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03x69 - A Duel With Interest

Posted: 04/11/24 20:59
by bunniefuu
What's going on?

What are you all staring at?

Get lost!!!

Guess it's true...

Tv is bad for your health!


[Amused chuckle]

Please! Don piero!

I promise to pay back the money.

I just need more time!

Hey...look what I found here...

Some duel cards.

Oh. Hey, those are mine!

Were yours.

Here, boss.


These aren't any good--

Of course, then again...

When you owe piero... I own you!

And everything in your possession!

[Sinister laughter]

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪



Hey there.

Have you got anything for me to recycle today?


It's good to see you again, pal.

How've things been with you?

Oh, well, you know... Busy as ever

But I'm not complaining, that's the way I like it!

In fact, I've got nine more stops today!

Then I won't keep you.

I'll get you what we have.


Marcothanks, yusei! See ya!

Take care, marco.


Hey crow.

Huh? Oh, what's up?

Hey...that wasn't a bill collector

At the door was it?

I swear, those guys just don't ever let up!

Who knew it would be so hard to make a living

And train for the grand prix...

Come on, we're making ends meet.

Yeah...i guess so, dude.

I'm just glad jack's finally out pulling his weight.

Uh, I think you mean throwing his weight.

Uh, throwing his weight?

Jackfaster! Faster! It's going to get cold!

Sorry for the wait, mr. Atlas.

Mmm.the sweet aroma of blue eyes roast.

Nothing better!

Oh. Huh?

Ah, excuse me, mr. Atlas. Ah!

Aw, no one could love him like I do.

Carlyjackie! Ah!

Hey, jack! What's up?

Oh! Oh right, except for maybe her.

Yes, carly?

Is there something I can help you with?

As a matter of fact there is.

The duel statue.

Duel statue?

Don't tell me you haven't heard about it!

I'm doing an exclusive story on it for the newspaper...

See, you make a wish, give an offering,

Then your dreams come true!

Look-- see!


So whadaya think?

Hmm. Pure bunk.


Oh, hey there, crow.

You care to join us for some coffee?

You care about making rent?!

Hiya, crow!



You really need to relax, crow.

Can't I enjoy a simple cup of blue-eyes coffee.

Blue-eyes coffee?

But... That...

That's thirty bucks!

Yes, but it makes you feel like a million.

By the way, I'm a little light today.

Do you mind picking up the tab for this one, buddy?



What gives?!

You forget your wallet?

No I didn't forget my wallet!

I forgot what a dim-witted, thick-headed imbecile you are!

You're all worked up.

Let me order you a coffee and we can--

No! Don't you see--

That's the whole point, jack!

We can't afford coffee!

We can barely afford the very basics like food and rent!

Bottom line is you need to start earning your keep

Like me and yusei!

Look, I would love to, crow....

But jobs aren't my thing,

I mean, they're just so much work, you know?

Yeah, I know--

That's why they're called work!

Ooh! How 'bout a job as your boss?

How about no!

Ah! Oh!

I'd hire jack any day.

Good morning. Here for today's recyclables!

Oh, hey, marco! It's good to see ya.

Always right on time!

Hey, that's part of the job, right?

Manhere's this week's pay.


Boy, you could really learn a thing or two from marco.

That kid works odd jobs day and night to help take care of his family.

The only thing you work on lately is your hair!

Hrmph! Well, it is a full time job.

Speaking of, do you have anymore gel?

I know you still think you're some kinda big shot...

The master of faster, the sultan of speed, all that guff...

Well, think again!

When's the last time you did anything of use?!

Ah! Crow, take it back!

You've hurt his feelings!

Sure, I'll take it back when he proves me wrong.

The gauntlet has been thrown, jack.

Ya think you're up to the challenge?

Challenge? You call this a challenge, mate?

I'll land so many jobs your head will spin!

Wait, jack!

Oh, boy...

Look! Is jack atlas not the finest sushi chef in the land?!


Manwe're a pizza joint, ya nut!


Ah! I don't think so!

I ordered the kung-pow chicken

With a side of soup!

You nincompoop!

That's our store delivery, not your lunch!

Beat it!



What's with this hole in my shirt!

What, you said get rid of the stain,

And that's exactly what I did.

What do you mean I'm fired?


People are so strange.

Aw, my poor jack...

If he can't prove his worth--

The guys may not think he's worth keeping around!

Act hey, crow, have you seen jack anywhere?

Sure haven't.

Must be out workin' the late shift!


Fine. So maybe working isn't exactly my thing.

But that doesn't mean crow's right and I'm useless!


My, something sure smells good.

That's right, jack. I got what ya need!

Can't find work on an empty stomach!


Huh? Yes!

He's coming down!

I'll help jack find a job and then he'll love me!


Where could he be headed?

Ah! The duel statue?!

But why? Is he planning to make a wish?

