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03x71 - French Twist, Part 1 / Yusei Captured

Posted: 04/11/24 21:01
by bunniefuu
Where-- where am I?

Can't see a thing.

A bump.

Where'd that come from?

Hm, the ground is warm.

But why is it vibrating?

A wall...

A handle-- is this some kinda door?


It's dark, it's shaking...

I must be in the back of a truck.

Well, this can't be good.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming ♪

♪ I can feel the wind that's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me running side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind that's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

At least my eyes are adjusting to the dark.

Is that....

What is my Duel Runner doing here?

This morning, I-- I was contacted by someone

who needed some parts replaced on a practice

module or something.

So I made a house call...

Right, I remember now.

When I got there, something just didn't seem right.

(man) Help, somebody help me!


Hey, are you okay?


(man) Get 'em boys!

It was a trap...

But why, what do they want from me?

(man) A reasonable question.

I'm glad to see you finally woke up, Mister Fudo.

I trust you're finding your accommodations pleasant.

Did you notice the mint on your pillow?

Who are you people?

(man) Oooh... we're just a nice bunch of citizens

devoted to social justice and family values.

Not quite the vibe I got from those thugs at the house.

Oh, them?

We employ some rough types.

It keeps 'em off the streets.

What do you want with me?

I can see that you're not interested in a sarcastic

tet-a-tet, so I'll cut to the proverbial chase.

You're an incredible Turbo Duelist, Yusei.

So I'm sure you're already aware

that the World Racing Grand Prix is fast approaching.

I'm putting together a team to compete

and I want you on it.

Oh, yeah?

Well, thanks, but I'm afraid I'm not available.

I've already formed a team with my friends Jack and Crow,

so if you could just pull over and let me out, that'd be great.

You will be joining my team one way or another, kid.

You can either sign up voluntarily or we can

take you to see our Psychiatrist.

He's got a fascinating way with people's minds,

although he's a bit of a control freak,

if ya' know what I mean.

Listen, buddy, I'm getting a little tired of your jokes.

You think I'm joking?

You really don't wanna mess with me, my friend!

I am not exactly what you would call a "well-balanced person."

I can see that.

Now please just sit back, relax and enjoy the view, Yusei,

because you aren't going anywhere.

(man) Are you sure you looked everywhere?

Like Oil Slick Alley?

Pier ?

If you're so worried about Yusei,

why don't you go look for him?

I would, but Cluckers Deep Fried Chicken

doesn't deliver itself.

I'm on the clock.

(Jack) I tried that Ultra Crispy Crisper the other day.

It's a little heavy on the paprika, but otherwise,

I thought it--

How are you talking about fast food right now?

What if Crow's right and something

awful's happened to Yusei?

Man, these yahoos.

I'm sure Yusei's okay.

So he didn't call Crow back, no big deal.

Well, actually, it's not just that.

I also got this really weird message at the garage.

(man) Your friend Yusei Fudo has been taken.

I thought you should know.

(Akiza) What, why are you just now telling us this?

I didn't wanna freak anyone out.

(Akiza) I am gonna cobble you when I see you.

I believe you mean "clobber," Akiza.

To "cobble" is to make a shoe.

(Akiza) Well, whatever, then I'm gonna cobble up some

boots and use 'em to kick Crow's butt!

This Yusei thing's got you going.

If didn't know any better, I'd say that

you were in love with him...

Stop right there, Jack!

All I'm saying is...


All you're saying is what, Jack?

What's goin' on? There's an interference signal.

Like someone's trying to hack into the transmission.

(man) If you can hear this, the vehicle carrying Yusei

is a soda delivery truck traveling north

on Blue Hill Ave in Crescent Valley.

You need to stop that vehicle and rescue him

before it reaches its destination.

Who are you, identify yourself.

This channel is reserved for sector security.

(man) Time is wasting.

What should we do?

You heard him.

Move it!

Well, we've just entered Crescent Valley.

My arm's burning.

Yusei must be close by...

There it is.

Get us down there on Irving, Mina, quick!

I saw a soda delivery truck.

We're getting closer.

(Mina) Is that the truck?

That's it!

