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03x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 04/11/24 10:04
by bunniefuu
[news theme playing]

[Nunu] And cut.

[crew applauding]

[Müge] Whoo!

[dramatic music playing]


[applause continues]

[dramatic music continues]

Congratulations, ma'am. You did great!

Really? Thanks a lot, Nesli.


[seagulls calling]

[melancholy music playing]

[Kenan] Will you promise
to never stop loving me, all right?


[tense music playing]

[cell phone chimes]


No! Müge, huh?

You gotta be kidding me.


- [cork pops]
- [Müge yelps, laughs]

Hey! How about some
champagne for breakfast?

I mean, we have to celebrate, don't we?

Of course, hit me.

[Müge laughs]

- [Gül] Looks good.
- Oh, thanks.

You're something, aren't ya?

And, of course,
champagne is your specialty.

Of course.

All right, everybody!
Let's drink to success!

- I don't think we'll have problems there,
- Stop.

- Right, Kenan?
- Cheers.

Wow! Is this really happening? God!

[laughs] I guess I'm still in shock.

[sighing] Oh my God.

C'mon, we've got the ratings,
isn't that enough for you?

Oh f*ck off, Gül. All right?

She's gonna put us
through hell at some point.

It's not just a question
of if she can pull it off,

it's about integrity.

Oh, come on. [sighs]

Let's wait, all right?

Uh... Hi, ma'am.

Oh, hi, sir, I hope you don't mind.

Um, just to check, I wanted to
get your approval for the offices.

You want us to switch them?

Excuse me, what?

Uh, Müge, um, wanted
the offices moved around, she said...

[tense music playing]

...she wanted us to move
the green room because she thinks

it's too far away
from the conference room.

I'm sorry, didn't you know?

Hmm. I've been made aware of it.

Kenan, you're...

okay with it, right?


Umit will handle it, all right?

About the restroom...

- Huh?
- [Nihal] She...

requested an individual
restroom for her office.

We'd have to do some renovations.

Okay, sure, I'm on it, hon.
I'm gonna be handling that.

I told you, Gül.

Take it easy.

I'm on top of it, okay?

Have you heard from Lale recently?

Oh, so suddenly Lale matters to you?

I just wanna know how you're doing.

- I was being kind.
- All right.

I move from room to room.

I eat enough to keep me going.

That's my life.




You f*cking kidding me?

Oh, hi there.

[sighs] I could go for a drink right now.

It's pretty early...

Don't be a buzzkill.

I've wanted to say something.

- Müge's just having some...
- Oh, f*ck Müge, okay? Pfft. That old hag.

[liquid pouring]

Well, her ratings are really good.

She's not gonna last very long.

Don't worry about Müge.

I have a proposition for you.

I want you to find out
what Yusuf is up to.

[suspenseful music playing]

Re... really, I don't...

Are... are you guys not together, or?

Oh, you sweet little princess.

You think I'll give up without
a fight and just let him get away?

Listen, Aslı. Find the slut he's with,

and you'll get a three-year
contract from me, all right?

Well, I...

your offer is really compelling and all...

but when it comes to
Yusuf's love life, um...

I'm confused how his
romantic partners affect our network.

Güliz, look. Please don't do this,
it breaks my heart to see you this way.

C'mon, he's a jerk,
you don't need him anymore.

You're gonna be fine, Güliz.

You're so down and sad,
I'm starting to worry about you.

I don't think you understand.
We're meant to be.

He just keeps f*cking up my life.

That shithead.

But it's not hopeless.

No, this isn't over yet.

What am I doing asking you about it?

That's my offer.

Go on. Get moving! Come on!

[door opens, slams]

[emotional music playing]

[Aslı] Isn't it true everyone
wants to witness their own funeral, Lale?

Let's put on your seatbelts. Come on.

This is unbelievable.

I love this school.

Look, Mom, today
all my friends signed my uniform.

- Do you wanna see it?
- Sure, honey.

Looks muddy or something.

Once you wash it, it's gonna come off.

