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25x09 - Children of Wolves

Posted: 04/12/24 08:05
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the
dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

I brushed my teeth.

You flossed?

- Yeah.
- [SCOFFS] That's a lie.

Mom, what are you doing?

I'm just getting rid of a
bunch of these old books.

We really need to give them away.

I don't want to.
I like 'em.

You like 'em?

Well, you want me to read you...

"Little Red Riding Hood"?

Because I'll do it right now.

Nah, that's okay.

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Okay. All right, honey.

So we'll go through the rest
of this stuff tomorrow, okay?

All right, sweetie.

Go to sleep.
Good night.

- Love you.
- Mom?


Whatever happened
to that girl?

What girl?

The one that got kidnapped,

the day of little Nicky's baptism,


How did you hear about her?

I googled you.

Wow, you googled me.


Well, what'd you find?

Is Maddie gonna be all right?

Well, honey,
she's home with her family.

And they're taking good care of her.

But I mean, that guy
who kidnapped her,

he's going to prison, right?

Yes, Noah, that's the plan.

Honey, you need to go to sleep.

You don't need to be
thinking about those things.

Go to sleep.


Yeah, sweetie?

Why are there so many
bad guys in the world?


♪ ♪


You found some other
articles about me?

Only what was
on the first page.

And what'd you find?

An article about William Lewis...



And Johnny D.



- He has a g*n!
- Stay back!

Drop the g*n.
Let her go.


He's a bad guy, right?



I mean, he was, Noah.


He's dead now.

I saw on the paperwork
he's listed as my father.

Well, you know, um...

You know, um,



You know...
I, um...

How did you even find these?

Did you...
Did you go searching,

into my private boxes in the closet?

Are you mad?

Well, you know, it's
an invasion of privacy.

And, I really wish
you would have asked me.

I'm sorry.

I understand that
you have big questions.

I mean, these are big,
important questions.

And I want to have all
these conversations with you.

You know, honey, there's a time
and a place to have them.

And my job as your mom
is to...

Decide when, we should have
those conversations, right?

And this is...

This is not how we do it.

♪ ♪

Is it really that scary?

You know, Noah, it's not.

It's just complicated.

Come here, honey.

I think I would like you
to read me that story.

Oh, I can do that.

Why don't you scoot over
and turn the light on, honey.


So once upon a time,
there lived a country girl,

the prettiest creature
who was ever seen.

And her mother was fond of her,

but, her grandmother
doted on her even more.

Her grandmother made
a little red hood for her.

And she wore it
so well and so much

that everyone called her
Little Red Riding Hood.

That movie sucked.

Yeah, it was boring,
but I'd watch anything

with Jacob Elordi in it.

Okay, Rosie, I told you not
to spray that crap around me.

Because your mom's a sommelier?

Yeah, and she can't
be around strong scents.

It messes with your palate.

She's gonna be pissed enough
that I'm late.

I thought you told her
you were staying over tonight.

I did.

Well, then I can do this.

Okay, you're evil.

- Hey, give it back.

Give it back!
Give it back!

Hey, girls.

How's it going?

Wanna smoke a joint with us?



You think you can just ignore us?

Hey, girls.

Got something for you.

Hope you brought a microscope.

You're gonna regret that.

Hey, I didn't give you
permission to leave.


- Hey.
- Hey, what are you doing?

What are you two gonna
do about it?

- No!


From that moment forward,

Little Red Riding Hood
never left the path

or went into the woods again.


Was that a happy ending?

You know, Noah,

I'm not so sure.

I'm never, ever gonna
go through the box

in the closet again.

We'll talk tomorrow.

Good night.
Love you.

I love you too.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪



♪ ♪

So Noah googled you,

and then read about a
few of your past cases?

Uh, yeah.

That's it, I'm getting rid
of the girls' computers...

There's nothing we can do
to stop this, Carisi.

At least he was honest
about it, you know?

It's not like...

Not like you got an OnlyFans account.

That would have
been easier to explain.


He asked me about William Lewis.

And then he asked about Johnny D.

What'd you say?

After I stopped stuttering,

I told him that it was complicated.

That's a woeful understatement.

He just wants to know,

that Maddie's kidnapper
is going to prison.

