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04x126 - When Nordic Gods Attack

Posted: 04/11/24 21:36
by bunniefuu
Yusei:now let's get up to speed with yu-gi-oh ds.

Lunaso it looks like your next opponent in the grand prix

Is team ragnarok.

Right.let's see what we can pull up on these guys.

Hmm.there's dragan,broder and then their captain,halldor.

Akiza:and together they're said to be the most skilled duel team

In the world.

So what's the plan?

To win.

Because if we don't advance past them, we don't make the finals.

And we can't face the three emperors.

Mc:and our first two duelists

Have made their way to the starting line.

Dragan and jack.

[Engines roar]

Draganbehold.the ultimate.the supreme.thor, lord of the aesir.

[Lightning strikes]

This card. It changes everything.

Go polarizing pound.




Dragan. I want you to look very closely upon me.

Do you see this glow?

It's the glow of my raging spirit.

My blazing soul.


Time to turn this duel around jack. Let's go.

Red nova dragon, attack with burning soul strike.


Ah. Ah.


And the duel between jack and dragan has been decided.

Behold, your victor.

[Lightning strikes]

What is going on?

I may have lost but thor has not.

That's right jack atlas.

The w*r is far from over.



He's drifting away

Jack. No.


Going fast. Makes me feel alive.

My heart beats in hyper drive.

Do you think you could win only if I lose?

Just let destiny choose.

I can hear you breathing

I can see you comin'

I can feel the wind

It's blowin' me around.

Take a shot at me running side by side

It's a blur as I go by

I can hear you breathin'

I can see you comin'

I can feel the wind

It's blowin' me around

See the sun a risin'

Fire in the sky

Greatness thrust itself into our lives

[Music fades]

Dragan is out.

But jack atlas is hanging on by a thread.


Finish him off broder

Heh. That shouldn't be a problem thanks to the god card you left in play for me.

Halldor:a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders, dragan

I guess. I gave that duel everything I'm made of.

Guess I'm not made of much.

I sense bitterness in your voice.

It's just that team d's is really strong.

But we are the ones who fight with the strength of the nordic gods.

Strong they may be, but, d's will grovel before us three.

Wheeling in team ragnarok is a warrior named broder.

This snickering upstart is known for using transformation cards

Which has earned him the nickname, the trickster.

But will tricks be enough to stop d's?

Let's find out.


It is truly an honor to meet you jack atlas.

Let's do this.

[Computer beep]

I place two cards facedown.

Then activate the big dude's special ability.

Which means thor, lord of the aesir, negates red nova dragon's special ability.

[Lightning strikes]

Now their attack points are equal.

Thing is,

My team has a saying. "Never run around thinking that you're equal to a god".

To show you why we say that

I've got some mutually assured destruction action just for you jack atlas.

It's time for the titans to clash.

Go thunder bolt bludgeon.


[Scraping sounds]

Whoa. Alright.

I end my turn.


But, don't think you're off the hook, dude.

Even though, thor, lord of the aesir, was destroyed and sent to my graveyard

It resurrects during the end phase and delivers points of damage.


[Jack grunting]

Whoa. Jack atlas has been eliminated. He is out.

[Engine noises]

See ya.

People of domino city. That is how you get it done.

So even if you manage to destroy that god card,

It rises back up and then hammers out some significant damage.

That's gonna be a problem.

Jack, you okay?

I'm fine but those impacts were real. So don't do anything dumb.

Yeah, yeah.

Crowdcrow, crow.

Tear it up out there, crow. We're with you crow.

Then yhere's no way I can lose.

We know you can win. We're rooting for you. Go crow go.

I can't let those little nerds down.

[Crowd cheering]


The scariest thing about these god cards, is that each member of team ragnarok

Has a god card of their own.

Hopefully crow will keep that in mind.

It's bad enough dealing with one nordic god.

I'd hate to see broder somehow bring another one to the field.

Mcyou know him, you love him

Wheeling in for team d's is none other than, crow.

Crow, huh. What kinda name is that?

The kind you're gonna remember. Let's go.

It's my turn.

[Computer beep]

I can't play any traps against his god monster 'cause of that solemn authority

He's got in play.

In that case, I guess I'll have to wing it .


I summon blackwing, sirocco the dawn.

And when you're the only one with monsters on the field,

I can summon this blackwing without releasing another monster.

So now, since a blackwing is already out on my field,

I can directly summon the blackwing tuner monster, gale the whirlwind.

Next up, I'm activating gale the whirlwind's special ability.

Once a turn, gale can slice your monster's attack

And defense points in half

And now,with the combined levels of the blackwings out on my field

Adding up to .

