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03x80 - The Super Genius

Posted: 04/11/24 21:08
by bunniefuu
This is the fastest I can go...

[Thinking] no. You can't settle for this, yusei.

You've gotta build a new engine...

You've gotta push beyond your limits...

And you've got to do it... Before time runs out.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

[Crow chewing loudly, swallowing]

So this is how rich people eat!

This is great!

It's like the best food I've ever eaten ever!

Come on, guys, dig in already.

It's not everyday we get taken out

To fancy restaurants like this!

This whole situation is suspect.

[Both fake cough]

Wha-? What's suspect about it,

What are you talking about?

We just wanted to take you guys out. That's all.

You know what martha used to always tell us?

Nothing in this world is free.

Everything comes at a cost in one way or another.

Here's the way I'm seeing it--

You wouldn't blow your meager government salaries on us

If you didn't want something in return.

That's-! We're just being nice.

So there's nothing you want from us?

No, no, of course not...

I mean, there is this one little favor, but that's--

I knew it, here it comes.

It's nothing big, there's just this guy

And he's got amnesia and he was

Found on the beach last week and, well...

Security can't watch him,

But he doesn't know where else to go.

And what does all of this have to do with us?

He's been staying with trudge,

But it's a small apartment and trudge has a cat

And this guy's allergic to cats and...

I don't have room at my place, so...

So you wanna dump this guy on us?

Yeah...[Muffled speech]

Just for a little while. No way.

Come on, you three. This guy needs help.

Not a chance.

I'll beg if I have to.

Don't bother. So you won't help us,

But you'll gladly wolf down

The very delicious and very expensive dinner we buy you?

Well. When you put it like that...

So where is this amnesiac, is he here?

Well, he--he should have been here by now,

Well, if he's m-i-a, there's nothing we can do, oh well!

[Crow chewing loudly]

Man, that was close.

We almost got saddled with some random roommate.

Only because you let their trojan horse roll right in

By accepting their dinner and pigging out

And enjoying yourself.

Hey, you laughed at the movie they took us too as well.

Jacki did not.

You did so, at the part where

The monkey was climbing on the--

Yuseiuh--guys? Look.

Jackhey! There we go, all better.

What in the deuce do you think you're doing

To my duel runner?

Uh! I eat little bugs like you for breakfast!

Don't even look at my duel runner again...

Goodnight, gentlemen.

Yuseihang on, jack!

I wonder what that's all about...

You ok? Is anything broken?

Forget this guy, let's go.

Hang on, crow.


Trudgefellas, what happened!?

What's going on?

We got down here and found this yahoo

Messing around with jack's duel runner

Or trying to steal it or something.

Uh, boys, this is-- bruno!

Minawhy didn't you come up to the restaurant!?

I saw that incredible duel runner

And I just had to start poking around,

I couldn't help myself.

I didn't even know I know...

Yuseiso I'm guessing this is the stray

You wanted us to adopt?

Yeah, this is bruno.

Are you serious? What do ya' think we should do, yusei?

What are you asking me for?

Minalook, jack's back.


Jacki'm going to borrow this chump!

Huh--i didn't see that coming.

Yuseicome on, let's go!

Go where?

Don't worry, we'll take it from here.

Thanks for the grub, dudes!

Uhh! Please, let's not do this.

I think I'm a pacifist!

Either of you guys know what a pacifist is?

Spill it fast, ya' little thug.

What did you do to my duel runner?

Why do you think he did something?

My duel runner's boosting power

Is recharging faster.

It is?

I front loaded the d-t-r

And adjusted the way your c-p

Crunches logarithms, that's all!

Ok, um--!

I have no idea what you just said,

But it's sounding like you managed

To give jack's runner more "umph," is that right?

And it only took you a few minutes?

You sabotaged it, I know it.

You've gotta show me how you did what you did.

Brunosee how the boost is running

Through the core processor?...

I tweaked the code line

So the timing would start earlier.

So the energy generates from the get-go.

But won't that overheat the intake manifold?

What are they saying?

A tiny brain like yours could never understand.

Just don't let your guard down anytime soon.

