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04x108 - Primo's Plan, Part 3

Posted: 04/11/24 21:30
by bunniefuu
(Yusei) Now let's get up to speed with Yu-Gi-Oh D's!

Someone is meddling.

And I think I know who.

This Ghost Army just won't let up...


He's outnumbered, he can't win.

Come on, think.

There's gotta be something you can do to save him.

(Zone) You have one purpose.

My directive is clear.

I must keep Yusei safe.

I'm coming, Yusei!

(Ghost) You're going down!

Ally Salvo, attack!



(Vizor) Yusei!

Don't worry.

I've got your back!

(Yusei) Vizor?

Blast away!

You've interfered with my plans and my schemes.

But now you face my Meklord Emperors!

Does that mean that you're the one who's behind

this Ghost army invasion?

And what if I am?

Why are you doing this?

There's no way the tiny and feeble human mind could wrap

itself around the grand ideas governing the Pure Nobles.

(Vizor) Yusei.

It's now or never.

Your only escape is to achieve Accel Synchro!

I don't know how!

You have to forget about everything else and focus on

the world within you.

Just listen to the wind.

Everything is fading away...

All my fears, all my worries...

It's all just stardust.

(Zone) You hold the path to a clear mind.

A card that will allow you to Accel Synchro.

Let's finish what we started.

Okay, this is a first.

Yusei Fudo, you won't escape this time.

So let's duel!


♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming ♪

♪ I can feel the wind that's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me running side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind that's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪♪

He somehow combined with his Duel Runner.

Yes, Yusei...

And that's not the limit of my powers!

Sorry, buddy, but there's no way I'm just gonna stand

by while you destroy this city!

Come now...

Interfering with my will would be like interfering...

With the will of Iliaster.


What are you saying?

That you and those goon pals of yours are the ones responsible

or how Goodwin and the Dark Signers tried to end the world?

Oh, Yusei, you were entrusted with a stone tablet...

And you just figured that out?

Stone tablet?

I thought fate chose you because you were special.

I suppose I was incorrect.

Good, now I can crush you without reserve!

I may not understand the full scope of what's going on ...

But I know it ends here!

The only thing that ends here, Yusei, is you.

My Meklord Emperor will see to that.

As much as I hate to admit it, with the power

to absorb my Synchro Monsters,

this guy may be right about that...

But there's another power at play here, too.

The power of speed...

And if I can harness that power,

I may just stand a chance!


You take him, I'll take these Ghosts!

Sounds like a plan!

It's my...


First I'll send the Quillbolt Hedgehog in my hand

to the graveyard...

So that I can summon Quickdraw Synchron directly out

onto the field!

And now since a Tuner's already in play,

the Quillbolt Hedgehog I banished returns to the field!

Next... I summon out Needle Soldier!

And now, I tune level Quickdraw Synchron...

with Level Needle Soldier and Level Quillbolt Hedgehog

to Synchro Summon Junk Destroyer!

Let's rev it up!

You pest, don't you realize your Synchros

are no match against me?

A wasted move, Yusei, and now you'll pay!

And pay most dearly!

So sorry pal, but your turn will have to wait!

Because I'm activating Junk Destroyer's special ability!

Since I successfully Synchro Summoned,

I can now inflict some serious damage to your game by

destroying two cards on your side of the field!


The cards that I'm taking out...

Are that facedown and Meklord Emperor's body Wisel Infinity!

That Meklord Emperor may have the ability

to snatch my Synchro Monsters.

But if I can act quickly and somehow destroy him before the

next round, he won't be around to use that ability!

Now I play the trap Divergence!

With this, if a Machine-type monster on my field is att*cked,

I can divert that attack to another one

of my Machine-Type monsters!

And the monster I'm choosing is Wisel Carrier!



And due to Wisel Carrier's ability, he's not destroyed!

Not only can I snatch your Synchro's,

but I can outwit them, as well!

Yeah, maybe so, but you wont be able to out power them!

Just watch!

Junk Destroyer, attack Wisel Infinity head on!

Go Fists of Ferocity!


I'll just use that same ability from before...

And divert your as*ault to Wisel Guard,

he can withstand your attack!

Actually, he can't, since Needle Soldier was used as Synchro

Material for Junk Destroyer, his attack

has an extra sharp sting!

How dare you!

I now end my turn with two facedowns!

(Lester) What an outrage!


Somebody tell me why Yusei Fudo received a stone tablet!

We are the chosen ones!

Not Yusei!

He can't handle the power the tablets possess!

It's bad enough he even knows this power exists!

(Jakob) Cease your mindless droning and observe!

The outcome of this duel will determine

if we need to be concerned.


That was a lucky move!

But I'm afraid for you that fate doesn't favor the lucky...

No, it favors the bold!

And I'm nothing...

If not bold!


What was that?


This isn't just weather.



(Crowd) My goodness.

What's happening?

Who shut off the lights?

I'm scared.

Whoa, hey...

What gives?

You got me, Leo...

I have a bad feeling about this...

(Elsworth) Can you hear me, Sherry?


You must wake up!

Can you hear me?

Thank goodness, you're okay.

I'm fine...

But it certainly doesn't seem

like New Domino City is...

First this Ghost mess and now the city has lost all power?

I have a hunch something bigger's going on.

What do you mean you can't make contact

with Bureau headquarters?

I'm trying but something's jamming the signal...

It won't let me--

(Mina) Whoa, this is front page stuff!

