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03x76 - Syd Is Vicious

Posted: 04/11/24 21:05
by bunniefuu
Carlyso, jack,

Anyone try to sell you any duel runners recently?



That's an odd question.

Why do you ask?

I'm trying to crack a story.

Apparently, there's some sort of organized g*ng

Running around the city and stealing duel runners.

I'm actually not surprised that you don't know about this.

So according to my source,

Sector security doesn't know who's behind it

Or how they're smuggling the runner's outta the city,

And they're all embarrassed so they're trying to keep it hush hush.

The current theory is that whoever's stealing the runners

Is selling them on the black market,

But they don't know that for sure.

Very interesting.

I'm staking out a dealership tonight.

Wanna tag along?



[Alarm sounds]


[Camera clicking]

Jackcoming through! Huh?


Ha ha! That was easy!

Jackhey! You!

Huh? Huh?

Jackwhere do you think you're going with those duel runners?!

Didn't your mommies teach you not to take what isn't yours?!

Bug off, ya' little pest!

Don't do it! Syd, stop!





Heh! I guess we're down a member.

Hey, pal!


Are you alright?

Why did you go and protect me?

Come on, say something!


Trudge! There's this g*ng, and they--

Kaz! Hang in there, buddy! Medical's on the way!

What are you doing here, jack?

What's going on?

What happened to my officer?

This bloke is an officer?!¦

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Do you know what you've done, atlas!?

You've landed a good officer in a coma

And blown a very important case!

What was kaz even doing with them?

My inside sources told me

That you guys had, like, no leads at all.


That's what we wanted the rumor to be.

We wanted syd to be comfortable

So that he would think he was getting away with it.

Syd barlow and his g*ng of grunts

Are the little fish and we're trying to catch the big fish.

We need to know where the money trail leads,

Who's controlling the black market...

So kaz went undercover.

He spent months pretending to be one of them,

Getting closer to syd, gaining his trust,

Gathering info and putting the pieces together.

Crowso he was your only inside guy?

And without him, your case goes cold?

Trudgepretty much.

We still don't know where they're taking the runners,

How they're getting them---

Yuseijack, what are you doing?

I'm going to borrow this card.

Borrow it for what?

Don't mess things up more than you already have.

Jack, let's just call it a day.

Crowyeah. Don't run out and do something dumb.

Don't worry about me.

This is my mess and I'm gonna clean it up.

Hang on, jack.

Don't do dumb stuff!


Jackyou know where I can sell some duel runners

On the down low?

Depends on where these runners came from.

I think they might've fallen off

The back of a truck or something.

What a shame.

I might know someone who could take 'em off your hands...

How much would that info be worth to you?

I'd say it's worth about ten percent.

That sounds about right.

Gimme one sec...


Ya' didn't get this from me.

Of course not.

Man over phoneyeah.

Gusit's me...

I got someone diggin' around.

I sent him your way.

Be sure to give him a warm welcome.

Jackthat slimeball's directions

Say there should be a door here at the end of this alley.

Something's not right.

Thief csurprise!


Thief awe heard you was askin' about the black market...

Thief bsnoopin' around where you shouldn't be snoopin'

Is bad for your health!



Take me to the guy in charge of this little circus.

How 'bout we take you down instead!?


Yuseiis he awake?

He's moving.

Jack, you with us?

Where am i?

I told you not to go and do anything dumb

And what did you do?

You went and you did something dumb.

I hate to say "I told you so, but well, you know.

I'm just glad you're okay.

I was so worried about you, jack.

I remember the face of the huckster who set me up.

I can probably get to syd through him.

What are you talking about?

There's no "getting to syd."

You are not an officer!

Look, jack...

I'm sorry about what I said earlier.

I can see that you wanna do right and all, but...

You don't know what you're getting yourself into.

This syd barlow character is a dangerous customer.

You're lucky to be sitting up.

Most guys who cross syd end up like kaz.


And what about kaz?

Is he..."Lucky?"

'Course he is.

I mean, yeah, he, um...

He hasn't gained consciousness yet,

But he's as tough as they come.

Knock it off, pal...

Stop playing cops and robbers.

Sector security is on this.

Just leave the professional work to the professionals.

Uh, where you goin'?

Let him go.

But, yusei.

Come on, crow...

You know how jack is once he decides to get on a dignity kick.

He becomes immune to common sense.

...and one r- engine.

That's the last of 'em, gus.

Let's get these back to syd.

Gusrollin' out, boys!

Huh? Ah!

Real cute prank you played this afternoon.

What's a' matter, did you not get enough?

Take me to syd... Now.

Ah! Huh?

Ha ha! I ain't takin' you to syd...

But you can play with all his friends if you want.


Hey !

