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02x47 - Mark of the Monkey, Part 1

Posted: 04/11/24 19:16
by bunniefuu
Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's"

We dark signers have only one way

Of saying "hello."

If you want a duel, roman, follow me!

Lead the way, friend.

Let's duel! Let's duel!

Ohh! Rally?!

Miss your friend?

I freed his spirit so he could duel you

Instead of me!

You can't!

I won't duel my friend!

You have no choice!

Rallyi know you'd rather get sent to the netherworld

Than duel me, yusei.

That's why I have to end this duel

On my own terms.



Oh no.

You can bring us back.

I will.

Well I certainly wasn't expecting that outcome.

Heh! No wonder the human race is going extinct,

No one's selfish anymore.

Now be kind, they did just lose some friends to the shadows.

Are they...

Gone? You're pals are with us

And all the others lost from this trash heap you call a town.

Wanna get'em back?

Well I'm right here, yusei. Heh!

Or, are you scared?

Ha ha ha!

Yeah. I'm scared.

Scared about what I'm going to do to you, kalin!

As far as I'm concerned,

Your dark decks are about to be destroyed!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Yuseialright, dark signers, this is it.

It's time to pay for what you've done!

Well before you try and cash out,

I have something the little girl might be looking for.

That's ancient fairy dragon!

I believe this card should be in your deck.

Now if you want to get this card back,

You'll have to come battle me.

And in case you're wondering who I am...

My name is devack.

And I bear the mark of the monkey.

Romanha ha ha!

Fate has finally brought us together...

Signer and dark signer. Let us meet tomorrow,

At the four stars of destiny.

The end will be decided there.


Yuseiwoah, where do you think you're goin'!?

Don't you walk away from me, roman!

Yusei, wait!

Guys, come back!


Come on!

Let's do this right here, right now!

Romanha ha ha!

Don't be so impatient, yusei.

We can't battle here, we're not supposed to.

Whaddya mean we're not supposed to!?

It sounds to me like you're scared!

Don't be a fool.

Just come to the four stars of destiny.

We'll be waiting.

I'm done playing your little games!

Get out here!

Get out here and duel me!

Hey, you!

Yeah, you!

Why do you look familiar??

I don't...

I don't believe it...

Carly! Is that you?


What's going on here?

You can't really be a dark signer.

If it's answers that you want,

You'll have to come find me tomorrow.

Until then, jack!

[Children crying]

I'm so sorry, dr. Schmit!

All of this...

It's all because of me.

And martha, she's really gone?

I'm afraid so. I was with her,

I shoulda been able to save her.

But I wasn't able to grab hold of her in time.


It's all my fault.

It's not your fault. It's my fault.

No it's not, it's my fault for trying to help yusei.

No, it's my fault for not saying don't go.


That's enough!

Knock it off, you dolts!

Stop trying to take credit for everything!

What he means is--

You're not the ones to blame.

This is all the dark signers' doing.

They've taken martha, and my friends.

We're not gonna sit around and blame ourselves

For things the bad guys did.

But I'll tell you what we are gonna do about it.

We're gonna defeat the dark signers

And get everyone back!

Wait one moment. Are you really saying

That you can bring everyone back?

That's right.

How is that possible?

Everything that's happened so far

Both here and in new domino city has been the work

Of an evil power, dr. Schmidt.

The destruction of the two cities...

The mystical symbols appearing,

The crazy lights suddenly erupting from the depths of the earth...

The mysterious fog that came out of nowhere and covered everything.

The dark signers caused it all.

They're using the energy of the people taken to gain more power.

So if you defeat the dark signers,

Everything goes back to normal?


You can really get martha back?

And everyone else?!

Yeah. We really can.

Guys, my friends and I are gonna fix everything, I promise...

But right now, you have to stay positive.

You need to be brave and help take care

Of everyone that's still here.

We gotta head out soon, but I promise

We'll be back.

Thanks for everything.

Of course.

We're counting on you.

Please be careful.

Try to get some sleep, you guys okay?

We'll try.

Good night, yusei.

So that was quite the promise you made out there.

We defeat the dark signers...

And then everyone who disappeared

Will just magically "reappear."

You don't know that's true.

I know.

So why lie?

We expect you to tell the truth!

Look. That's something I just need to believe.

What about the kids, they deserve better

Than that don't they?

Hey, come on!

Everyone upset, yusei's

Just trying to give us a little hope!

Stupid hope!

Akizai'm with yusei.

If we're gonna win this,

We have to believe that we can protect

The people still here and bring everyone else back.

This from the girl who terrified everyone

Around her with her anger management issues.

Yeah n' you know what?

No one believed I could change!

No one believed except for yusei,

And he fought for me.

So if he says that we have the power to bring

Everyone back, then I believe him!

It doesn't really matter what you believe.

What do you mean?

No matter what you think'll happen afterwards,

You have to reverse the reactor.

Exactly. We have to do what goodwin told us to do.

