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04x110 - Primo's Plan, Part 5

Posted: 04/11/24 21:32
by bunniefuu
Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's"...


How dare you interfere with the prime directive.

By forcing all these humans into dueling,

We can create the circuit in no time.

If you force them to battle out of fear, you won't draw out

Their true abilities.

My plan is in motion.

There's no stopping it now.

Ah, someone is meddling.

And I think I know who.

You think you can escape me?

Think again!

Yuseiok, this is a first.

Primolet's duel!


Yuseiyes, I feel the strength of my friends.

They're right here with me,

Lending me their power.

This acceleration, it's not just coming

From my duel runner but from inside me as well.

It's like I'm moving towards something

And something is moving towards me, too.

sh**ting star dragon?

Time to act.

Level synchro tuner formula synchron,

Tune with level synchro monster stardust dragon.

No way. You're synchro summoning during my turn.

But how?

Yuseisome things defy explanation!

But I have a hunch one thing that won't be defied again

Is my attempt at creating the ultimate monster--

My attempt to accel synchro!

Behold! The sh**ting star dragon!

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win only if I lose? ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming ♪

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me, runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming ♪

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Sherryyusei's out there.

Come on. Let's go find him, elsworth.

Jackthat light can only mean one thing--

Yusei got off his accel synchro.

And now that he has, I'm off--

To be there when yusei creams this guy.


Leothat glow, it's so warm!

My mark.

I think it's telling me the light means

Yusei has a new power.


Where are you going?

Where? Wherever yusei is throwin' down, that's where!

I'm not missing this. No way!

Leoguess this light show is only just starting.

With sh**ting star dragon now on my side,

I finally have a shot to win this.

And it's a shot that I'm taking.

I'm right behind you, yusei. Go for it!

I admit it, yusei,

This new monster of yours is quite impressive,

Which is why it's too bad that you're

Never actually going to get a chance to use him.

I'm activating the effect of speed world !

Now by removing speed counters,

Your dragon is through!

Not once I play its special ability, it's not.

With it, once per turn I can remove it from play.

And when I activate this ability,

I can also negate one of your monster's att*cks.

Fine! So you survive for one more round,

But you can bet it will be your last.

Yuseii don't think it will be

Because now sh**ting star dragon's ability

Returns it to the field,

Which means it's all set and ready to go

And you're set up and ready to go down.

[Lester chuckles]

Lesterprimo may be in a tight spot,

But it's not all bad.

Up to now, only one circuit has appeared during a duel.

But over the course of this match with yusei,

A multitude of them have been activated.

That may be, but we will need

Even more to achieve our objective.

The signers' powers must be harnessed completely.

It's my turn.

Indeed it is, yusei.

But I can tell you right now,

It's going to be a wasted one.

After all, you can try attacking me

With your new monster, but my meklord emperor

Will simply negate that attack

With the ability of skiel carrier ,

And then wisel guard 's ability will deflect

Any secondary attack.

We'll see about that.


I now activate

Another of sh**ting star dragon's abilities--

An ability that allows me to take a peek

At the top cards in my deck

To see how many tuner monster there are,

And then lets me attack that many of your monsters.

Primo, thinkingso sh**ting star dragon

Can make multiple att*cks?

Yuseiit all comes down to this

Will my deck come through for me?

Have I earned its favor?

I hope so because it's not just the duel

That's on the line here,

It's the whole city and every soul that's in it.

So it's only right that I ask for their support now.

It's yusei.

He's asking us for our help.

Everything I got is yours, bud.

Although I'm here, yusei, my spirit's with you.

All right!

The first card is a tuner.

The second card is also a tuner.

The third card-- another tuner!

For the fourth, it's another one!

No way!

Yusei, thinkingone more tuner,

And I'll have enough att*cks to win.

Yuseiall right. Time to see what I have.

My fifth and last draw.

They're all tuners!

So then you have att*cks? No, this just can't be!

It can and it is.

Now go, sh**ting star dragon!

Falling star slam!

Fine! But don't forget,

Your first attack is canceled

Due to skiel 's ability!

And then wisel guard 's ability activates

And saves it from being destroyed in battle,

Which means your second attack, yusei,

Is useless, too.

So you negated the first two,

But you won't be negating the third...


Or this fourth one.

Let him have it, star dragon.


Now for the fifth and final attack.

