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03x85 - Mother Knows Best

Posted: 04/11/24 21:11
by bunniefuu

Crowhey... What's wrong, zora?

You seem a bit upset.

Mind your business!

You do seem a bit down...

Oh, yusei, thank you for inquiring...

The truth is I am down-- at the town meeting,

It was decided that my beloved clock must be replaced.

Crowit has been broken for some time.

Butt out, you punk!

Yuseiwell, that's a shame.

It really is.

Uh...could someone tell me why zora's

Picking on me here?

Oh, it's just that my youngest son, lyndon

Is coming to town....

And he and i... Are fighting!

So I'm practicing!

Aw man, there's nothing quite like a mother's love...


♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪


How's the balance look now, yusei?


Lyndonit looks good to me!

Alright--then can ya fix up mine next?

Lyndonwhat's to fix up-- your duel runner

Looks totally awesome as is!


Lyndonand that goes double for jack's duel ride!

Got that right! The master of faster

Maintains his machine at all times!

Lyndonand it shows! In fact,

I'm super impressed with all you guys!

You're even cooler than I thought you'd be.

Wow, so many kind words-- I just have one question--

Who's the one saying them?!


Allwho are you?!

Who am i?! Come on, guys,

We're practically family!

Heh, who am i, they ask.

Whadaya think?

Could be a spy sent by one of the other duel teams.

Or maybe he's even a duel bot!

You know, like a new, goofy kind of model.

I don't know what you're talking about

But I do know I love what you've done with my room!

Your room? How is this your room?

Because I used to live here!

Hi. I'm zora's son, lyndon.

She musta told ya I was coming!

Well, here I am!

Where should I put my stuff? he's staying with us?!

Yeah! And I am so super stoked!

We are going to have the best time ever

Getting to know each other over this month!

Over this month?!

So that's why zora's on bad terms with this kid--

He's a freeloader.

Oh well, I'm sure crow's got space in his room.

Yep. Done deal.


Nah, that's not why we're fighting--

Mom's mad cuz I wanna be a pro duelist!

Yuseii don't understand.

Why would she be mad about that?

Cuz...she's always wanted me to follow

In my father's footsteps...

And become a boring ol' clocksmith.

It all started when the town clock

Mysteriously broke down one day.

My mom insisted that I go up there and fix it

So that's exactly what I tried to do...

But it was tough going...

[All gasp]

Lyndonno matter what I tried,

Things stayed completely cuckoo.

If you didn't waste all your time dueling

And were more like your father,

The town clock would be working!

Dueling's not a waste of time, it's the best!

If you only saw my duel deck,

Maybe then you'd understand!

I have seen your duel deck!

And I do understand...

I have since you were a boy.

Crowwow, so this fight's been going on for a while...

Jackmust be tough.

Lyndonyeah, I miss being close with my mom.

I'm sure she misses being close, too.

Why not patch things up?

Funny you should say that cuz

That's exactly the reason that I'm here--

To make good with my mom and get our lives back on track!

And how do I plan to do that you ask,

Well, I'll tell ya:

I took a clock repair class not too long ago

And I plan to finally fix that old clock!

Well then you'd better get a move on.

The town's planning to replace that ticker

With a brand new one.

They're tearing my mom's clock down?

I'm afraid so, lyndon--

Apparently they just had a meeting

And it was decided.

Well, that's that!

It doesn't have to be!

Right. That is, unless you're really not serious

About making up with your mother

And being close again.


You're right-- this is my chance

To be a big time hero!

Yuseieasy, lyndon, you've still got a lot to prove.

Crowif you're provin' anything ya'd better hurry--

Word is they're tearin' that clock down today!

Whoa--they move pretty fast!

Well, I better go!

Akizahold on--you're not going anywhere like that.

I'm not?

Not if you want to impress your mom, you're not.

Yuseitime for a tune-up.

Ok...the rabbit goes in the hole

And around the tree and...

