02x31 - The Reunion Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x31 - The Reunion Duel

Post by bunniefuu »

You got some explaining to do, pal.

So start talkin'!

First things first!

You asked for it!

Ha ha! Yeah!

Hey, yusei!

Good to see ya, crow!

Ha ha!

What've you been up to?

Oh, come on, you know me--

Still fighting the good fight.

Robbing the rich to feed the poor n' all that.

So I see sector security got to you.

Yeah, well.

I see you finally learned how to use a wrench.

Yeah! Finished her last year.

She's a beauty, right?

What do you say we hit the streets?


So I hear that you're some big shot champion now.

Yeah. Something like that.

[Both laughing]

So goodwin captured your friends and forced

You to duel in that tournament?

Now I need to make sure they're safe.

Well, then--let's head over to your old hideout.

Hey, crow--why are the streets so deserted?

These creepy cats have been coming around lately.

Like down there, look.

They spout these whacky teachings and things,

Trying to round up followers.

I hear they're gathering everyone deep within the satellite.

Wait, you mean underground?

Things've gotten weird here, yusei.

Weirder than usual.

[Thinking] well then I better look into this.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Looks like I really am yesterday's news.

It's amazing how quickly everyone turned on me because I lost, I lost.

I don't want to hurt you, jack,

But if ending this duel is the only way home,

Then I gotta attack!

Stardust dragon, take out his life points!

Aah! Aah!

You beat me.

I don't know how you did it, yusei,

But you're the champ now.

How could I lose to him twice?

You're telling me you're with jack atlas

Right now, the same jack atlas that every other

Reporter is running around the city looking for,

And that you haven't gotten an interview yet?

Not even a juicy sound bite or something?

I've been waiting for the right moment!

That interview is the one thing standing

Between you and a lifetime of making copies.

Carly, no more chances, get that interview or we're done!

Aah! Oh!

Jack thinks I'm helping him,

But if I tell him I'm just some wannabe reporter

Looking for a career boost, he'll leave.

But then again, he doesn't have to know

I'm interviewing him.

It could just be a conversation.

Hey, uh, do you wanna talk about--

Ohh! Jack?

Aah! He snuck out the window!!

[Thinking] unbelievable, before yesterday I'd've had

People asking for autographs,

And today, nothing.

Blisterdo you hear that?

It sounds like a duel runner.

Sector security?


Ha! Yusei!

You came back!

Hey, there, yusei!

Yusei? Seriously?

Did I miss anything?


The craziest thing happened to us

Last week, yusei, you won't believe it!

Well now that I'm back here in the satellite,

I'm going to set things straight!

Blister, thanks for helping me out with my friends.

No worries, yusei.

So, uh--is this an exclusive club or can anyone join?

Hey, crow! Hey, crow!

I didn't recognize you

With the helmet and bike.

Yeah, yusei's not the only turbo-charged duel runner

In satellite anymore. Right?

This is sector security!

I.d. Number awx ! Give yourself up.

Heh! And he's not the only one with a knack

For ticking off sector security, either.

Nervinthey're trying to smoke us out!?

We need to split up.

Let's meet at the daedalus bridge in two hours.

That's where my hideout is.

Securitycome on, crow.

Don't make this difficult.

You can't escape this time.

There he goes!

You won't be able to hide from our new pursuit bot!

Wow! They got new toys!

This thing's gonna be tough to shake.

Yuseineed some help?

What are you doing here?

Someone has to baby-sit you, crow.

Look! That's yusei fudo.

What is he doing back in the satellite?

Who cares, he's aiding and abetting a fugitive.

Let's get 'em! Right!

They can't outrun our speed world field spell.

Activate it!

Computeroverriding suspect's duel runner.

Duel mode engaged. Autopilot engaged.

They can catch us both in the speed world field at the same time?

It's been a little while since you had sector security on your tail,

Hasn't it, buddy?

It's like a tag duel.

Whaddya say? Are you up for this or what?

You betcha!

Alllet's duel!

Where could he have gone? Ehrr.

What's this?

Computerplease swipe metro pass.

What's a metro pass?

Hey, isn't that jack atlas over there?

It sure looks like him.

Hey, jack, you can't just walk through!

Don't you know how to ride the metrorail?

Guess he's not used to technology.

Maybe he is from the satellite.


No, no, nothing to see here, this isn't jack.

It's my cousin ralph, he just looks like jack,

He's new here, so please don't upset him.

Who's ralph?!

Come on, ralph, time to go home!

Are you bonkers?!

Don't you know the press is looking for you.

If you get spotted, you're gonna get mobbed!

And you haven't recovered yet.

You need to go back to the hotel

And lay low for a little while!

I can take care of myself, now go away.


[Thinking] if I lose jack, I lose my scoop.

Come on, carly. You can do this.

I don't believe you!!

I saved you and I helped you

And now you're just gonna walk away,

That's how you show gratitude?

