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03x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 04/11/24 10:02
by bunniefuu
[man] Look, isn't that Lale Kiran?

- [woman 1] Yeah, she's trending right now.
- [woman 2] I don't think she knows it yet.

[woman 1] Guess not.

[dramatic music pulsing]

I mean, have you seen her video yet?

It's really unfortunate for a woman
to go through something like that.

Look at her.

- [woman 3] What do you think?
- [woman 4] What happened?

[overlapping whispering]










[dramatic tone playing]


["Live is Life" by Opus playing]

♪ Na-na, na-na-na
All together now ♪

♪ Na-na, na-na-na ♪

♪ Na-na, na-na-na ♪

♪ Life
Na-na, na-na-na ♪

♪ Live is life
Na-na, na-na-na ♪

♪ Live-a-bop-bop-bop, life
Na-na, na-na-na ♪

♪ Live is life
Na-na, na-na-na ♪

♪ When we all... ♪

- [seagulls calling]
- [song continues softly]

♪ Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest ♪

♪ Then you all get the power
You all get the best ♪

♪ And everyone gives everything... ♪

[Lale humming along]

♪ Everybody sings ♪

♪ Then it's life
Na-na, na-na-na ♪


- ♪ Live is life ♪
- [song stops]

Hello, how are you all doing? I thank
you all for tuning in to my live session.

We're starting a little late today.
Ten minutes late, almost.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

[song resumes]


♪ Na-na, na-na-na
Live is life ♪

♪ When we all feel the power
Live is life... ♪




♪ When the feeling of the people
Live is life... ♪

And that concludes
our live session for today.

Tomorrow, let's hope for
a bright sunny day when we get up.

I look forward
to your presence once again, tomorrow.

Thank you everyone.

♪ Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest ♪

♪ Then you all get the power... ♪




[song continues]







[cell phone ringing]

[song stops]


[Kenan on phone] How was it?
By your standards, of course.

I watched it,
you were amazing like always.

I guess it was good. It was nice.

And you? Are you okay?

I really can't say.

I feel like an asteroid's
coming towards me, but we'll see.

- [Lale] What do you mean?
- Nothing.

Should I get something
before I come over tonight?

Just you is fine.

You know, that's exactly
what I need at the moment.

Love you.

I love you too, Kenan.

I'll see you later.

[light suspense music playing]

[car horns honking]

[music intensifies]

[inhales deeply]

[man 1] You wanna hear something?

Things look like
they're gonna spin out of control.

[man 2] You think the rumors are true?

[man 1] I'm not really sure.

[dramatic music playing]

Good luck, sir.

[man 3] Yusuf?

What's up? Sir, is everything okay?

[music fades]

[tense music playing]

[Nunu] Twenty seconds...

[breathing heavily]

Nunu, look at him,
Yusuf doesn't look well.

Yusuf, are you okay, man? Yusuf?

Yusuf, what's going on?


[Nunu] Last five before we go on air.

Jesus Christ! It looks like
the man's having a heart attack!



Nunu, don't go on air!
Don't go on air! Yusuf!

- [Kenan] Yusuf. Yusuf.
- [gasping]

It's okay. Just relax.
Relax yourself now, Yusuf.

Relax, it's okay.

Call an ambulance!
Call an ambulance right now!

Somebody call an ambulance right away!

Hey Yusuf, are you okay?

Hey, are you okay?
Yusuf, look at me. I'm here.

[Kenan] I got you. It's okay, it's okay.
Breathe. It's okay, pal.

[Yusuf wheezing]

You're okay. I got you.

It's okay. Just calm down.

[intense music playing]

- [muffled dance music playing]
- [muffled giggling]

- [man] I gotta take a leak.
- [woman] Make it quick.

I was so not expecting that.

[man 2] Wow, that
really caught me off-guard.


That was unbelievable.
Just wait a minute, wait a minute.

Can we just celebrate this one more time?

- I love the ratings today. Wow!
- [all cheer]


Cheers, Aslı. Congratulations.


We're really drinking a lot. This is
the third one since we went off-air.

What? Really? What time is it?

Okay. Get out of here.

Aw. Aslı, why? Come on, one more drink.

I told you I had to work.
Get out. Fun's over.