I can summon blackwing calima the haze to the field.

And since birds of a feather flock together,

Gale the whirlwind tunes calima the haze.

[Dramatic music]

I synchro summon

Blackwing armor master.

Armor master, take down thor, lord of the aesir.


Ah. Grunting]

Broder I hope you're ready for more

Cause sirocco the dawn is about to swoop in and attack you directly.



Talk about coming out swinging. In one move, crow has defeated broder's nordic god

And managed to land a critical blow.


[Engines roaring]

That god of yours yours may be invincible.

But in the end, there's only so much damage you can take.

I've been wounded. I'm losing already. Aaah, just kidding.

Hmm ?

An apple a day keeps the damage away, my friend.

And by activating the the golden apples trap card,

I can regain all the battle damage I took this turn.

Aw, no way.

[Broder chuckles]

So wait. Crow's attack was pointless?

We're right back where we started.

Next, I can summon one malus token whose attack

And defense points are equal to the damage I just took.

Great. So he regained his life points. And now he's got a monster

With attack points.

I place two cards facedown and end my turn.

This is the end phase.

So the mighty thor rises up from the great beyond.


And due to thor's special ability,

You take points of damage.

[Lightning strikes]

[Crow grunting]

I gotta do something about that god card.

You just don't get it crow. Your fate has been sealed bro.

With every monster, spell and trap that you play,

You take one more step towards your own defeat.

[Dramatic music]

It's my turn crow.

But before I can make a move, the effect of my solemn authority trap card ends

Since this is the second standby phase. crow can use a trap card against thor if he needs to.


My thor's ability will make up for that loss.

Not only can the big man negate armor master's special ability,

He can also snag one of its abilities to use as his own.

I'll take the whole can't be destroyed in battle thing.

[Crow grunts]

Without having that special ability,

Crow's monster won't be able to survive an as*ault.

Now I'll attack your sirocco with my malus token.



But I'm not done yet.

Thor, lord of the aesir take out armor master.

Go thunderbolt bludgeon.


[Scraping noise]

Look out crow. Be careful.


I've been waiting for this moment.

Huh ?

Because when two blackwings on my field are destroyed

During the same turn, I'm able to special summon

Blackwing brisote the tailwind straight from my hand.


And now I reveal the black return trap card.

When I special summon a blackwing, I can use black return to send

One of the monsters on your field back to your hand.

That's a bummer.

And since thor is a synchro monster,

It returns to broder's extra deck instead of his hands.

So now, in order to summon a nordic god, broder's gotta

Meet the summoning requirements all over again.

And that's not gonna be easy.

Crow set that trap up pefectly.

Another great move by team d's.

Oh and by the way broder, I now regain life points equal

To your nordic god's attack points. So hurry up and

Send that big god of yours packing, would ya?

Nah, don't think so.

Huh ?

I reveal my trap.with nordic relic laevateinn, I can destroy

One monster that defeated another monster in battle this turn.


So I'll destroy thor before I let you benefit from its destruction.

Oh no, then that means

Thor's gonna hit me with another points of damage.

[Laser sounds]


You know,i have to admit, your little ruse was a clever one.

I almost started to think you were genuinely making bad moves.

But in the end, you just can't outtrick a true trickster like me, my friend.

[Jack grunts]

Next I place one card facedown.

And now thor rises again



And with thor back in play, you lose life points.

Aaahh. Aahh.

[Dramatic music]


Very impressive. Broder has found a way to obliterate thor twice already.

Only he would conjure up such a reckless strategy.

Broder's playing games with the gods.

[Engines roaring]

Life points. I'm in the danger zone.

If he's got a speed spell in his hand, then I'm a goner on the next turn.

[Engine whirring]

You're heading to full on wipe out bro.

You can do it crow.

Huh ?

[Engines whirring]

Thanks guys.

Those little tikes are the reason you're in this, aren't they ?

Their hope gives you strength.

But you're still not strong enough.

You can't be allowed to fight iliaster.

I'm the only one who can protect the children.

Protect the children ? What do you mean ?

Who are you?

They used to call me "the seeker."

I was a treasure hunter. A lone wolf.i'd gotten a tip

About a galleon sunken off the coast of a small

Uncharted island in the tropics.

When I surfaced from my dive,

I discovered that the island was not uninhabited.

They were orphans.

Children who were displaced

Due to the conflicts tearing the nearby countries apart.

Through an underground pipeline, they had found each other.

They had learned that this island was a safe place.

They were alone they had no one take care of them.

When I met them, everything changed.

My wandering days were over.