So that's why you met me

for mediocre coffee
in the rain, huh?

He's a kid.

He still believes that bad
guys get what they deserve.


We're still working on that plea deal.


But we lost our main witness.

The tree guy, the dendrophile, he...

He got beat to death at Rikers.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Maddie, is our best witness.

Maybe, but she's 15.

She was snatched from her parents.

She was forced to ingest fentanyl

the entire time she was in captivity.

So you're worried that
George Brouchard's lawyer

is gonna paint her
as an unreliable witness.

Why else would they
want this to go to trial?

So put me on the stand.

I'll rip 'em apart.




Bruno, what do you got?

She still alive?

I'm on my way.

Doesn't sound good.

A teenage girl was found unconscious

in Fort Tryon Park,

stripped naked,
with a belt around her neck.

I'm not due in court
till later this afternoon.

Well, I could use
an ADA riding shotgun.

Widen the grid!

We're looking for her wallet,
phone, jewelry.

On it, Detective.

- Who found her?
- Two local moms.

They covered the vic with their
coats until the bus arrived.

- It's pretty deserted up here.
- Yeah.

Few more hours, she would
have died of exposure.

Anyone know who the vic is?

No, we didn't find any ID on her.

We're checking Missing Persons.

And what about the perp?

TARU's pulling camera footage,

but it looks like multiple assailants

based on the injuries I saw

before the ambo hauled her away.

Multiple assailants.

So what, this some kind
of wolf pack thing?

It's pretty violent.

Ripped the clothes right off of her.

Drag marks from her boots.

They go all the way
down to the playground.

Vic was found here.

Those are pretty deep gouge marks.

Too deep for just a few kids playing.



Check this out, lip gloss.


I'm gonna need a photograph of this.

Someone was pressed
face down against it.

Was our vic wearing lip gloss?

Not that I noticed.

We might be looking for a second girl.

I'll get the dog,
see if we can pick up a scent.


Did our Jane Doe regain consciousness?

Still on a ventilator.

Okay, I understand there was

some kind of ligature
around her neck.

The women who found her
took this off her neck.

Caused some pretty
severe cerebral hypoxia.

Any other injuries?

Abrasions on her legs and back

and fingertip bruising on both wrists.

So she was held down?

Was there any other bruising?
Any tears?

From the extent of
her internal injuries,

I'd say multiple assailants.

Thank you, Doctor.


Um, what are the chances
that she doesn't make it?

I'd locate her next of kin as
soon as possible if I were you.

You doing all right?

Not really.

This job's hard enough
without our kids googling it.

We signed up for it.
They didn't.

Noah's a strong kid, Liv.


Is he strong enough to find out
that his father's a r*pist?


You were.




Uptown precinct just got a call
about a missing girl.

Let me guess,
matching her description.

♪ ♪

That's her.

That's my Rosie.


Ms. James, please, take a...

Take a seat.

When was the last
time you spoke to Rosie?

She left me a voicemail
last night, checking in.

Was there a reason
that you didn't pick up?

I drank my Sleepytime Tea,

and I must have fell asleep
in my recliner.

You didn't discover
her missing until...

- Until this morning?
- I got up,

to fix Rosie breakfast,

and-and her room was empty.

Okay, and where are her parents?


They're celebrating their


This is not your fault.

You know whose fault this is?

The guys who att*cked her.

Anything you can tell us about her,

where she was,
who she was with,

would be so helpful.

She said she was going to a movie.

With someone you knew?

One of her girlfriends,

her best friend, Sydney.

They were supposed to have
a sleepover last night.

Okay, we're gonna need
to speak with Sydney's parents.

Yeah, it's Rosie Meadows,
my stepdaughter's best friend.

When was the last time
you spoke to your stepdaughter?

Last night, she said she was

gonna spend the night at Rosie's.

Why, did something happen to them?

We're sorry to tell you this,

but Rosie was att*cked last night.

att*cked how?

She was sexually assaulted.

There's no easy way
to say this, Ms. Lynch,

but she's in bad shape.

Oh, my God,
w-where is Sydney right now?

Oh, my, is she at the
hospital with Rosie?