Aren't you that jack atlas dude?

Yeah. This joker used to be some kinda fancy champion.

Well then, let's show our respect!


Aaaaw! He's conked out already.

That didn't last very long.

Let's get outta here.

Stay away, loser!

Enjoy the nap, pal.

I hate to be sayin' this, boss,

But, with more and more people pokin' around lately,

I think we might wanna start thinkin' about

Ditchin' new domino city.

Probably a good call, gussy. Ha.

Besides, I can't imagine this crummy city's

Got that many duel runner's left for us to take!


Jack atlas?

How did you find this place?

You led me straight here.


Eh? A transmitter?

You mean, when you was grabbin' at me, you, you...?

How could ya' be so stupid, gus?!

I'm--i'm sorry, boss!

Leave this loser to us, syd.

Let's get 'em, boys!


The game is up, syd.

I've contacted security and given 'em this location.

They'll be here any minute now with bells on.


Ha ha! Well, I guess that's it then.

I give up! Consider this my red hand waving my white flag.

Huh? Huh?

However! Proposition--

How's about you and me have us a duel before our guests arrive?

You're challenging me?!

That's right... But not no ordinary duel.

When you're in syd's house, ya' gotta play by syd's rules.

We'll duel on these conveyor belts.

Lose some life points, and you move closer to the trash compactor.

Run outta life points, and into the trash compactor you go,

And, well, that ain't gonna feel too good.

You're daft.

What's it gonna be?

Look, I ain't gonna bend your arm or nothin',

If you're too scared, you're too scared.

So, is ya' too scared?

Don't make me laugh.

I accept your duel!

Alright! We're buckled in and ready to ride!

And there ain't no gettin' off until one of us goes over!

Ya' better hope you still got it... "Champ."

Bothlet's do this!

It's time for me to take out the garbage... "Champ."

We'll see about that!

I summon mad archfiend!

Next I'll play a facedown and end my turn.

I'm up then!

Heh heh!

I summon as*ault wheel in attack mode!

Twenty-three hundred attack points.

That's right!! And as*ault wheel's gonna use every last one of 'em!

And by attackin' mad archfiend,

as*ault wheel forces it to cower in defense mode.

This situation works out really good for me,

'Cause when as*ault wheel att*cks a monster in defense mode,

The difference in points is dealt directly to you as damage!


Heh heh! Hey, atlas I gotta joke for ya'--

What's tall, boring, and minutes away from bein' tossed out with the trash?



Aw, thank you, thank you!

I'm here all week. Try the veal.

Hey, atlas! How does it feel to go from champ to chump?!

I wouldn't start joking around yet if I were you, syd.

I'm just getting warmed up.

Heh! Whatever you say.

Oh, by the way, now that as*ault wheel has att*cked a monster,

It loses all its attack points

Until the standby phase of my next turn...

So that's it for me.

Your move, jack.

And, well, you might actually want to do somethin' this time, champ.

Thanks for the reminder.

I draw!

When you've got monsters on your field

And there's no monsters on mine,

Then I can summon vice dragon from my hand!

But when I summon it like that,

Its attack and defense points are cut in half.

Next I use the polymerization spell card!

And with it I fuse big piece golem

And medium piece golem in my hand...

In order to form multiple piece golem!

But I'm not stopping there.

I summon archfiend interceptor!

And now! Multiple piece golem, attack!

That ain't gonna happen!

I activate my nightmare wheel trap!

Not only does nightmare wheel prevent your pathetic golem from attacking...

It also prevents it from changing battle mode.

But that's not the best of it.

See, during each of my standby phases,

Nightmare wheel dishes out points of direct damage.

That's assuming you have another standby phase!

Vice dragon attack!

Not so fast, I got another trap!

Plunder decoy!

Now when you attack a monster on my field,

I can use this little trap to gain control of one of your monsters.

Red rover, red rover,

Send that intercept demon right over.

Why, you--

Ha ha!

This monster's special ability'll come in handy.

Long as I got this fine athlete on my field,

You'll get sacked for points of damage

Every time you come at me.

So what'll it be?

Are you gonna attack or are you gonna not?

That's what I thought.

You're what my grandma'd call "a real wimp."

And speakin' of wimps, how's officer kaz?

He enjoyin' his bed rest?

You cretin! Just for that remark,

I'll take the five-hundred points of damage.

Do it, vice dragon!

Ha ha!

Ha ha!

You're gonna end up just like kaz...

Enjoy havin' a taste of your own monster's special ability!


Ha ha!

You're closer to the end, my has-been friend.

Perhaps, but so are you!

Uh! Actually, "champ" I'm not.

My conveyor belt has a stopper right in front of the compactor,

So even if I lose... I'll be just fine.

