01x14 - Bloom of the Black Rose

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x14 - Bloom of the Black Rose

Post by bunniefuu »

Blisterthis is the place, yusei.

You'll be safe here until the fortune cup.

Not quite stars,

But it's got all the creature comforts

You would expect for this part of town--

Cockroaches, mice, stray cat.

Thanks, I think.

I decorated the place myself.

Hmm. Now get some rest.

You still haven't recovered from that fall you took,

And if you plan on dueling and winning the fortune cup,

You'll need a clear head.

I'll rest, blister, when my friends are safe.

I hear you, yusei,

But you're no good to anybody if you don't have all your strength.

Don't worry. I heal real quick...

[Thinking] and I 'm gonna show goodwin just how good I feel.

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Leohe's gone.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

The tooth fairy forget you again?

Luna, he took his runner and left.

Well, did he leave a note or something?

No. Huh?

This is all your fault. You should have been nicer.

He was going to teach me to be the best duelist ever.

Will you calm down? Look at these.

Oh, what did he do to them?

It fits now. So, how does it look, luna?

Pretty good.

Now I just wish we knew who he was so we could thank him.

Well, it's his own fault for not telling us his name.

I mean, he had amnesia. We helped him.

If he wanted a thank you, he would have stayed.

I guess so, but why no good-bye?

Maybe he wanders the city streets

And helps out struggling duelists,

Kind of like a knight in shining armor, but with a deck.

A knight?

Sounds more like a superhero,

And his name's some big secret.

Hmm. [Ring] huh?

What up, my main man?

Dexter, get this. Some guy--

Pause. There's no time for that.

I got us a lead. A lead?

Duh. The black rose?

Come on, dex.

The black rose is just some urban legend.

You miss me, dexter?

Uh, no. Listen.

The black rose is no legend.

She's the most amazing duelist ever.

Her cards come alive.

I know where she is,

And I rebuilt my deck to take her on.

So, where is she, dexter?

I was scannin' some blogs earlier this morning,

And check this out.

There's a rumor going around saying she's going to pop up

At the street duels today.

Then let's go.

Leo, how come your duel disk isn't falling off anymore?

Right, so this superhero stops by and--

He's not a superhero, dexter. He's a knight.

What're you two talking about?

Who fixed up your duel disk?

Ok. This guy's duel runner is red and--

Leo... Huh?

Until we know more about this guy,

Maybe we should keep this between us.

Ok. Good point.

Dexterhey, what's goin' on?

Uh, nothing.

We were just discussing

How much we really like your new bow tie.

Listen. We got to go now. See ya.

Listen. This is our secret.


Luna, you think mr. Amnesia man flies or has a jet pack?

So, what exactly did that purple-haired freak

Say to you about dueling in the fortune cup?

Well, hmm...

It's not what he said, but what he showed me.

Hmm? Huh.

So, these are your friends, huh?

Yeah, and if I don't show up to the fortune cup,

Goodwin said they'd pay the price.

Sounds like something goodwin would do.

If it's not a bribe, it's a threat.

Your friends are in the satellite?

They are. Oh, man.

Listen. I wanna help you out. Hmm?

I'll check on them

And make sure nothing bad happens.

You can get to the satellite?

I can get anywhere, yusei.

Now, don't worry.

You'll be back with your buds in no time.

[Thinking] that's if goodwin ever lets me see them again.

How's your training coming along for the fortune cup?

If you mean sittin' on the couch, just great.

Well, you might want to change your attitude.

I invited an additional contestant this year,

Someone you know. Who?

Your friend from the satellite--yusei fudo.

He'll be there? I like.

I'm glad.

I hoped it would motivate you.

Well, I should probably let you

Get back to your, uh, training regimen.

I'll show myself out,

And, jack, make sure you win this time, ok?

Do you have any idea what this means, mina?


I can finally take on yusei again.

And that's a good thing, isn't it?

It's so much more than that.

It's a chance.

A chance for what mr. Atlas?

A chance to redeem myself.

I underestimated yusei in our last match,

But this time, I'll prove to him that I'm the best.

