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04x98 - Power Plays

Posted: 04/11/24 21:20
by bunniefuu
Announcerladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

Please take your seats.

We are about to get underway!

Yes, duel fans, the tournament of titans has arrived.

The challenge of champions is upon us--

The world racing grand prix is finally here,

So let's hear it from you!

[Crowd cheering]

There will be many match-ups in the days ahead,

But since the squaring off has to start somewhere,

Why not start with some of the best?

I give you our first pairing of grand prix gladiators!

Let the games begin!

[Crowd cheering]

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win only if I lose? ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming ♪

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming ♪

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

[Crowd cheering]


At last, it begins.

At last, our grand design shall come to pass

So long as jakob was correct in his calculations.

Announcerduel fans, the fanaticism has reached fever pitch

Here in new domino!

Not since the fortune cup has there been such a buzz

In the air, and the reason why is crystal clear!

After all, the best duelists in the world have come here today,

And they're here to win!

But to be the best you've got to beat the best,

And you've got to start it on day one.

So you better believe duelists will be looking to prove

Their prowess in the preliminaries,

Especially when the discussion deals with these three!

From team unicorn, I give you breo, andre, and jean!

Their adversaries?

Yusei fudo, jack atlas, and akiza izinski!

Together, they are team d's.

[Crowd cheering]

That's right, duel fans. Two teams with the will to win

This whole tournament are tangling it up in the very first match!

[Bell rings]

Leoteam unicorn's having andre duel first!

Do you have a strategy to beat him, yusei?

No. Because jack's gonna be the one dueling first.

Then comes akiza, and then I'll go last.

What? So then jack's dueling andre?

But don't you want to settle things with him

Since you two never got to finish up your practice match?

No. We want to win.

Brunothe thing is, guys, andre duels with a power deck.

Our best chance is to fight back with more power.

You got that right, bruno!

And that means using my red dragon archfiend!

Hit the road, jean. We don't want trouble.

Nor do i. I just wanted to wish you good luck

And to say I'm sorry about your arm.

Oh. Well, thanks. And good luck to you guys, too.

Let's hope for a good match.

No hope needed.

We've been watching tape on you for weeks now

And you're one of the best teams in this.

This match is certain to be a classic.

Yeah, that's what we're here for--

To give all the fans out there a good show.

Yes, we are.

And so far, the show's going according to script.

"Going according to the script"?

What on earth is that supposed to mean?

There's just no figuring those guys out.

I'll tell you what it means,

It means they're quaking in their boots.

They knew they'd be scared to duel us, and they are scared.

So everything's going according to script, you see?

So is it really like we'd figured, jean?

Did yusei and team d's actually tap jack to duel

For them in this first preliminary match?

That's right. And I made them think he would do great, too.

Andre, just be sure to play you know what

When the match starts.

For sure.

All right, duel fans, at long last, it's the moment

You've been waiting for!

Duelists, you may start your runners!

Well, yusei, I guess this is it.

Yeah. Now time to see if all of our training has paid off.

Here we go, andre.

This is where the rubber meets the road

And where my power deck meets yours in a fight to the finish.

Duel runner computer duel mode engaged.

Countdown initiated.

Turbo duelists, ready? Set? Duel.

Announcerand away they go.

Announcerand this duel is underway

And way fast!

Can you keep up?

Andre, thinkingi can do better than keep up.

Secret w*apon time.

What's this?

Wha--no way!

Whoa. It's an overboost system!

Just as planned.

Wait. Did you say "overboost system"?

Yeah. It's not like it's against the rules or anything.

Maybe not, but, jean, it's a bit of a double-edged sword. Sure,

Using it will allow for quick acceleration.

But after that, it limits your maximum speed.

Yeah, that's true, but it's a price well worth paying

If it means we get to make the first move,

If you catch my drift.

Actually, jean, I'm not entirely certain that I do.

We use the deck.

The deck? Are you sure that's a smart move?

We've never used it in a pro duel before.

That's because we've never faced a team like d's before.

It will take a bit of work,

But if we can situate things in just the right way,

The deck will give us a big edge.

Andre, thinkingif team d's wasn't so predictable

And didn't start jack atlas,

The deck would still be sitting back in our duel lab.

But seeing as how they are,

Ha ha.

Go first if it's that important to you,

Because in the end, it will be me who has the last laugh.

Announcerand so the order has been determined.

Time for this bout to begin!

Andremy turn!

And first, I summon the tuner monster

Uni-horned familiar.

Next, I remove a spell card in my hand from play

To summon monoceros!