Suddenly this lone wolf had a pack.

We looked after one another.

We took care of each other.

I'd never been happier.

Soon, I learned the stories about the wars

That ravaged their homelands.

Every single conflict could be traced back some secret group.

Some group that operated in the shadows

And behind closed doors,

Manipulating the world in a never-ending quest for money and power.

As long as this secret group keeps doing its thing,

The children of the world will never be safe.

Secret group? Are you talking about?


I knew I had to stop them.

But I didn't know how.

And that's when I met halldor and dragan.

They showed me true power.

And I realized that vengeance was within my reach.

With the help of the nordic gods, I could bring iliaster down.

I'm here to defeat illiaster, crow.

And I too am doin' it for the kids.

I hear ya.

My one chance to get to those bullies is right in front of me. It's so close.

No way am I letting someone weak like you you take it away.

I'll show you weak.

Right here, right now. I summon the tuner monster blackwing blizzard the far north

In defense mode.

[Bird caws]


Thanks to blizzard the far north's special ability,

I can summon one level or below blackwing

From my graveyard in defense mode.

So I'm bringing back gale the whirlwind.

Next, I play the blackboost trap card.

When there's two blackwings on my field,

Blackboost allows me to draw two more cards from my deck.

I'm activating the speed force speed spell.

When I've got at least speed counters,

Speed force stops you from destroying cards on my field

With a spell or trap until the end phase of my next turn.

And now due to the gale whirlwind's special ability,

Thor, lord of the aesir's attack points are cut in half.

[Computer sounds]

And with that outta the way, I'll tune gale

The whirlwind with brisote the tailwind.


I synchro summon

Black-winged dragon.


[Computer sounds]

And since brisote the tailwind was used to synchro summon,

I regain life points.



Aahh. Aahh.

I end my turn by placing one card facedown.

Is that the best that you can do ?

That's too bad.

Because thor rises once again.

And just like before, you lose life points.


Actually,things are gonna go a little different this time.

They are?

I activate black-winged dragon's special ability

Damage drain.

Oh no.

Now instead of me taking damage, my black winged

Dragon does. The downside is that every time

It does this, it loses attack points.

So as long as he's got black-winged dragon

Out on the field, he can stop thor from dealing

Damage when he resurrects.

You got some tricks of your own, I see.

Nice little move.

But you're too busy worrying about the god

Looming in front of you to see the real threat.

What do you mean by that?

Let's find out.

[Computer beep]

I summon ljosalf of the nordic alfar.


Josalf's special ability

Grants me the power to summon a monster from my

Hand whose level is equal to the combined levels of

Malus token and ljosalf.

I summon the tuner monster

Svartalf of the nordic alfar.


A tuner monster.

Not good.

That, yusei.

Is an understatement.

Now, my level svartalf of the nordic alfar tunes

Both my level malus token and my level

Ljosalf of the nordic alfar.

I synchro summon.

Loki, lord of the aesir the ultimate trickster.



Whoa. Shock and awe. We've got two nordic gods on the field here, people.

Heh heh. Now this is what I'm talking about.

Loki, lord of the aesir is

A spellcaster type monster with attack points

And defense points.

Thor is truly great, but I wanted to fight with my

Own god loki is the master of mischief, the

King of trickery.

Now I've got two nordic gods.

It's over for you,crow.

Loki, lord of the aesir take out black-winged dragon.

[Growls][evil laugh]


Hate to break it to ya', but this

Is far from over. I reveal my trap. It's black sonic.

Now if black-winged dragon is out on my field and you attack,

I can activate this card's power.

And remove all your monsters in attack mode from play.

You what?

If they're removed from play, they can't resurrect

This was crow's plan all along.

Broder played right into it.

You probably thought that I thought

That you couldn't summon another god to the field.

But I was hoping you would so I could take 'em both out.

No. What will I do?

Oh, wait a sec, what am I saying, I'm good to go.

'Cause I am still five steps ahead of you.


Check out loki's special ability. When loki att*cks,

He can also negate and destroy one card in your

Spell and trap zone.

So much for black sonic.

[Glass shatters]


I'm sorry, crow.

But I'm gonna bury your black-winged dragon.

Go vanity blast.






And now for my other god.

Thor, lord of the aesir pulverize blizzard the far north.

Go thunder bolt bludgeon.

[Glass shatters]

I don't think crow saw that coming.

Suddenly, his field is empty and he's got two

Nordic gods staring him down.

No way.

Is there anything he can do?

I dunno.

Crow's got life points left.

No cards. None. And nothing standing between him and

The power of the gods.

Someone tell crow he's done for.