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02x01 - Follow Mama and Papa

Posted: 04/12/24 11:04
by bunniefuu
As countries worldwide

battle discrete yet fierce
information warfare,

two countries are at a standoff.

Ostania in the east,
and Westalis in the west.

Westalis launched Operation Strix
to find out the movements

of key figures

in the Ostanian government,
who are plotting a w*r.

Highly-skilled Agent Twilight,
was put in charge of the operation.

The man with 100 different faces,
was given a mission

to create a family.

Father, Loid Forger, a psychiatrist.

His true identity is spy.
Codenamed Twilight.

Mother, Yor Forger, a city hall employee.

Her true identity is assassin.
Codenamed Thorn Princess.

Daughter, Anya Forger.

Her true identity is being a telepath
who can read minds.

Dog, Bond Forger.

A psychic canine
that can glimpse the future.

For their own personal interests,
they created a fake family.

The mission continues, as three of them
hide their identities from each other.



The service has been completed.

No, I will head home right away.

Since my husband asked me to pick up some

milk and eggs on the way back.

Damn it. She's the infamous assassin.

- She's Thorn Princess!
- Yes, thank you.

Die, you monster!


We have breaking news.

Several bodies believed to belong to
members of Red Circus

were found inside a building
in the Northern District.

- Red Circus is...
- Father.

I want to watch anime.

- News is boring.
- No.

There's a load of information

to gain from a single news bulletin
released to the public.


You can change the channel.

Good morning, Bondman.

Your mission today
is to tail a certain target.

- Find out where...
- How exciting!

the secret weapons are hidden,

- and destroy them.
- I'm home.

Welcome home, Yor.

These are...

the milk and eggs.

Oh... Thank you.

Are you feeling unwell?

No, it's nothing like that.
I'm just a little...

There's no way I can tell him!

I can't tell him that I'm in a lot of pain

because I got shot in the butt
during a fight

with a group of armed militants!

I treated the wound, but still...

g*ns?! She got shot by a g*n!

Mother. Are you going to die?

Don't worry, Anya. I won't die.

I'm a little tired,
so I'll head to bed now.

I'm sure I'll feel better

after a good night's sleep, right?

Yor was in a bad mood.
Was it because I asked her to go shopping?

That must be it!
This marriage is just on paper,

but I've been asking her to do so much!
That must've made her unhappy!

Mother won't die even when she gets
shot by a g*n! Impressive!

This is not good! Not good at all!
Family troubles will ruin this mission!

I must do everything within my power
to fix this!

Father's way off.

Hopefully she'll feel better
after a night's sleep.

- It's not better.
- She's not better.

Good morning.

Good morning.

It hurts.

I need to do something to lift her mood.

Yor, today is our day off.

- So, will you go out on a date with me?
- Date...

You're always helping me by taking care
of the house and looking after Anya.

So I want you to relax
and let loose today.

A date...

My boyfriend took me on a cruise
for our date the other day.

What kind of dates do you go on, Yor?

- We've never gone on a date.
- Liar.

It's normal to go on dates
even after you get married.

Oh... well...

I should probably gain
some experience of going on a date,

or people might suspect
that we're not really a married couple.

We don't have to go
if you're not feeling well.

I will go!

This is a great opportunity,
so I will use this chance to learn!


I'll get dressed right away!

Anya wants to go too! A date!
How exciting!

Sorry. You're not coming with us.
It's a date, after all.

How sad.

Have fun at home.

Come here.

Listen up!
How many times do I have to tell you?

I'm your informant!
Not someone you call for odd jobs!

I have no choice. I can't leave Anya
home all by herself.

This is an important part of the mission
to keep the family together.

You said you want to invent
some new spying gadgets, right?

This payment will help with that.

You keep on using my weakness against me!

All right. Shall we go, Yor?

Your hand, please.

Last night, I came up with 862 date plans

that Yor might enjoy.

I'm all set.

I'm sorry, Loid.

I'll sustain more damage to my butt
if I have to sit!

I'd like to walk on our date.

She's mad? She's still mad?

Dammit. That takes out 794 date plans.

Good idea.

Let's just take it easy
and go for a stroll.

I'm worried about Father and Mother.

That guy's hopeless if he's got
a little kid worrying about him.

Little kids should go inside
and watch anime.

Go, Bondman! Tail the target,
and maintain world peace!


Anya wants to tail Father and Mother.

What? That sounds like so much fun!

- Shall we do it?
- Let's tail them!

Your dad is pretty sharp.

So let's disguise ourselves,
and be careful. Go change!

Yes, sir!

That outfit makes you stand out even more.

- No problem.
- If you say so.

You're in charge of guarding the house,

my capable agents of
the secret organization P2. Bond,

Director Kimera,

and Agent Penguin Man.

Hey Twilight,

you've charmed countless women
with your art of seduction.

This is my chance to see you in action!

He's too far. I can't read his mind.

What are they doing?


Are they pretending to be spies?

What's so fun about that?

I'll view this as part of my mission
to maintain a happy family,

and pretend I don't notice them.

And Anya should be safe as long as Franky
is with her.

- Loid?
- Oh, it's nothing.

More importantly,
I have to lift Yor's mood.

Shall we do some shopping?


Yor, you have a nice figure,
so I bet you'll look good in pants too.

Would you like to try it on?

If I wear anything that tight,

it'll put pressure on my wound,
and the pain will make me faint.