[woman] She's back
to being her usual, busy self.

- Time for us to go. Come on, girls.
- [kisses] See you.

[light suspenseful music playing]

The Other Side will not air today
due to technical difficulties.

Apologies to all of our viewers.

That's weird.

Aslı, what's up?

I was looking for you.

Gül, hold on a second.

Dear, you hold on.

Hey! Aslı?

Did you go behind my back and
sign a promotion deal for a toothpaste?

- What?
- Aslı!

[fingers snapping]

Listen, honey, could there be
anything you're hiding from me?

The Other Side wasn't
on tonight. Why's that?

Don't change the subject, please.

Did you have a meeting with Ateş
and his people without telling me?

Did you guys talk?

Gül, I'm busy now.

Oh, really? I can tell.

We'll discuss this later.

[door opens, slams]

[music fades]

What's this, what's going on?

[woman]Yusuf had a seizure.
They took him to the ER.

I'll let you know when I know more.

What do you mean by "seizure?"

We don't know. He just collapsed.

I'll try to get an update and let you know

[tense music playing]

[elevator dings]

[indistinct announcement over PA]

Oh, my love.

Are you okay?

I am. Really, don't worry. I'm fine.

They said it wasn't a heart attack.
He had a panic attack.

I was worried sick.


- Are you sure that you're okay?
- Mm-hmm.

Call me if you
need anything, okay? Anytime.

- Get well soon, bud.
- [Yusuf] Thanks, man.

It's okay, I'm here.

Are you all right?

I was really scared, to be honest.

That's good.

[both chuckling]

[music fades]

[Lale] Here you go.

Come here, come here, yeah.

[Lale] Hm.

[emotional piano music playing]

You're very beautiful. I just...

I adore you.

This is what I live for, you know?

All day long I deal with a lot of idiots,

then I close my eyes...

Your lips are all I can think about.

I mean it.

But I still get the impression
you're a little furious. Is that the case?

What's up?

[Kenan sighs]

[music stops]

You're the one that got me
involved with those newbies.

You know that kid soared though,

like an eagle, you really
can't argue with that, you know?

I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you,

experiencing some
psychological response is normal, Kenan.

Don't you remember how I was?

- I used to get so nervous.
- [Kenan chuckles]

- At least you never passed out.
- [Lale giggles]

Right? Hm?

You never screwed up the show.

Because you were right in front of me.

I was looking into your eyes.

Maybe the problem with the kid

is that he has not yet met the Kenan

who is meant to be in his life.

[Lale] Hm?

[emotional piano music playing]

[bird chirping]

[cell phone ringing]

Hello, Güliz?

Have you lost even more weight?

Maybe I have. I really have no idea.

But you must have been
working hard, that's for sure.

[Aslı chuckles]

Gül and you are just raking in the
big bucks from that lousy show, right?

I heard all about it.

Uh... so why exactly
did you want us to meet?

Hon, well, the reason
I called to meet you...

Oh, just a second...

Excuse me. Over here, please.

Do you have any
sweets or desserts to offer?

- Like a chocolate cheesecake?
- Yes. We do.

- Okay, I'll have that. Thanks.
- [waiter] Certainly.

I need a sugar rush since
I'm starting to feel weak.

What was I talking about?

- Well, the reason, you know?
- Yeah!

We want you as second anchor.

We're shaking things up at The Other Side.

We'll have two anchors now.
You'll have the second chair. Interested?



Ugh, c'mon! Will you please
just stop acting so reluctant, Aslı?

The moment I told you, you started
to wag your tail like a happy puppy.

So, just please, say yes already.

Of course...

I certainly would love to
go back to news anchoring.

All right then. Just do what you need to

and you can start next week.

To be honest, I'm not exactly thrilled
about this two-anchor idea, y'know?

In the end, it makes the star less bright.

But since my boyfriend asked for it,

I can't really say no.

Your boyfriend?

Yusuf and I have been dating for a while.

And he's in charge of the show's format.

I mean, if this is what
he wants to do to himself,

there's nothing I can do.

Mmm. By the way, this is good stuff.

Really good.

[Aslı laughs]

I didn't know.

I'm happy... for you.

