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02x05 - Plan to Cross the Border

Posted: 04/12/24 11:09
by bunniefuu
Thank you for coming, Thorn Princess.

Hello. The garden is
as beautiful as always.

- Shopkeeper.
- It is, isn't it?

With proper watering,
pruning, and meticulous care,

the world can maintain
its beauty just like this.

Welcome, Thorn Princess.

The heather smells wonderful!

The leaves of the burning bush
are vibrant too. Look.

You surprised me!

Pardon me. I was worried that having
a family may have dulled your senses.

But it seems like you have not changed.

I can now entrust you with our new client
with confidence.

Please do! I will gladly
get rid of the bad guys anytime you wish!

How reassuring. But...

your assignment this time
is to protect the client.



Do you know of the Gretcher family?


For generations, they have been
a great force, running this country's

underworld in an honorable way.

Due to an internal conflict,

their boss and his two sons
were recently k*lled.

The only surviving members
of the Gretcher family

are Olka Gretcher and her son.

Currently, they're taking shelter
at a hideout,

but the man who took over
the organization,

Leonardo Hapoon, is in a frenzy
searching for them.

He put a huge bounty on their heads,

and according to rumors, assassins
all over the world are on the move.

We have agreed to help her seek asylum
in a foreign country.

Our escape route is the sea.

In order to go unnoticed
by the coast guards,

they'll travel as passengers
until the ship is offshore.

Then we'll rendezvous with a ship
heading to their destination.

I want you to stay by their side
until they're safely handed over.

I'm to protect these mafia family members
from assassins.

It would be best if all goes as planned
without encountering any enemies.

You'll be there
just in case anything happens.

I was indebted to the boss
who was regrettably k*lled.

So please accept this job.

But what about my work at the city hall?

And if I'll be away for a few days, I have
to think of an excuse to say to my family.

Don't worry about that.

I had them come up with a bogus plan
to have you

travel as part
of your work for the city hall.

The director will fill you in
on the details later on.

I'm counting on you, Thorn Princess.

To keep this world a beautiful place.

I understand. I will do my best!

It's my first job in a long time.
I have to give it my best.

- Yuri!
- Sis!

I didn't expect to run into you
on this train.

Oh yeah... I'm returning
from a business trip.

I was arresting a political prisoner.

- Good work. You want to come over to eat?
- Really?

Oh... never mind.

Lotty's waiting for you,
and I still have work left to do.

Like organizing wiretapping data.

When will you become friendlier with Loid?

- Never.
- Are you eating well?

Make sure you don't leave
your socks lying around.

Sis, I'm not a little kid anymore.

Right. You're right.

Forg Square.

I can't be dependent on you forever.

Although I did the other day.

Make sure you rely on me
when you need help, Sis.

I'll k*ll Lotty for you in a second.

See you.


Yuri is all grown up now.

That's right.

He has a job now,
and he's able to support himself.

He doesn't need my help anymore.

Is there a reason for me
to continue this job

as an assassin?

Oh, what a shame!
Seventh place is a scrubby brush!


Come on, everyone!
It's Central Mall's biannual mega raffle!

Get one raffle ticket for every

The grand prize is two tickets
for a voyage on a cruise ship.

Come and try your luck!


Anya wants to get on that ship
and go on a big adventure.

I see. How brave of you.

Give tickets to this brave hero.

I only have one ticket.

Oh, a shame!
Sixth place is a luxurious scrubby brush!

What the hell?
Is the grand prize really in there?

The grand prize is still available.

Bunch of idiots. Keep spending money
for the grand prize you'll never get!

This cruise trip is mine!

I even made preparations beforehand.

I know.
We have to pretend we're strangers.

The grand prize ticket is glued
to the top of the box.

No one else will ever get it.

It's my privilege as an employee here!

I can't wait for us
to go on this trip, Cindy!

I'm not that interested in a cruise,
but I guess I'll go if it's free.

Hey there little girl. It's your turn.

Here you go. I hope you win!

Hurry up and draw a blank,
you little brat.

The lady behind you
is going to win the grand prize.

- We've got a winner!
- How?!

Loid and Anya, I'm back.

Listen to this, Mother!


Anya won a trip on a cruise!