Go, sh**ting star dragon.

Unleash your wrath and end this duel.

Aah! No! Impossible!

Meklord emperor can't be defeated,

Least of all by yusei!


Are you ok?

[Jakob chuckles]

Jakobprimo is fine.

His mechanized makeup does not require your pity,

Although it's quite intriguing to me

That you would even offer it

After all that he's done to you and to your city.

Truly, you always find a way to surprise me, yusei fudo.

[Lester chuckles]

You're who att*cked leo and luna.

Oh, please. Attack is such a harsh word.

Ha ha ha!

Primo's the real villain in all of this.

After all, he's the one who used your program

To create the duel bot army.

And, well, look where it got him.

My program?

Of course. That's why it was stolen away from us.

Now it all makes sense!

Lesteryes. Primo was the one who ordered

Vice director lazar to snatch it from you.

Of course, lazar is in hiding now,

And I don't blame him.

When you work with primo, things have a way of souring fast.

For example, he borrowed

Some of my cards without even asking!

But it's fine. To make things all fair and square,

I'll just relieve him of his entire deck.

Crowyusei, you ok?

Lesterah, company.

What's with them?

Jakobha ha ha! What's with us?

Oh, you will discover that

Soon enough, jack atlas.

The whole of new domino city shall.

Sherry, it looks like

We're getting a clear signal again.

Sherryand just in time.

Yusei, he's in grave danger.

Jakobyusei, jack, and crow.

At last, all three of you have gathered.

How fitting it is that we meet here,

Under the monument that symbolizes the unity

Between new domino city and the satellite,

Wouldn't you say?

Before we say anything, we want some answers, bub.

That's right. Like, who are you?

Yes, you're right.

Introductions are in order.

We three are the emperors of iliaster.

The emperors of iliaster?

So they're royal pains.

I am the leader--jakob.

What? Who ever said you were the leader?

[Jakob growls]

No, that's fine.

And I'm, uh, the co-leader, the name's lester.

And this guy here? That's primo.

But you've already met him.

Tell us why.

Why have you brought all this havoc to our city?

Sorry, but I'm afraid

That info's given on a need to know basis.

I'll tell you why, yusei.

What? I thought it was a secret.

There's nothing to hide.

They can't stop us now.

Yeah, good point.

Our objective is to repair the future, yusei.


That is correct.

Yeah? Well, then you bozos are

The most destructive repairmen

That I've ever come across.

Please. Grow a brain!

You know the saying, you can't make an omelet

Without breaking a few eggs?

Well, jackie, we're breaking some.

Oh, yeah? We'll see.

You simpleminded fool. Don't you realize?

This is something that we've been doing for years.

It's not like we just started today.

Yuseibut what do you mean,

Repair the future?

Who says it's broken?

Crowyeah! Besides, no one knows

What the future will bring.

Lesterno one but us, that is.

No way.

Oh, yes way.

And we know what the future holds

And won't let it come to pass.

You lie.

Jakobit's true.

And you'd see it yourself if you simply studied

The present.

You see, there is an ever so delicate balance

Between the good and the wicked in this world.

The good and the wicked?


And that balance creates a future

That is harmonious and fair.

Well, it is our aim to adjust that balance

And tilt it into a new direction,

A direction that leans towards us,

The emperors of iliaster.

You're mad.

You want to throw the whole world out of whack

Just so you and your cronies can be a bit more powerful?

Not a bit more, we will have total power.

And we are already well on our way to gaining

That power.

Yeah? And how is that?

All civilizations in this world are structured the same.

There are a great many weak souls on a bottom level

And a select few mighty ones up top.

It is not unlike a pyramid.

What we have done is infiltrated this pyramid

All the way to its peak.

And since we have, we now control those

Who control the world.

We are the puppeteers of the powerful.

What? So then--

Sherryso then it's you three that are responsible

For the disappearance of my mother and father?



But I don't remember everyone who has meddled

In our business over the years.

Sherrythen I'll make you remember...

By hurting you like you hurt them.

Insolent child!

No way!

Did you really think you could harm me?

[Sherry screams]

Elsworthyou'll pay for that!


Slime that's about to get the better of you!

Ha ha ha!



Fall back. They're too strong.

No. Never!

Jakobfool. You should listen to your friend.

But no.

You, like so many of your kind,

Are blinded by your own arrogance,

Your own sense of duty.

