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04x104 - Knight Takes Pawn

Posted: 04/11/24 21:27
by bunniefuu
(woman) Check it out!

(man) My goodness, look at that!

All right.

I summon the Phantom Beast Wild-Horn!

(announcer) Ladies and gentlemen, we have got

a full throttle duel on our hands!

I hope you had fun 'cause this duel is over!

And now, Inferno Hammer bring

the pain down on Windmill Genex!

(man) Look at all those duelists.

They have no idea what they're doing.

(man) Let us hope it stays that way.

We need them to remain ignorant,

like rats running on their little wheels.

For the wheels on which they run power the Circuit.

And when the circuit is complete,

the future will be ours.


♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win ♪

♪ Only if I lose

♪ Just let destiny choose ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind that's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me running side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind that's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪♪

Keep it going.

Great, the output is stable now.

Let's try to increase the rotation

rate of the fragment gear.

Sounds good.

(announcer) Everyone thought Team Unicorn had the advantage

going into today's duel,

but their opponents have pulled an upset

and snatched the victory!

(man) Jean, Andre!

(man) How are they, Breo?

They're gonna be okay.

What happened out on the track?

I don't know.

I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

But how could they both just crash back to back like that?


Sorry, guys, but I gotta go.

I'll be in touch.

Has he woken up yet, Has he said anything?

(woman) Please, sir, I need you to stand back.

(man) Hey guys, what's for lunch?

You can have ramen, ramen, or ramen.

What did your doctor say?

Good news?

Yeah, he said I'm healed up and good to go and ready to ride.

See, I don't even--

I believed you for about two seconds.

Were you able to see Jean and the others

at the hospital?


They still can't have any visitors.

I see.

I wish I had done more during the Team Unicorn duel.

All I was good for was bringing out Stardust

and passing the baton to Yusei.

You take points of damage!

I activate the trap Wicket Rebirth!


Now by paying life points,

I can revive a Synchro Monster from my graveyard

so long as its special ability is negated.

So come forth Stardust Dragon!

We're facing Team Catastrophe in our next duel,

and they defeated the Unicorns with ease.

The guys have put their faith in me.

I've gotta step things up, I have to get better.

(man) Another one of your conspiracy theories?

Don't you find it strange that two duelists crashed while

dueling the same team at two different times?

How can you not call foul play on this one?

This is clearly a case of sabotage or something!

Her voice drives me crazy!


I suppose you do have a point.

I'll get all worked up about it

as soon as I finish my coffee.

(man) Check out these headlines!

"Team Catastrophe explodes onto the scene"!

"Team Catastrophe surprises all"!

Every media outlet in town is talking about us!

Papers are calling us the team to keep an eye on.

And to think, you didn't want me to take

this card from our nice guardian angel.

A Shadow card?

I don't understand.

You're just giving this to us?

What happened to you, Herman?

That creep over there happened.

He appeared outta thin air and then my wheels

just locked up or something.

Who is he?

Don't you want to win duels?

Don't you want fortune and fame

and all that comes with it?

That card is your one-way ticket

to the big time, Nicolas.

Is this guy for real?

A shadow card.

I guess I should thank you.

Slow down, let's think about this.

Shadow cards sound kinda dangerous, don't they?

We been gettin' better, Nicky.

We don't need to cheat to get ahead.

Besides, I don't trust this guy, I mean look at him,

he's kinda sketchy and--

What in the world?

Did he just disappear?

Maybe he was a ghost or something.

Ghost or not, I'm sick of losing.

I'm sick of scraping by.

I'm sick of this world telling me no!

A ticket to the big time?

That sounds good to me.

Unless you boys want to spend the rest of your lives

living in this city's shadow...

Well, no.

Then we're agreed.

This card is everything I could have hoped for,

and much, much more...


Hey, I saved up to buy that radio!

The Black Rose is all alone, and she's on her Duel Runner.

Come on, let's go!

(man) It's Breo.

Wonder if he's learned anything new.

It sure seems like it.

Hey, wait for me.

Hey Carly, you didn't pay the bill!

(woman) Put it on my tab!

You don't have a tab!

Huh, so Duel Runners have chips

that record their operational data?

I couldn't bring myself to believe that Jean and Andre

would randomly crash in the same duel,

so I checked the data chip.

Here's Jean's runner at the time of his accident.

No way...

A sharp drop in rotational velocity.

What does that mean, exactly?

Well, It means that one second his wheels were spinning

and the next second, they weren't.

A sudden unexpected wheel lock

would explain his loss of control.

But what explains the sudden unexpected wheel lock?

I think Team Catastrophe's behind this!

So do I, but how would they've caused it during the duel?

We would've seen something.

What's the matter, Crow?