Enough already! That's your tenth try!

I'll do it! Gimme that thing!

Stop it! It's his first suit!

Here we go...

How's that?

Yuseinot too shabby.

Psychic dueling and neckties, my two specialties.

Hmm. All set!

Crowgreat! Then take a deep breath!

Cuz it's time to make up with your mom!

I hope this works...

Crowit will...go!

Can I help you--?


Hey...what's happening, mom?

Don't look so surprised.

I told you I was coming.

Not all dressed up!

Oh, well this is the new me. I know we've had

Our share of troubles and all but...

But what?

[Chuckles] but whadaya say we just

Put all that behind us, ok?

That's right, mom...

Your little lyndon's all grown up!

Gone is the stubborn, back talking kid you knew!

I finally took your advice!

I took a break from dueling

And went to clock repair school--

So you can quit all your nagging!

Jackooh. Nagging?

Zora's not going to like that.

You think me telling you

To go to clock repair school

Was nagging?

[Shrieks] how dare you!

You haven't changed since the day

You broke the town clock!

[All gasp]

Crowwait, who broke the clock?! You?!

Well...sort of...

See, back when I was a kid,

One of my chores was to make sure

The clock was always wound.

It was backbreaking work.

So one day I got to thinking...

Maybe with a few little adjustments

I could get the clock to run more efficiently.

So I started tinkering...

Let's try this...

Yeah! Huh?

And then tinkering more...

And then tinkering more...

And more! And more!

Until pretty soon I was tinkering everything in sight!

Only, I wasn't really tinkering anymore--i was hammering!

And hammering hard!

I couldn't help myself!

I just kept banging and banging and banging until--

Until my beloved clock was banged into oblivion

You hammer happy harebrain!

But...i'm here to fix it, mom.

Lyndon, you're my son and I love you.

But get outta here!

You don't fix things!

You put people in fixes!

Now go!

Fine then! I'm gone!

Wait! Lyndon!

Hold up! Don't go.

Your mom's just upset.

Let's all just take a few minutes to cool down--

I don't wanna cool down!

I just want outta here!

She doesn't care about me!

She just cares about her...

Come on, you know that's just not true, lyndon.

All I know is that my mom

Doesn't care about my dreams!

Not one bit!

That's why I want out of here--

And for good! want to go and I want you to stay

So that leaves one option.

Huh? It does?

Yeah. And as a pro duelist in training,

I have a hunch you'll like it.

You and I are gonna duel

And if I win you give your mom

Another chance...

On the other hand, if you win,

You go on your way...

I won't try and stop you--

Ya can take off and never come back

For all I care.



You got yourself a deal!

Now let's get it on!

Wow, crow must really want

Lyndon and zora to patch things up, huh?

Yeah...the question is...

Will one duel actually do the trick?

Crowlet's do this! You go first!

Oh, with pleasure! Draw!

Alrighty...i summon to the field monster clock!

Crowbut that monster has zero attack points...

What are you up to?

Nothing! I end my turn.

Then it's my move!

And with it, I summon

Blackwing--fane the steel chain!

Zoraooh, what a scary monster!

Be careful son!



It sure sounded like your mom cared about you

Right then, dontcha think?

If she cared about me,

She'd let me live the life I want!

Lyndon...i know you've been

Mad with your mom a long time

But when you're mad, you can't always see things clearly!

But maybe by the time our little duel is over

That won't be the case anymore.

Speakin' of our duel,

Since blackwing steel chain is on my field,

I can now summon this card from my hand!

Blackwing--gale the whirlwind!

Go, blackwing-- whirlwind, attack!

Not so fast, I play monster clock's special ability!

You've heard the old saying that

Time's on your side, right, well, not this time around!


[Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo]

My blackwing--?!

Lyndon[chuckles] now monster clock

Gains attack points

Equal to the attack points

Of the monster it just swallowed

And that means my rough and tumble timepiece's

Attack points tick up higher

Than your blackwing steel chain's attack points!

