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02x50 - Mark of the Monkey, Part 4

Posted: 04/11/24 19:18
by bunniefuu
Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's."

I have something the little girl might be looking for.


That's ancient fairy dragon!

Let us meet tomorrow at the four stars of destiny...

...the end will be decided there.

Kuribon, what's wrong?


Something bad's happening in the spirit world, isn't it?

Be right there.

Devacki've been waiting for you, signer.

Who are you!?

You're not a signer. What are you doing here?

I'm here to duel you!

Go cursed flare!


How pathetic.


Listen up!

No matter what you throw at me,

I'm going to protect luna!

I just hope leo can protect himself,

'Cause if he doesn't, both he and luna are done for!

Ancient fairy dragon was sealed in the rock mountain

As part of zeman the ape king's curse.

All we have to do is invade his castle,

Defeat him in an epic battle,

And break the power of his minus spell.

Ancient fairy dragon-- appear before me!


Lunahang on, ancient fairy dragon...

We're going to save you.

Or get petrified trying.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

After I send you to the netherworld, leo, your sister's next!

That's only if you can beat me!

And in case that dark signer brain of yours doesn't work too well,

I'll remind you that I get a random equip spell

Thanks to my dragon!

Just please be the card I need to take out that ape king!


Now that monkey's a goner!

So you think zeman'll fall for this?

You betcha!

I hope you're right.

These wizard costumes got us in the castle,

But I'm not sure this stolen staff will help free my dragon!

You've done well to bring me regulus.

Now my plan can be realized--

Once the bonds of the fairy dragon are removed,

I'll use the minus curse on her and her loyal servant

To bring her powers under my control, correct?

Uhhhh, yup!

I should hope so...

Because if the two of you are wrong,

I will seal you both away for all eternity!

Why so negative?!

The plan's gonna work!

It's practically monkey-proof!

Have a banana already!

It's time!

Let the ritual begin!

Ancient fairy dragon, with the power I possess

I release you from your prison!

Yes! Zeman's doing it!

He fell for it.

Now let's just hope the rest of our plan works.

What are you waiting for?!

Bring me regulus!


O great regulus, hear my words!

You hath been summoned to thy chamber-ness thingee.

Well done, luna.

Now use the staff you've stolen from zeman's soldiers

To reverse your dragon's curse, just like you did with me.

I told you we knew what we were doing!

Now my friend here is going to use regulus to complete the ritu-whooooaaaa!


Now this staff might look like yours, but, funny story,

It belongs to--


What is this?!

Say something!

So ok, we might've accidentally

Stolen one of your staffs, but...

It's not like we were planning on wielding it or anything.

Soldier bhey!


Quick, stop him!

He could reverse the dark curse

On ancient fairy dragon with that thing!

He must be captured!

Why don't we all

Just calm doooowwwwwnnnnn!

That's the girl we saw earlier in the city--

The one with the kuribon!

She's not a wizard!

But I am!

He may look young but he's really powerful!

Oh, really?!

Well, let's see if he's powerful enough to help you escape.

Get them!



Need a lift?!



Don't let'em get away!

You'll regret toying with me!

Ancient fairy dragon, I bind thee to thy rock!

How do we save her now, regulus?!

This is all my fault; I'm a clumsy old man!


You'll have to give me your staff!

But why?!

If I get close enough to zeman,

He'll have to use his staff to stop me.

When the two strike each other,

Their power will cancel out,

And lift the curse from everyone!

That's a big if!

And speaking of if's, what if it doesn't work?

It has to;

Otherwise all of this world will fall under zeman's control!



I jammed the door!

You'll be safe!

Not if we have anything to say about it.


It's time I take the leash off my dragon, devack.

Now if you thought he was tough before,

Just wait till you see the upgrade

That I give his hardware!

First up, I add the equip spell double tool c&d!

So not only are we going full-on pneumatic,

But I get to add another thousand attack points to my beast!

All those power tools and no safety goggles--

You should be more careful especially since all you've done

Is match the attack points of zeman the ape king!

That's what I was hoping for!

Now attack!

And give this ape king the royal treatment!



What is happening??!!



He's doing it!

Ancient fairy dragon! I release you from your prison!

The dark curse is broken!!!


What a wasted effort.


That's right!

You forgot my dragon has a little bonus

When he's equippedhe can't be destroyed!


I'll protect us!

You may destroy me regulus,

But not before I transfer the power of the minus curse to the dark signer devack!




I'll just toss that double tool c&d,

And power tool dragon gets to hang around for a little r&r!

Nice move!

Now that devack's gone and lost his little monkey friend--

Leo's gotten himself into more trouble.

