02x39 - Digging Deeper, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x39 - Digging Deeper, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh ds."

What is that? Aah! No! A dark sign!

A sign in our city can only mean one thing lazar.

A shadow duel?

But I thought the dark signers were in the satellite.

Goodwin, what the deck is going on?

Carly? But you fell.

It seems that the dark signers

Are actively recruiting duelists to join their cause.

They chose yours truly,

And that's bad news for you.


This is beginning of the end for you.

You want to really see how exciting a duel can be, sayer?

Then why don't you agree to battle me in a shadow duel?

Carly, you've got yourself a deal.

Fortune lady fire, attack him directly.


Unless you do something, and quick,

I'm afraid that you're going to lose our little duel,

And end up in the netherworld.


Where is my brother?

I already told you that I don't know.

Then we duel.

You can never beat me.

Be smart and talk.

Tell me what you know about my only brother's fate,

And I promise I'll make your defeat quick and painless.

So, what's your decision?

I don't know what happened.

Then that leaves me no choice.

You know your dear friend sayer?

I'm afraid he's about to lose his shadow duel,

Sayer? And so are you.

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♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind

♪ It's blowing me around

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind

♪ It's blowing me around

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Jacklet's see how my new-and-improved ride handles some off-roading.


Ahh. Huh.

There it is-- the arcadia movement headquarters.

Now to find that shadow duel.

Mistyit's over for you, akiza.

You won't be able to hide

Behind the arcadia movement for much longer.

What're you talking about?

As we speak, your leader, sayer,

Is dueling a new friend of mine,

And let's just say that, like you,

He doesn't stand a chance of winning his duel.

So, are you ready to tell me what happened to my brother?

I don't know your brother.

Fine, then. Be that way.

I'll get the answers I want sooner or later,

And with your dragon's power reduced to nothing,

I'll know the truth in no time.

And to hurry things along, I'll activate

The power of my savage coliseum trap,

Which forces our monsters to battle,

Huh? And with zero attack points,

Your black rose dragon doesn't stand a chance.

Now prepare yourself, akiza.

Reptile gorgon is about to obliterate your beast.


Uh! My mark.

It's tying to tell me something, but what?

It's telling you to be very afraid

Of the dark signers' power.

I don't understand all this.

Why are you so convinced I did something to your brother?

Because last time I saw him,

He was going on and on about someone,

And that someone was you.

That's right.

He couldn't stop talking about you

And how he just had to meet you.

Now, unless you're gonna tell me

What happened to him, make your move.

Listen, misty.

I'd tell you something if I knew something,

But I don't, so I guess this duel is full steam ahead,

And now that I've got your coliseum's power boost,

I'll activate the synchro spirits trap,

Which lets me remove a synchro monster in my graveyard from play

And then resummon the monsters I originally used to synchro summon it,

So by removing black rose dragon from play,

I can summon both twilight rose knight and lord poison

Back to the field in attack mode,

And then I'll activate this--

The dimension reversion trap card,

Which returns every monster I removed from play to my deck.

Black rose dragon is back, ready, and waiting.

Excellent. Now go ahead and bring

Your beloved black rose dragon back to the field.

I'd be more than happy to destroy it a second time.

That's not gonna happen, misty,

Because I'm activating this trap.

With the power of urgent tuning

I can summon a synchro monster during my battle phase.

So once again, twilight rose knight

Will be giving lord poison a little tune-up.

I synchro summon black rose dragon!

But we're not done yet.

You see, my black rose dragon is so excited

After being successfully synchro summoned,

It just can't help but incinerate

Every other card on the field.


I'd say that was your endgame this whole time

And that you let me destroy black rose dragon,

But I don't want to give you that much credit.

However, you didn't destroy every card.

Thanks to field barrier's protection,

The savage coliseum isn't going anywhere,

Unlike my brother.

For the last time, just because he liked me

Doesn't mean I know something.

He said he went to watch you duel

And that he spoke to you afterwards

And that talking to you made him want to join the arcadia movement,

And then he vanished without a trace.

Look, misty.

I'm really sorry that you lost your brother,

But you have to believe me.

I had absolutely nothing to do with it.

I don't "have to believe" anything, akiza,

And don't pretend you're sorry.

I've seen the way you duel, black rose.

You let your power run wild. You're out of control.

Why is it people watching you duel always get hurt?

It's because you don't care about anyone other than yourself.

Isn't that right, akiza?

No. That's not right. I'm a good person.