But then, Armageddon usually is.

Oh, you've gotta be kidding!

Even my camera is kaput?

Where am I...

Oh, no wait...

Of course...

I remember being on my Duel Runner,

then the wheels locked up...

and I was thrown into the air

and something strange happened...

I no longer feel my power is with me...

What's going on?

Dear me...

It's my draw!

First I summon forth...

Wisel Guard , in defense mode!

And now that he's whole again, my Meklord Emperor Wisel will

use its special ability...

And absorb your treasured Synchro Monster!

Go Synchro Absorption!

I play a trap...

Star shift!

Now I can return one Synchro Monster on my field to my deck

and summon another Synchro that has the same Level!


Now take flight, Stardust Dragon!


It seems our two monsters

now have the exact same attack points.

I place one card facedown and end my turn!

However, Yusei, the peril you're in is just starting...

Play whatever monster you wish...

It makes no difference.

Face it.

There's nothing you can do!

You're wrong...

There's one thing I can do, and once it's done,

you'll be done, as well!

(Akiza) Yusei, you're in the middle of this, I can feel it.

Now, now... don't be scared.

You're a duelist, aren't you?

I'm Haluna.

I just started out dueling, but I'm pretty good!

You wanna have a match?

It's my draw!

I summon Bicular in defense mode!

Next I play the trap Emerging Awakening!

Now, by removing a monster on my field from play,

you take damage equal to that monster's Level

multiplied by !

And the monster that I'm removing from play...

Is Stardust Dragon!

Now during the Standby Phase of my next turn,

my mighty Stardust Dragon returns to the field

and its attack points increase by eight hundred!

I now end my turn with a facedown card!

The stage is almost set for an Accel Synchro.

Then everything changes...

You insolent pest.

How dare you pass me!

You'll pay!

Right now!

First, I activate...

The trap known as expl*sive Blast!

Now, by destroying one Machine-Type monster on my field

that hasn't battled, you'll be taking points of damage.

I destroy Wisel Carrier!


I warned you that you'd pay...

and there's more to come!

Next I summon Skiel Carrier !

Skiel carrier?

Not good...

Skiel's a Meklord Emperor part

that Leo and Luna battled against!

And had some serious trouble with!


Hold on!

I knew it.

That's my card.

Primo swiped it!

Now, I'll release Skiel Carrier so that I can summon

an even more powerful card!

Oh no!

Appear, Skiel Carrier !

And give Meklord Emperor even more heavy metal!

(Yusei) Skiel and Wisel?

That's two different Meklord Emperor types combined.

I wonder if that means they have twice the power...

I guess only time will tell...

Okay, I'd say that's a yes.

Whoa, what was that?

It's like the earth itself is trying to shake us off!

Now Meklord Emperor Wisel... Attack Bicular!

And don't forget Skiel 's ability!

When it destroys a monster in battle,

you take points of damage!

But don't you forget, that since Bicular is destroyed,

I can now summon Unicycular in defense mode!

I now end my turn...

With a facedown.

Do you feel the dark shadow of doom closing in all around you,


It's a shadow cast by my Meklord Emperor!

Well then...

Let's see...

If it can keep up!

Because due to Emerging Awakening, Stardust Dragon

is now back on the field and stronger than ever!

All right, Yusei's going for it!

Get set, 'cause the next Synchro I summon

is gonna be accelerated!

What on earth are you talking about, Yusei?

If anything's accelerating...

It's simply the rate of speed at

which you're racing towards your complete and utter defeat!

I'm afraid not!

I summon Turbo Synchron!

Now Level Turbo Synchron and Unicycular, tune!


As both power and speed surge towards each other

and collide to create pure might...

I summon out...

The Synchro Tuner Formula Synchron!

(Duel Runner Computer) Formula Synchron is a light attribute machine type monster

with attack points and defense points.

Due to this Synchron's ability,

I can draw an extra card from my deck once per turn!

Hey, it's okay...

Everything's going to be all right.

My friends are out there and they're going to protect us...

I hope...

(Primo) You fool.

Don't you realize that the power of the

Synchro Summoning you're trying to initiate

is far too great for a pest like you to yield, just as Zero

Reverse was too great for your father!


I'm afraid this is different!

And because it is, I'm now tuning

Formula Synchron with Stardust Dragon!

Let the spirit of all Duel Monsters now spread

its wings and soar to new heights,

where it can be transformed by the winds of destiny!

Where it can become all powerful!

I'm warning you for the last time, Yusei,

cease this madness or you'll destroy

all that you're seeking to protect!

Go Accel Synchro!


Yusei's Accel Synchro...

It didn't work...

Looks like I was worrying for no reason!


What a bust!

(Yusei) Why?

Why did Accel Synchro fail me?

Don't blame yourself, Yusei.

Fate simply stepped in.

Clearly, the powers that be realized something...

That you weren't worthy of such might!

Now then... time to finish this!



Stop it!

I won't let you do this.

I won't let you destroy my city!

Stardust Dragon, attack!

I don't think so, Yusei.

Due to Skiel Carrier 's ability,

I can stop your Dragon's blast!


I end my turn.

I draw!

I play Emperor Wisel's ability...!

An ability that allows me to snatch one Synchro Monster

off your field once per turn!

And the Synchro Monster I'm snatching is Stardust Dragon!

You took your shot, Yusei, but it was struck

down by forces from above,

and now you're the one who will be struck down, Yusei...

Struck down by me!