Not a chance.



Oh, my love!

- Look into my eyes and tell me it's a lie!
- Yor...

Why don't you sit?
You're attracting attention.

No thanks.

If I sit, my butt...


If I sit, my butt...

Yor, it's dangerous, so you should sit.

But if I sit, my butt...


My butt...


What am I to do?

I can't concentrate on this date at all!

Even though Loid is teaching me
so many things!

What should I do?

Not only have I not lifted her mood,
I've made it worse!

Did I pick all the wrong choices?

What is it? What does Yor like?
Did I not do enough research?

Loid is always acting so cool,
but he's failing so badly!

How pathetic!

Scruffy, are you a mean person?

Not at all! I have the right to sneer
because I can't get any girls!

- How pitiful.
- What did you say?!

They're so obtrusive.

I'm sure you're tired. How about dinner?


Mr. Forger, we have your reservation.

Please sit.

We're very sorry, sir.

We do not serve customers

in casual clothes, nor children.

- No one under the age of 18.
- You heard the man.

Let's give up.

Let's head back soon.

I was getting a little bored anyway.

Thorn Princess? Why is she here?

What is it?

Are you looking for a bathroom?

No doubt about it!

That hurts!

She's the assassin that raided
our hideout yesterday!

What is she doing here?

I felt God's mercy as the lone survivor
of that horrendous event,

and that made me want to

straighten out my life, and work hard
for the sake of my girlfriend!

But I see, this is a command
from my friends in hell.

You guys want me to k*ll her, right?
I'll avenge the Red Circus!

There's a bad guy in the restaurant!

Die, Thorn Princess!

Whoa, you're the great assassin after all!
You win!

Yor, you're an assassin?

Let's split. No more Forger family.
We'll dump Anya too.

- Let's go, little one.
- No!

What? You still want to continue this?

My family's in trouble!


Hold on a second.

Is this kid worried that her parents
might divorce?

She's so invested,
even though they're a fake family.

I guess I have no choice.
I'll help you out for a little longer.

- Now it's time to play "infiltration."
- Infiltration!

What would you like as your aperitif?

I'll have a dry champagne.

I'll just have a cocktail.

This restaurant serves

a rare pufferfish dish
that comes from the Far East.

It's part of the meal today.

Oh, I see.

Pufferfish is a fish that carries
a toxic poison,

but its flesh is delicious.

Excuse me, please take this to
the lady at table three.

- Okay.
- Gulp down that pufferfish poison.

And go to hell, Thorn Princess!

Hurry up, Scruffy!

Don't rush.
Infiltration requires patience.

If you make a fuss, you'll get caught.

Thank you for waiting.

Wow, what a surprising color and aroma.

It's so thick.

You can't drink it, Mother!

Oh... I feel...

I successfully avenged all of you,
my friends.

The pain in my butt is gone now,
and I feel so much better!

The woman had a high tolerance for poison.

My body feels a little tingly,
but I can sit down!

I'm so hungry now.
I can't wait to try the dishes.

Oh... yes.

She's in a good mood now.
Is it because of the alcohol?

What? Wait... I gave her the blood... What?


There's a fine line between
poison and medicine.

Normal people must follow directions,
and the recommended dosages.

What's wrong?

I'll have to resort to extreme measures.

I'll personally k*ll and bury her!

I can make an improvised b*mb
with the tools in the storeroom.

I'll use that, that, and that.

I can't place a timing device,

so I'll have to carry it there myself.

I'm sorry, Catherine.
Please forgive this fool.

We're almost right above the dining area.

Once we're right above them,
I'll lower you with a wire,

so that you can hear their conversation...

I should be able to make the b*mb casing,
by using *** and ***.

I think it was placed on the right shelf.

After I put in the blue ***
located across the shelf,

I'll *** it. I'll also have to

add ***, to make it extra lethal.

Yup, I can do it!

What the hell is this?

Olive oil? Who the hell dropped this here?

Dammit. I don't have time for this!

Who the hell is setting up these pranks?

This is the perfect container
to place the b*mb in.

No, this is a little too small.

Wait, is this...

Why was there an actual b*mb in here?

And what is this? Peanuts?

Peanut b*mb?

Don't tell me...

Is this Thorn Princess's crony?

A child?

Red Circus guy.

She knows who I am!

From now on, don't ever come near Anya...

I mean, us, ever again.

Got it? This is your last chance.

You should quit this bad guy business

and make Catherine happy.

She knows about Catherine too!

She knows everything.

Thorn Princess cannot be underestimated.

She even has a talented child like that
working for her.

She's on a completely different level.
I'm no match for her.

I'll forget everything
and live a normal life.

That restaurant was rather hectic,
wasn't it?

But it was delicious!

It sure was.

What a relief.
She seems to be in a better mood now.

There's peace once again
in the Forger household.

It's all thanks to Anya.

Where did you run off to a while ago?

Thank you very much, Loid.

Ever since I was young, I had to work
and take care of my younger brother,

so I never had time to have fun.

That's why

I really enjoyed myself today.

Please invite me out again.

When I'm not injured.

It'd be my pleasure.

Look at that! It's a fairground!

Should we stop by?

Father! Anya wants to ride
the Ferris wheel!

- A fairground!
- Hey, stop that!

Are we not tailing them anymore?


The medicine, or poison in this case,
wore off.

I don't understand women.