- Mrs. Lynch...
- I have to get a cab,

unless you could drive me.

My hands are shaking.

I couldn't...
I couldn't drive if I tried.

Mrs. Lynch, your stepdaughter
is not at the hospital.

What do you mean?
Where is she?


[GASPS] Oh, it's...
It's Sydney.

Pick it up.

Sydney, where are you?

What do you...

she says her phone's almost dead.

What do you mean
your phone's almost dead?

Can't you borrow a charger?

Give it to me, please.
Okay, Sydney?

- Yes?
- This is Captain Benson.

Can you tell me where you are, honey?

I-I'm at a friend's house.

- Rosie's?
- No. No.

Um, Rosie and I got into a fight.

Another friend.

Can you tell me her name?

Can you tell me the address?

We'd like to come pick you up now.


[STRAINED] I'm fine.
I just... I...

I have... I have to go.

Um, my phone's
run out of juice.

I'll call back later.

- Sydney, hold...


She says she's fine,

and at a friend's house.

Your stepdaughter is lying,
Mrs. Lynch.

♪ ♪

Hey, where are we
on tracking the location

of Sydney's cell phone?

TARU's trying to get
a ping on it now.

- Is that the crime scene?
- Yeah.

Well, did we get any DNA,

- fingerprints?
- Yeah.

Denise Lynch confirms

that the lip gloss
that Curry found,

same shade Sydney
Lynch wears every day.

We got pretty deep
gouge marks on the topsoil,

but, no ID possible on footprints.

Why not?
I heard there were lots.

Well, the topsoil's got
a lot of peat.

It's not the best medium
for forensic impressions.

What about Rosie's clothes?

Did we get anything from her kit?

Yeah, semen,
from four different men.

Four guys?

Any matches in the system?

- No.
- But DNA methylation's become

a lot more reliable
since you were a cop.


You're telling me
the lab got the ages

of the perps from their sperm?

Pretty much.

Forensics guy at the lab can
place all four assailants

in their mid-to late teens.

Straight to voicemail every time.

Sydney's not a liar.

What if her phone's really dead?

I heard distress
in her voice, Mrs. Lynch.

Where is she?

We don't know yet.

But, we do need a list
of friends, boyfriends.

She doesn't have a boyfriend.


Is Sydney's father
still in your lives?

He died six months ago in a car crash.

Her mom's not in the picture.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

It's just the two of us,
me and Sydney.

How well do you know Rosie Meadows?

Her parents seem like
they have a lot of money.

Did Sydney ever mention
any tension in the family?

They're out of town a lot.

I mean, she's raised
mostly by her nanny.

So Rosie never mentioned
a handful

of slightly older boys?


I mean, they're teen girls.

They communicate in ways
I don't really understand.

- Right.
- TikTok, Snapchat.

We already checked her social media.

We just wanted to make sure

that we're not missing anything.

Why would they just
let her call like that

if she was taken?

Well, it could be
a number of reasons.

Most likely of which,

is that they want us
to stop looking for her.

But you're not gonna do that...

Are you?


No, I'm not.

What about the security
cameras in the park?

This alleged wolf pack?

We only got one guy on the cams.

So he comes up behind her,
puts Rosie in a headlock.

Pulls her away
from her best friend Sydney.

Takes her out of the light,

towards the playground, presumably.


She's paralyzed with fear.

Doesn't want to leave her friend.

My guess,
she interrupted the r*pe,

and one of the guys held her down.

- Explains the lip gloss on the slide.
- Right.

And what about the security
cams from the park exits?

- I mean, if these guys

know the park as well
as they seem to,

they probably just took Sydney
off the main path,

into the woods,
and over the fence, right?

TARU got a hit
on Sydney's cell phone.

So we looked at your
daughter's online presence.

But without her passwords,
we can't go much further.

I have her passwords
written down at home.

Liv, we have something.

Last ping off a tower
from Sydney's phone

was from about two blocks away

from a yacht club on City Island.

So her phone is either off
or completely dead.

Or these guys destroyed it.

I know this marina.

There's gotta be a
hundred slips there.

This time of year,
people shrink-wrap

their boats and dry-dock them.