Doesn't matter!

With steel chain's special ability,

I can still wage a direct attack!

So let him have it, blackwing!

Crowit's your move, lyndon...

And everyone's watching!

Croweveryone's watching, lyndon!

If you really wanna

Run away from home and never come back,

You'd better make this turn count!

You better believe I will!

Watch and learn! It's my draw!

Alright, first I'm summoning

Clock knight no. To the field!

Then from my hand, I activate

The spell card clockwork!

With this card, I'm allowed to summon out

A monster whose level is lower

Than the clock knight on my field!

So here goes, I'm summoning clock knight no. !

I know, I know, what's with the clock knights?

Well, they have an ability

That lets me flip a coin

And if it lands on heads

Then they'll gain attack points

Until the turn's end phase!


But the best part is that since

There are two of them out at the same time,

If either of my coin flips lands

In a way that I don't want,

I'm allowed to toss a do-over!

Crowa do-over?!

So he's got two chances to power up?

Yuseiyeah, and two redos if things

Don't go his way on the first go around.

Akizai'm no mathematician but I'm pretty sure

That means the odds of those clock knights

Getting a whole lot stronger are good.

Yeah--but bad for crow!

Now let's get flipping!

Heads will be the sun!

Come on sun!

Let's go sun!

Aw, it's the moon!

No prob!

Thanks to clock knight no. Being out on the field

I'm allowed to just flip again!

Come on now, sun!

Yeah--sunny side up!

Now my clock knight no. 'S attack points

Increase by a bell ringing !

[All gasp]

And next clock knight no. !

So whadaya say we get right to it and flip out!


Let's go sun! Let's go sun!


Daybreaks again!

And you know what that means--

Extra attack points!

And now to put those attack points to use!!

Clock knight no. Attack steel chain!


I'm not done!

Now it's clock knight no. 'S

Turn to wage battle!

And since there're no monsters on the field...

Guess he'll be battling you!

Not quite!

I'm summonin' out... Blackwing--ghibli

The searing wind in defense mode...

You see, if ghibli's in my hand

And I'm att*cked directly,

His ability lets him come to my aid!

Oh no, clock wing-- abort, abort!

Even with your power up you don't have enough points

To win that battle.

Let's just end this turn while we're ahead.

Crowyou call this being ahead, lyndon?

You're losing!

But this duel should be

The least of your concerns.

I only hope that you can see what I see

Before it's too late!

It's my draw now!

Mirror force! Perfect--this destroys

All monsters in attack mode!

I place one card facedown!

And then...i'll summon out blackwing--

Blizzard the far north!

And when this card is

Successfully summoned to the field,

I can bring out blackwing--

Fane the steel chain

From my graveyard in defense mode!


Now...level blizzard the far north,

Tune with level fane the steel chain

And level ghibli the searing wind...

Tune and let your wings give flight

To a new and even mightier bird of prey...

The synchro monster... Blackwing armor master!


And now...armor master--

Attack that clock knight no. !

Flying fist strike!


[Thinking] that's it.

I've had enough...


[Whimpering] I give up--you win.

You mean you're quitting?!

Yes, I'm quitting, why go on?

You have a super tough monster

And I'm practically out of life points--

There's no way that I can win!

Not with that attitude!

Come on, lyndon, don't you see?!

That's been your problem all along!

You only see the negative in your situation.

Like you only see the negative with your mom!

But there is a positive side!

If you only took the time to look for it!

But...i... Did take the time!

I went to clock repair school

Like mom wanted.

My teacher was crazy!

The class conditions were awful!

I was yelled at daily!

But still...

This is fun...

In fact, the only reason I was able to tolerate

The day and night study sessions

Was because...i loved it.

Did you just say you loved it, lyndon?

I think that we're finally getting somewhere, kid.

And I think that we can get a lot further if we keep dueling.