[Devack chuckles]

So you think that's funny?!

Yes, I do!

I always find it amusing when a young duelist

Walks so willingly into one of my traps--

And with the power of my dark matter,

These two monsters will be escorting you straight to the netherworld.

While you keep playing around with your g*ng of gorillas,

I'm gonna equip my dragon with a power converter.

You're up.



Torunka?! Where are you?

I'm here, luna.

It looks like our lion friend was able to lift the curse after all.

Back to my old self. Emphasis on old!

Is... That really you?!

I told you I was an old man!

Yeah, but...

"Grandpa" old?!


You're older than a wrinkle on dirt.

Ha ha!

That means it worked!

Regulus broke the curse!



You're ok!

Thank you, regulus, for all your help.

The rule of zeman the ape king is no more.

That means... My ancient fairy dragon is free!

I'm afraid part of the curse still lives luna.


Your friend and the other free wizards

Have regained their true age,

But the captured duel spirits remain trapped.

Zeman transferred the power of the curse to devack.

Until he is defeated, the duel spirits are his prisoners.

It's my turn leo.

I draw!

And it looks like thanks are in order

For enabling me to summon monsters to the field last round.

Why's that?!

You see, I need two sacrifices to summon out my earthbound immortal!

Ha ha!

Not good!

Not good is right, yusei.

Oh, no, it's gonna take me and my friends away!


You don't have to worry about that.

This immortal requires a different kind of power source.

One that exists in the spirit world.

By the power of the dark signers, I summon earthbound immortal cusillu!

We have ta save leo!



That's devack's mark of the monkey!

Redulusit's absorbing the duel spirits!


Soon, they'll all be gone, luna!

Torunkawe have to find a way to stop this!

That's if these earthbound immortals even can be stopped!

Devackwatch as all your pathetic duel spirits

Become the fuel for your destruction!

With their energies, I can summon the most powerful monster ever!


Duel runner computerearthbound immortal cusillu

Has attack points,

Defense points, and can attack your opponent directly.

Oh, come on!

What's with this guy and the monkeys?!

Ya got me. All I know is

Leo's gotta figure out out a way to tame that beast.

Behold my earthbound immortal cusillu!

There's nothing in your deck that can stop its power!

It's immune to any att*cks, traps and spells you might throw its way!

Just my luck!

There's also the not-so-little matter

Of his graveyard bonus!

Thanks to my closed forest field spell,

It receives an extra hundred attack points for every monster in my graveyard.


Earthbound immortal, attaaaaaack!!!

He doesn't have a monster to stop that thing!


Who needs a monster...

When you've got this!

I trigger my trap card power converter!

Soon as I send it to the graveyard,

All of my dragon's attack points

Are converted over to life points!

The move might make him a little week until next round,

But at least there will be a next round!



If you're out there luna, I could use some sisterly advice.

If not, I'm done for!


He needs my help!

You sure?!

Huh? Huh?

You've got to do something, torunka!

Or we'll all be sucked into that thing!

Unless we can find a way to stop devack,

He'll take each'n'every spirit from our world!

Well, then, let's stop him!

But how?

Like this!

I have just enough strength to send you back to your own world!

Now listen, you must defeat that devack!

He's right, my little warrior.

Should you fail, all is lost.

I gotcha... No pressure!


Good luck, dear child...


Huh? Luna?!

Oh, leo!

Please tell me that you're all right.

Uh. Luna...

Everything's under control.

Of course it is...

But now its time for me to help you.

I'm going to take over your duel, ok?

I guess I really let you down, huh, sis?

I couldn't even win one lilttle match.

Just look at me...

I'm the sidekick who can't do anything.

Except be my hero. Huh?

It's true!

Not...not as a duelist...

But as my brother!

Uh! Not so hard!

You're squeezing the tears out!


Devackha ha ha!

I'm glad you finally joined us, luna!

My earthbound immortal has been waiting patiently.

Let's duel, signer!

Oh, we'll duel, devack.

And when I get through with you,

You're gonna wish you never messed with any of my spirit friends.

Will i?

Don't worry, leo.

I promise I'll be fine.

Be careful out there!

As long as he has this field up,

That earthbound monkey is practically invincible!

I'm not worried.

I'm not doing this alone-- I've got your deck.

You know, it's kind of like we're dueling together, isn't it?

I guess so.

But if we're going to "duel together," I'm staying by your side.

I hoped you would.

Now let's win this duel!


Yusei, its gonna be ok.

Be safe. Huh?


Akiza! Your sign!

So luna's back in the game.

I really hope she knows what she's in for!