I was just remembering, when my runner crashed,

it felt like my wheels just suddenly

stopped spinning for no reason.

(man) Seriously?

This is your op data right at the time of your accident.

(man) Same instant drop in rotation.

So this means those jerks from Team Catastrophe

sabotaged my runner and made me wreck!

Those cheats!

Revenge will be mine!

Crow, slow down.

We don't have nearly enough evidence to know for sure

that the guys from Team Catastrophe

have anything to do with this.

If they do, how are they doing it?

How could they lock up a runner's wheels remotely?

They didn't hack in, that would be in the data.

It's hard to believe that no one watching the duel

saw anything suspicious, I mean if--

Hey, I took video footage of the duel

between Team Unicorn and Team Catastrophe.

It's right here in my bag somewhere.

Maybe we should look at it.

Uh, what is it?

Did-- did I do something wrong?

Carly, why didn't you tell us you had this footage!

I did!

I told you just now!

(man) This is Andre dueling Team Catastrophe's

Nicolas right before his wreck...

I didn't see anything, he just started swerving.

Let's watch it again from another angle.

(man) Go back a few frames, right before he starts to wobble.

That's good.


So he's going, he's going...

And he's off.

(man) Still not seeing anything.

(man) Let's look at Jean's crash.

Here we go.

Same thing, he just starts losing control.

How are they doing this without being seen?

What do we know about this monster he's dueling?

Was Andre dueling the same monster when he crashed?


The name of that monster is Hook the Hidden Knight.

Let me look it up.

Level , , attack points, defense points and...

Yep, Andre tried to attack it with Unicorn Knight

right before he crashed.


Jean's crash was during his opponent's turn,

Herman activated Hook the Hidden Knight's

special ability and then, bam.

Andre's wheels lock up, he loses control.

(man) You think it's this monster?

I've no doubt that that Hook the Hidden Knight

is somehow doing something.

You guys need to be careful when you're on your Runners.

They already got to Crow.

They may try to get to someone else on the team.

Oh no.

One of us isn't here right now...

Akiza's in danger!


I summon Rose Tentacles!

Why didn't its power activate?


Two down and two to go.


Yeah, we're fine.

(man) I just spoke with Akiza's parents.

She's pretty banged up, but she'll be okay.

She's gonna be out of commission

for the next duel, though.

And what about you?

Were you able to get her Runner's data?

It's the same as the others.

Her wheels definitely locked up all of a sudden.

Yeah, I figured. Those punks!


(man) Wait.

Wait for what, we know what they're doing.

Let's go call 'em on it!

C'mon, hang on.

I know you're angry, I'm angry too.

But we can't act impulsively.

We've gotta settle this, Yusei!

We will settle this, during our Turbo Duel.

All right, fine.

But I'm going to be the one doing the settling!

You're in no condition.

I'm not just gonna sit back while a couple of lowlifes

run around and hurt my friends and try

to cheat their way to the top.

Akiza stood in for me so now I'm gonna stand up for her!

Those thugs have messed with the wrong team!

Go, go, let's go!

Go, go, let's go!

What-- they sabotaged their Duel Runners?

Well, we don't exactly know how they're doing it,

but we think it's connected to a monster.

It sounds like Team Catastrophe might be using an illegal card.

Why didn't you tell me this right away?

If this is true, it's a violation

of tournament rules and a crime!

I'm ordering a deck inspection.

Officer, wait!

I know how this'll sound, but can you wait

'til after the duel?

Let the guys be the ones to bring Catastrophe down.

They're aware of the risk, but it's a matter of honor.

I understand, but-- You can step in as soon as

something goes wrong, but give 'em the chance!

For the record, I never heard this conversation.

But, Mina! Sit down, boys.

The duel's about to start.

Hello, Domino City!

Are you ready for some action!

(announcer) The first World Racing Grand Prix

prelims are in their final lap.

Soon we'll be heading into the main event!

Both of today's teams wanna get there,

but only one of em'll make it!

And here they come now!


They came outta nowhere, but they're clearly going

somewhere, ladies and gentlemen, Team Catastrophe!

You go, Catastrophe!

Bring it on hardcore!

Keep it clean you, guys.

We don't wanna see any wipeouts today!

Hey, pipsqueak, put a sock in it!

The wipeouts are the best part!

Back off!

(man) Nobody likes your terrible team!

Boy, the vibe today is so negative.

Why can't we all just get along?

Fans, what do you get when you combine

two champions and one scrappy upstart?

Team D's!

Go, Jack!

You're the best, Jack!

What am I, chopped liver?




Heh, how sad.

They're short one teammate today.

What is he doing here?

Didn't we take him down already?

It looks like he got back up.

Don't worry about it.