Everything covered
in plastic for winter

- is a good place to hide.
- Yeah, we're gonna need backup.

I'll call 1PP on the way,

but we're not waiting.

Guys, we are gonna search every
single boat if we have to.

We're gonna find this girl.


All right,
you two take down there.

It's been a while since
I wore one of these things.

Well, it suits you, counselor.

I'd feel a lot better if I had a g*n.

Well, that would be illegal.


Let's open these up.

♪ ♪




Clear up ahead!





I'm gonna find this girl.




The dogs found a scent.
Come on.

- What do you got?
- She was here in the cabin.


♪ ♪

They brought her here
and did God knows what.

Captain, her phone.

Find me the owner of this boat.

Already checking registration.


And get CSU down here.

I want every inch
of this cabin processed.


♪ ♪

That's not Sydney's.

How do you know it's even a girl's?

We don't.

But we did find Sydney's
cell phone on the boat,

and her DNA.

Does that mean blood?

It's touch DNA.
It's not from blood.

It's from someplace that she touched.

What did they do to her?

There's no indication
of life-threatening harm.


So right now we have
every reason to believe

that Sydney is still alive.


So did we get anything on the boat?

Did we make contact with the owner?

Retired insurance adjuster.

No records.
Says he hasn't even been

out on the water
in over a year.

Marina confirmed.

Not to mention the state of his boat.


Fresh prints and DNA,
four sets,

and it is a match
with Rosie's r*pe kit.

Oh, this just came in,

security cam footage
from the marina entrance.

There's our wolf pack.

Yeah, they all seem like
they know each other.

Do we have any evidence that they knew

the two girls that they targeted?

I ruled out every boy
that Sydney and Rosie

had contact with...
phones, social media.

So this is what,
just totally random?

- It was deliberate.
- No.

I think they were
hanging out in that park

just waiting for
someone to come along.

So some kind
of g*ng initiation?

There's not a lot
of white gangs in the city.

Albanian maybe, but...

Yeah, but it doesn't
even matter

because there's no prints
or DNA in the system.

I doubt these are
first-time offenders.

So check local precincts for
muggings, robberies, assaults,

involving four young, white males.

On it, Captain.

These guys look like
they're still in high school.

Yeah, I bet they don't have

perfect attendance records, either.

I'll check schools
for truancy reports.

You know what, check
student body psych visits.

After what they did to Rosie...

I'm sure a pet or two has gone missing

- from their neighborhood.

Rosie's parents are at the hospital.

That's Rosie's.

Red's her favorite color.

Where did you find this?

We found it on a boat
in a marina on City Island.

W-what would she be doing there?

Well, she wasn't there,
but her hoodie was.

- Why?
- It's just hard to understand, but,

it's possible the boys took
this as some kind of souvenir.

Either way,
Rosie didn't have it on

when we found her in the park.

She must have been cold.

Okay, you said that Rosie was with

her best friend last night.


Sydney Lynch.
Do you know her?

- Vaguely...
- Of course we know her.

- Where is she?
- Unfortunately, she's still missing.

We believe that after
your daughter was att*cked,

that the boys took her.

And you haven't found them yet?

We're doing everything that we can.

How much?
How much?

We can put up the ransom, any amount.

- You tell us how much.
- Mr. Meadows,

we don't think that this
was financially motivated.

We haven't received
any kind of requests like that.

So then what do they want?

This is difficult to wrap
your head around, but,

some people just want
to cause pain.


They're just wild animals?

I wish it were that simple.

Our daughter may never recover.

♪ ♪

We are so incredibly sorry.

And we want you to know

that this is NYPD's highest priority.

And every cop in this city
is looking for those boys.

And when we do find them,

they'll do life in prison.

Excuse me.


Local precinct just got a call.

A neighbor in an
apartment building saw

something suspicious
at a townhouse next door.

Suspicious how?

Well, the place is under construction.

Oh, so it should be empty.

Yeah, but a young girl
was out on the roof.

And she was out in the rain.

Neighbor took a pic.

That could be Sydney.

Precinct sent a uni.

Nobody answered the door.

Velasco and Curry are
on the scene canvassing.

Call ESU and hostage negotiation.

I'll hang back with the Meadows.