So whadaya say, lyndon? Wanna keep going?

If not for me, then for your mom.

Whadaya have to lose, huh?

Come on, lyndon, you can do this!

Fine, if you say so... Here goes...

Whoa...i can't believe it...this card?


What's wrong, son?

Did you get in another fight with your mother?

Yeah, she asked me

What I wanted to be when I grew up...

But when I told her I wanted to be a duelist

She said no, that wasn't allowed!

I see. Well, son, take heart...

Your mom loves you and I know for a fact

That she only wants what's best for you.


[Gasp] awesome, a time wizard!

I always wanted one of these!

I know and now you've got one, son.

Yeah! Thank you, dad!

You're welcome son, just try not

To stay mad at your mom, ok?

Because believe it or not, lyndon,

It was your mom who told me

To get this card for you...

I wonder how she knew...

I can't give up... I gotta see this duel

Through to the end!

So for my move I play time wizard!

Duel runner computertime wizard is a level

Spellcaster-type monster

With attack points and defense points.

Looks like someone got wound up!

Well, let's see how much you like it...

When I take you down and win this duel!

And time wizard's gonna help me do just that!

See, with time wizard, I spin the arrow--

If it lands on red, all your monsters are destroyed.

But if it lands on white

All my monsters are destroyed

And I take damage equal to half

The total amount of their attack points!

Yuseilyndon's putting a whole lot

On the line with this spin.

But if it goes his way, it might just be worth it!

Alrighty! Time wizard, do your thing--

Let's take this duel for a spin!

Whoa...time wizard's not just

Taking this duel for a spin...

He's taking me for a spin... Down memory lane.

All these moments in the past...

They're flooding back...

I remember watching my dad work on clocks...

And how much I loved it...

And how my mom was always there watching me!

Your mom loves you and I know for a fact

That she only wants what's best for you.

I get it!


Now to win this duel!

Time wizard stop!

It landed on red!

You know what that means--

Time wizard destroys armor master!

Go time magic!


And now that your field is clear, crow,

I'll have monster clock and clock knight no.

Attack you directly!

Leowhoa! If this hits, crow is done for!

Monster clock and clock knight no.

Attack crow directly!

[Thinking] that's right lyndon,

Come and get me...

Finish this.

I knew that you could do it.

Crow's gonna lose!

Jackyeah, just like he planned.


[Breathing heavily]


[Breathing heavily]

No way...

Lyndon won!

[Sigh] congratulations, lyndon.

You beat me fair and square.

Guess you can leave as you please now.

Go on now... That's what you want

So get going already!

No...i... I was...wrong...

This is where I belong!



Ya see, I finally realized something...

Something I should've realized long ago...

Only problem was I was too stubborn to.

But now, thanks to this duel,

It's all become so clear!

I thought I wanted to be a duelist but the truth is...

My favorite part about dueling

Is when I get to use monsters and spells

That have clocks in them--

Clocks like the ones my dad used to always fix!

And my mom knew it!

She saw my deck when I was a kid.

She knew what I was before I did--i was a clocksmith!

That's the reason she was always

Pushing me to learn the trade...

Because she knew it would make me happy.

But the more she pushed, the more I pushed back.

Well, I'm done pushing!

I'm gonna fix the town clock, mom!


Cuz fixing clocks is what I love!


Way to go, pal, but how did you know

That dueling lyndon would solve this...

Yeah, how crow?

I know how...crow peeked at lyndon's deck.

Yeah, when he first got here.

I saw all the clock cards

And well I just had a hunch.

[Clock chimes] bothhuh?

[Both laugh]

It's working!

Bothlook everyone!

Brunooh, wow. That's awesome!

My! He actually did it!

Crowyeah, I'll say!

So? You like?

Oh lyndon! It's beautiful!

Thanks mom!

Oh, you've made me so proud!

Do ya mean it?

Oh, of course I mean it, lyndon.

I'm so glad you're back!