Yusei's in there.

Now, get us up there.

(Mina) I feel it's my duty to tell you that

it's dangerous to stand up in a moving vehicle.

(Akiza) What about having no one behind the wheel?

Is that dangerous?


It's speeding up, it--

Just stay on it.

I'm gettin' him outta there.

What's this burning about?

Rose Tentacles ought to do the trick!

Time to break Yusei out!

Who could that be?

What's that noise?

Should I be concerned right now?

No, it's fine.

Controlling my powers isn't an issue anymore.


Hey, did someone in there order a rescue?

Who's she?

A pizza delivery girl-- how should I know?

I'm just sayin', boss.

It might be time to move on to Plan D.

D'If We Can't Him, Nobody Can' Plan.


He has seen my face now... do it!


Speed it up!

I do hope that you enjoy a little

Deep Sea Diving, Yusei.

Shake off that plant!

Mina, try and get closer!



Oh well, there goes our ride...

I thought the idea was to get me out.

Fine, next time, I won't try to save you,

I'll just leave you--

So, do you think they'll slow down and let us off?

Probably not...

Time for a different approach.

This is Chief of Special Investigations Mina Simington.

Security dispatch, are you receiving this?

Please come in, over.

The signal is still jammed up.

Who could that've been?

(Akiza) Uh-uh, no way.

Forget about it.

You are not serious.

(Yusei) I hope you like red.

There's no way.

You got another plan?

Yeah, we let this play out.

We find out who's behind all of this.

Not now we don't.

You've already put yourself in enough

danger because of me.

Oh, so riding double is perfectly--

We don't have time to argue about this, Akiza.

C'mon hurry up and hop on.

Forget it!

Not gonna happen!

Hold on as tight as you can.

Okay, look, fine, I'll admit it,

I've never ridden a Duel Runner before, okay?

I have a thing with super-fast moving objects,

especially when I'm on them, it's not what I'd-- Here we go!

(Akiza) Oh boy.

(Yusei) What's up with this?


Come forth, Yusei Fudo!

Come forth and duel me!


This day keeps getting better.

So what are you gonna do?

I don't think we have a whole lot of options.

Hang on!

(computer voice) Duel mode engaged.

Auto-pilot activated.

You have sprang from the frying pan

only to land in le flambe, Yusei Fudo!

I have come to duel you.

What are you talking about?

Why should I duel you?

You do not have a choice, Yusei Fudo.

Your Runner has been tinkered with.

Should you stop while in duel mode, it will--

How you say-- explode, go boom.

Are you serious?

No way!

The only way out is in, Monsieur Fudo.

So who are you?

Are you with with the g*ons who kidnapped me?

Who I am is of no importance right now.

I activate Le Speed World field spell!

(computer voice) Formulating cross-town duel course and awaiting central

grid authority's official authorization.

Authorization has been granted.

A Turbo Duel is about to commence.

Combat Lane transfiguration underway.

All non-dueling vehicles must vacate

the Combat Lane immediately.

You're gonna duel this guy?

Yeah, I don't like it, either,

but he hasn't exactly given me much of a choice.

Are you ready?

Let's Duel!

(Yusei) I can't stop to let you off, Akiza,

so uh... hang on.

(Akiza) Don't worry about me.

Just concentrate on knocking this jerk

into the next dimension.

The first move is mine!

I summon Sacred Knight's Spearholder in defense mode!

And by placing one card facedown,

I defer to you, Monsieur Fudo.

Well, aren't you polite.

I summon Speed Warrior in attack mode!

Due to its special ability, Speed Warrior's attack points

are doubled during the battle phase

of the turn it was summoned!

So now Speed Warrior, attack Spearholder

with Hyper Sonic Slash!

(man) Alas and alack, Yusei Fudo, I reveal my trap card,

Floral Shield!

This negates your monster's attack,

and allows me to draw one card!

Hope you like the flowers.

Looks like my game is in full bloom.

I place three cards facedown and end my turn.

It's your move, buddy.


I summon Horse of the Floral Knights!

(computer voice) When the monster card Horse of the Floral Knights

is successfully summoned to the field,

you are allowed to draw one card from your deck.