This line coding is relatively universal,

So I can make the same adjustments

To your other duel runners too,

And give 'em a little more kick.

Really!? Do mine next!

Didn't you hear what I said to you?

Don't trust him!

Sure thing. Hey and also if you want,

I can reroute your alternator's output through a solenoid

And then bind the whole connection

With an expansion strut,

Which oughta increase your overdrive a little.

Oooh! Yeah, yeah, do that!


So your name's bruno, is that right?

Yeah, I think that's my name.

I don't know if trudge and mina told you,

But I'm having kind of a hard time

Remembering some things about myself.

Well, my name is... You're yusei, I know.

And crow. And you're jack atlas.

So, listen-- there's something

I'm having a hard time with.

Look--maybe you can help me figure this out.

Is this a planetary particle engine design!?

Uuuh, yeah, how did you--?

Have you constructed it yet!?

Not one that works.

Well, the control program looks pretty tight, but...

Wait, is that an a*t*matic retrofit that's running?

That could be your problem right there.

Without an intermediate compiler built into your code,

You could be losing processing time...

I could work on building one into your program for ya'

If you want me to.

We still don't know what this guy's after.

You can't just say, "hey, look,

Here's all my top secret designs!!"

Come on, jack, not now, ok?,

We're trying to have like a "real conversation" here.

Wha--!? You--!!... Are you implying that

You and I don't have "real" conversations!?

The challenge in this design is gonna be stabilizing

The mini turboprop in the...


Stop trying to bother 'em, jack,

They're in the middle of a "real conversation,"

They're talking about things a tiny brain like yours

Could never understand.

You're the one who--!! Oh forget it...

Yuseiright, but if you lower the gpm...

You lose core momentum.

That's not the best trade-off.

Good point.

I guess we could boost the momentum in a different way

By directing the ener-d... the energy into the accelerator,

We can increase the momentum...

Good job, boys, keep it up,

I'll just be up here supervising.


Bruno...that oughta help keep things cool... [Snoring]

Brunothis concept might work, yusei.

I think we're on to something.

We should start building the program right away.

I can't thank you enough, bruno.

I've been struggling with this system for months now.

My coding ideas all sprang out of your structure design.

It's solid work.

You really are your father's son...

Hey, mind if I have one of these?

Wait, how do you know about my father?

I'm not sure... I just know.

Your father discovered planetary particles, right?

And that led him to the planetary gear concept.

Now that I think about it,

"Yusei" means "planetary," right?

So that's how you got your name?

Uh yeah, I guess it is...

Stupid cellophane won't--ah, there we go!

So--seriously-- how do you know all of this?

I dunno, it's just... As soon as I saw

Your planetary engine design,

Something clicked, but I don't know why....

That's an amazing gear construct, ya' know?...

It's so simple, but-- every part is so interconnected...

No single piece could function without the other in place.

I know what ya' mean.

This is gonna sound kinda cheesy, but I sometimes think

It's like me and my friends.

We depend on each other

And if you take one of us away,

Things don't work right.

I get it. I think that's

A great way of looking at it.

So--what's the last thing about yourself

That you remember?...

Uh...waking up on the beach a few days ago...

Maybe you were in a boating accident or something.

Yeah, maybe...

I really have no sense of who I am, yusei...

But for whatever reason, working on duel runners

Just feels right.

I hear ya.

Listen, bruno, if you want,

You can crash here with us

Until you figure things out.

Yeah? You don't mind?

I've gotta make this new engine model before the grand prix,

And I think with your help, I can, so what do you say?--

You wanna build this baby?

Yeah. Think of me as one more piece of machinery

Joining up to make sure everything's working right.

Well then, let's get started.

You got it!

Yuseiso basically it's gonna act as

An external magneto-optic drive.

Perfect. That frees up gigs...which is...

Hey, yusei, let's have a duel!

Leo wants to show off a new combo he learned.

Hey, yusei, about my physics and calculus homework...

Brunowell, that's good, but... Shhh!

Leowho is this new guy?

Some stray dog that yusei decided to take in.

He's like some kinda mega super genius engineer or something.

Do you think he could do cool stuff to my duel board,

Like give it more flashing lights and stuff!?