I know neither of these monsters

Is very impressive by themselves,

But when put together...

He must be planning for a synchro.

I'll then place two face-downs and end my turn.

That's strange.

What? What's the matter, yusei?

Andre was all set up to synchro summon but didn't.

Yeah, instead he just kept both of his monsters

Sitting out there in defense mode.

Guess andre's decided to play it safe in case jack att*cks.

No. If andre was really trying to play it safe,

Then he would have synchro summoned.

After all, when you synchro summon using monoceros

And a beast-type tuner monster,

You can then resurrect that same tuner monster

Right back to the field.

In other words, he would have had an even stronger defense.

Ok. So why didn't he do it?

I don't know.

And that's exactly what scares me.


My turn.

And with it, there'll be no turning back for you.

Here I go!

[Computer beeps]

First, since there are only cards

On your side of the field,

I can summon this crushing creature.

Come on out, vice dragon!

The price I must pay for summoning vice dragon

In that manner is to lose half its attack and defense points,

But that won't matter,

Because next I'm summoning out dark resonator!

Now, level dark resonator,

Tune with level vice dragon!

In an inferno of power and might,

A blazing new beast

Is now forged.

I synchro summon the red dragon archfiend!


It's the first round and jack has already summoned

His most menacing monster.

We love you, jack! We love you, jack!

Jackhope you're ready, andre,

Because when red dragon archfiend att*cks

Even one of your monsters in defense mode,

Then all of the monsters you have in defense mode are destroyed.

Now let him have it, archfiend.

Attack with absolute powerforce!

Yes. He fell for it!

I play uni-horned familiar's special ability.

You see, when uni-horned familiar is att*cked

While in defense mode,

By removing a monster on my field from play,

I can also remove uni-horned familiar from play.


Now andre's field doesn't have a thing on it.

Jack, thinkinghe must have been luring me in

So that he could use a trap on me.

Jackin that case, nice try, andre,

But I don't think so. I'm stopping archfiend's attack here and now.

You're not stopping anything, jack.

My uni-horned familiar's ability

Forces you to see your attack through to the end.


Come to me, red dragon archfiend...

Come and be snared

Like the annoying little pest that you are.

I activate the trap

Different dimension barrier--lost force!

Now the damage your archfiend was about to inflict on me

Is deflected back to you!

That's not good.

[Dragon roars]


Oh! He's been hit.

Oh, dear!

Is he ok? Hang on!

He'll pay for that!

Announcerjack atlas just took a crushing counter-hit.

Can he come out of it ok?

I play cards facedown and end my turn.

Ha! Jean, your strategy is working perfectly so far.

Of course it is. After all,

Jack's as predictable as his deck.

Victory is all but assured now, breo.

So much for the infamous team d's.

Andre, thinkingjack's down, but he's not out. Not yet.

Andremy turn!

First, the uni-horned familiar

That was removed from play last round

Returns to the field.

So welcome back, my single-spiked friend.

And next I'll be welcoming unicorn knight.

But in order for that to happen,

I must resurrect monoceros

And then special summon him.

So, come back, monoceros!

Now appear, unicorn knight.

And now, level one-horned familiar,

Tune with level monoceros.

Feel the winds blow

And watch the storm clouds up above rumble with electricity

As I synchro summon

Thunder unicorn!


Computerthunder unicorn is

A light attribute

Beast-type monster

With , attack points and , defense points.

That unicorn wouldn't scare a mouse.

He's no match for my red dragon archfiend.

Very true, jack.

Right now he's not,

But once a turn, thunder unicorn can lower

Your monster's attack points by

For every non-thunder-unicorn monster

That happens to be out on my field.

So what?

You only have one non-thunder unicorn out.

Do the math. My archfiend will still be strongest.

Not if you do the math

With monoceros' special ability,

An ability that I can activate from my grave.

You see, when monoceros is used to synchro summon

Along with a beast-type tuner monster,

I can then resurrect that tuner monster.

Welcome back once again, uni-horned familiar.

Now there are

Two non-thunder unicorn monsters on my field...

Meaning your red dragon archfiend's attack points

Decrease to ,.


Now go, thunder unicorn.

Attack with super charger bolt!




No way!

My very best monster, and it's already destroyed?

Oh, my word! Jack! Jack!

Step off, carly.

I'm rooting for jack. Got it?

Oh, please.

I've been rooting for him longer than you have.

Both of you be quiet. Jack is all mine!

Carly and minaand who are you?


Andre is simply playing lights out.

I'd say that the deck is a complete and total success so far.