Do you care about the people you scare during the tournament,

The people who just wanted to watch their favorite duelists duel?

Those people were mocking me and calling me a witch.

Oh, I understand.

So, what you're saying, then, is that

Those people deserved what happened to them.

You're saying that you're glad that you scared them.


What if she's right?

[Slam] huh?

[Slam slam slam]

Uh! Luna!

How'd you guys find me?

Yanagithis is the eighth door he's knocked in.

Leo. Hmm.

All right. Stand back, you two.



Leo, you all right? Huh?

Is it christmas already?

How do you feel? Are you hurt? What happened?

Uh, I dueled sayer. How'd you do?

Not too good. I got schooled.

Aah! Aah! Aah!


Where's luna? Is she ok?

I'm right in front of you, leo.

There you are. I'm so glad you're safe.

It's not like I'm helpless without you, you know?

So, uh what am I doing in this room?

I dunno, but let's not talk about it right now.

Meaning, "let's get out of here."

My brother watched you duel in the narrows of new domino city.

He said he spoke to you afterwards, akiza, you.

I don't know.

I don't remember meeting him. I'm sorry.

And yet you say you're a "good person."

Wouldn't a good person remember meeting an excited fan?

I don't believe a word you're saying.

What happened to my brother?

Did he fail your little entry test, and that was that?

Why would you tell some boy you don't even know to--

I tell everyone I meet to consider the movement.

Because if they are like me,

I don't want them to go through what--

To go through what I went through.


Luna, what're you doing? Come on.

Another signer is dueling.

Leoluna, we got to keep moving.

It's too dangerous to stop, sis.



Luna, we have to go.

Fine. Have it your way, akiza.

Keep on lying and denying,

But in the end, you and I both know it was you,

And because of that, I'm sending you

And your lies to the netherworld.

After all, it was you

Who told my brother to leave his family.

You stole him from us,

And now you're going to pay.

Ah, there she is.

I guess there's no convincing you is there?

It's your move, misty.

She's dueling?

Who's her opponent?

The end is near, akiza.

That mark on her arm,

It looks like one of the demons that fought the crimson dragon.

Does that mean she's one of those

Dark signers yusei was talking about?

Does anyone realize who that young lady is?

That's misty, the world's biggest supermodel.

Eh? Huh?

From my hand, I'm activating

The reptile spawn spell card.

Now if I remove a reptile monster

In my graveyard from play,

I can harness reptile spawn's power

And summon two reptile tokens,

But these little guys won't be sticking around.

They will enable me to summon an even greater power.

Now, by releasing those two tokens,

I can open the door to the netherworld

And summon earthbound immortal ccarayhua.

Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!

My mark is hurting,

Just like it did when I dueled kalin.

Ooh! Whoa! Aah!

What's going on?

How are you doing this, luna?

I don't know, but I think we're safe.

I think this light is like an energy shield or something.

Manlook up there. What's that in the sky?


What's happening?

Manaah! Huh?

Those same strange lights appeared when kalin dueled.

Look. Uh...

What is this?

Mistymy earthbound immortal is absorbing the spirits

Of domino city's citizens,

But don't worry.

It won't absorb you

Because I'm saving you for last.


Huh? What is that?

What gives? Where's this monster?

You did just summon one, didn't you?

Oh, I summoned one, all right.

Turn around, akiza. Huh?



What--what is that?


Sayeraah! Oh! You hear that?

Your pal sayer is, well, having a difficult time.

Huh? Sayer! No!

[Sayer groaning]

Yusei, thinkingif one of those immortals

Is appearing somewhere in the city,

Then a lot of people are in danger right now,

But after almost losing to kalin,

I don't think I have what it takes anymore.

[Helicopter approaching]



Huh? Who are you?

The name is devack.


Devacki know what goodwin did to you, greiger,

To your village.

I know you're angry, and I know you still want revenge.

I can help you get that revenge.

Come with me.


What is that? What is happening out there?

If I were you, sayer,

I'd be much more concerned with what's happening in here.

What do your bosses want?

All that matters is that you're gonna pay

For beating me in our last duel.

Now, unless you want to take it lying down, get up.


It's your move.

You've got one more chance to save yourself,

One more turn,

So think carefully because this is it.

[Thinking] these dark powers of hers

Are much stronger than you anticipated,

But you can't lose focus now because if you can defeat her,

You could capture her, and then you can convince her

To join your psychic army and do your bidding.