Yeeeah, no.

Lunaso what are they talking about?

Crowduel runners and computers and engines and stuff.

They've been ignoring us for days

And speaking their own language,

They're like bestest friends now.

But I'm yusei's bestest friend.

Yeah, ok, what makes you his bestest friend?

I just am! [Akiza sighs]

Leois there something wrong, akiza?

Akizai'm taking off... I'm not up for

Sitting around here and getting in the way.

It's sounding to me like somebody is a little jealous.

Never forget that I could squash you like a grape if I wanted to!

Yusei...increase the momentum...

Brunowell that's good, but if we're...

Leoshe is really scary when she's angry.

Bruno...make up with that lost energy.

Brunogreat idea. Seems good.

It's working.

And done!

I think we did it, yusei.

This design is gonna work.


So considering it's been about

Days since we slept,

I think I'm gonna go crash into a pillow now.

We'll install the program into the processing unit tomorrow.


Jackthe design program was "stolen!?"

Yuseiwhoever took it must've copied it to another drive

And then deleted it from ours.

We were so tired last night,

We didn't think to back it up or anything.

You're not fooling me, you took it.

This was your plan all along!

What--!? I didn't take it!

Calm down, jack.

He infiltrated us so that he could get close to you

And steal your design!

You don't know that's true.

And you don't know that it's not true!

So you're saying that bruno faked amnesia

So that he could get in with trudge and mina

So that he could trick all of us

So that he could steal the design

That he didn't even know existed

And now that the design has been stolen,

He's still hanging around here with us just 'cause.

That's--...well, right, but-...fine.

You guys'll have to make the program again.

I wish it was that simple, but...

Building a complicated program is like staging a concert,

You're in the moment, there's a lot of ad-libbing going on...

It's pretty close to impossible to recreate it.

So the only way to get the file back

Is to catch the thief.

Brunopretty much.

Well, whoever this perpetrator was,

He musta been wearing gloves of some sort

'Cause I'm not seeing any fingerprints anywhere.

Suddenly you're a forensics expert?

What is it?

There were noodles to go-go cups here

When we went to sleep.

What? He stole my noodles to- go-go!?


Crowwhat? What'd you find?

Gimme a second.

Crowwhat is it?

Brunoi think we've got a fingerprint after all...

While our criminal was waiting for the data to copy,

He treated himself to one of our noodle cups.

He what!? What a jerk!

Brunolike me the other day,

He was having a hard time with the cellophane,

So he had to take his gloves off.

Please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing.

If we can find an exact match for this fingerprint

In the security bureau's database,

Then we'll know who our bad guy is.

But won't their database be encrypted

And protected by firewalls and detection systems and all of that

And won't they trace your hack and then-- arrest us all?...

Yuseithat's why we're gonna relay our hacking connection

Through a bunch of remote servers all over the world...

It'll buy us some time.

Think you can get into the system in minutes?

Possibly, but it'll be close.

Your call. Do you want us to stop?

You haven't asked for my input during any of this,

Why start now?

You gonna knock me around if I fail?

Of course I'll knock you around!!

Alright. Let's do it. I'm going in now.

Yuseithey've started tracing us.

How's it looking?

It's a relatively simple ftp system,

I should be able to crack it.

So what are you thinking, crow?

I'm thinking that bruno seems

To really know what he's doing.


Nice! One more wall and we're inside the system.

Crowwha--? What's going on?

How come a duel screen just popped up?

Looks endgame...

Brunothey must be using the endgame of a duel

To function as the main system password...

Crowso if we don't win this duel, we can't move forward?

Yeah, that sums it up... And we've got minutes.

Oh, great, I mean, no pressure or anything.

Don't worry, we can do this...

The opponent's got life points...

And we've got ,.

He's got monsters on the field,

And in his spell and trap card zone,

He's got one facedown card...

Jackand there's an activated spell in play--the dark door.


Meanwhile, we've got tragoedia on our field.

It gains attack points for every card in our hand.

We're holding at this point, so...

Tragoedia's packing , attack points.

Crowso basically--we've gotta win this thing in one turn.