Hmph. What? Like, right now?

I'm just going to go and even up the playing field

So that yusei definitely shows up,

And if I'm right about this,

The crimson dragon just might show up

At the fortune cup, as well.


Tannerstop here.

Oh! My back.

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing... ♪

[Engine starts] aah! Turn that off.

I can't hear you.

Yusei, it's me--yanagi.

Yuse, nice place.

You're out?

And it's all thanks to you.

When you outdueled chief armstrong,

We didn't just get early release.

We got way early release,

So we headed right over to, um, this interesting--

This place is a dump.

Why don't you get a throw rug and work some feng shui in here?

Tanner, you said you'd be nice.

That was nice.

I'm likin' the duel runner, though--

Twin exhaust, turbo rotor,

Holo display, and your own deck.

Bet you wish you had that back in the facility.

What do you say you let me take it for a little ride

And see what she's got?

I'll bring it back with a full charge

And not one scratch.

Yeah, right.

You mean like your last runner?

How about we duel?

I win, I take her for a quick spin, ok?

Aah! I got to see this.


So, what's your story?

I bet you didn't know I'm a famous explorer

Who's gone around the world

Collecting the most amazing cards ever made.

But tanner said that your deck's just a joke.

He what? He did not.

Just take a look for yourself.

I've got crystal skull, ashoka pillar... Ok. Grandpa.

[Thinking] where do you find these guys, yusei?

An ex-champ you met in the facility?

He went from foe to friend in one duel.

Then there old grandpa, and he thinks you're tied

To some ancient prophecy about the end of the world.

Ha! You're one of a kind, that's for sure.

Let's duel. Let's duel.

Huh? Hmm.

Huh? Hmm?

Hey, jack. Uh-oh.

Huh? Uh...


Uh-oh. Why is jack atlas here? Lessons?

Careful. Huh? Uh...


It's been a long time, atlas.

What's up? My career, thank you.

Rrgh! Hmm.

What brings you here, jack?


[Thinking] I wonder if that's a ancient relic.

I heard you'll be at the fortune cup.

Word gets around fast.

I got a deal for you, yusei,

For your stardust dragon. Hmm.

You add it to your deck.

Win, and then you can keep the card.

I win, I get it,

And then you and me are straight, right?

Straight? What about my friends?

What? What are you talking about?

Your purple-haired pal lazar stopped by,

And if I don't duel, they pay.

What? Surprised, jack? Well, don't be.

I know goodwin's behind all of this,

And I guarantee, he's going to regret

Putting this satellite's friends in harm's way.

Well, then you'll definitely need

Your stardust dragon now, won't you?

And just so we're clear,

I don't know anything about this threat, got it?

I duel for me.

Goodwin has got his own agenda.

So, I guess I'll see you at the fortune cup, then,

Oh, and, yusei,

You had better bring your "a" game with you.

I will. Hmph.

Hmm. Hmm? Oh...

I have to see that card.

Oh, it's true. That's stardust dragon.

It's amazing. This is big stuff.

You are a signer. Hmm.

Hmm, don't you see?

With that card, you made the crimson dragon appear.

But jack was there, too.

Then that must mean you're both signers.

You two are connected.

[Thinking] but what does it all mean?

[Thinking] so, yusei's got a new crew.

Hmph, not much of a trade up.

He probably still thinks that stardust dragon

Is just a rare card with a pretty pic.

This game isn't about cards anymore, yusei.

It's not about records or speed or anything.

It's about the end of the world, and you can bet,

I'm going' be the one to make sure it doesn't happen.

Even now, the dragon star's power grows.

It knows our quest to gather all the signers

Is on the verge of success.

You are my loyal servants of iliaster.

Your mission is to expose those people

Who posess the mark of the dragon.

You must push them to their limits,

Exhaust their skills, stir their emotions.

Now go and do not fail me.

Soon, all the pieces will be in place once again,

And your power shall rule the world.

I'll see you at the docks.


Try harder next time.

Is that joey wheeler?

No, man, it's his cousin jesse wheeler.