Let's go.


Do we have any idea
who's in that townhouse?

Tough to see with the window covered.

But our infrared shows
four males and one female,

who I'm assuming is the hostage.

Make sure your sn*pers know that.

Better yet,
tell them to stand down.

If they see a clear shot
at one of these guys,

- they're taking it.
- You gotta make contact first.

Look, your scene, my case.

Are we clear?

- You run the townhouse?
- Yeah.

Owner's putting it on the market,

pending renovation and pest control.

Velasco said the pest
company had a set of keys.

You get anything
from the exterminator?

She has an 18-year-old son

who hasn't been home in two days.


♪ ♪

Ma'am, I'm Captain Benson,

Mona Piper.

Your detective seems to think

that my son might
be involved with this.

Does your son have access
to your office?

Seth tries to be a good boy.

He tries?

He helps out sometimes, but...

He's different.

He always has been.

Mona, listen to me.

So if you want
to protect your son,

I'm going to tell you
the best way to do it, okay?

- I'm listening.
- Okay.

You see those men up there?

Those men getting into position?

Those are the best-trained
men in the world

at putting .30-cal Win Mags
into human brains.

So if you care
about your son's life,

I suggest you call him right now.



Seth, it's Mom.


This is Captain Benson, NYPD.

Oh, my mom told you
where to find us, huh?

No, your mom loves you,
but, she's worried about you.

- Why is that?
- Well, I think that she knows

that you haven't had an easy go of it.

Maybe you're a little different.

I think maybe she was talking
about your lack of empathy.

You know, it's not like
you just woke up one morning

and decided to as*ault a girl
with your friends

and kidnap her and put her
in a townhouse, right?

Seth, you know what I think?

I think that it started
first with, like...

With bugs, right?

And rats.


Mostly rats.



Maybe even when you were really young?

When did you start helping
your mom out at the office?


You know, in my experience,

boys like you, you know,
they start out with animals.

And then, Seth,
you know what happens?

They slowly become one.

I'm not an animal.

Are you sure?

- Yes.
- Prove it.

Where's Sydney?
Let me talk to her.

I want to hear her voice.

She's right here.

Okay, well,
let me talk to her.

- Seth, man...
- Shut up.

- What are we doing?
- Shut up.

- What is going on?
- Shut up!

♪ ♪

You tell her you're okay,

or you end up just like your friend.


Here she is.

Hi, honey.
This is Captain Benson.

How are you doing?

I'm so sorry.

- I'm fine.
- You're fine?

It's okay if you're not, honey.

- It's okay if you're not fine.
- I'm good.

I-I want to be here.
I want to be here.

Okay, honey, I understand.
I understand.

Please don't come in.

That's it.
That's it.


You can end this right now.

All you have to do
is walk out that door.

Nah, I think it's
a little too late for me.

No, it's not.
Listen to me.

You have the power,
to make a choice.

Are you a man, Seth,
or are you an animal?

Animals are weak.

Are you?


Well, then I think you know
what your next step is.

♪ ♪

My mom out there?

Seth, I see you looking out.

But my sn*pers don't.

I could tell them
where you are,

and they could take
a clean shot,

but I'm not gonna do that.

[CHUCKLES] Why not?

Because we're talking
about choices, Seth.

We're talking about choices.

It's not that hard to ignore

the animal parts of yourself.

I want my mom to leave.

I don't want her to
see me get arrested.



You're in charge.

♪ ♪

Hold your fire!

The scene is secured.
No sh*ts fired.

Tell me about the girl
as soon as possible.

They're bringing her out now.

♪ ♪



We're all good.
Sydney's alive.

I wish I had better news.

The Meadows just had
Rosie taken off life support.

I want him in my car.

- What?
- Do it.

- Captain...
- Do it!

- I'll take him.
- Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

Velasco, you're with me.

What are we doing here?

You're asking me a question

that you already know the answer to.

You said we were
going to the precinct.

Well, I guess she lied.

Get out.

- What are you gonna do to me?
- I'll tell you

what I'm not gonna
do is ask you again.

♪ ♪

So right after you came
out of the townhouse,

I got a call from the hospital.

It was not a good call.

