02x36 - Supersensory Shakedown

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x36 - Supersensory Shakedown

Post by bunniefuu »

Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's.

Kalin kessler?

You were once our friend!

"Once your friend," yes but now your enemy!

I could have given you everything!

But you were too scared!

You knew the only way the satellite could be ours

Was if we eliminated every threat.

Earthbound immortal, ccapac apu!

Pound this pathetic signer into the darkness!


Watch out!

What was it that tournament mc started calling you?

"Satellite's sh**ting star?"

More like "satellite's falling star."

See you around, yusei.

You okay?

Ah, my gut!

Hey, yusei, can ya' hear me?

Crowdon't touch him!


I'll take him to martha's place.

Good idea.

I need hands out here, people.

Come help me get yusei inside!

Is he going to be alright?

It's a long shot.

Come on, yusei be strong.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪


Doctor, how's it looking?

There's a lot of internal bruising,

But I'll know more shortly.

Poor yusei.


Tell us doc! How's he doin'?!

It looks like he'll make a complete recovery.

He'll need a few more days of rest in bed,

But he'll be just fine.

Just keep him from underground duels

For a while okay?

You're the doc!

So, what now?

Now?! We find that dark signer

And make him pay!

Hmm. Hmm.


Ahchoo! Ahchoo!

What's wrong?

Walking all night without any clothes!

I think we all caught a cold!

Just perfect. I'll make some soup.

Heh heh. Will you look at this place?!

This is one time I don't mind babysitting!

Hold on! You're not babysitting.

You're just here 'cause yusei was worried

About those dark signers coming after us!

But don't worry about them!

Luna and me'll protect you with our awesome dueling!

Just between you and me, mister tanner,

I'd stick close to me when things get real rough.

Everyone knows that boys duel better than the girls do.

It's actually a scientific fact!

Of course.

Check out this pool.

Does anyone mind if I do some aqua-robics.

Why don't we try checking on yusei

Before you start splashin' to the oldies, yanagi?

Is yusei okay?

Last night luna's sign started glowing super bright!

Does that mean he's dueling a dark signer?

Is he in trouble?!

I think you should take a timeout from the question game

And let me see if yusei's checked in.

Looks like there's no email from him yet.

What if goodwin locked him up?!

Calm down. I'm sure he's takin' out

Dark signers or somethin'.

Yeah you're right!

No one can stop yusei!

He's just too slick!

But, if he's ok, why was your arm glowing last night?

I don't know. Maybe it was my dream.

I saw these dragons fighting this shadow army!

Yanagimaybe your sign was showing you

The original battle of the crimson dragon

And how to beat the dark signers!


So tell me, with all these dragons,

My power tool dragon had to be there!

Huh? Well, there was one that kinda looked like yours

But what difference does it make?

"What diff'rence?!" Power tool's my dragon!

If he was there, then, that means that

I'm the fifth signer!

I knew it! Now I'll save the world!

Here comes leo!

Good thing I've been working on my victory dance!

When do you think I'll get my sign?

Was his dragon really there?!

No! I just felt so bad for him!

He'll figure it out when his arm never starts glowing.

I sure hope so.

Maybe I have to rub. You know like a genie!

Or, he'll rub his arms so hard

That they might actually start to glow.

I feel it! Dragon power!

It's flowing through my body

Like some sort of super sports drink!

Now, I'm ready for anything,

Especially a duel with the dark signers!

Let's hear that battle cry!

Eeh. Uhh.


So since we fight evil, that means we're superheroes.

And superheroes are always supposed to stick together.

That's like their most important thing.

And, uh, the super powers.

But you're absolutely right, leo.

We stick together, right here in this nice cozy mansion.

And akiza?

Akiza? Why her?

She may be a signer.

But that doesn't mean we can trust her--

She's part of that weird arcadia movement

That's got all the psychics.

"The arcadia movement?"

You mean like with video games?

It's "arcadia" not arcade.

Their group collects psychics

From all over the world.

