01x10 - The Lockdown Duel, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x10 - The Lockdown Duel, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Now let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's."

Get in there.

Don't expect a mint on your pillow.

Say, uh, if it's not too much trouble,

Take the top bunk, would ya?

No arguments, nice!

You looked everywhere for the mark of the dragon?

Yes, everywhere!

Well, then, perhaps we need to challenge yusei

To a duel of some sort.

I'll take that piece of garbage on right now!

You must arrange a situation

Where that satellite will want to duel.

I know just what to do!

Here's the real reason I wanted the bottom bunk.

I found smuggled magazines in tanner's cell!

You all know that's against the rules.

There are no magazines, we both know that.

So I'm just punishing tanner because I feel like it?

You're abusing your authority, armstrong.

To prove that I'm a reasonable man,

I'll let you duel me out here

Where your fellow inmates can watch,

And if you win, I'll pardon tanner's offense.

But if I happen to win the duel...

Then no one here but me gets put in lockdown.

Hurry up and prepare the duel disks!

What's this chain all about?

Oh, that's....

Just to make things a little fun.

Every time you take life point damage,

That chain'll sorta give you a little tickle.

What kind of little tickle?

You'll find out soon.

Let's go! Let's go!


Smash that pathetic phantom into the floor!

Brace yourself, satellite.

This part might be a little shocking.

Aah! Aah!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

I'm gonna make sure you don't leave the facility

For a long, time yusei.

And no matter what you do to try and stop me

From winning this duel,

I'm not taking my eyes off the prize.

Ha ha ha!


I'm glad to see this duel

Isn't too shocking for you, satellite.

Well, that's easy for armstrong to say,

Especially since his duel disk isn't connected to the static generator.

It's my turn!

And I think I'll start by playing the spell card

Nightmare's steelcage.

Don't you know you're already behind bars???

Yeah, well these bars are gonna keep me safe

From your static generator's shocks for the next two rounds.

That little cage won't save you!

We'll see.

Now I lay down a facedown and end my turn.

Steelcage! That was my card!

See? I told you my deck wasn't lame.

Listen! I said that you were lame, not your stinkin' deck!

Shut it you two, you're both lame!


Now, you might think you're safe

With that steelcage stopping my monsters from attacking you,

But I don't need to attack in order to win this duel,

N'here's why yusei:

First I'll play iron chain snake.

And since I have iron chain repairman

Already on the field,

Its special ability lets me bring out another monster.

So I think I'll bring out another iron chain snake!

Next up, I'm activating these two spell cards!

And with them in play,

This match is all but a lock for me

Because with level chain monsters on my field,

My poison chain now forces you to send cards to your graveyard

If my monsters don't attack.

And when your deck runs out of cards to play, satellite,

You know what happens, don't you?

I lose.

Now, I hope you didn't have anything planned

For the next couple of years, yusei,

'Cause once I win this duel,

You can wave bye-bye to your future.


So with those cards gone, you've only got left.

At this rate, yusei won't survive

For more than two more rounds!

Come on, grandpa,

There's gotta be something yusei can do

To stop armstrong's spell!

There is, but I don't think the guards

Are gonna let him run away and hide.

Now I play the spell card paralyzing chain,

Which shocks away life points

Whenever you suffer the effects of my poison chain.



Its almost time. Sorry I can't wait any longer.

You had your chance, yusei.

Looks like that cage isn't so safe after all, huh, yusei?

Guess those cards are as useless

As the people who gave them to you!

I'll show you useless.

I'm sure you will.

If you can last!

That's my signal.

Maybe yusei was right about not leaving his friends here.


Look. Let's--- let's just escape, the two of us.

Those guys are dead weight in their current state.

I can't leave them behind.

Sure you can!

You don't owe anybody anything, man, come on!

I won't ditch my friends for my own benefit.

I'm not leaving them behind just to get ahead.

That's just not what I'm about, alex.


Well I'm not about that, either, yusei.

I draw.

I'll throw down facedowns!

Then I'll play this!

The spell psychic cyclone!

Now I can choose one of your facedowns,

And if I can guess if it's a trap or a spell,

Not only do you lose it, but I get another draw.

And I got a feeling in this game,

The "house" always wins!

Eenie meanie miney moe! Heh!


Say the left one is a trap card!

I'm right, aren't i?


What can I tell you, yusei?

My instincts never let me down.

Now, with that trap card out of the picture,

Your chances of beating me and getting out of here

Just got a whole lot slimmer!


No way!

I smell something fishy, and its not his b.o.

And now I can draw one card from my deck,

And then I'll end my turn, satellite.

Im just gonna play a facedown for right now.

Your move.

Heh heh heh!

Then I guess I'll draw!

Hmm. I summon out iron chain blaster!


And since I couldn't attack you

Because of your steelcage's effect,

My poison chain spell card forces you

To send more cards to your graveyard!