Let's roll call:

Looks like I got power tool dragon on my field.

And you got a giant turkey day balloon on yours! Hrmph!

I'm glad that you can make jokes

At a time like this.

It's no fun taking the spirit of someone who's lost hope.

And speaking of someone who's lost hope,

It's time I reintroduce you to one of your oldest friends!

But first I activate the cursed prison trap!

Now I can summon a synchro monster of my choosing,

And it just so happens to be the very same one

You failed to save back in the spirit world!

Allow me to introduce my prisoner:

Your precious ancient fairy dragon!!!

Say hello to your ancient fairy dragon!

What did you do to her, devack?!

She's not some stray dog you can lock up in a cage!

That's exactly what she isa wild animal.

And if she doesn't learn to behave, I'll tear her card in half.

We'll see about that!

My turn!

Thanks to power tool dragon's ability,

I can search my deck, find an equip spell,

And send it to my hand!

And this one's going right into immediate action:

I forgot I had that!

And now, even though luna can't stop devack's immortal from attacking,

At least she can protect your dragon!

So you don't have to worry,

'Cause my sis isn't gonna let anything happen to you,

Isn't that right, luna!


I just hope that I don't let the three of us down.

I think I'll end my turn with two facedowns!

A shield and a couple facedowns

Don't exactly lead the dark signers to tremble in fear.

If that's all you can offer,

I'm afraid the crimson dragon made a grave mistake choosing you as a signer.

Please tell me that they didn't entrust the fate of the world

To you and a toy dragon!

You can't win!

And now earthbound immortal cusillu,

Send this pathetic signer to the netherworld!

This signer's not going anywhere!

I play the trap limiter removal,

Which doubles this "toy's" attack points!

How dare you!



Ah! Ah!


That' a girl!


I guess you don't know what happens when I get angry.

It doesn't end well for anyone.

And that I'm afraid is terrible news

For both you and your precious ancient fairy dragon, dear luna.

If you have any parting words for her, you had better share them now.

If not, you might want to shut your eyes...

This won't be pretty!


Oh! Are you ok?

I'm here luna!

Don't worry, leo...

It's time to take back my ancient fairy dragon!

But she's in my graveyard!

And that's exactly what I was hoping for--

As long as she was stuck on your field,

It would've been impossible to get her back!

But you sacrificed her, making her a free agent...

And now by playing respect synchron,

She can join my team!

And with a heavy hitter like ancient fairy dragon

On my side of the field,

You and your earthbound immortal

Don't stand a chance of winning this duel.

Thanks for helping me get her back!

This cannot be!

Duel runner computerancient fairy dragon is a level seven

Light attribute synchro monster

With attack points and defense points.

Ah! You did it!

You got her back!

Mmm. Oh!

Ancient fairy dragon... I kept my promise.

Thank you, luna.

I asked your help to free me

And you risked your life and your spirit

To see that I was delivered from devack's prison.

Now that I am free, we can begin to heal the spirit world.

Look at that! She's beautiful!

Ya think?

Yeah, you know, like "pretty..." For a dragon.

But pretty doesnt win duels, I'm afraid.

Lunanormally limiter removal's effect would destroy my dragon,

But if I send central shield to the graveyard,

My dragon doesn't have to go anywhere.

Looks like that's two dragons to your none!

Very clever.

But even one hundred ancient fairy dragons

Wouldn't be enough to help you now!

Now let's just see you

Try and take out my earthbound immortal!

Feel up to it, leo?


Let's draw that card sis!

Ha! Ha!

But before we play anything,

We activate our dragon's special ability

Which uproots your closed forest field spell.

No, you wouldn't!

Take that!



All right, with that field spell gone,

Devack's monkey has no special abilities!

He's done for now!

But I'm not, cause power tool dragon lets me add

Another equip spell straight to my hand.

And now that I've got two, I think I'll power up both my dragons.


This is the end of the line for you and your monkey.

I'm afraid this is the end of nothing, little girl.

We'll see about that!



And what did I tell you!

All you've done is destroy power tool dragon and hurt yourself!

Try reading the card!

Yeah! He can't be destroyed

As long as he's equipped with rocket pilder,

And that's not the card's only bonus.

Your monster loses attack points

For each of our power tool dragon's attack points!


You can't!

I'm afraid we can, and we did!

And now, my fairy dragon's equip spell kicks in!

All the life that I just lost was worth every point.

Thanks to pain to power,

It all gets converted to attack points!

I think she's still mad about being locked up!

And it's finally time for her to get some payback!

Whaddya think 'bout that?


Ancient fairy dragon, chase those shadows away!