Wouldn't you agree, jean?

Of course I would.

But I'm not surprised. After all, it took weeks of

Meticulous study to assemble those cards.

Each and every duel scenario andre may encounter against jack

Has been thought out and played through.

He has no chance.


"No chance"!

Boy, you give me goosebumps when you talk like that.


Yusei, take a look.

Yuseiwhat is it?

Brunosomething's entered jack's air intake.

Yusei, it's your call, but I'd recommend taking a pit stop

To check it out.

It'll cost us some speed counters, but you're right.

Safety first.

Andrei place one card facedown and end my turn.

I'll tell you what else is coming to an end--

Your lead in this duel

Because the master of faster is about to shift into overdrive.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me. A pit stop?

Come on! I was just getting fired up!

They'll have to wait!

Either jack's brakes aren't working

Or he's completely ignoring us.

I summon mad archfiend!

Next, I'll activate the trap powerful rebirth.

Now I get to summon a level or below monster from my grave.

And thanks to rebirth, its attack and defense points each go up by a hundred

And its level increases by one.

The monster I choose to summon is dark resonator.

Come on out.

Next I'll activate another trap.

It's called rage resynchro.

Now, by sending monsters that have the power to make

A synchro monster to my grave,

I can summon a synchro monster from my grave

With a -attack-point bonus.

So go, level dark resonator and level mad archfiend!

To the graveyard with you.

But your banishing won't be in vain.

With your demise, new life is given.

And given to a great and mighty monster.

Rise again, red dragon archfiend!

Whoa. He's got , attack points?

That's right!

And he's about to use them all on you!

Go, archfiend.

I play my facedown card, dimension trap!

Now by removing one monster on my field

And one trap card in my grave from play,

I can use the effect of the trap card I just removed.

You can do what?!

I now remove uni-horned familiar

And different dimension barrier-- lost force

From play!

And now I'm allowed to use the effect of lost force,

And you know what that means.

The attack you just waged with archfiend

Is negated and you take damage equal

To its attack points.

No, jack, you've got to call off the attack!

If this goes through, he's finished!


Bring it on, andre, because this time I'm ready.

I activate the trap overpower.

This card negates the effect of a card

That cancels a monster's attack,

So say good-bye to your dimension trap.

Now red dragon archfiend has you back in his sights!



Wow. Not bad.

Counterattacking from those dire straits?

No, not bad at all.

You've got to give jack some credit.

Ohh! That took some years off my life.

Yeah, that was a close call,

But I'm afraid it's not what's bothering me most right now.

Akizawhat do you mean?

What are you talking about, yusei?

He's talking about the type of deck that andre's using.

It's not a power deck like we originally thought.

It's a deck built for countering power.

But what about when yusei dueled him?

[Monster growling]

Wait a second. Could it be that team unicorn

Had this all planned out?

And so far the show's going

According to script.

I think you're right, crow.

Team unicorn's been playing us from the start.

Playing us from the start? How?

Yuseii'll tell you how.

It wasn't just some accident that they challenged us to a duel

At that practice.

Wait. So then you're saying when breo fell in front of me,

That was planned on purpose?

Yeah, to make us think a certain way.

Say what?

Team unicorn wanted us to think

That andre would be dueling first for them

And be using a power deck in that duel.

Because if we thought that,

Then we would most likely select jack

To be the first duelist for our team.

Of course.

Because jack uses a power deck.

But you're saying team unicorn wanted us to do that

Because they had a special anti-power deck all ready to go.

So then they've been planning and training for this duel with jack

Since back then and probably even before?


Judging from those suspicious scowls,

I'd say they just realized how we duped them.

So what? What can they do now?

Jack atlas' defeat is all but certain.

Way to hang in there.

But I wouldn't get your hopes up about winning this or anything.

I mean, sure, you were great in your day,

But that day has passed.

Now you're nothing but a washed up has-been.

Has-been? You arrogant little punk,

I can't wait to mop the floor with you.

Oh, please. Even your insults are predictable.

What's that mean?

It means I knew you were gonna do what you just did, jack.

That's why I had this card ready--

Parallel select.

Thanks to this trap,

When a synchro monster on the field is destroyed,

I can add one card that was removed

From play to my hand.

And the card I'm adding back is

The speed spell end of the storm.


No way!

My turn!

Jack's life points are down to a mere ,

And andre has speed counters

So you know what that means.

I play the effect of speed world .

Now by removing speed counters,

You take points of damage

For every speed spell card that I possess in my hand.

In other words, you lose.

Oh, no!

[All gasp]