So with them gone,

Next round, you're finished!


Don't be mad! This is just a game.

Of course, in this game, if you happen to lose,

But in the meantime,

What do you say we let the effect of my paralyzing chain

Put a charge into this duel!


Shocking move, isn't it, yusei?

And its only gonna get worse,

'Cause now I can load my blaster with iron chain snake

To break through your barrier.


I can now bring back my iron chain snake

Due to iron chain repairman's special ability.

Yusei! If you don't stop the chief soon,

His monsters are gonna totally destroy you.

That's metaphorically speaking, of course!

But that's not to say that with your steelcage vanishing this turn,

Their att*cks aren't going to shock you into submission!

Ha ha ha!

Looks to me like your time behind bars backfired.

I mean, all you have left are a half-dozen cards

In that joke you call a deck.

These cards are the heart and hope of every man in here!

Then I'll be sure to destroy them,

As soon as I'm done with you!

I won't let that happen!



Somebody turn on the lights!

What was that?!

We're not sure, sir.

But we're checking the generator control room now.

Let's get back to business.

[Thinking] alex! He's gone!

That blackout must have been caused

By his friends on the outside!

Wish I was with you,

But I got my friends to think about.

Good luck, man.

Ok, chief, I'm playing thisthe trap card the jar of greed!

And thanks to it, armstrong,

I draw one more card.

Ha! With each card that you remove from your deck,

You're one step closer to losing this duel!

Not if I play my trap call of the haunted.

Computercall of the haunted is a trap card

That allows you to special summon a monster from your graveyard

Back onto your field in attack position.

And guess who I'm bringing back with it, armstrong?!

You should get a big kick out of this.

You brought back kick man?!

He's as valuable as you are!

You shouldn't underestimate the power of any card,

Especially one that can join forces with a card in my graveyard.

But your graveyard is full of...

Cards you forced me to get rid of.

So it seems like your strategy is the one that backfired,

Because now I can call on axe of despair

To give my kick man an extra , attack points!

Heh heh heh!

Nice one! Course, I did the same combo

Back in my pro days on the circuit.

And next up, I'm summoning exiled force!

Kick man, attttaaaack!

Ow! Aah!

Hold on! His duel disk fin'ly shocked him!

Yeah! Looks like someone turned the power back on!

Now, exiled force,

Move in and slay that serpent of his

With a direct attack!

Hold on! Time out!

Wait! There's something wrong with my--noooooo!


If I find out that the person

Who turned my duel disk back on knows you, yusei,

They're gonna wish they never met you!


Guardchief armstrong,

An intruder has been caught and restrained

In the power generator room.

We're bringing him to you a-sap.


Now let's see who did this!


Sir, here's the culprit!

This was yusei's cellmate!

No! They caught alex!


How did this punk sneak out of his cell?!

Sir, he dug a hole, got to the power room,

And fried the mainframe.

He did what?

Go fix it!

My duel disk has been shocking me!

Exactly. And it's not going to stop.

Ah! I said fix it!

I'm sorry, sir,

But the mainframe can't be repaired,

Which means the shocks that are running through your duel disk

Will continue for the remainder of the contest.


Soon as I'm done here, punk,

You and I will have a nice long "conversation!"

But firstyour duel.

And with the playing field evened up,

I'd be shocked to see you win.


Why'd you come back, alex?!

Well, I couldn't just leave you here.

I had to try and help you, yusei.

That's what friends do for each other.

Just like you put your friends ahead of yourself,

I wanted to do the same for you!


It's time we add to the stakes.

Now that your duel disk is "working" once again,

I say we battle it out for alex.

I win, you don't punish him.

I lose, and he goes into lockdown like me.

Um, yusei?

Sounds perfect!

You're done next turn, anyway!

Let alex watch his future disappear!

So, then, let's keep going.

I sacrifice exiled force to destroy iron chain repairman!

It's your move, chief.

This is it! One draw! One card!

And if it's a monster,

Yusei has to throw away all his cards!

So, um, what's so bad about that?

What's bad about it is he'll lose!

Didn't you ever find a rule book

When you were traveling the world?!

Man, it's like talkin' about this to my dad!

But you call me gramps!

Never mind.

Here we gooooo!

Well, well. Looks like you're ok.

At least for now, you are.

[Thinking] but what yusei doesn't know

Is that I've been watching every move of his game

Since draw one.

Thanks to my security cameras,

His cards are about as secret as a prime-time line-up.

And premiering tonight are yusei's facedown cards.

And I got a feeling,

It's gonna be something of a tragedy.

The facedown on the right side is taunt,

A trap card he can't even use this turn!

And on the left side? Battle mania.

Now, that trap could be trouble,

Since it forces our monsters to fight each other.

And as long as yusei's kick man is swingin' that axe of despair,

He's got the upper hand.