You can do this.

You're the leader of the arcadia movement...

[Aloud] it's my turn.

[Thinking] but you have to be careful.

That future vision field spell of hers

Is quite the tricky card.

If you summon a monster through normal means,

It'll be zapped a few rounds ahead,

And you won't be able to fight with it,

So that means you can't use a normal summon.

You're gonna have to improvise here. Perfect.

[Aloud] from my hand, I activate the teleport spell card.

When you have a monster on your field and my field is empty,

I can sacrifice life points

To activate this card's power

And then special summon one psychic monster from my hand.

Kindly welcome storm caller to the field.

Computerwith storm caller, when your psychic type monster

Destroys your opponent's monster in battle,

You can put the destroyed monster on top of your opponent's deck.

Next, I use an equip spell-- premature burial.

By getting rid of more life points,

I special summon a monster from my graveyard

And then boost it with this card.

I resurrect magical android.


Oh, and since I used a special summon,

Your future vision field has no effect.

Now go, storm caller. Attack.

Take out fortune lady fire.


I activate my trap-- slip of fortune.

This card removes the target of your monster's as*ault

And then negates your attack all together.

That move may've spared you some damage,

But I still have magical android to attack with,

And your field is empty now,

So get ready for a direct attack.


And now I summon psychic commander in attack mode.

Future vision's effect activates,

So say good-bye to commander

Because you won't be seeing it until your next turn,

Assuming you even have one.

Well, then I better make the most of this one, then.

By activating magical android's special ability,

I gain life points

For every psychic monster on my field.

[Thinking] now our points are pretty much equal.

If I can hold out for one more round,

Psychic commander will return to my field for my next turn.

If I bring him together with magical android,

I can synchro summon my deck's most powerful monster,

Thought ruler archfiend,

And then I can show this dark signer

What true power feels like.

I just have to hold out for one more round.

Hmm, it's the end of the line, sayer.

I draw.

Thanks to the time-traveling effects

Of the future vision field spell

And my slip of fortune trap card,

Both fortune lady light and fortune lady fire

Return to my field, but these two ladies

Won't be sticking around to play.

Whoa! Ugh! What's this?

Now, after , years,

The door to the netherworld will open again,

And the great immortals will feed

On the spirits of domino city.

I summon earthbound immortal asila piscu.

Uh! Ugh! Agh! Uh!

You're a fool.

Did you forget about your future vision?

The moment your monster appears,

Your own field spell is gonna zap it

One round into the future.

You won't be able to do anything with it.

I warned you, sayer.

You had one chance, one turn.


You're right that my monster'll have to leave the field,

But thanks to its special ability,

When it does leave the field,

It'll take all your monsters with it,

And for every monster you lose,

You also lose life points.

You're finished.

You're finished, sayer.

Uh, where's this big monster you summoned?

[Distant roaring] uh!

No way.

I've never seen a monster like this before.

Yeah. Well, know what?

You never will again, either.



Sayer! No!







Oh, this is bad.

Uh... Uh...

Looks like we're gonna have to finish this another time, akiza,

Akiza! Come on!

We can't wait, tanner.

The whole place could come down any second.

Run, akiza!


What happened? Not sure,

But akiza was dueling a dark signer in there.

I had a feeling it was them.

Where is she now? She's still inside.

You just left her? Wait, jack. Don't!

It's too dangerous!

Hey, akiza, are you in here?

It's jack. Akiza?


I know these. They look like--

Carly. Carly.

Carly, are you in here?

Akizajack. Huh?


Hang on. I've got you.


What? What just happened?

How did I get way up here?


Oh, no.

Did I really just duel the head of the arcadia movement?

Huh? What's with this duel disk?

What's this mark on my arm?

What's going on?

Why am I freaking out like this?


Mistycarly, don't be afraid of your destiny.


Is that you, misty?

You were chosen, carly, just as I was chosen.

Chosen for what? Greatness.

You were chosen by the immortals.

When the life you once knew was taken away,

You had unfinished business,

Something you needed to say or do.

The immortals gave you their power

So that you could, well, stick around.

Same kind of thing happened to me.

We're still in this world,

But we're not part of it anymore,

Not as we once were, anyway.

This mark is proof.

No. That's a lie.


I understand.

It's a lot to take in, I know.

Don't worry.

You will understand soon,

But before you can do that, you have to figure out,

What is your unfinished business,

And how can it benefit the dark signers?

[Sobbing continues]
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