- What?
- She won the grand prize at a raffle.


It's too good to be true.
I almost suspect a trap.

Father is suspicious of everything.

It's a ticket for two,
so would you like to go with her, Yor?

I have work, after all.

I'm super excited because I've never
been to the ocean before!

Bond, you're staying home.

Princess Lorelei cruise?

I'll be going on this cruise ship
for work!

- What?
- And this also departs on Friday.

- You're going on a ship for work?
- Yes, um...

The city is trying to invite
a famous department store,

so we're entertaining their VIP.

I see. It must be a part of
the recent urban development.

In reality, I have a job to protect
important people from assassins.

This job is a battle of assassins!

If by chance, they both get on this ship,

it will be difficult for me to do my job.

What should I do?

Don't make things difficult for Mother.
Cancel your excur-gen.

Why should I care?
I want to cruise the ocean.

Deep down, you agree with me too.

You're right. I might be able to k*ll
two birds with one stone if I help Mother.

Be honest with yourself.
You've been wanting to go out to sea.

Anya wants to go on a ship!
If I can't, I'll turn into a delinquent!

Oh boy.

I'll go to work tomorrow
and see if I can take some time off.

No problem at all.

I'll make arrangements so you can
take time off from the hospital.

Thank you.

Stop fooling around.
Work until you're worn thin!

There's talk that she got scolded
by the main office for overworking us.

Caring for Anya's needs and education
is part of Operation Strix.

Agent Twilight,

go and successfully complete the mission
of rest and time off.

Excur-gen, excur-gen!

It's been so long since we've been on
an excur-gen as a family!

Yes, although I'll be working.

- Be careful.
- If only I wasn't assigned this job.

Then the three of us could've enjoyed
a family vacation.

What am I saying!

I'm misplacing my priorities!

What's wrong, Mother?

That's our station!

But if I make this...

my last job as Thorn Princess...

It's so big!

- I'm so excited!
- Calm down.

I'll be going now to meet up
with the people from city hall.

I'll contact you whenever I can.

I'm sorry to be having fun on our own.

Good luck, Mother!

Pool! Circus!

Games room! And...


Father, this ship is amazing!
I can sense a great adventure!

Well, it's a luxury liner built
to honorably represent Ostania.

- Let's go explore!
- After we leave our luggage in our room.

I can't wait for the suite room!

It seems like I stepped into
a prison cell by mistake. Wrong room.

It's the correct room.
This is what a third-class cabin is like.

Please wait until next time to enjoy
Anya's adventure.

You won this free trip at a raffle.
Don't be too picky.

This is Anya's first time
sleeping on a bunk bed!

- I'm gonna take the top bunk!
- Go ahead. Don't fall.

Yor and her co-workers
must be in the first-class cabin.

- That's not fair! Mother is living it up.
- Well, she has to entertain guests.

Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm Matthew McMahon, the Director
of Policy at Berlint City Hall.

This is Heymann and Vides
from the Business Development Team.

And this is Forger.

Furseal Grey from Development Department
at Arhaus Department Stores.

This is my wife, Shaty.

- Sorry for bringing along our child.
- No problem. Enjoy your family trip.

Any female assistance you require.

- Please ask Forger.
- Thank you.

She's Ms. Olka from the Gretcher family.

She's so different from her picture.

She must have changed her appearance.
Nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you.
So this is Olka's guard?

She looks frail, but will she be okay?

This Princess Lorelei cruise

is a short two-night, three-day voyage
that tours around the near-by islands.

We hope the Grey family will be able to
enjoy a relaxing trip.

It's nothing compared to your

department stores, but there is
a shopping mall on this ship as well.

Would you like a tour?

These two are actual personnel
who know nothing about us.

- Sure, thanks.
- I'll decline.

- I'll stay here and look after my baby.
- Okay.

Then I'll leave Forger here with you.

- This way, Mr. Grey.
- But, um...

Will she be okay with just one guard?

Shouldn't we all stick together?

She'll be safe as long as she stays
inside the room.

We'll first inspect the ship.

Please rest assured.

She's very strong.

Your job this time is to protect
Olka and her son.

We've learned that there are
numerous assassins out to get them.

If need be, please get rid of the enemies.

I'm counting on you, Thorn Princess.