So often we have tried to lead you onto the correct path--

One that will deliver this world into our new golden age.

But you always resist.

And each time you do,

You chip away at the new way of life we're offering.

In fact, you've chipped away so much now,

There are certain unpleasantries that simply cannot be avoided.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about your father, yusei,

And how his work thrust new domino city into chaos.

You see, we were the ones who were behind roman's efforts.

We were the ones who orchestrated everything he did.

However, as you well know, it was all for naught.

Zero reverse happened.

And its after effects still ripple through time,

And they always will.

But to what extent?

Though we don't have an answer for that,

We do have an answer for what might diminish this ripple.

And what's that?

That is destroying new domino city.

No way!

It's always the same thing with you bad guys!

By destroying this city,

We destroy the source of the event,

Thereby destroying the very origin

Of this troublesome wrinkle.

So that's why...

Sherrythat's not going to happen!


This is the second time you've raised your hand to me.

Perhaps I was too gentle with you during the first.

Now, then how should I punish you this time?


Do as you please. She's not a true duelist.

We have no use for her.

You won't get rid of me that easy.

I beg to differ, child.

Sherryoh, no...

You say your parents disappeared?


Time for you to do the same.

Father, mother...

I've got you!

Oh, no! They're falling!

You're safe now.

You--you low-lifes!

Go ahead and try to destroy this city

Just like primo did.

We'll stop you, too!

Fools, primo wasn't trying to destroy this city.

He was only trying to make you think that he was.

What? That makes no sense.

All will be revealed at the world racing grand prix.

Ah, at last, it has arrived.

[Object approaching]

What's that sound?

Look up!

Uh, I'm thinking maybe we should run.


But you can't hide.

Ha ha ha!

Jakobstop there!

Whoa. That thing stopped mid-air.

Yuseithat thing is a stone tablet.

This can't be good.

Would someone please tell me what's going on?

Jakobbehold. My new power!

Oh, man.

Jakobbehold. Meklord emperor granel.

Team d's, if you seek to stop us,

Then we must duel at the world racing grand prix.

There, the future will be decided.

Until then.



The power's back on!

Hey, look. I think we're ok!

Yeah. Everything's back to normal.

Crowthat was crazy. They all just disappeared.


Hold up.

Do you think you can shed any light

On everything that's been going on?

For the whole duel, it seemed like you somehow knew

What would happen.

Like you knew that somehow, someway,

I would accel synchro.

Did you know that sh**ting star dragon card I played,

That it was from a stone tablet?

All I can tell you is this--

Deep in my heart, something was

Whispering to me that you would execute

The perfect accel synchro summoning.

As for how you received

The components to initiate this summoning,

I don't know. Maybe there are

Higher powers at work here,

Powers that we don't yet fully understand--

Powers of destiny.

Of destiny?

I know you have mixed feelings on the subject,

But still you can't deny

You have that dragon for a reason.

Vizor, thinkingi wish I could tell yusei more,

But the answers elude even me.

One thing I am sure of, however,

Is that this duel was just the start.

The real battle is only beginning.

Announcertragedy struck during the world racing grand prix

Earlier today in new domino city.

Thankfully there are no casualties,

But scores of buildings, duel runners and raceways,

Have been destroyed.

It is still unclear as to what exactly caused the damage,

But public security officials are mounting

A full investigation, and at present say

That all preliminary evidence indicates

This was a result of some fluke atmospheric anomaly.

Lunayou're kidding me!

They didn't find any evidence leading it back

To those three creeps?

We got to talk to trudge.

Tell him that something else is going on here.

Jackwe did.

But he needs proof.

And all their gear shorted out during that storm.

Yeah, those so-called emperors of iliaster really did

A good job covering their tracks on this.

It's like they were never even here.

Who cares?

What matters is we know the truth.

Yusei, what's our plan of action?

It's pretty clear those g*ons

Want you guys to duel in the grand prix.

So that means they have some sort of trap set up.

I agree. If you continue to compete,

You'll be playing right into their hands.

That may be, but what other choice do we have at this point?

Dueling in the grand prix is our only way to get to them.

We're just gonna have to be extra careful from here on out,

And hope that whatever surprises they throw our way

We can throw right back at them

Because if we can't,

It sounds like they're not just gonna take over our city,

They're gonna take over the whole world.