The girl that you att*cked,

She was brain-dead.

Her parents just
decided to pull the plug.

You're going down for m*rder.

They k*lled her, not me.

Do you know what
a forensic reenactment is?


So we're going to recreate

what happened last night
when you r*ped Rosie.

Stations of the cross.


- Is that where you dragged her from?
- No.

How'd you move her
to the playground?

I didn't.
It was the other three guys.

Well, no one carried her

- I saw the drag marks.

Only one person moved her.

You're just doing this
to mess with my head.

What, you got a hearing issue?

Like we said, it's a reenactment.

Let's see.

Let's try to recreate
those drag marks.

So is this where you r*ped Rosie,

and then you beat her,

till she was unconscious?

I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry.
- You're sorry?

You ended her story last night.

What do you want from me?

The full story.

Of what you did to Sydney.


On the boat...

In the townhouse...

But not from this pathetic,

little insect.

I thought you wanted
a forensic reenactment.

I changed my mind.

It's her story to tell.

Put him back in the car.

I saw them dragging her by the neck,

the one with the long hair

- and the eyes.
- And then what?

And then the other
three jumped on her,

held her down. I'd never seen anything

violent like that, not in real life.

You couldn't call 911?

Mom, I was...
I was terrified.

She froze, Mrs. Lynch.

It's called tonic immobility.

And it's a normal response
to a predatory attack.

After a moment of that, I...

I actually, I ran towards them.

I tried to help Rosie,
but, I just...

I couldn't.

We have reason to believe
that at least one of them

held you face down onto the slide.

But then you managed to get away.

I ran.

I feel so guilty.

No, no, no, no, Sydney,
listen to me.

There was nothing more
you could have done.

You did everything right.

You saved yourself.

You did everything right.


I looked into Rosie's eyes
as they tore her clothes off.

When you ran away,

when did they catch up to you?

I... I got... I got lost.

I must have ran to...

I must have made a big circle because,

I ran right into them.

You remember what happened next?

Seth, he put me in a headlock,

and he choked me
until I passed out.

Do you remember calling me?


I woke up in some sort of boat,

and they forced me to call you.

Because they didn't want us
to keep looking for her.

But we didn't stop, honey.

I would never stop.

You hear me?
I would never stop.


♪ ♪



I hate to ask you this,
and I know it's uncomfortable,

but, I need you to tell me exactly...

What they did to you,

when you were held c*ptive.

They, um...
They were p...

Playing with me...

Taking my clothes off...

Moving my arms and my legs...

Making me do things.
I just...

I just closed my eyes,

and pretended it was all a dream.

♪ ♪

You get a confession
out of Seth?

Eh, you could call it that.

He talked a lot about you.

- Me?
- Yeah, you.

Evidently, you scared him.

- He said that?
- Yeah.

And he also claims
the sexual assaults

against Rosie and Sydney
were consensual.


Oh, the beating, the choking,
the t*rture,

the m*rder.

He blamed the other three.

Then the other three
all blamed each other

before they lawyered up.

So much for sticking together.

Hey, can I, uh,

can I talk to you alone for a second?

You know...

Seth's lawyer's gonna have
a strong claim of coercion

- if this goes to trial.
- Let him try.

I'm ready.

- This a bad time?
- BOTH: No.

I just heard back
from Nassau County SVU.

DNA from our four perps

is a match for half a dozen unsolved

wolf pack r*pes on Long Island.

- Are the victims willing to testify?
- They are.


I will talk to the DA.

Due in his office anyway
about George Brouchard.

Good luck.


You're lucky
I'm not in IAB anymore.

Captain Curry,

I am going home to my son,

and I suggest you do the same.


♪ ♪


You feel like some company?



Mom, is that
what I think it is?



So, um.

How much do you know?

Not much, just the names...

Yours, mine,

and, my biological father.

So are you in the mood

to hear the beginning of your story?

What kind of story is it?

Well, that sort of depends

where the story ends, doesn't it?

Ours ends in a happy place,

you and me right here.

♪ ♪

And you know what they say
about endings, don't you?


Every one...

Is a new beginning.

♪ ♪

So one day,

there was this beautiful woman,

named Ellie...

♪ ♪