bring me a glass of water, please!

You guys are dating,
so you should show some PDA for once.

I mean, you're not that sexy in the first place.

-She hasn't even drunk that much yet.
-She got drunk faster than usual today.

If you're going to say that,
then you and Kabakura should try to get along more!

You guys always fight!

Don't say that! We've been dating for a long time,
so it's okay.

It's not okay!

By the way, when did you two start dating?

-It was around the end of high school.
-That's right.

I think it was the day of Kabakura's graduation.

Who confessed their feelings first?



Ms. Koyanagi, here's some water.


Nice, Nifuji.

Be careful not to spill.

Okay. Oops.

I knew you'd do that.

I have a handkerchief.

Could you wipe it for me, Nifuji?

-Are you sure?



You should do something about this, Mr. Kabakura.
Those boobs are inexcusable.

-She had too much to drink today.
-Wait, what did you just say?!

Hey, Koyanagi.
Stick with juice for the rest of the night, okay?


Call me Hanako, like you always do.


Don't get so full of yourself
with that sweet look on your face, you ugly hag!

You're not so good-looking yourself and
you think you can call me that?!

-Looking like a criminal on a wanted poster!
-A criminal?! I'll k*ll you!

You're the one who confessed your love first!
You're such a pain!

I'm the one!?
You have such a bad memory!

I've always liked traditional Prince Charming-types!

Well, I like small and cute girls like Ranka,
not girls like you, you ugly hag!

I know that much!

You like girls like Naru, right?!

Hana-chan and Kabakura,
you guys run so hot and cold!

Why don't you say one thing
you like about each other and make up?


Well, then, Kabakura, you go first.


Don't be embarrassed. Just be honest.

I like her huge boobs.

Calm down, Koyanagi!

Shut up, Bakakura!

It doesn't matter. I... I...

I'll never be like your beloved Ranka.


Are you trying to say you're more like Sheryl?


That was my shoe.

Wait, Hana-chan! Calm down, okay?

Kabakura must have gotten carried away
because he's drunk.

Okay? Anyway, let's go back
and you two can make up.

I can't.

I can't take it anymore. Why did he say that?

We're always fighting.

Whoa! Her boobs are amazing!

If things stay like this,
he's going to get tired of me someday.

My gosh, her boobs!

It'll be okay!

You're so cute, Hana-chan.
He'd never start hating you!

I'm going to go sink Kabakura
to the bottom of the sea!

I'm going to go rough on Kabakura,
just like in an X-rated doujinshi!

So don't cry, Hana-chan!

There, there...

Whenever I'm with him,
I can't stop myself from thinking about it.

Is he satisfied with me?

What if he's making a compromise by dating me?

I know it's hard dating normal people
when you're an otaku.

What if he's just dating me
because it's convenient?

Then how about me?


-Let's trade.

We'll be back soon,
so go have a drink with Nifuji.



Hey, stop! What if they start fighting again?!

-Don't be so nosy, Narumi.
-Things were just starting to heat up!

You're such a pain when you drink.

Go apologize to them later.

You made those two worry about you.

You were listening, right?

-What do you have to say?
-Well, you're right.

I'm sure I could find plenty of otaku girls
who are cuter and easier to handle than you.

And who have bigger boobs.

Oh, really?!
Then why don't you go look for one right now?!

You finally looked over here, ugly hag.

What do you mean?
You're always calling me an ugly hag...

And saying I'm such a pain...

You can't even say anything nice.

There, there.

Damn you.

You know, I can hear you.


Hey. Why are you crying?


Yes, teacher. I stopped her.

Is Mature Love As Difficult?

We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes

But we are not a typical couple

Nothing's changed since the time we were friends

Why do we still have distance between us?

-Why so
-Why me?

-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask

-I know
-But I love you

Don't give me that look

Comforting to be next to you

We were both so clumsy

We try to walk at the same pace

Feeling nervous next to you

Let's fall in love

We'll figure it out slowly

I'm sure

-See you tomorrow.
-Yeah. See you tomorrow.

What's wrong?

Uh, well...

I, uh...

My last boyfriend, and the one before that,
and my first boyfriend... They were all like that.

They all dumped me because I was an otaku.

It's always been like that for me,
so this feels so easy for me now!

I don't have to hide the fact that I'm an otaku.

But neither of us is the other's ideal type.

We're both otaku.
I'm sure we're both making some compromises.

Well, you're right.

I'd be lying if I said
I wasn't compromising on anything.

-Hey, you. Just now...
-I wasn't looking.

Where were you looking?

The fact that your boobs are small is unrelated.

You bastard!

In other words, what are you trying to say?

I meant that...

I just thought that maybe
you'd rather be dating a normal girl.

That's all.

Okay. The end! Let's go home!

I'm not with you just because you're an otaku

or just because it's easy.

I love seeing you do the things you like.

Anyway, that's how I feel.

So don't think too hard about it.


You do like me...

Oh. I take it back.
I wish you would think more before you talk.

But you've never said that before.

What if...?

Were you hung up on the fact
that I said "it was a little awkward"?

Of course not, idiot. Idiot.

-Hey. How about going to the arcade after this?
-West entrance, okay?