All the entry and escape routes
have been checked beforehand.

But I can't rest assured
until I confirm it myself.

Although I'm sure
the Director checked it himself.

You're really in that line of work, huh?

Oh? Yes.

Which line of work?

You're Ms. Olka, right?

Yes. Although I rather not be called
by that name while on this ship.

I apologize!

- Mama!
- Oh no, he woke up.

I'm so sorry!


Isn't it funny?

Even though I changed my appearance,
he still knows that I'm his mother.

Perhaps it's my voice or my scent,
or because his vision isn't fully formed.

It makes me a little sad that no one

will ever say that we look alike.
But I don't care about that now.

He took after his dad,
so I guess it doesn't matter either way.

Your husband was a very nice man.

Oh, he's just a member of our crew.

He's just playing a part.
But he's a nice guy, nonetheless.

My husband was k*lled along
with my father and brothers.

That's why my son is all that I have left.

I'm sorry... I had no idea.

It's okay. It's the fate of being born
into a gangster family.

But I'm tired of it.

I don't need the name or the inheritance.

I just want to live a quiet life.

It's okay. What's wrong?

Ms. Bodyguard, can I ask you for a favor?

Ever since the dispute began,
I've been forced to stay hidden.

I want to spread my wings a little.

I want to let him enjoy
the outside air as well.

But um... we need the Director's permission...

Please. Just for a little while.

My enemies don't know
what I look like now.

And they don't know that I'm on this ship
to begin with.

Plus, if anything happens,
you'll be here to protect me, right?

I understand. Just for a little while.

Wouldn't you attract more attention
with that behavior?

Well, it's true that I'm watching out
for the bad guys...


- Your family is also on this ship?
- Yes.

My husband and daughter.

Father, we need to hurry up and finish
exploring, or this ship will sink.

It won't sink! Watch what you say!

But really,

this ship is unbelievably large. It seems
like famous people are on board too.

I should prepare for
a possible t*rror1st attack,

and look out for suspicious people,
and check the configuration of this ship.

I must be aware of when and where
certain people gather...

Father isn't having fun.

Oh crap. Old habits die hard!

Successfully complete the mission
of rest and time off.

I must rest! I need to do my best
and make full use of this time off!

- Let's go watch a show!
- Father is so serious.

Why did you even bring them here?

Well, it all happened by accident.

My family doesn't know
about this line of work.

So if fighting ever erupts,
and they see me, it would be trouble...

Well, it'd be trouble if other passengers
were to see me too.

If they're in the third-class cabin,

we won't bump into them
if we stay in the first-class area.

That's true, but...

You're really concerned about this.
Your family is just for your cover, right?

Yes... you're right...

I guess you're right...

That's right! Let's go outside right away!


I'll let you borrow this.

It feels amazing.

This is...

Now we look like two mothers
here on vacation.

It's better than your suit.
Even if your husband were to

see you from far away,
he won't be able to tell it's you.

You're right.

What a calm breeze.

There's no sign of land in sight.

You're right.

I left so many things behind.

Oh, is he getting cold?

Let's head back.

Um... Ms. Shaty.

I will do my best!
I will protect you both,

and carry out my duty!

- Besht.
- Yes! I will do my "besht"!


That's his name.
The same name as my father.

- That's his real name.
- Gam.

Nice to meet you, Gram.

- Want to hold him on the way back?
- May I?

I'll be careful not to break his bones.

I'm sorry! Here, take him back, Ms. Shaty!

- Where's the bathroom?
- The show's at five.

- Let's go to the bar.
- Wow!

- I can go shopping!
- Dad!

What is it? Don't go too far.

- I will win the next election for sure.
- No, those stocks are...

Oh man, I hear the lock
to the emergency door is broken.

- I was about to be left behind.
- Next time for sure...

This is delicious.

- Company A's product is...
- Therefore...

- E-226, all clear.
- Oh, seriously...

Gram... His name...

The same name as my father.

Where should we go tomorrow?

Nice to meet you, Gram.

I'm sorry! Here, take him back, Ms. Shaty!

Shaty... Shaty...

Shaty Hutton. Room 2125.

Shaty Copeland. Room 3064.

Shaty Grey. Room 8053.