I understand you now, jack atlas.

You're just a spoiled, pampered jerk

Who doesn't even know how to get on a metrorail by himself.

Hey, everybody!

Everybody, look over there, check it out, the--

Alright, I'll hang out with you if that's what you want.

I'll play your little game,

But I'll do it with dignity!

That outfit is perfect.

Nobody will know it's you under there.

I look like a discotheque reject.

I feel absurd.

Boy, you are so high strung.

You need to just wind down and have some fun, jack.

I hate fun.

[Thinking] I've gotta get him to open up to me.

We need to go do something that friends

Would do together.

Ah! Got it!

Jack, you need to...

What are they doing?

I dunno, but-- for some reason,

I don't trust her.

Let's keep an eye on 'em to see

If we can figure out what she's up to.

I've got the first move.

And I summon out gate blocker in defense mode!

These sector security g*ons always start with gate blocker.

Security awell how's this for some variety,

I release gate blocker to summon gate blocker in defense mode!

Computerwhen the monster card gate blocker is

Face up on the field your opponent cannot gain

Speed counters during their standby phase.

Next, I place three cards facedown and end my turn.

It's about time you guys got an upgrade.

My move.

Hold up--i activate full throttle!

With his in play, speed world gives me

One extra speed counter!

And with gate blocker 's special ability in effect,

There's no chance you'll ever escape!

I guess they're trying to stop us from using speed spells.

Well, if these jokers didn't have some kinda skills,

This wouldn't be fun.

Now I'm playing the trap card speed edge!

During each standby phase,

For every speed counter that I have

And you don't, you'll take points of damage.

And right now, the difference is two.

So you're gonna take a point hit!

Crow, are you okay?

It takes more than a little tickle

To rattle this guy.

And I'll prove it by summoning

Blackwing bora the spear in attack mode!

And you know what they say about birds

Of a feather flocking together?

Well, I can summon blackwing gale the whirlwind

From my hand when I have another

Blackwing monster on my field.

And once a turn, gale the whirlwind

Can slice your monster's attack and defense points in half!

Security awell then I guess I'll counter

With defender's mind!

Computer defender's mind is a trap card that switches

All your monsters on the field to defense mode

And then doubles their defense points.

Let's see your bird brain buffoons

Get past this defense!

Better luck next time, crow.

They've got some strong defense set up.

And they're dishing out direct damage

By suppressing our speed counters.

Any ideas?

Only one, but if it doesn't work,

We may need to book a room

At the facility tonight.

There's no escaping sector security,

You satellite rejects.

Time to start throwing these guys off our tail,

And I know just the combo to make that happen.

I tune blackwing gale the whirlwind

With bora the spear!

Say hello to...

Blackwing armor master!

Now attack! With black hurricane!

Security ais this some kind of a joke?

That flying oaf doesn't have

Enough attack points to break

Through gate blocker 's defense.

And now you're the one who's gonna be

Taking some damage.

Not with blackwing armor master's special ability

About to kick in, officer.

But until then, I place two facedowns and end my turn!

And now your whirlwind's special ability

Wears off, and the power of defender's mind kicks in!

With defense points.

I'd like to see you try to take a run at gate blocker now, crow!

It's my turn!

Because of full throttle and gate blocker ,

The difference in our speed counters is four!

Now my speed edge is gonna stop you in your tracks!


I summon gate defender in defense mode

And end my turn!

Yuseidid you ever run into officer trudge?

I dealt with this gate defender thing

When I dueled him, it can negate one

Monster's attack once a turn.

Don't worry--i've set this thing up for us.

You just gotta knock it down.

[Carly screaming]





It's okay, sir.

Stop crying, sir, we've got you.

That was great!

We really bonded just now!

I've had a better time sitting and watching paint dry.

[Thinking] this isn't going well.

How can I get him to open up to me

About his loss of the championship?

I'm outta here.

Consider your so-called "kindness" repaid.

Hey, hang on.

What do you want from me?!

Boyhey, jack! Jack atlas!

No. This isn't jack atlas,

He just looks like jack.

I know it's him, I'm his biggest fan!

My friends all say he's a loser cause he lost to

Some guy from the satellite.

But I know you can win back the championship!

Right jack?!

You're gonna show 'em all!

That's nice, but I'm not jack atlas.

See ya later, jack!

You're still the best turbo duelist ever!

[Thinking] that little boy's friends

Had it all right.

I am a loser.

How could I lose that tournament!

I have to make this right.

I have to find yusei.

He's sad.

[Thinking] what could I do to cheer him up?

I remember the roar of the crowd.

It was music to my ears, that's all been washed away.

Nobody cheers for a has been.

[Crowd chanting, "jack!"]

Yuseiyou're wrong, old friend.



I have to find you.

[Thinking] he's really upset about losing to yusei,

And here I am trying to get him to talk about it

So I can score an article and kickstart

My journalism career.