Let's not wash it.

- [sighs] We'll keep it the way it is.
- [Melisa] Okay.

Mila, please. That's enough.

It looks amazing, sweetheart.

Thanks, Mom.

- So, Mom, are we going somewhere else?
- How about some lunch?

No, I mean... [sighs]

Like a new house

we're moving to.

Our new school.


[engine starts]

[Lale] That would be great, yeah.
Melisa, are you all set, honey?

- Uh, yes.
- [Lale] It's settled then.

A cheeseburger for Ms. Mila.
And I'm gonna have the salmon salad.

- With white wine vinegar?
- That'd be great, thank you.

Lale, I am...
I think you did the right thing.

Ömer, please.

Not right now. Okay?

- Of course.
- Thanks, I appreciate it.

What are you gonna do there?

Are they gonna make you report in French?

No, no way. She isn't gonna report,
she'll be at home all day, every day.

That's what she did the last time.

Mila, why are you being this way?

We can try new hobbies
or get into some new activities,

it could be fun.

Mm-hmm. Sure, Mom.

Your burger's gonna be cold, sweetie.

Come on, eat up.

And you better let me have a couple fries.

Is that Lale Kıran?

Yeah, it is. That woman
should be ashamed of themselves.

[man] Did you see that video?

[woman] Of course, I saw it on YouTube.
Mother of the Year, huh? God!

- I feel really bad for her daughters.
- [man] It's sad.

- Okay, maybe it's time to go.
- Are you serious?

Excuse me, we can hear you guys.

Stay calm, baby.
Mila, sit down, will you?

No, not yet!

All right.

These people are being rude to us.

Lale, I'm so sorry, ma'am.

Will you calm down? Let's get out of here.

You're gonna let them win?

No, they can leave.

[emotional piano music playing]

Okay, fine.


That's it from me today.

Tune into tomorrow and I'll be sure

to bring you compelling stories,
clear reporting, and a few special guests.

Goodbye for now.

[man] Cut!

Good job, man.

- Hey, great job, sir.
- Thank you, man.

Good stuff, thank you, guys.
I'll see you all soon.

See you, sir. Take it easy.

[tense music playing]

[doorbell ringing]

Are you just gonna stare at me?

Are you hungry?

What have you got?

I guess you had no trouble
hosting the show alone on day one.

That was hearing from a star,
wasn't it, Aslı?

You know, I just have more breathing room.

Oh, by the way, I'm sorry.

I heard you guys split up.

[tense music playing]

For the time being, at least.

Oh, I wanted to keep you up to date.

I thought you'd want to know
what happened after you left. Do you?


I really don't.

Güliz is angry.

I mean, obviously.

She thinks maybe you're seeing someone.

Tell me.

You're asking me if I'm seeing someone?

You mean it?

I mean...

she said you told her that

or that's what she took
from what you said.

How's this any of your business, Aslı?

Oh, I mean, come on.
You must know I'm curious about it.

I want to be in the loop for everything.
That's why I'm asking.

It's not like I'm gonna run
and report back to her.

You can be honest with me, all right.

Is that why you came over?

I don't know, what do you think?

I'm not sure.

Did you wanna... talk about something else?


No, I mean, I don't think about it.
I don't let myself fantasize.

But tell me, do you want to?

[tense music playing]

Fantasize about it?

Or commit to it?

You're kidding me, right?

Oh, okay, I get it.
So you're so chivalrous, such a good guy,

bravo, that's nice!

Say it! Tell me
I shouldn't fall in love with you

because what happened
didn't mean anything.

My God! I can't f*cking believe
what an egoist you are!

It's not true at all. You hear me?

Not everyone loves you
like Güliz, all right?

Get a grip, for the love of God!

[Yusuf] All right..

So good we got that out of the way.

Yeah, I agree.

Well, then, I hope
that you have a great life.

It's so sweet how you two are so in love.

You guys should really tie the knot.

In fact, I'll pay for your tux, okay?

Just please don't forget to invite me.