But with battle mania gone, I win,

And I've got just the card to get rid of it!

I'll think I'll mix things up

With my spell card reload!

Now I'll just put all my cards in my deck,

Shuffle 'em up, and redraw!


Heh heh heh!

Ha ha ha!

I play mystical space typho!

Computermystical space typho

Is a spell card that allows you to destroy

One spell or trap card that you or your opponent has on the field.

And now I choose to destroy the facedown card on the left!

Say good-bye!

What?! It's not battle mania?!

No, but the right one is!

Check it out!

So now our monsters have to attack.

And that means I don't lose any more cards

In this round!

He did it!

Yusei must have switched all his cards around

When the blackout happened!

Now yusei's kick man can win this!

Hey, what's going on?!

This duel is supposed to be fixed so that I win!

Mandon't worry, sir. We've stacked your deck

With the most advanced chain monster combos available.

Yusei's not the only one who knows how to duel with dragons!


[Thinking] alright, yusei,

I didn't go through all the trouble to cheat

Just so you would win!

Time to show you the rest of my chain g*ng!

I summon out my iron chain coil!


And I'll tune him with iron chain blaster to synchro summon:

Iron chain dragon!

Ha ha ha!


Here's where it gets fun!

See, for every chain monster that I've got in my graveyard,

My dragon gains attack points.

And right now, I've got !

So with an extra thousand attack points, yusei,

I'm attacking you with my iron chain dragon!

Trust me, chief. That's a bad idea.

I know it is! For you!



Did I forget to mention

That his special ability automatically activates?

Ya see, whenever he att*cks,

You have to send of your duel cards to the graveyard!

And with paralyzing chain's effect,

You lose more life points.



Yusei, no!

His life points!

He's finished!

Manhe cant win now. He's too weak.

[Inmates murmuring]


My turn.

Oh! Ha ha ha!

You've got nothing left!

You're down to life points

And your very last card!

Your deck's empty,

And you don't have a single facedown!

I know.

But all I need to win is one card...

And a little of your help!

My help?!

You spent the whole duel

Trying to send my cards to the graveyard.

You thought my entire deck was worthless,

Just a mish-mash of cards given to me

By your prisoners, my friends.

And maybe, on their own,

They wouldn't stand a chance against your supercharged chains,

But together, they will with this.


I knew you would use the security cameras

To spy on the cards in my hand

Once the match started.

But I also knew you wouldn't see this.

It's called rubble king!

I hid it so your little surveillance friends

Couldn't "big brother" it.

So as soon as you picked the wrong trap card to destroy,

I just had to keep you sending my cards to the graveyard.


For what? To lose?!

Not quite.

I'll show you after I summon him.


Now, if there are over cards in my graveyard

When rubble king is summoned,

Like you so thoughtfully provided,

I get to use a trap!

It comes down to my very last card.

I activate the trap blasting the ruins!

If I have or more cards in my graveyard,

Which you know I do,

Then you automatically lose , life points!






You beat 'im, yusei!

He won, he won!

Never a doubt!

Yeah! Yeah!

You see that?

He took out the chief with all of our cards!

[Inmates chanting "yusei!"]

Put 'em both into lockdown.


But what about our deal?!

We don't have any deal!

Take them both away now!

Goodwini don't think so, mr. Armstrong.

I saw the entire duel.

And the only person going away is you, I'm afraid.

I don't see how the facility can be run effectively

If no trust exists between the guards and the inmates.

Pack your things, armstrong, you're fired.

So what now, yusei?

You're free to go!

Something's weird.

Why did goodwin show up just then?

Seems funny.

Oh, be quiet!

Thanks to goodwin,

We're all getting out soon, too!

I know, and that's why this whole situation just seems strange.

Yusei wins, now we're all gonna be free?

Just be sure to watch your back.

Maybe he's right.

So, please, take this gift.

I can't take your card!

Yes, ya can!

I figure you'll probably have more use for that card

Than I ever will!

This is incr'dible. Thank you.

Hold on! I got something for you as well.

This card's gonna help you get your runner back.

I overheard the guards talking about your sweet ride

And how it's locked up in the impound center.

Now, take this to a store named bootleg,

Order some milk, and ask for blister.

He'll help you out.

Lazarare you sure about this?

If you let him go, we might never find him again!

It's obvious to me that yusei's mark of the dragon

Won't reappear while he's trapped

Inside the walls of the facility.

It's time for a change of scenery.

Besides, I never said that we were letting him go.

You're going to track him?!

Oh, you are so sneaky! Hee hee hee!

With yusei free to roam new domino city,

I have selected an elite task force

To keep him under surveillance

And watch for any signs of his mark reappearing.

Now, as long as no one interferes in our affairs,

All we need to do is watch and wait.

Hello again, yusei.


I heard about the little task force goodwin put together.

You better hope they get to you before I do
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