Hmm. Hmm.

Fine. Let's go be heroes.

I have a question. That devack guy said

They'd be waiting at "the four stars of destiny,"

Does anyone know what those are?

My guess is that he's referring

To the four control units that were built to maintain

The original reactor.

Well, aren't you smart.

According to the reports,

They were the first part

Of the system to break

When the reactor reacted.

During development, each individual control unit

Went by a code name...

In the quechua language, they mean

The giant, the lizard, the hummingbird, and the monkey.

Those are the nazca lines that disappeared!

Isn't there a spider, too what about that?

Minathe spider is uru-- which was the code name

For the reactor itself.

In order to reverse the reactor and stop

The flow of negative energy, you have to go to each

Of those control units and turn them on.

That roman guy is the spider, right?

Does that mean he's the boss?

How are they supposed to turn on these control unit thingamajigs?

The dragon cards in your decks...

Those were the cards used

To power up each of the control units.

So, luna, it's very important

That you get ancient fairy dragon back from devack.

How do you know all of this?

Because professor fudo entrusted those cards to director goodwin.

My father had those cards?

Woah, hang on a sec.

So roman was lying about my father

Looking the other way?

Minawhy did professor fudo have all the control cards?

Is he the one who shut down the units

And caused the reactor to malfunction?

No. Just the opposite.

He tried to save them.

He did everything he could to stop

The reactor from going wild.

During those final moments, he managed

To get the cards... And then hand them off to me.

Is that all, mina?

Did goodwin say anything else about my father?

No, that's it.

He just said that your father gave him the cards.

So if goodwin had those cards,

How did everyone else end up with 'em?

I guess you could say that I decided to

Release the cards "into the wild."

I wanted to test the powers of destiny.

I wanted to see if they would travel from duelist

To duelist.

Don't you see?

I figured if destiny really was at work,

Then it would eventually put those cards

Into the hands of the signers.

And sure enough, the very cards used

To power the original reactor's control units

So many years ago...

Guess who has them now?

Jack atlas, yusei fudo, and akiza.

Destiny really is guiding us.

The signers will be the ones to reverse

The flow of negative energy.

They will go to satellite,

And they will battle the dark signers.

Jackwell, since goodwin seems to know

So much about destiny, he must know

How this whole thing is gonna turn out, right?

It doesn't work like that,

He doesn't know the future.

There's no telling what will happen.

But goodwin is done playing his part.

The baton has been passed.

The rest is up to you... All of you.

The fate of the world has been put into your hands.

Here's the location of the four control stations--

Giant, hummingbird, lizard, and monkey.

They're pretty spread out.

Trudgewhat's the plan?

Hit all these units up one by one?

Jackthat would be a huge waste of time.

Besides, a duel is one-on-one.

We're going to have to split up and go solo.

Four signers... Four control stations...

It's a no-brainer.

Who knows, maybe this is more of goodwin's

Destiny at work.

Lunawe were just starting to become a real team.

Yuseiwe're still a team, luna.

All of us, even if we're apart...

We're still fighting for the same thing.

I guess you're right.

Who's going where?

I'm pretty sure that the mark

Of the giant is kalin, so I'll go there.

He and I have business.

The lizard is misty's mark.

I'll head over to that station.

Devack is the monkey,

And I have to get ancient fairy dragon,

So I'm gonna go take him on.

And I'm gonna go so I can root for ya'!

So the hummingbird must be...

If it's answers that you want,

You'll have to come find me tomorrow.

That other girl.

You kids wanna ride to your battle

In a sector patrol car?


And if its okay I'll go with you, akiza.


Guess I'm stuck at home again, watching the kids.

Hope you all have fun saving the world.

We will.

This is it, you guys.

Are you ready, luna?

Yup! Hey, I'm ready, too!

Good luck.

Come on, yusei, we've got duels to duel,

Give us a rousing speech and let's be gone!

Alright guys--

The dark signers are powerful...

And right now, we're the only thing standing in their way.

If you should find yourself up against a wall,

Just think of the rest of us,

Think of your friends.

We're all in this.

And even when we're apart...

We're together.

Now let's go show these creeps

How us signers do things.

Jackand if any of you loses your duel,

You'll have to answer to me.

[Thinking] I'm coming to help you, carly

'Cause when I was hurt, you took care of me

And when I was down, you picked me up.

Now it's my chance to return the favor.


Ohh. Hey.

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Don't scare me like that, luna!

You scare me when you scream like that.

Sorry, but I'm all wound up,

And those are the creepiest birds I've ever seen.

This is wrong.

You shouldn't've come with me, leo.

Ehh. Nah, don't worry about me,

I'm just pretending to be scared

So that you don't have to be scared,

Yeah that's it, I'm just pretending!

See, check it out!

Ta daa!

And what's the point of you wearing a duel disk?

Heh heh heh. I'm getting ready!

Alright, you dark signers,

Come on and get some!

I'm the one who's gonna be dueling, not you.