Am I a horrible person?

Carly! Aah! Hey, angela.

I assume you're looking for atlas, too?

He was just spotted in the area, ya know.

Jack?! He was?!

I'm gonna find him before anyone else,

And I'm gonna get him to admit that the rumors

About him being from the satellite sector are true.

I mean, they obviously are.

Why else would he have snuck out

Of the hospital when I first broke the story?

Maybe he's just upset because he lost the championship.

Maybe we should just leave him alone

And let him deal with things.

What are you talking about?

You do wanna be a real reporter, don't you?

Reporters don't leave people alone.

Reporters follow their leads and expose people

For who they really are.

Reporters don't care about how someone's "feeling."

That's not the way it works.

Carly? Did you see some--

Here, hold these! Thanks!

Wait a sec. Weirdo.

[Thinking] I gotta find jack.

I can't let those reporters tear him down.

I have to help him get through this.

Where could he've gone?

That tower.

We could see it from the hotel,

And the metrorail jack was trying to get on

Was going there.

That's gotta be it.

Yuseimy turn!

Security bnot so fast, satellite.

I haven't triggered the power of my speed edge trap card yet.

So get ready to be pulled over permanently!

Hang in there, buddy!

Will do!

I summon turbo synchron!

Crowand I activate the trap level retuner!

And the power of this baby lowers

Armor master's level by one!

Why would crow lower his own monster's level?

Turbo synchron, time to give blackwing armor master a tune-up!

Turbo warrior!

Let's rev it up!

Well, they may have summoned out a new monster

To the field, but it won't help

'Cause it's still not strong enough to break

Through gate defender's defense.

We've got 'em right where we want 'em.

You can't escape

The power of our gate defender.

And once we win, you two are going

Straight to the facility!

Actually, with turbo warrior in play

Your gate defender won't be defending anything.

And because your defender is only a level four monster...

I'm activating the ebon arrow trap card which

Lowers the attack points of turbo warrior by points!

And as long as it's stronger than your defender,

The difference in their power is dealt

To you as damage, and as a bonus,

You take damage equal to the destroyed monster's original defense points.

Now turbo warrior! Attack!

Try all you want, yusei, but you're attacking

A monster with defense points.

You might want to double check your math, officer.

Huh? Why'd it drop to zero?

What just happened?

Crowwhen blackwing armor master att*cked

Your gate defender, it left a wedge counter behind,

And that wedge now wipes out all of your precious

Defender's attack and defense points.

All of em!? All of em!?

Yuseiall of them!

Ohh! Ohh!

And now you take the damage from ebon arrow's effect!

Aah! Aah!

He got away again!

We did it, crow!

You've gotten a lot better since the old days.

You think so?

By the way, did you hear about jack?

Some reporter found out he's really

From the satellite and now he's gone off the grid.

He disappeared?!

So are you still ticked off at him

For what he did to you?

Not anymore, no.

Jack did what he thought he had to do at the time.

He thought if he didn't grab that opportunity,

He'd be stuck in the satellite

For the rest of his life.

I can't blame him for making a choice

When he didn't think he had one.

Wow, man. You're a bigger person than I am.

I guess.

He's been staring at the water for hours.

Maybe now's a good time to talk to him.


If this was where you wanted to go,

You coulda just said so.

[Thinking] wow, he seems worse than before.

I wonder what he's looking at?

Can you see the satellite sector from here?

Do you miss it, jack?

Do you want to go back there or something?

Its alright you can tell me.

Two years ago, I gave up everything I knew

To come to this city from the satellite.

I betrayed my friend, the people I grew up with,

I turned my back on everything I was.

And what did I gain?

Temporary greatness, the admiration

Of fickle fans who love you

When you're on top

And hate you when you're not.

In order to be the duelist I wanted to be,

I lost sight of the duelist that I really am.

I wanted to be the greatest.

But I see now that I took the easy path.

Now that it's too late,

I know what I really stand for.

It's not too late, jack,

It's just, like, a do-over.

You can use what you've learned and go forward.

Think of it this way--old jack lost

In the battle against yusei.

And new jack was reborn.

You can do it again. You can go back

To the satellite and right your wrongs.

You can say sorry to your friends,

And things can be like they were before.

Huh? Ahh! Jack!

Hey, there, jack!


Hey, pal.

What's up!

You know what? You're right.

I can still do this.

That's it. No more hiding.

No more feeling sorry for myself.

It's time to move on.

Ohh! Uh, jack, that was my hat.

Sorry 'bout that.

It's time for me to show the world who I really am.

Then you'll need this!

Write whatever you want about me.

Actually, I decided. I'm not gonna write the article.

New domino city'll just use it as an excuse

To point their fingers at you.

And I don't wanna be a part of that.

[Thinking] maybe we've both learned a little more

About who we really are.

Thank you, carly.

Hey! Wait up!

I'm coming with you!
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