Then they test their abilities

To move objects with their minds.

To see if they have super powers?!

Well sort of, but their main objective

Is to train them to be duelists who battle

And inflict real damage.

But akiza would never really want to hurt people!

Who knows.

I say we stay as far away as possible.

Hey, but, yanagi agreed that us heroes gotta stick together--

What if she needs our help?

Huh?! Or what if yusei's in trouble

And we need akiza's deck as back up?

There's like totally a million reasons

That this is a good idea.

What are you talking about?!

They want to go and get akiza from arcadia.

Good plan! I'll just stay here

And keep an eye on the heated jacuzzi.

Hold on! Who says we're going anywhere?

We should stay put until we hear from yusei.

What if we don't hear from him?

For all we know, he might need our help!

You're right. If there still no email,

Something might have happened to him that

Needs signer back up.

Computerno new messages.

Looks like we're gonna pay akiza a visit, after all!



What's wrong?

Normally, akiza would've taken down

That duel-bot in a couple rounds.

This match went nearly eight.

There's no doubt her psychic powers

Have weakened since the tournament,

Where she lost to yusei fudo.

I don't pay you for telling me what I know.

She needs fixing.

She's lost duels before,

What's different this time?

It's not the duel. It was her opponent.

Yes could it be that our akiza has a crush?

Akiza, that's was an impressive duel.

Yeah right.

You're too hard on yourself.

Whatever's troubling you,

You can always tell me.

We're friends.

I'm fine. I just need to rest.

Come now, I've known you too long

For you to start lying.

I saved your, or don't you remember?

You were an outcast, with frightening powers.

You had no friends; no one wanted to be around you!

They'd stare from afar watching, whispering, laughing.

Even your own parents didn't want anything to do with you.

And when you were ready to throw away your future,

Who was it that saved you?

Me. Sayer.

And now you're one of arcadia's

Most powerful girls, surrounded by friends

Who share your abilities,

All thanks to yours truly.

At the very least you can tell me what's really going on.

Why are you distracted?

What's so important that you're risking

All that we've accomplished?

I said it's nothing.

Or is it yusei fudo!



You don't have to be a psychic to figure it out.

You think you can run off, live a normal life

And have yusei fight your battles for you?

Very romantic.

But I'm afraid your place will always be here.

Heh heh!

[Cell phone rings]

Not now.

Manthere's a group here to see you.

And two of them are the twins you

Were asking aboutluna and leo.

They're here?

Things just got interesting.

I'm just showing you you're not

As different as you think!

I don't have to be your enemy,

I could be your friend!

He was the first to see me as a normal person.


Ha ha ha ha!

Get ready to join the rest of the taken

In the shadows of the netherworld! Heh!

Earthbound immortal, ccapac apu!

Pound this pathetic signer into the darkness!






Well look who's awake!

Martha? What happened?

You took a nasty fall off your runner,

Then crow brought you here.

"Nasty fall?"

Oh yeah, there was a duel, between me and kalin!

When you were little I told you dueling was dangerous!

Now you're a wreck!

Check out your runner.

Huh? Surprised?

Your friends pushed it the whole way here!

Through the satellite?!

They got sick and lost their decks

And quite literally the shirts off their backs

But they all knew what that runner meant to you.

Hope is all anyone has left in the satellite sector.

Security's taken our decks and crime's taken

Anything else that has even a little value.

But people here have always looked up to you, yusei.

They thought you might get outta here,

Start a real life.

Which is why it breaks my heart to know

You're back here dueling!

I hope at least you won your little game.

It's not what you think!

There's people out there that want

To destroy our home!

All of us here are in great danger.

It's complicated, but there's these dark signers and--

You need to calm down, yusei.

I believe you.

But if we're "all in great danger,"

Why are you trying to save us all on your own?

It's my job.

You'll just never will change.

Trying to do everything by yourself

And ending up in a hospital bed.

You've got friends out there that will follow you anywhere;

Look what they did just for your duel runner!

Then there's jack.

You two were like brothers once.