And now with the power of this card in play,

my strategy shall truly begin to blossom.

I activate the Overboost speed spell!

This little zinger of a spell increases

my Speed Counters by for the remainder of my turn.

Try to keep up, Monsieur Fudo!

He's increased his speed in just two turns.

Whoever this guys is, he sure knows what he's doing.

He's a real Turbo Duelist.

Next, I activate the Speed Fusion Speed Spell,

which, because of my current speed,

allows me to summon to the field a Fusion Monster!

By fusing Sacred Knight's Spearholder and Horse of

the Floral Knights together, I can summon, Centaur Mina!

And now Centaur Mina, charge!

I reveal my trap card, Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!

This trap card can negate your monster's attack.

Ah-ah, but I activate Centaur Mina's special ability,

which forces your trap card back

into the facedown position, so, I negate your negating.


Viva La Revolution, Centaur Mina!

Continue the charge!

Attack with Graceful Blade!

Are you doin' okay back there, Akiza?


This feeling...

I was scared at first, but,

something about the wind and the speed.

I've never felt anything like it.

It's kind of amazing...

This whole Turbo Duel thing is a major rush.

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

And now, Overboost fades away like the morning mist...

So my Speed Counters decrease back to .

It's my turn now!

I summon Junk Synchron in attack mode!

And that's not all I'm busting out!

'Cause when Junk Synchron is summoned,

I can summon one Level -or-below monster

from my graveyard to join it on the field!

I summon Speed Warrior!

And now I tune my Junk Synchron with my Speed Warrior

in order to Synchro Summon Junk Warrior!

Let's rev it up!

And now Junk Warrior take out Centaur Mina!

Go Scrap Fist!

Not so fast!

I reveal my trap, Fleur Guard!

This prevents you from destroying

my monster in battle.

You may've saved her, but you're still takin' damage!

I end my turn by placing one card facedown.

They're perfectly anticipating each other's moves.

It's like they share a bond as duelists or something,

like they already know each other without ever having met.

(Yusei) Something isn't right here, Akiza.

This guy can't be with the g*ons who kidnapped me.

His whole vibe is different...

In fact, I think he's working all on his own...

It is my turn!

I summon the Fleur Synchron Tuner Monster!

I know what this means...

What is it, Yusei?

Something bad?

Look, whatever happens, just hang on tight.

(man) Now it's my turn for a Synchro Summon...

I tune Fleur Synchron with Centaur Mina.

In order to bring out Fleur de Chevalier!

And now since Fleur Synchron was used

to perform a Synchro Summon,

I can summon an additional monster from my hand.

Say hello to Apprentice Knight!

My Scrap-Iron Scarecrow is still facedown on my field.

This guy's well-aware of that, so I don't think he'll try

an outright attack with that Knight, but...

I can't wait to see what he does next.


Is Yusei having fun?

Fleur de Chevalier, attack Junk Warrior!

(Yusei) He must have a trick up his sleeve.

And unless Yusei has a trick of his own,

this duel is over!

Fleur de Chevalier, attack Junk Warrior!

Go Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!

This trap deflects your monster's attack.

I was hoping you would try that again,

for not only can Chevalier negate your little Scarecrow's

effect, it can send it to the great cornfield in the sky!

That's not good.

(man) And with your little Scarecrow out of the picture,

Chevalier can vanquish Junk Warrior.

En garde, Yusei Fudo!

Nicely played.

But now I know what surprises your Chevalier has in store.

Pardonnez moi?

I activate my trap card Miracle's Wake!

With this card, I can resurrect a monster

that was destroyed this turn.

So I'm bringing back, Junk Warrior!

It appears you were simply baiting me

so that you could learn my strategies...

Tres bon, Monsieur Fudo.

I hope this doesn't hurt.

If we stop, the engine will blow!

When do we blow up?

We don't.

So what's with the bluff?

Who are you?

My name is Sherry Leblanc.

And I wanted to test your courage under fire.

You're a... woman Turbo Duelist?

(Sherry) You have passed the test.

I shall dispense with the games and tell you

the true nature of my intentions.

I have sought you out so that I might steal you for my own.