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02x06 - The Fearsome Luxury Cruise Ship

Posted: 04/12/24 11:09
by bunniefuu
Yor is so lucky! This is so unfair!

I wanted to take a vacation
on a luxury cruise too!

It's not a vacation.
She's entertaining guests for work.

If they needed female staff,
they could've chosen me!

Apparently, the guest has a baby,

so the staff member had to be a mother.

And I guess they're both
from the same hometown.

At least that's what I heard.

I'm so jealous!

She's probably enjoying
an extravagant dinner,

eating delicious food!

Beer and sausages after work
isn't so bad either.

I agree!



Everything is delicious, isn't it?

It's prepared by chefs

from a five-star hotel in Berlint.

Additionally, local companies
supported by the city were used

for manufacturing parts for the ship,
and handling the interior.

Now, now, let's end this boorish topic.

Well, I'd like to try dining
at that hotel.

It's delicious.

I'm so nervous, I can't taste a thing!

Calm down.

Enemies won't attack
in a public place like this.

Your family in the third-class cabin
can't enter here either.

- You're to entertain the guests for now.
- Yes sir.

Why don't we enjoy some drinks
at the bar downstairs, Mr. Grey?

- Sure.
- I'll head back to the room.

Make sure no one is tailing you
on your way back.

I understand.

No signs of anyone entering
while we were out.

- All right.
- In the end, nothing happened all day.

You must not let your guard down.

We don't have proof
that your enemies aren't on this ship.

There's 30 more hours
until we rendezvous with the other ship.

If I was the enemy,

I would attack right before
you're set to leave.

No point in causing a scene on a ship
when there's nowhere to escape.

Even if our plan hasn't leaked,

there are times when enemies
figure things out.

Tomorrow will be the crucial moment.

Or so the Director told me!

Let's keep our guard up!

You're right. I'm sorry.

Maybe I just want to believe
that there are no enemies on board.

This isn't just my problem anymore.

- I have to get my act together.
- Yes!

Once you reach your destination,
and your safety is guaranteed,

please let him play outside
to his heart's content.

You really don't seem like you work
in the shadows.

I'm sorry! I'll try harder!

If we're able to safely make our escape,

what will all of you do after that?

If we can't confirm any threats
from the enemies, we will stay put.

We told the other two city hall employees

that your family will be spending
the third day together in private.

So please don't worry.

The Director said he will have an excuse
for when we disembark.

What about you?
You won't meet up with your family?

Well... I'm here for work after all...

I told them that I'll contact them
once I have some time off.

It seems like this ship will stop
at a resort island on the third day.

I hope you can spend time there
with your family.

Well... I don't really...

Don't overeat just because it's a buffet.

I played a lot, so I'm hungry.

Remember your manners.

It's been a while
since we had a meal without Mother.

Yeah. It's lonely without her.

- Father, you're lonesome.
- No! I was just agreeing with you.

- Finish up, so that we can go back.
- These cashews are delicious.

Those were some great drinks,
huh, Mr. Grey?

I didn't drink much.

That was an exciting game of darts!

You were very skilled, Mr. Grey.

- Sorry, I forgot something back there.
- What?

Director, you're so clumsy.

We'll be going ahead.

There's more to do
aside from playing darts.

- How about another round of drinks?
- No, I've had enough.

Answer my question with a "yes" or a "no".

Are you an assassin hired
by Leonardo Hapoon?

You only have two seconds to answer.

I'll break your leg next.

Are you an assassin hired by Hapoon?

Are there other assassins besides you?

How many in total?

Sorry, that wasn't exactly a yes-or-no
question, huh?

How many are in your team
and where are they?

We're not a team.

I don't know how many are on board either.

Everyone is working independently.
Whoever kills first, gets the money.

There are some who are selling intel.

I was tailing you based on the intel
I received.

Shaty Grey in room 8053.

It seems like the intel I received
was correct.

Director, you're back already.

What? You're about to soil your pants,
Mr. Grey?

That's not good! Let's rush back
to your room.