[door opens]

[door slams]

[Aslı] Hello? Hey, Güliz,
how you doing, girl?

Listen, I want to take you up
on that offer you made this morning.

Let's get it in writing.
We'll make it official.

Because I'm going to find her for you.

That's right, I'm going
to find out who that slut is.

[upbeat music playing]

[indistinct chatter]



[Lale] Hey, can you
put her drinks on my tab?


I thought you'd be long-gone by now.

You can't get out
of Türkiye that easily. Come on.

Have you seen Müge?

And don't tell me
you don't care about ratings, okay?

Oh, Müge.

I guess everyone has their moment, Aslı.

Maybe she had it all along,
but we just didn't see it. It happens.

Ugh! What are we to do?

Oh God, the rest of us are mere mortals
in the presence of the great Lale Kıran!


Got anything to smoke that we can split?

Of course.

I'm not sure it'll be enough for you.

Pretty nice.

- [Lale] I like this lighter.
- Thanks!

Must not be an easy change.

To leave all that progress behind.

You think people
in this business will forget about

my accomplishments?

Hey, honey, just keep
more of these coming, okay?

All right, I'm curious.

Gotta be a little strange
to see your own funeral.

[exhales] I like it, actually.

- Hmm.
- You should try it.

I guess I'm lucky,
very few people get to do it.


[Aslı] I know.

You know Gül somehow
worked her way up to CEO again.

I gotta admit
I'm almost certain she spoke to Müge.

No doubt about it. No doubt.

I'm sure you don't give a shit, do you?

Let them eat each other alive.

You're gonna move to France,
start some art gallery,

and just work there
for the rest of your life.


You may as well
be painting rocks in Datça like Müge.

I mean...

everybody's waiting for the stars to align

and move on to something better, right?

Exactly. I was thinking that too.

Maybe I'll turn into a little star

on the huge frontier of the Milky Way.

A star you can only see
if you've really got your eyes peeled.

[mischievous music playing]

You're not moving.

Holy shit! So you're
not really leaving, are you?



[Aslı laughing]

[instrumental music playing]


[doorbell ringing]

Go ahead.

Just say it.

It's okay.

Just be honest.


Get in here.

We had sex.


Oh... [chuckles]

Hang on, I'm sorry.
I should say, "We screwed."

We f*cked right in the doorway.

I'm not making it a big deal.
Why would I do that?

I'm not your fool, you understand?

It was just two of us banging
because I'm a career woman.

Besides, they love me. Everyone!

Everyone adores me.

And tomorrow Müge's going down.

But who cares?

Because I know you don't adore me.

- [emotional music playing]
- I don't care that you don't love me.

I don't know what love is.

Besides, I don't
have time for that bullshit.

Love is just f*cking useless, you know?

I don't think about you like that.

Well, I do, actually, yeah.

I imagine...

lounging on your couch.


Just telling you everything.

Standing next to you in the studio.

Trusting you to be there.

You just do mundane things
that I'm so in awe of you. Seriously.

You're... You're just so weird.

And you...

you have a big heart.

You're extraordinary.

[Aslı sniffles]

You know what?

Güliz is waiting for you,
okay, so go back to her!

Because you think I'm crazy, don't you?

I'm outta my goddamned mind, right?


f*ck it, who cares? I'm out of here.

Aslı, don't leave.

[dramatic music playing]

Don't leave me.

Aslı, I love you.

You're the one, it's always been you.

Aslı, I'm in love with you.

I adore your ambition, your drive,
even if you're crazy, I love that too.

You're everything.

Stay with me, okay.

[Aslı sobbing]

[tense music playing]

- Morning, Aslı.
- Oh hi.

- Morning, ma'am.
- Morning.

- Hey, everyone
- [all] Hi, Aslı.

[Aslı] How is everybody?

[all murmuring]

We made it to the end of the week.

All right, guys.
I've got some exciting updates.

We're entering a new era
in the history of our brand.

And let me tell you,
ahead of us is a long and bright future.

It's gonna be amazing.