Heh, heh, heh.

Let us hope for your sake

That sector security arrives before I defeat you.

I end my turn.

Ha ha!

Do you seriously think sector security is gonna show up?

If you do, you're even dumber than I thought.

Why's that??

Crowso where's this factory?

Yuseiaccording to the coordinates jack sent,

It should be right in front of us.

Well, it's not.

According to the pier manifest,

There should be a huge tanker docked here.

You mean like a boat?

Guess that tells us how they were smuggling the runners.

Uh...if the boat's not here...

Where is it?

Wait, what?

You're telling me that we're actually on a boat right now?

And that we're out to sea?


This is the syd barlow luxury cruise line.

Try to relax and have a good time and enjoy yourself

And don't think too much about how this is a, uh...

A one-way trip.

Now let us continue! I draw!

It's time to activate nightmare wheel's special ability.

During each of my standby phases,

You take points of damage.

And now, I summon the cannon wheel tuner monster to the field!


Aw, don't get all upset, jack,

This is just how I do things, it's my nature.

I mean, so what if I stole your intercept demon,

At least I use what I've taken.

Check it!

I synchro summon... Combat wheel!

Duel runner computercombat wheel is a level

Earth attribute synchro monster

With attack points and defense points.

And guess what happens when cannon wheel

Is part of a successful synchro summoning!

It dishes out points of direct damage!

Ha ha!

You're almost at the end of the line, jack!

Next and last stop is smashville!

Ha ha!

This has been a blast, champ, it really has.

But I'm afraid it's time to say good-bye.

Right now!

My combat wheel is gonna eliminate your vice dragon!

I activate the nightmare archfiends trap!

With this, I can release vice dragon.

And then summon three nightmare archfiend tokens

Onto your field in attack mode!

Huh!! A narrow escape, champ.

But you're just stalling at this point.

I'm now activatin' the block dugout spell card!

When the combined levels of all the monsters on my field

Are greater than the combined levels

Of all the monsters on your field...

Then you can't attack!

So thanks for givin' me three level monsters.

That was nice of you.

You're welcome! Uh!

I summon sinister sprocket to the field!

And now that it's out and about,

I can tune my sinister sprocket

With my multiple piece golem

In order to synchro summon chaos king archfiend!

This is for you, kaz!


You managed to obliterate my nightmare wheel

By gettin' rid of multiple piece golem.

That was just the beginning.

When sinister sprocket is used

To summon a dark attribute synchro monster...

I can use its special ability

To destroy one faceup spell or trap card on the field.

I hope you weren't too attached to that block dugout spell!

Looks like you've got nothing to hide behind now!

Yeah! That's what you think, champ.

I activate combat wheel's ability!

With this, I can give half the attack points

Of all the monsters on my field to combat wheel.

Game over, champ!

This is gonna be a crushing blow, champ,

But its nothing compared to the crush you'll experience

Once you lose!

My combat wheel is unstoppable!

And because of its special ability,

You can't attack any other monster on my field!

There's nothin' you can do, atlas. You're done.

I despise punks like you!

You think you can take whatever you want

And hurt whoever you want to.

Well, not anymore...

You're done! Chaos king archfiend!

Attack combat wheel!

Ha. Man!

When we fall, we fall hard, don't we, "champ?"

I mean look at you!

You've set your only monster on a doomed collision course!

Not quite...

Chaos king archfiend is gonna be just fine

'Cause when it att*cks,

It switches your monster's attack and defense points.

What?! Ya' mean it's gonna win?!

That's right, syd. It's gonna win.

Argh! Ah!

That's not all! When combat wheel is destroyed...

Due to your wheel's special ability,

All nightmare archfiend tokens on your field are destroyed as well.

And because of nightmare archfiend token's special ability,

You take points of damage for each one destroyed.

End of the ride, syd!


Aah! Uh!

Fooled again, champ!

Joke's on you! I rigged a stopper on my conveyor belt.

I ain't goin' over.

Gusthe stopper broke!


Ah! Ah!

Come here, you baby.


That does it! Time to trash that guy!



Hey. What took you so long?

Carlydid you take out all these guys by yourself?

Jacki believe this belongs to you, officer kaz.

My card.

It's because of that that I was able to win.

I gotta say, jack,

It's a great thing you've done for the city,

Catching syd's g*ng.

Someone had to since your lot couldn't do it.

Trudgeoh, lay off, will ya?

But seriously though,

Thanks to the info we uncovered on that tanker,

We were able to make more arrests

And seriously cr*pple the black market.

Glad I could help.

So what do you say, jack?

After I heal up a little bit,

Will you honor me with a turbo duel?

I never turn down a duel.

You just name the time and the place,

And I'll be there.

Huh. You got it.