Both of you should rest up
in preparation for tomorrow.


There are numerous assassins on board.

Her name and room number leaked.

The organization had planned this
in complete secrecy.

There's no way it could've leaked.

Do you have any idea how it happened?
Did you contact anyone?


- Did you?
- No, the thing is...

Three days ago, I made one phone call

to my parents back home.

You idiot!

I didn't say anything that would
give away this plan. Believe me!

I wanted to say goodbye since
I'll never see them again.

That's all there was to it! I swear!


We don't have time to trace
our enemy's footsteps.

"Whoever kills first, gets the money"?

I had underestimated things.

They're not planning to wait
until tomorrow to attack!

I don't think we'll go out anymore
tonight, so I think I'll get changed.

Good idea.



It's room service.

I didn't order anything.

You took those darts from the bar?

Stop sh**ting. There's a baby here!

Bring him in the room.

- Try not to leave any traces of blood.
- Yes sir.

There are numerous enemies on board?

Our intel has leaked.

We'll leave this room.

There are few rooms
in the second-class cabins.

Take the three of them
and go there right away.

What about you?

I'll take care of things here,
and meet up with you.

I understand.

If we cause a commotion,
the ship might turn back.

In situations where you can't
hide the body,

try to avoid fighting all together.

Hide your faces with these masks
just in case.


Hello. Guest services.

Hello. I'm calling from room 8053.

I'm terribly sorry but my wife and I
had a big fight,

and we damaged the door.

Can we ask for a new room?

I lost contact with Knockman.

Shaty in room 8053

is definitely our target.

The husband's name is listed on
the passenger list.

Including the female voice I heard,

there's at least three of them,
not counting the baby.

Is it her bodyguard?

They seem to be changing rooms.
I'm sure their new room is just a decoy.

Thanks to an impatient somebody,
their guard is up now.

If her guard is a member of Garden,

this won't be an easy task.

How about we all cooperate together?

Of course that means
we can't fight among ourselves.

We'll split the reward.

And we will share any information
we get our hands on.

What a hassle.

It'll be faster if we just k*ll
all the mothers on board with a baby.

We're assassins, not psychotic murderers.

Our business is built on trust.

There are few valued clients of
The Family on board this ship.

If we want to get paid,
we can't cause unnecessary commotion.

As for you, please keep us updated
on all that you find out.

We're paying you well.

I sell my information impartially.

Work hard so that you guys
don't get outdone by the others.


Won't these masks make us
stand out even more?

No worries. There's a masquerade ball
being held at the Second Lounge.

So please don't remove it.

And please listen to what I'm about to say
without turning around.

I believe we're being followed.

Ever since we left the room.

No way. What are we going to do?

Let's lose him before
they find out our destination.

Will we be able to do that?

Heading towards the stern.
Probably going to the Second Lounge.

Okay. We'll head there.

We're here.


They're coming! While we're in this crowd!

If I intercept and k*ll them,
it'll cause a scene.

Then the rendezvous might get canceled.


Excuse me.

I can't k*ll anyone.

They sensed our presence.

But they don't know where we're stationed.

I can k*ll her. I'll just pass by,
and prick her with this poison.

I'll end it in a flash...

Sir, you've had one too many drinks.

That was close.

Huh? What was close? Give me my button.

What? What just happened?


Hey Andre! They're entering the lounge!

Don't lose them!
The black-haired woman is their guard!

Find a blind spot and aim for the blonde.


Oh... my...

Are you asking me to dance with you?

I'm sorry, but I'm not a very good dancer.


Believe it or not, I'm a married woman.

So I can't accept your offer.

- Good day.
- Andre! What happened?

Please rest for a little while.

Andre! Answer me!

We were able to lose them.
Hurry, let's go downstairs.

Past the promenade
are the second-class cabins.


Father! I want this skeleton keychain!

It's so unnecessary.
Why is that even sold on board?

- I want it, I want it!
- It's late. Let's return to our room.

I want it, I want it!

There are bugs placed all over this ship.