Starting today, we'll have two anchors
on the show every night.

They'll be great together.

Looks like one of them
just entered the building.

I'm guessing all of you
will know her name.

You're joking.

I really think it's a good move.

Don't worry about the scandal,
it's a bunch of rumors.

[sighs] I don't care about that.

Güliz, come on,
if it's about something else...

I swear to God that's not who she is.
I'm sure about this.


All right, let's do it then. Whatever.

[all murmuring excitedly]

Good to see you, everyone.

[Lale] Hello there. Good morning.

- Surprise!
- [all laugh]

All right, everyone.

From now on, Lale Kıran and I
will be co-hosting our news program.

That's correct.

Come on, the two of us.

- What do you say?
- Oh, God!

As a team!

Both of us could
completely rewrite our legacy.

- Aslı, I'm...
- No lectures, please!

I don't want to hear that stuff right now.

Is this really how
you wanted your story to end?

Don't you want to speak up
and have the final word.

Let's... let's f*cking do this, all right.


You said this season
was going to be your last, right?

But no one can predict the future.

You didn't get your finale
because of all that ridiculous stuff.

Listen, you could leave
on your own conditions.

You're right, it's true.
I said I'd be done.

I meant it too.

You want this. I know you.

You want a new ending, Lale.

Come on!

I know this is all... all news to you.

Uh, I'm happy that I get to
be here again among all my colleagues.

I'm hopeful.

I'm glad to be here.

And I'm excited to get going.

Uh, to start,
I want to hear what you have to say.

- Didem.
- I'm ready.

Her report's on German finance

and their recent struggle
with unemployment.

[Lale] Uh-huh.

Um, as my research has proven,
Germany is doing...

- [calm music playing]
- [inaudible dialogue]

Naturally we sent out field reporters
to all points of interest there

to gather more information.

What the hell's this?

What are you trying to do,
embarrass me on screen?

Why would anyone
give a shit about this story? [scoffs]

Move on. We'll talk
about this later, but for now...

Next time.

Sure, let's move on.

Can't wait to hear
the next brilliant idea. Huh?

[door opens]

Oh hey everybody.
I didn't mean to intrude.

Kenan, Müge.

Could you come to my office, please?

We're in the middle of a meeting, Gül.

But I think you should come.

[Müge clicks tongue]

Think Kenan should be involved?

[tense music playing]

[Lale] Aslı?

Even though we broke up...

is that possible?

Oh, you don't...

I thought you knew.

Knew about what?

Kenan's still there.

I don't know what you mean.

After you left, he stayed.

He's still their producer.

That makes no sense, Müge's there.

Yeah, I know.

Kenan became Müge's producer.

Müge's running the show.

[dramatic piano music playing]

No, no, that's impossible. Lale's gone.

Well, apparently not. For some reason
she changed her mind about moving on.

[dramatic tone plays]

[Gül] Whoa! Are you...


Kenan! Are you okay?

Send someone from the medical team.
Now! You hear me?

Kenan, is it your heart?
Stop staring and go get someone!

- Look at me. Huh?
- Lale's left...

[Müge, muffled] Are you okay?


- [muffled talking]
- [tense music playing]

[Gül] Kenan, are you all right?

Come on, just talk to me.


[breathing shakily]

[dramatic music playing]

[Gül] Kenan!

Are they on their way?

Uh... I'm all right.

Sorry I couldn't
join the welcoming committee.

Glad you're back.

Though I probably
don't need to make you feel at home.

You're hardly new to this place.

Thank you.

- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.

All right, I'm going to make a list here.

We'll need a new crew.

[Gül] Oh! How're you feeling?

[Kenan sighs]

I'm okay.

Let's do this.

[suspenseful music playing]

I want to destroy The Other Side.

Müge, let's meet tonight and get into it.

I'm in.

[Kenan] I have some new ideas.

We got this.

- [dramatic music playing]
- [Lale sighs]

We're prepared.

We got this.

[tense piano music playing]

[dramatic music playing]