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02x07 - Legend Quest

Posted: 04/11/24 10:37
by bunniefuu
[♪ musical swirl ♪]

- Once upon a time,

there was a park called
Legend Quest where

children could go to sing
and dance and be heroes.

The creator ruled the
park many years

with his two granddaughters.

But when he died,

he left the park to the eldest

and the youngest rebelled.

She became evil, living
deep in the park,

making mischief for
all who enter.

And so, as you finish
your new part-time

Legend Quest employee

enjoy the park,

but beware the insane
witch within

[trumpets sounding]

- What?

[upbeat music]

- Ooh, this is the kind

of place where you meet
your dream girl.

Sweet, soft skin, weighs a
hundred pounds.

So I'm the little one.

- Her skin weighs 100 pounds?

- Everybody. They want us
to do all their videos.

- No way!

- We got the job.

We just have to work here
one day to prove

that we are immersive,

fantasy theme park material.

- What? Singing,
dancing with magic?

This is my greatest dream.

Even more than curing my aorta.

- What's wrong with your aorta?

- Imagine a pipe, but broken.

- I don't know everyone.

Have you seen these contracts?

[medieval music playing]

They're kind of abusive.

[men yelling over each other]

They're kind of

- Don't do this to us,
Zona, we're this close.

We just need a little
bit more money

to get a sofa boom box.

- For what?

- Sofa boom box. Don't
act confused.

It's very straightforward.

- Yeah. He needs the sofa.

I need the boom box.

- Sofa boom box.

[upbeat music]

- Sofa boom box, sofa boom box.

It's a sofa in a boom box

Sofa boom box

- Is no one else worried?

- Relax, Zona baby.

This plan is foolproof,
though, full disclosure,

I also said that about Iraq.

- Welcome travelers!

- My lady, for sooth
pray the end


- Ew.

- I am Lady Violet, the
mistress of this park.

Today, you join Legend Quest.

Now, follow me if you're
brave of heart.

- Oh, my aorta's tingling.

- Now here we follow a code.

Always smile, never
break character

and burst into song
every five minutes.

- And if we don't sing?

- You will be fired.

- Understood.

- Great. So what's the job?

- We don't call
anything a job here.

We call them quests.

It could be forging steel,
juggling fire

or treating severe burns.

- Yes. I have a question

about your worker protection.

- Zona. Don't embarrass us.

- This is role play.

Stop being yourself.

My lady, we will take

your hardest quest.

- I see.

In the heart of the park

lives my sister.


She thinks she's a witch.

- Awesome.

- I believe her.

- She's stolen something.

A silver locket.

I've tried to reclaim
it many times

and if you find it,

you'll be the heroes
of this park.

- Okay.

- Just sign these waivers.

- No, no, no. Come on.

These contracts break
like 50 laws.

- There are 50 laws?

- Oh, Zona.

You crazy little goat girl.

You know about laws, but
you could learn something

about a thing called adventure.

[upbeat music plays]

- Can't we have laws
and adventure?

- Adventure means

always being brave

being smart.

And you never

report workplace


and you always trust your heart.

- Hold up.

- Adventure means

nowadays a woman

can go far

and she doesn't need a man

to save her and

She doesn't need HR. What?

- Oh, are you not a feminist?

- Zona?



no more safety rules

bringing you down.

No more sadness or minimum
wage or frowns.

And we obey every



Now you try.

- Adventure


- She's singing!

- Anything is legal

if you believe

- Just always try

to touch the sky

and turn a blind eye

to child labor.

- Adventure


- We don't need a union
to chase our dreams.

- And we don't need
health insurance.

Cause now, I now the

words will be

my heart medicine.

- And if adventure means



for your




- Zona.

- Zona. Come on Zona.

- That's our girl.

- Good. Now go

be brave.

There's a locket to save.

They're not cold nor wet,




Our plan will surely fail

if she lures you off the trail,

so this is your task.

You're starting

your legend



- Ow! Oh, I broke my leg!

- Oh, Zona, are you OK?

- No!

- You tripped on this tiny,
tiny stick.

- Oh, praise be! .

It's a first aid kit.

- Wait, Ryan.

It's a trap from the witch.

[All] The plan will fail
if she lures us

off the trail.

- Are you serious?

- Sorry, Zona.

We can't blow this quest
or we'll lose the contract.

- What if finishing the
quest helps Zona's leg?

- Ah, that's logical.

- I once cured my
grandma's lupus

by questing to the pharmacy
to get lupus medication.

- Yes. The quest will heal her.

Let's go.

- No, you can't leave me!

Don't you dare.


You will rue the day!

[Zona screaming]

[soft music playing]

Take care of yourself, Zona.

I'm gonna get a sofa boom box.

- Zona

- Ahhh! Oh!

- Who are you?

- I'm the evil witch who
reeks havoc on this park.