You need each other.

Whatever happened,

It's time the two of you forgave and forgot.

Life's hard enough, but it's even harder without a best friend.

'N' if it's true, if these dark signers

You're talking about want to turn our home into a parking lot,

Then you're gonna need all the friends you can get

'Cause mark my words, I'm done bandaging your black 'n' blues!

Your life is just too important to ride solo.

Now, eat this.

Thank you for all your help.

There's just one more thing.

If you run out of here before I say you're ready to go,

Then, those scars are just the beginning!

Good luck, yusei. You'll need it.

So whadda they serving?

Red meat doesn't agree with me.

Be quiet, gramps! No one cares!


So all of you want to see akiza?

I should warn you she's awfully busy.

What's so incredibly important that you've come all the way here?

Well, she's got a dragon sign.

That means she's a super hero!

And now, because luna and me are super heroes too

We're going to help our friend yusei

And fight the dark signers

And save the whole city, okay?

Your young friend here certainly has an imagination.

We know.

Buuuuuuuuuuuut it makes sense.

I've been monitoring some strange occurrences lately.

We would love to help you.

You would?!

My arcadia movement is here for good.

If any of my psychic duelists,

Especially the lovely akiza, can be of help,

What sort of person would I be if I turned my back on you?

I promise you all I'll do everything to stop this threat!

All right! Thank you!

Now, if you would just excuse me, I'll go get akiza.

So there! You said that he was all weird and scary!

How's it feel to be wrong?

I thought he said we were going to eat dinner.

I brought my best kimono!

I'm sure he'll-- hold on.

You guys smell something a little funny?

Oops! You get to be my age,

You get gastronomical problems!

Didja see me, sis?

He did everything I said!

Leo, that's not a "signer pow'r!"

Whoa. You sure 'cause I'm tired.

Me too.


Quiet. Not so loud.

What is this? Naptime?

Luna, ever since I saw you duel at the tournament,

I knew I had to have your special powers under my control.

The only question is whether your brother shares your gifts.

Fortunately, I have ways to find out.



Quiet, the duel's starting.


Leo! Why's he chained?!

It's a test.

Well then where's his desk?!


Where's luna? Where am i?!

What's going on?!

The chain's there for your own protection--

We don't want you hurting yourself now do we?

As for that hat you're wearing,

It's for detecting latent psychic powers,

Assuming of course that you have any.

Latent what?! You said you were going to get akiza

And help us fight the dark signers!

Well now that is what they would call a lie,

And I'm sure you'll hear many more.

Let me go!

[Thinking] you've got to be brave, leo!

Luna! Get outta here!!!

Save your breath, leo, there's no way she can hear you.

What are ya gonna do to me?!

Take my brain or something?!

Of course not. You're here to take a test,

To see if you have the power of a psychic duelist.

Know that word? What? Psycho?

No. A psychic can do incredible things with their mind,

Something small, or something powerful.

My psychics use their abilities to make their decks come alive.

Imaginean unstoppable army made up of my duelists!

The tournament.

Akiza was just a preview.

I have dozens more psychic duelists at my command!

Who cares about these dark signers!

Let them destroy the satellite sector,

It only helps me in my quest to make society pay

For the discriminating ways in which they've

Treated psychics throughout time!

Does that mean akiza's gonna help you get even?

Ohh! But she's supposed to be a hero!

A hero?! Ha.

She doesn't even know what I'm really doing here!

Now, whaddya say we start that test!

Guess I don't gotta choice.

Now, be sure to duel hard 'cause if you don't

You'll end up locked away with your friends.

Shall we?

Duel! Duel!

I'll be going first. I summon krebons.

Hee hee hee!

And I'll end my turn with one facedown.

You're up now, leo.

My deck rules, weirdo!

After I take you out, your "army" is next!

That's the spir't!

And for my first move,

I summon my morphtronic radion!

When he's in attack mode,

All the other morphtronic monsters

Get an extra attack points!

With that bonus out there,

He's got more than enough to take you out!