Our main worry is that facedown card on his field,

That's the clincher.

Alright, well, this is finally the part

Where I get to step up and save the day!

Move over, mainframe n' let me do my thing!

I've got a powerful monster on the field

And the sh**ting star bow-ceal equip spell in my hand,

So this is a no-brainer!

By equipping the enemy's green gadget

With sh**ting star bow-ceal,

I can take away , attack points. Bam!

And now tragoedia can get in there and clean house!

Watch and enjoy!

Password robotactivating mirror force.

Access denied.


That didn't work.

And because of the dark door spell,

Each duelist can only attack once

And we only had the one monster out, so...

We can't win this turn.

You messed up and you wasted what little time we have!

It's not my fault!

There's an upside to this, you guys.

At least we now know that his facedown card is mirror force,

That's good info.

Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what I was trying to find out,

That's why I did all of that.


Let a real duelist handle this.

Real dueling is about increasing

Your own power at every opportunity

And then crushing the other guy!

So no sneaky weakening spells for this guy,

Thank you very much...

I'm equipping tragoedia with the axe of despair!

Now tragoedia has , attack points!

Go, tragoedia, bring the axe down on green gadget!

Password robotactivating mirror force.

Access denied.

C'mon! We knew that card was mirror force!

I was seeing if they change up

The facedown card between tries...!

Then why'd you waste time with

That stupid speech about "power?"

I had to get into the spirit before attacking, I was--

I hate to interrupt, but... There's only minutes left.

Let me try and take a crack at it.


Can you do it?

The only thing I can really remember

Is my engineering training and my dueling skills...

Dueling's clearly a part of who I am.

Well, let's hope it's a really big part.

You're putting this in his hands?

Why not, it's not like you were much help.

Come on, bruno, I know you can do this, be the cards.

I got it!

Ok, first of all, the obvious problem

Is that mirror force trap card.

We can't let that thing activate.

Of all the monsters on the field,

The only one that can seal away mirror force... ancient gear soldier.

It's got the power to prevent traps

From activating during battle.

Well, great, except that ancient gear soldier's

On the opponent's field.

That's why I'll use tragoedia's special ability...

See by sending a monster card in my hand to the graveyard--

I can gain control of an opponent's monster

As long as it's the same level as the monster I discarded.

Unfortunately--the only monster card currently in our hand

Is a level bird king alector.

But--we've also got the cost down spell card.

We can activate cost down by discarding one card from our hand...

That'll lower the level of every monster in our hand by .

So you can make alector a level ,

Same as the ancient gear!


From my hand, I activate the cost down spell!

By discarding remove trap...

I can decrease the level of the alector in my hand

From to .

Then, thanks to tragoedia's special ability,

By sending alector to the graveyard,

I can gain control of ancient gear soldier!

Great, now hurry up and equip the axe of despair

N' then get in there and attack green gadget!

No--not yet.

Why not!?

Yusei's right, even if we use axe of despair

Like jack did to increase

Ancient gear soldier's attack points

And then use sh**ting star bow-ceal

To lower green gadget's attack points

Down to , like crow did...

We can still only damage the opponent by points.

That's not enough.

So what do we do?

I'm not sure... There's gotta be

Some way for us to--...wait.

Look--stronghold the moving fortress.

Good thinking.

What do ya' mean, that thing's got , attack points.

It's only got , attack points

When all of its gadgets--

Green gadget, yellow gadget, and red gadget

Are out on the field with it.

But without all of those gadgets together...

Stronghold the fortress loses its attack points

And becomes totally defenseless.

Let's finish this.

By sending sh**ting star bow-ceal

From my hand to my graveyard...

I can activate the tribute to the doomed spell card!

And with that--i can destroy green gadget!

...with green gadget gone,

Stronghold loses all of its attack points.

Now I equip the axe of despair!

Ancient gear soldier's attack points

Increase to !

And with that--ancient gear soldier att*cks stronghold!

Duel runner computeraccess granted.


Oh, right!! Oh, yeaaaah!!

With seconds to spare!

Let's get a match on that fingerprint.

Jackhim!? You know him?

Yeah. He's with the public security bureau.

...his name's lazar.