There are many government elites
and celebrities here,

so I'm sure there are few from
the State Security Service on board too.

I spotted a few suspicious people
in addition to the State Security members.

I'll lay low,
and try to stay out of the way.

- I want it, I want it!
- So much for laying low...

- He should just buy it for her.
- How cute.

Oh crap! This conversation
is being heard too!

A normal parent would just buy it
for their kid! You must be a spy!

You assh*le! We're arresting you!

Which is it? Would a parent normally
buy it or not?

This is obviously unnecessary!

It's not good for her education either!

But if I make one wrong choice,
it could mean my life!

I don't want it after all.

I'll k*ll them.

Did he really tell us to not cause
a commotion? I don't care about that.

It's 400,000 dalc for that woman
and her damn child.

I won't let those sissy assassins
take them from me!

I'm the Sickle-and-Chain Barnaby.

I never fail to k*ll my target.

Sickle-and-Chain Barnaby! Who is that?

There they are.

According to the intel I intercepted,

the black-haired woman
is the skilled guard.

I'll k*ll her first.


That assassin is trying to battle
with Mother right here, right now!

Should I buy it or not?

Take this! Sickle-and chain frog!

I hate frogs!

What's happening?

Yor? You're an assassin that hates frogs?

Let's split. No more Forger family.

We'll dump Anya too!

Oh no! What should I do?

I'm sorry, Anya.

Let's buy this skeleton.

It'll be a precious memento
of our cruise trip.

A normal father. A good father.

I don't care about that! Go away!

At this rate, Mother's battle
will begin any time now!

I'll buy it for you,
so please don't get mad. Okay?

If I let Father walk out of this store,
he'll see Mother fighting!

Oh no! It's a battle!

What's happening? What?
Yor, you're part of this battle?

Once he hears any screaming,
it'll be the end!

I'm the one that wanted to take
this cruise, so I have to do something!

What's with that face? Is she sad? Mad?

What is she feeling right now?

Did I hurt her that much
by refusing to buy that skeleton?

Are kids this age emotionally unstable?

That's right. You learned this
a while back, Twilight.

She may be trying to conceal it,

but there's constant darkness
in her heart!

- Her wound never healed!
- Um...

Caring for Anya's needs is a part of
Operation Strix.

Handler was aware of this all along?

That's why she planned this mission in
the name of a family trip to create peace!

I will complete this mission!

Father is always off the mark.

Excuse me, are you looking for
anything in particular?

Lately, these t-shirts and hoodies
with our logo are popular.

Neckties with a whale design
are popular with fathers.

How about matching baseball hats
for the two of you?

There is a fitting room over there.
Please try it out.

No, we're not looking for that...

I've no time for this. I have to
look after Anya's mental state.

- Father, you don't get it at all.
- Huh?

An adventure is about enjoying
a type of excitement out of the norm.

Out of overwhelming excitement,

one starts to want skeletons
and wooden swords.

Father, you're not excited at all!

If you're like that,
it makes me feel down too.

I think you should express your excitement

with your entire being,
in order to please Anya!

She's right.

I'm Twilight, the man with 1,000 faces.
How could I have forgotten?

It's important to play the role!

I must be a fun, and cheerful father!

Miss, I'd like to try on those clothes.

- In fact, I'll wear it back to my room.
- Okay!

Father, those pants over there
with the squid print look fun!

I will try on every single
article of clothing in this store.

I understand. This way.

I'll be expecting to see
a very fun outfit.

Leave it up to me.

Please let me know if you need
a different size.

All right! Let's keep Father in there
for a while and buy some time!

In the meantime, I have to help Mother!

Oh crap!

I forgot that Father
is a master of disguise!

He can change clothes in seconds!

I don't understand!

These clothes don't go
well together at all!

Is this the way to go? How am I supposed
to express excitement with my outfit?

Is there an optimal solution?

Dammit! This is no good. I need to search
for an even more perfect outfit!

What? They're not going to start fighting?

She dodged that?

All the while protecting the other two...

I didn't sense his hostility
until the last second!

This man...

is strong!