(man) Shh, he's comin' over here!

Whaddya want, half-pint?

Did they send you here to negotiate a surrender?

Nah, I just wanted to come say hi!

Oh, right, and I also wanted to tell you,

I'm so on to you guys and your little gambit.

Our little what?

(man) Nah, it's okay.

Play dumb, it fits the part.

Anyway, the duel's gonna start soon.

Hope you've enjoyed your winning streak,

'cause it's about to end.

You are really wrecking my confidence.

Oh, hey, hey, speaking of wrecks,

how's that shoulder of yours treating you?

It's great, thanks for asking.

See you on the track, gentlemen!

Did you guys hear what he said?

Do you think Team D's knows about the shadow card?

(man) No.

They sense that something is up,

but they don't know what it is.

They're just trying to shake the grass a little.

Once they do realize what's actually going on,

it will be too late.

(announcer) Here we go!

Kicking things off for Team D's is Crow!

He'll be going up against Team Catastrophe's Herman!

(computer voice) Engaging Speed World !

Herman is gonna clip that Crow's wings.

A better person than me would feel kinda bad laying

into an injured duelist.

Unfortunately for you, I'm not a better person than me.

I'm about to take you down.

Should Crow really be doing this?

His shoulder hasn't really healed yet.

When Crow makes up his mind, you can't stop him.

Don't worry Luna, he'll be fine!

If this series of recent crashes is anything

more than a coincidence,

there's no doubt in my mind, lliaster is behind it.

(man) Talk about being in the nosebleed section!

I had a feeling you were up to something, Primo.

So what's the sinister plot this time?

Watch and see.

You know Jakob's gonna lose it when he finds out

you went behind his back again, right?

When I've managed to complete the circuit and summon

the divine temple, I will be the favorite.

So it won't matter what Jakob thinks.

For your sake, I hope you're right!

(announcer) The countdown has begun!

This is for you, Akiza.

This is for all of us.

(computer voice) Ready, set, duel!

(announcer) Crow must have skipped breakfast today!

He's off to a slow start!

Come on!

Well, no pain, no gain, I suppose.

(announcer) Crow's sails have caught some wind!

He's catching up to Herman!

Someone's looking a little shaky.

(announcer) They're neck and neck as they enter the first curve!


Looks like Herman wants to play rough!

Crow loses control, he falls behind!

Herman takes the first curve!

That was righteous! Yeah, rip it up!

That was not cool!


Now Herman gets to go first!

(announcer) And it's time for the dueling to begin!

Show me what you got!

I intend to, I summon

Hook the Hidden Knight in attack mode!

Next, I'll end my turn with a facedown.

He didn't waste any time--

That's it!

That's the monster that made the other duelists crash!

You may've managed to take my friends down,

but you're not gettin' me.

Not this time.

All right, it's...

It's my turn!

First up I...

I summon Blackwing Sirocco the Dawn in attack mode!

(computer voice) Blackwing Sirocco the Dawn is a Level Winged Beast-Type

Monster with , attack points and defense points.

Sirocco the Dawn has way more attack points

than that stupid Hook the Hidden Knight!

(man) Sirocco is a high-level monster,

but when you're the only one with monsters on his field,

I can directly summon it without having to make any sacrifices!

Here we go.

Time to find out what's behind the curtain.

Sirocco the Dawn is soaring in

to attack Hook the Hidden Knight!

Go Dark Wing Slash!

C'mon Crow, what are you doing?

This is the same situation Andre was in.

Is everyone watching closely?



You're gonna need to do a lot better than that!

I activate Hook the Hidden Knight's special ability!

I activate Shadow Hook!

When Hook the Hidden Knight becomes the target

of an attack while in attack mode,

both it and the attacking monster

are forced into defense mode!

(announcer) Ooh, Herman just shut Crow's attack down!

The best part of this special ability is that when

Hook the Hidden Knight switches into defense mode,

you get knocked with points of damage!

Here it comes!

I can't see a thing!

Ooh, it looks like Crow is wavering out there.

He's losing control!

Is this Team Unicorn all over again?

He's holding on to his momentum, he's--

He's regained his balance!

Lucky break.

I'll get that birdbrain next time.

Did you just see what I saw?

Sure did.

Something appeared next to his back wheel.

Why does my lens cover always

get stuck at the worst times?

What was that just now?

It looked like...

That's it!

It's Hidden Knight's hook.

I'm positive I saw it!

It couldn't be! Wait, how could its hook

be coming up out of the ground like that?

Don't know.

But I know what I saw.

That's really freaky!

So it's not just a hologram?

It's like really real, for real?

How'd he miss?

That punk just lucked out is all.

That was a close one!

Who are these guys that they've got a power like that?