Morphtronic, attaaack!

I activate my krebons' ability!

Instead of it being destroyed,

I can save my monster by paying life points!

You gotta spend points to make points.

Heh heh!

If that's your idea of a strategy,

Then you're in big, big trouble!!

And so is your army! That's the attitude.

Now I summon psychic snail!

Aah! It's got almost two thousand attack points.

Leo, come now.

I said this was a test.

Now why don't we see, how ya do on part two!

Psychic snail, attack!


Hey! What was that?!

Something just shocked me!

That is the result of my psychic dueling power, leo,

And if you ever hope to beat me,

You better use your own.

Krebons, give leo another taste!

Aah! Aah! Ugh!

Leo! Please stop this!

That's my brother!

I can't, luna.

Once the test begins, it can only be stopped

Once a duelist loses.


This isn't fair!

I wanna go home! Aah!

If you ever want to see you sister again, leo,

I would quit the whining and show me your psychic powers!

Now are you gonna get up and duel

Or rust my steel floor?!

Leave us alone!

I'm doing this as a favor!

You'll thank me in the end.

If you wanna see luna, show me your powers!

Err. You're gonna wish you never messed with my sister!

Nobody gets away with that!

That's the spirit, leo!

Come at me with all that anger,

All that emotion you have buried deep down inside.

So what are you gonna do? Are you just gonna cry?

Or are you gonna duel?

I'm gonna win!

I summon outmorphtronic remoten!


And then, I'm gonna activate the spell junk box!

And thanks to that, I get to re-summon morphtronic radion!

And next I'll tune my remoten with my radion!

Now you're gonna get a little taste

Of what I got in store for the dark signers!

I synchro summonpower tool dragon!

Computerpower tool dragon is a level machine type monster

That has attack points and defense points.

Nice, now keep that focus and harness the energy that flows within.

Well how's this for energy:

I use my dragon's special ability

So that I can play a random equip spell from my deck!

Yes, now I can play double tool c&d,

Which gives an extra one thousand attack points

To the monster I equip it to,

So say goodbye to your krebons!

Power tool dragon, you're about to get a power up!

Smile! 'Cause here comes my dentist!


Wait, you're forgetting one thing!

If I sacrifice life points,

Krebons' special ability activates,

Which completely cancels your dragon's attack!

For a psychic you don't know much!

With double tool, not one of your monsters can use

Its special ability,

So now let's keep that dragon attack goin'!



Heh. Not bad!

I know.

Next time, you should be more careful

Who you knock out with gas.

'Cause, in case you hadn't heard, mister,

I'm the fifth signer, and I'm gonna save my sister!

[Thinking] oh. Be careful!

It's my move. I play the spell psi-station!

And once I activate it, when I summon any other

Psychic monster if I sacrifice life points,

Then my new monster gets a nice little bonus

To the tune of extra attack points!

And I've got just the monster to use it.

I summon psychic commander!

Now I'll sacrificing those life points

I just mentioned to activate my psi-station!

And due to its effect my psychic commander's

Attack points and power level increase!

He's still no match for my tool dragon!

And you'd be absolutely right if I was finished,

But I think I'll use my commander

To tune psychic snail for a synchro summon!

I've given you plenty of chances to show me your psychic powers.

This is your last chance!

I summon thought ruler archfiend!

Ha ha ha!



I have to be brave for my sister!

Okay, leo, he's bigger, but as long

As your dragon's equipped with double tool,

You can sacrifice it in order to keep him alive!

I must say I applaud your innovative strategy.

But unfortunately, it will only work if I attack your dragon.

But--but you have to!

I'm sorry, but I'll be using my trap card right now.

It's called battle teleportation,

And it allows me to attack you

And bypass your dragon!


Archfiend, I'm afraid we have to give leo a failing grade.

Aah! Aah! Aah!


Sorry, luna.

Well, it looks like the boy's not so special after all.

At least I still have the girl.

Oh no! Why isn't he moving??!!

Come on, please leo!
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