Wait just a minute...

I know what he's up to!

He's planning to steal the offerings to make some dough!

No, jack, don't-- oof!a

Quick this way!

Can you be quiet?

Mm-hmm. Ah. Well, that's weird.

He doesn't seem surprised to see me.

In fact, he seems kind of distracted and nervous.

Wait a sec--

He wasn't planning to rob the statue...

He was planning to propose!



Yoo-hoo, my sweet love!

I'm right here and ready!


Hey, it's that kid...

The one from the coffee shop, yeah?


He shouldn't be out alone this late.

What's he doing?

Please, duel statue-- I don't have any money...

But still, I beg you...

Take my deck and let us be free of piero.


What's a piero?

No what, who.

He's an underworld crime boss who preys on the weak.

He'll loan someone a little money and make them sign a contract,

But the fine print on it says

That until he's paid back in full...

He can take everything they own.

Big bro!

Huh? Mikey?

What are you doing here, marco?

Nothing, little bro.

Come on, let's just go home.

Don't lie to me--

I see that deck sitting behind you!

And I recognize it-- it's yours,

And I'm not gonna let you toss it away!

Not when ya wanna be a duelist!

Huh? I hear ya, mikey...

But there are some things that are more important than what I want,

Than my dumb dreams.

And getting out from under piero's thumb is one of those things.

We can't keep living this way!

He's taken everything our family has!

All our money, all our stuff, and still, he wants more!


Which is why I'm gonna wish on this deck

And prove piero wrong.

These cards are useless! Ha!

Oh! Ah!

Big bro?

Come on, mikey.

Let's get home so mom doesn't worry about us.


That piero guy sure is a worm.

I only wish there was something we could do to help those two.

Well, maybe there is, carly.

Wait, jack, you're not suggesting...

Wait, what are you suggesting?

A duel.

Wait, jack, you can't take those--

They're marco's offering...

For his wish.

And I plan on using these to grant that wish.

Don't you just love how that kid, marco, grovels?


Please, don piero, don't take all our money,

Then I can't buy my sick mom her medicine!

[Mean laughter]


You gotta lotta nerve!

I'm guessing that you're don piero?

Why, yes, I am, and unless I'm mistaken you're jack atlas!

The master of faster!

The master of wha...

Of plaster? Uh...


You'll have to excuse them, jack--

These kids today...

They simply don't know the old-timer duelists

Like they really ought to.

I'm not here for them.

I'm here for you, piero.

And those contracts.

The contracts?

I want them.

And I'm prepared to duel for them.

So are you man enough?

Or are ya gonna hide behind your g*ons?!

I say hide!

Don piero is afraid of no duelist

On all of planet earth!

But those contracts are worth quite a bit to me...

If I'm going to put all of them on the line,

Then I think it's only fair that you...

Put up something that's of equal worth!

Let's see, something like, oh, I don't know...

Maybe one of your duel cards,

Maybe one of your most prized duel cards,

Maybe your red dragon archfiend!

My red dragon archfiend?!

And let's add your duel runner as well,

Just for good measure.

If you're not man enough I understand completely.

You're on.

Crowseriously, yusei, why are we out here?

Jack is fine, trust me.



Are you sure?

Uh, no.

What's going on?

A duel.


Hello, boys.

We've been looking for you.

What's happening?

Marcowhere are you taking me?

What do I care about some duel?

He's here.


Huh? What's this-- the guys.

But why?


[Sinister chuckle]

Remember, I win...

And I get you're your legendary red dragon archfiend card

And your duel runner to boot!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Don't you worry-- I remember.

What'd we walk into?

Some high stakes, that's what.

Jack's dueling don piero

For the freedom of all those in his debt.


No, jack, you can't...

That card and your runner--

I know how much they mean to you!

They mean nothing, marco.

Not when you put it up against a person's wish.

Huh? A wish?

Which is why I'm wishing on this deck...

Bothlet's duel!

Take this jerk down, jack!

I'll start off! Now!

And first, I activate the spell card upstart goblin!

Now I get to draw an extra card from my deck...

And you get an extra one thousand life points!


Why's he giving jack extra points?

Because I happen to be a very nice guy.

Why in fact, he can have all the life points

That he cares to borrow!


Jack can't trust him! It's a trap.

He's got something up his sleeve--

I know it!

Just relax. I'm no fool.

Really? Cuz I just played you for one!

I special summon nefafious trader!

Since you have more attack points than me,

I'm allowed to bring him out!

Next, I'll bring out toichi the nefarious debt collector

In defense mode!


And then I'll place one facedown to end my turn.

Now, then, how about repaying those life points I loaned you, friend?

We're not friends, you bloodsucker!

My turn!


First, since you already have two monsters out...

I can summon this chap without having to release a thing!

Come on out, power invader!


So you're really not going to repay those life points, eh?