- That's very direct

- Zona. I'm here
because you have

all the makings of an
excellent witch.

- Hey!

- Oh. In a good way.

Deep insecurity.

A long memory for
personal slides.

No love for children.

- I like some children.

I'm the student body
president of Fairview High.

- That's really weird.

So I'm here with a pitch.

Help me defend my locket

by ruining the lives of
your four friends.

- Uh, no.

- Fine. Suit yourself.

Just know that this will
show up in your grade.

- Gr grade?

My, my grade?

- Oh yes.

Everyone who comes to
Legend Quest gets a grade.

Don't worry, you're at a "C"

- A "C"! I'm not a drug dealer!

- Yes. You'd rationalize doing
anything to get a good grade.

Wouldn't you?

- No.

- Math:

calculate where your
team is now.

- How could this be wrong

if it is also math?

- English, give me an
essay on their weaknesses.

- Wow. What a harmless
literary analysis.

- History. Look at the
best kinds of t*rture.

This is fine cause I
convinced myself.

you won't try this.

- Shop class.

Build me those
instruments of t*rture.

- I still feel fine
because confirmation bias.

- Your tenacity

and zero dignity


earned yourself an



- If I give you an "A",
my hold on you will fray.

Before I close that door,

I ask one thing


You would go to Hades.

If it got you gradies.

So this is your test.

You must ruin the



[upbeat music playing]

[Zona's leg cracks]

[Zona screams in pain]

We'll just, we'll go.

[Zona continues
screaming in pain]

Yeah. That's not that bad.

- I wonder if we'll
meet a princess.

- Stop! In the name of
the princess.

- I wonder if we'll meet

Phineas and Ferb?

- If you seek to ambush her,
be warned.

There's a troll guarding her.

- Okay, Devon. Think.


I'll slap his troll blood!

- These are still actors, right?

- I don't even know anymore.

- Wait!

[upbeat romance music]

- What is this?

Why does my hand want to
hold your hand?

- Maybe so that our
fingers can spoon

- Ryan, stop! No.

What are you doing?

You don't even know this. Ohhh

[heavy metal romance music]

- No. Don't fall in love.

- Don't do it.

[upbeat music begins]

- Listen. My father is
very strict with suitors.

What can you offer me?

Dainty skin.

Bones of glass.

I have negative

muscle mass.

I sleep on Batman sheets.

So I don't

dream of bad guys.

- Sexy troll.

Please be mine.

I'll show you a good,
troll time.

I'm feeling things.

I only feel

when I

eat French fries.

- Love, I can't let you go.

- Imagine our


- I know someday you'll be

a good


- Look,

I'm 1/16 troll.

Oh, I hope we're not


- While we're at it,

Meet my grandma.

- I thought love was fictional,

quaint and


but then I saw your

troll butt and I was
like, I get it. Mm hmm.

- You're petite;

same as me.

You make my heart beat normally.

I'll buy you nice things
with my allowance.

Don't sweat it.

- Look,

you're all

that I need.

- The first girl I can

show my legos

- Look,

so now we're agreed

- Can you wait until the
end of the song?

Starting now, where you go,

I go.

- Come with me.

Ask for my father's blessing.

- Yes

- Lo, lo, lo,

lo, lo, lo

- Vlarg says that you can
ask the parental fungus

from which he's spawned.

- Oh, I would be honored.


- Yo! What about the locket?

- You guys are just jealous!

- Does this happen a lot?

- It worked Zona.

Well done.

Two remain.

You've almost got your "A".

- Oh! Um, you don't have
any painkillers

by any chance, do you?

My leg's just aching
really badly.

Honestly, even just a chair to
sit on would be really great.

- I don't know if you were
talking, but I need to go.

- Oh!!

[Zona screams in pain]

[upbeat music playing]

- Micah,

I can't do this.

We've been walking
for 20 minutes

and I forgot my snacks.

- Oh, it'll be worth it.

Just hang in there.

- Travelers.

- Back, witch!

- I know how to use this.

I do not.

- Why seek you to steal
my silver locket?

- My lady, we assure you;
'tis only for personal gain.

- We seek the only good
thing left in this world.

Sofa boom box.

- You only think you want
a sofa boom box.

I've come to bribe you
with what you truly want.

For Micah, an endless party.

For Owen, endless rest.

- Oh, my bribe sounds
more ominous.

- You wish to party.

You wish to rest.

You can party with the folk of

Legend Quest.

Get along with every
creature imaginable

and take a bite of this
normal apple.

- Get that outta here!

This is a party

to entrance and believe.

Boogie down with a dragon

and ride with the
skinks and you can

rest in theses wooden stocks

and you can come get
crunk with the Fox.

Just let the music make you

truly feel

and let me prick you
with the spinning wheel.

- Micah, help me!