I know, right? Normally,
you should've heard about it, right?

But the gentleman prefers
to keep it under wraps.

He thinks it could hurt our image.

We're a great match.

Actually, I'm hoping
for a ring on my finger!

This cheesecake is absolutely delicious.

Would you like me to order one for you?

Excuse me! We'd like
another one of these, please.

[waiter] Absolutely.

Yeah, I have to admit that things
happened between me and my sister-in-law.

- Yes, it did.
- [woman sobbing]

[audience jeering]

My wife was at her mother's place,

her sister brought some soup over.
One thing led to another...

You're a disgusting pig!
You do that in our house, with my sister?

You're pathetic, she's family!

[continues sobbing]

[man] Let me get this straight.
You're saying this is my fault?

Didn't I tell you
we shouldn't let her into our home?

[audience muttering]

[husband] I'm sure you
have no idea what it is,

but have you ever thought about
taking an empathetic approach?

[Gül] You, co-hosting a news show?


How far have you come
to return to The Other Side?

That's the offer.

A two-anchor format.

Dearie, after everything
we've done on this talk show,

don't you think that
when the audience sees you there,

they won't find it a bit weird?

I mean, reporting the news
is serious business.

I'm just giving you the heads up, Gül,

I don't need your opinion.

All right, dear, I mean,

you said you were thinking about it.

Go ahead, and think about it.

Hello, dear!

Not now. Get out.

- What the hell?
- Out, out, get out I said!

[woman] Get out, come on, people.
Shoo, shoo, shoo, faster.

The door! You left the door open.

[door slams]

Why Aslı and why a two-anchor
format? Why didn't you ask me that?

This is what Yusuf wanted.

We wanted to tell you as
soon as Aslı said yes.

To give me no choice in the matter?

Hold on a second. Hold on a sec...

[call waiting beeps]

Let me call you back.
And this isn't over, Güliz.

Kenan speaking.

Well, you know what?
I hope God strikes her down.

[Aslı] Mr. Seyfi...

[Seyfi] I really hope
God strikes her down!

Just please refrain
from talking like that.

Just stay calm and keep your cool
while you're telling us your story.

Whatever it is, we'll figure
something out. Okay? Please, continue.


[dramatic music playing]

Campaign workers are diligently striving
to secure victory for their candidates,

- as the city of Istanbul... Um...
- [cell phone vibrating]

The city of, uh...

- [inaudible]
- [music continues]

[Gül] Have you made up your mind?

[music fades]

I'm still unsure.

[Gül] Hmm.

I'm leaving right now.
I mean, I'm leaving and quitting.

My attorney will call yours tomorrow.


[dramatic music resumes]


[door opens, closes]


- That guy...
- Mm.

certainly knows how to make
the most tasty pickled tunny in Türkiye.

- Wow!
- [Kenan laughs]

Lale, are you gonna say something?


Don't you have something to share with me?

What do you want me to say, Kenan?

- I'm happy with the way things are.
- [sighs]

I'm really enjoying this new medium.

There are no financial issues,
no networks, no studios,

no one to answer to. No bosses. No one.

And I get to interact
with the public openly.

Lale, spare me, for heaven's sake.

This investment is going to be
the largest ever made in this country.

Do you understand what that means?

This won't be some old fucker's money now.

This is like receiving money
from another dimension.

Infinite possibilities
with infinite freedom.

This is what we've always wanted.

This is an enormous offer, Lale.

And they want you to be their public face.

If I were in your shoes,
I'd be jumping up and down with joy.

And who's the director?

I guess it'll be some foreigner.

I mean, someone from abroad,
not a local person.

At least, that's the impression I've got.

[Lale sighs]

Come on then.

- Come on what?
- Are we gonna stay at home?

Should we go elsewhere? I mean...
Come on.

[sighs] All right, I'll go get changed.

- Go on.
- Fine.

[Lale laughs]

["Come Together" by Blair Booth playing]

[bartender] Kenan,
the usual coming up, sir.

You go ahead, I'll be right with you.

[dance music playing]

I'll be back in a minute.



You really look gorgeous.

Of course I do. Like always, right?

You look great, too.

Like you always do.

So, what's up with you?