Fine, but you asked for it!

I activate the trap endless loan!

This makes it so that when you summon a monster...

I can summon a loan token on your field in defense mode!

What is a loan token??

Sure is ugly!

Since you refused to pay me back the life points I lent you,

I've decided to take them back!

Actually, my debt collector toichi

Will be the one doing the taking.

And for every loan token he takes off your field,

Toichi deals you , points of damage.

One thousand?!

And that's per loan token?!

Oh, and there's no use in attacking toichi.


After all, so long as there's a loan token out on the field,

My debt collector can't be destroyed in battle.

Of course, you can destroy a loan token yourself,

But it'll cost you a card from you hand!

The way piero makes it sound,

The only way jack will stand a chance to win this duel

Is by getting rid of his cards.

Quick, jack! You gotta do what piero says

Or you're gonna end up taking some major damage!

You may be right,

But I don't do business with bullies like him.

Now... Power invader, attack that nefafious trader!



Piero! Piero! Piero!

Yeah! Way to go, jack!

Take it right to him!

What you should've taken was marco's advice.

But since you decided not to,

You're deeper in debt

Because when nefafious trader is destroyed in battle,

Another loan token is summoned onto your field!


Now he's got two tokens!

And if jack summons any monsters,

He'll only get more of them.

So then what's he supposed to do?


He should do some business with me and pay a card!

Jack, just pay!

Otherwise, next round you'll--

Jacki refuse!

I play two facedowns... And end my turn!

Fine-- refuse to pay a card.

Instead I'm just going to make you pay the price--

And a very hefty price it's going to be!

I equip the spell illegal business practices

Onto toichi the nefarious debt collector!

This doubles all effect damages!


Then with two tokens out,

The damage jack's gonna take will be...

A lot!

Time to collect our debt, toichi!

It's time you gave don piero some respect!!

And by respect I mean , of your life points!


Jack! Oh no!

Just face it, jack.

If you want to save the last of your life points...

You'll do as I say!

He's right, jack!

Just give up some of your cards!

No way!

I'm not going to play by his rules!

It's my move!

And first,

By sending one card in my hand to the graveyard,

I'm going to summon this monster!

Come out! Smile kid!

Duel runner computerwhen the monster card smile kid

Is destroyed by a card effect,

You can summon one smile angel from your deck onto the field.

But smile kid? That's my card!

Ah, that was an excellent move, jack,

Excellent for me, that is!

Because now endless loan activates!

Which means another loan token will appear on your field.

Oh! That makes three now!

Come on, jack! You can't owe anymore!

Just give up some cards from your hand!

Oh, I will, but not for piero!

I activate the trap compulsory recoil device!

Now by sending one card in my hand to the graveyard,

I can return one monster on my field to my hand!

Next, I'll send another card in my hand

To the grave and re-summon smile kid!

What? All that to summon out the same monster?

Here comes another token...

Oh, maybe not...

Oh right--

Since jack's field is full,

No more monsters can fit on it!

Alright, you fool,

I hope that you're quite happy with yourself...

You got rid of your cards on your own terms.

But what did you prove?

Toichi is still going to take out

The rest of your life points next round!

It's done! You've lost!

And you know what that means...

Your red dragon archfiend and your duel runner

Now both belong to me the great don piero!

[Crazed laughter]


Not just yet.


Go time...

I play zero hole! Go!

Zero hole?

With zero hole, if jack has no cards in his hand,

Then all cards on the field are destroyed.

Say what?! All of the cards?!

Oh, so then that's why jack was discarding from his hand!


Ah! Ah!

And knowing jack like I do, he's not done yet.

Next I activate smile kid's ability!

And now that I have smile angel on the field,

I can turn marco's frown upside down.


Attack points?!

Got that right!

And that's enough... To take you down!


Your smile is so disarming...!!!


Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Piero! Piero! Piero!

No, this isn't happening...

The don never loses a duel!

You lost more than just that.

A deal's a deal.

Now hand over those contracts right now.



Now you and anyone else that was in piero's debt is free.

Thank you so much, jack.

And don't forget these...

The cards I wished on.

Gee, I don't know...

I heard you when you made that wish...

I know it's your dream to become a duelist.

And I also know you've been through hard times...

Helping your family, your mom being sick...

But that's why you must follow your dream,

So you can make them proud.

Ya think so?

I know so.

And I'm sure one day we'll meet on the duel field.


Go get 'im!

Well jack sure proved me wrong--

Talk about doing something of use!

Yeah-- big time.


Cafe owneryou're useless!

Oh, yeah?

Well, you can't fire me because I quit!

Jack! Wait!

You people are crazy-- I did everything that you said!

You think clearing dishes

Means tossing them to the floor? Ahh...

I think I'll just let carly have you.

Aw, man.

I guess I better pick up a double shift tonight.

Huh. Ahh...