And this deep,

you'll come right back from

deep in the ground.

You never have to wake up again.

- Haha! Wait! Owen!

I can't stop dancing.
It's too enjoyable.

I'm trapped!

- Me too, but more

- Tickle him.

- Don't do it. Don't do it.

- I'm trapped!

- So be it.

I'll do it myself

right after I shred
these OSHA reports.

- Zona.

Great plan.

I'm going to say something
and you should know

I don't say this lightly.

You are an amazing traitor.

I can't believe I helped you

for an "A"!

- Actually you're at an "A"
minus plus.

- Forget this. I am
going to save my friends

- Learning,

the heart of fairy tales.

You learn to value
people over things.

I was once like you, without the

skin thing.

When my grandfather immigrated

from Germany in 1946 in a hurry,

he had only a dream

and a love of fairy tales.

- In what year?

- But when he died,

my sister

and I fought over

his locket

and lost the magic.

- It's not too late.

Don't you wanna make things
right with your sister?

- I do.

- Okay. I'm liking the words,

not loving the delivery.

- No, Zona, I'm learning.

Come. We'll help your friends

and give my sister

what she needs.

- I'm sure that's fine.

[upbeat music]

- Whoot!

- Rawr rat!

[both speaking foreign language]

- What beautiful language.

- I can just picture our
life together.

- Yes. Every weekend
watching Saturday morning,

puppet shows.

- Eating hot sugar loops;

a delicacy in my country.

- Oh, giving each other haircuts

- Taking out a mortgage.

- Almost getting a divorce,
but working it out.

- Uh huh

And children, I want 6.

best friends.

Then a boy cause variety's
the spice of life.

Then two girls for
their sweet disposition.

Then another boy to be
mommy's little soldier.

- Yes. Birds chirping
in the window.

- I don't really like birds.

- She doesn't like birds!

- I know.

And Vlarg wants us to live

with his parental fungus
and she is a shrew!

- I think we just got
caught up in the music.

I don't even know this woman.

Now I have to break up with her

but she's going to be crushed.

- Right? If you love her,
you will just tell her.

- But I don't love her.

- Great. Then we can go
so that's easier for us.

- Wait, wait, wait.
Isn't that wrong?

- Vlarg, look.

- Whoa. Oh

- Oh, sweet Ryan.

I learned from the crusades.

Nothing is wrong

if it's for a quest.

- Oh good.

- Live it up.

Stop talking about

sofa boom box.

- If you get two
friends to buy a sofa

boom box, we get our own
sofa boom box.

- No! I will not be investing in

sofa boom box.

- What are you doing?

- I thought this might
lure you here

like a moth to a flame,
for which

the moth employer is not liable.

- Violet, no!!

- I thought you were
the good sister.

- This is all permitted by
your contracts.

- What?

- Zona? Why don't you warn us in

a more likable way?

- It's on you.

- Sister, give me one
good reason to not

stabby Mcstab s*ab.

- We've got a list of reasons.

We made a list of reasons.

- Okay, okay, okay.

- Violet. Don't do this.

Let's go back to the
way things were.

- How?

- With


I love

power over you.


- Ah, our cowardice has
brought us to greater danger.

- Nay, but give me back
my silver locket!

- That's rich coming from you.

- Oh, oh, I'm so fancy.

I wear black eyeliner.

I'm so emo.

No one's buying it!

- I wish Grandpa would
take you with him!

- Sisters!

- Zona! My locket!

- This is what you've
been fighting

over, yes?

- Yes. Well done, Zona.

[happy music plays]

You've completed

your quest...


- What have you done?

- As someone once said,
you must value people over

things. A lesson

- Bitcoin.

Millions of dollars

in Bitcoin were on
that flash drive.

- What, now?

- Our family fortune!

This park in so much debt!

- You!

You've ruined us!

- Wow!

[sisters screaming in agony]

- Let's just go. Pick me up!

Pick me up! Pick me up!

- Millions! We're desolate!

- Adventure means

now a family ticket

is half price.

- And we haven't cleared...

- Kinda crazy we still got
the video deal.

- They said we're the only ones

they can afford now.

- It warms my heart.

When people are
forced to hire us.

- Who's that guy?

- After Legend Quest

- Experience the part after

- How could we not notice him?

- When I'm sure it's dark,

but before it's repossessed.

[doorbell chimes]

- It's here.

Ooh wee,


- I can't believe this only cost

a thousand dollars.

[techno music playing]

- Sofa



- Do you ever sit

on your sofa

and wish you were more

like a boom box?

Or do you listen to a
boom box and

wish you had

sofa qualities?

Oh, why can't furniture

be more like a boom box

and why can't


be soft?

Get your sofa boom box today

for only $999.

All payments are final.

Please, this was my dream,

but I thought the
market was bigger.




[upbeat techno music playing]