Not too bright, is he?

[Creature screaming]


Something wrong?

What was that screaming just now?

What screaming, I didn't hear anything.

I figured but I just thought that you

Might've heard it since it was, like,

So loud and powerful and everything.

I think someone from the spirit world

Is calling out to me or something.

Who does it sound like,

Is it ancient fairy dragon?

Hey, what's with all this spirit world" talk?

Luna can talk to duel monster spirits

From the spirit world.

Wha? How stupid do you think I am?

No! It's really true!

Right, of course, and my sister can fly.

She's got magic wings made of gold.

Jerk. Luna can talk to spirits.

You're just jealous 'cause you're

A boring ordinary guy with no special powers.

[Kuribon chirping]


Kuribon, what's wrong?

Something bad's happening

In the spirit world, isn't it?

Who are you talking to?

Be right there.

Huh? Huh?


That's coming from the direction luna went.


What are you kids doing back there?!


Oh! Aah!

What's going on?

It's luna, she's gone!


That big bright light just now, I think it

Took her away.

Oh, right, let me guess, she was transported to the spirit world.

Exactly! Nuh-uh!!

That's not possible.

It is so!

She wasn't beamed anywhere.

Come on, let's look for her.

Don't waste your time.

Hey! Luna!

Man, grown-ups never listen.

But if she is wandering out here all alone,

That wouldn't be good.

Luna! Where are you?

Luna! You're not here, right?

If you are here, say something!

Luna! You gotta be kidding me.

Hey luna come out!


Hey! Luna!


That thing's pretty big.

There it is.

The mark of the monkey.

This must be the control unit thing

Mina was talking about.

Hey, dark signer monkey guy, are you in there?

Hello! I'm ready to duel.

Devacki've been waiting for you, signer.

Check it out-- the monkey symbol.

Luna's duel must be starting.

The final round has begun.

So if I'm in the middle of this monkey barrier.

What's going on? You're not a signer,

What are you doing here?

I'm here to duel you!

That is if you think you're

Strong enough to take me on!


Is this some kind of joke?

Where's the little girl,

Why isn't she here?

I told her to come.

Yeah, well, she's busy!

You're gonna have to duel me instead, mister!

I may not be a signer, but that doesn't mean

That I can't rock a deck.

Now come on. Let's see what you're made of!

I applaud your enthusiasm.

I really do.

But I am afraid that you simply do not have

The power to match me, boy.

You don't know that!

If you insist on being destroyed,

So be it.

Let's duel! Let's duel!

Leo, get outta there, don't be a fool.



What are you doing here?

I turned around when I saw that pillar of light.

What's going on?

Well, first luna disappeared to who knows where.

She what?

She must've gone to the spirit world for some reason.

Great, now you're babbling about spirit worlds and fairy tales?

It's not a fairy tale, it's real.

Luna must've gone to rescue ancient fairy dragon.

Ancient what?!

I'll explain later, right now,

We gotta stop this duel.

Hey, devack!

That kid's not a signer.

You can't duel him!

I warned him, and once a shadow duel begins...

It cannot be stopped.

Not until somebody wins, that is.


Let's get this battle going.

It's my turn! I draw!


I summon morphtronic magnen

In defense mode!

With morphtronic magnen in play,

You can't attack any other monster on my field!

Now, I'm placing one card facedown and ending my turn.

[Thinking] by laying my morphtransition

Trap card facedown...

I can trigger its effect and negate any attack

My morphtronic monsters might take.

And then, if I'm able to summon another

Morphtronic magnen on my next turn...

I'll create a magnetic lock

That'll stop him from attacking completely!

Leo, stop this!

You gotta find a way to get outta this duel!

No way. Don't you get it?

If I defeat devack, luna won't have to duel him!

Heh heh heh.


All we can do now is hope he

Can beat this guy.

Ohh. The spirit world. I made it back.

That light must have brought me here.

Oh hey, kuribon.

The mountain where ancient fairy dragon

Was sealed away.

Was she the one screaming out before?

It's my turn, boy.

I draw!

And I summon magician ape in attack mode.

Computerwhen magician ape is in attack mode

You can gain control of one of your opponent's monsters

By sending one card in your hand to the graveyard.

[Thinking] I usually hate magical primates.

But since this thing's too weak to destroy

My magnen, I don't mind it to much.

Just as long as I don't have to worry

About any special abilities or anything.

I now activate magician ape's special ability.

Which means that once a turn,

If I take one card from my hand

And send it to my graveyard,

Magician ape is able to take control of one of your monsters.

And with that out of the way

Magician ape att*cks you directly!

Aah! Aah!

Leo! Leo!


That sounded like leo just now.

You don't think he's dueling do you, kuribon?

Man, that really smarted.

That was worse than when I dueled sayer.

Now you know the true power of a shadow duel.

Don't worry. I will try to send you

To the netherworld with as little pain as possible.

That is the only mercy I can spare you.





[Grunts] [grunts]