Yusei... Hmm?

Good news.

I found a work boat that'll take me

To the satellite tonight.

A work boat?

Don't those things just carry

Trash and disease?

If you're lucky.

This ain't some pleasure cruise.

It's to check on yusei's friends,

They may be in trouble, grandpa.

See, yusei's got much bigger things to worry about.

Like the fortune cup?

Hey, our boy'll clean 'em up.

There's a lot more at stake here

Than just the tournament, bolt.

Goodwin and atlas forced yusei to duel.

If they're involved, something bad's going on.

Yanagilike the end of the world.

Everyone in new domino--

Marker or not, satellite or citizen--

All our fates are tied to the signers, to yusei.

I'm not sure I believe that,

But just in case, why don't you win

For the sake of all of humanity, ok?

Sure. Hmm? Leomister.

Hey, mister, have you seen the black rose?

Nah. Don't you know she don't exist?

Maybe she's dueling one of your imaginary friends.

Maybe she doesn't exist, dex.

Well, I know the blogs don't lie.

She'll be here. I just know it.

You sure?

I mean, does anyone know who she really is?

Well, she better show up 'cause my deck is ready for her.

Well, dex, we've looked for black rose all day.

Maybe we should go home.


"Go home"?

Black rose is the greatest duelist ever.

They say her cards make real monsters.

Her spells are like real spells,

And her traps are like--

Lemme guess-- real traps?

If you don't wanna help me, then fine,

But I'm stayin' right here, got that?

Don't cry, dexter. I'll stay. I don't cry!

Yuseileo, what's up?

Look! Over here. Dexter, look.

It's the superhero who fixed me and my sister's duel disks.

He's a superhero? Ugh!

So, what's up?

What are you doing here, leo?

This is a dangerous place for little kids.

Where's your sister?

She didn't want to come.

Oh! Leo,

I don't think this guy's a superhero.

Check his face. That's his secret identity.

What're you doin' here?

We've been looking around for the black rose.

Oh. He helped me get my memory back.

He's cool. Yes. I'm cool,

And this guy's my best friend dexter.

Um, hello.

That guy's the best.

He's got this combo that's like whoa!

You should definitely duel him.

Oh, maybe some other time.

Oh, look at that. Ha ha ha!

Hey, that's an invitation to duel at the fortune cup.

You'll be there, too? Uh-huh.

♪ I get to duel you, I get to duel you ♪

But this time, you're going down, too.

Maybe if I win, he'll make me his sidekick

Like in all those comic books.

Cool, huh? Yeah.


It's ok. I'll let you win.

What's wrong?

It hurts just like before.


When it first appeared-- the crimson dragon.


Let's go. Wait. Something's happening.

Get outta here! It's black rose.

There is no black rose.


B-black rose?

She's just a myth. Oh, yeah?

There's a reasonable explanation here.

[Thinking] what going on?

Waah! Uh! Hwagh!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

What is that?



Whose dragon is that?


My mark.

Oh, my! That's no tattoo.

You're right, tanner.

It is the mark of the dragon.

Mark of the dragon.



[All moaning]



The black rose is real.

Uhh... Wait! Come back!

It's too dangerous, even for a superhero.


Black rose?

I think, but be careful. Ooh.

Ok, so she's not made up.

Now what, grandpa?

I don't know.


Your arm. You also have a mark.



I do.

Stay away from me.




[All moaning]


She's gone. Amazing.

That's what I call an exit for the ages.

What do you think her encore looks like?

We found her. The black rose is real.

That was so awesome.


The black rose said you also had a mark.

What did she mean by that?

Oh! Where'd it go?

Vanished, like magic.

I know. I have to find this black rose.

After all, guys, I need to find out some answers.

And you'll get them in due time.

Ha ha ha!

[Hurried footsteps]


That mark. Why did he have one?


Lazardirector, one of the servants of iliaster led me right to her.

I made sure the black rose got the invitation.

She'll be dueling here along with yusei.

Ha ha ha!

Then all is going as planned.

Soon, the crimson dragon will rise...

And yusei will fall.
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