I've been following you,
and your ratings are amazing.

You've got another hit show on your hands.

- But surely...
- But surely... [scoffs]

It's not journalism, is it?

You are not a fan.

I've cut down on
my crude remarks significantly.

I don't judge anymore.

- You don't judge now?
- Nope.

Oh, my... [chuckles]

Lale's ludicrous metamorphosis.


What happened?

Have you got the desire, like I do,

to grab life by the horns
with your bare hands?

Because it's not like you to be
out this late in a place like this.

[Lale chuckles]

So, you received an offer.

I'm happy for you. Congratulations.

I did, it's true.

I was hoping to be considered
by this hot new network...

But naturally, you were like
a shining star outshining everyone.

Lale Kiran,

a tale that stretches through the ages.

It's life.

I know, right?

It's life.

You should live it up, huh?

We all should. After all,
we only live once, don't we?

Mm-hmm. What about you?
Will you accept the offer?

I'm not sure.
I'll just go with the flow, I guess.

And you?

I bet you'll be giving it
way too much thought.

Taking every little detail
into consideration.


- Whatever.
- [Lale laughs]


Have fun, dear!

- Ooh!
- [Lale] Be careful!

[narrator] The bird is itching
for a showdown with the lion.

This is how it defines itself.

This is the sole path
it can embrace to exude superiority.

That's why it provokes the lion,
enticing it to rejoin the game.

Each time it eagerly exclaims,
"Come on, bring it on."

What the hell is that, huh?

Thank you, honey.


[man on TV] I wish we never found him,
but we did. Somehow we got a hold of him.

[Aslı] I get that, Seyfi, I do.

Tell me your side of the story.
What happened?

A magical love began, you met
on the internet, then you two...

You're watching this piece of garbage now?

Just taking a look.

Well, you shouldn't.

I'm gonna find you
something great to look at.

[speaker beeps]

[Seyfi] The love struck like lightning,
it was disastrous though.

The car's gone, the apartment's gone.

["Lonely" by Sam Sklair
playing on speaker]

[song continues]

Do you think I grab life
by the horns with my bare hands?


You have the ability
to hold fire with your bare hands.

- That's why I adore you all the more.
- [Lale laughs]

[Lale giggles]

[anxious music playing]

[narrator] When the bird
goes back to the woods,

it knows that the woods
are an infinite enigma.

[Aslı] Don't look at me!
What are you staring at?

I'm leaving, okay?

Don't I deserve some applause? Hm?

You pieces of shit.
You're all f*cking assholes, okay?

There, I said it!

I don't give a damn
whether any of you burn in hell!

[narrator] It's like
a blindfolded wanderer,

unaware of the lurking perils
ready to pounce.

And that's precisely why the predator
bird has developed a sense of fear.

Yeah, you know, these days
I've really stepped up my Pilates game.

But that's how
it should be, don't you think?

I honestly do think that
you look amazing, ma'am.

Thanks, darling.

You look a little slimmer, as well.
You should keep that up.

Welcome back, ma'am.

Well, thank you.

I was really happy to hear
that we'd be working together again.


So was I.

Oh! Ali, Nunu, how are you guys doing?

I've missed you so much.

[tense music playing]

[Güliz] Take that painting down now.

[melancholy music playing]

[woman] A lot of people
came and went after you left.

Even good old Mehmet quit.

So, you see that things have changed
a lot since the last time you were here.

Aslı, ma'am. Are you all right?


[music stops]

Yeah. How could you ask me that?

Yeah, I'm all right.
Great even. Isn't it obvious?

Get me a cup of coffee,
I'll be back in a minute.

[woman] Sure.


Hi, Aslı. Can I help you with something?

You don't have a story meeting anymore?

We just finished it and everyone left.

This is your room, ma'am.

Mm-hmm. Thank you.

We're looking for
a good personal assistant for you.

Do you need anyone
with specific qualifications?

Or maybe you'd like to
interview the candidates yourself.

Oh, no, I don't want an assistant,
I don't need one. I'm good.

- Are you saying that you have your own...
- No, I don't.

It's just that I like
working alone better.

Okay then, ma'am, whatever you like.

- Welcome back then.
- Thanks a lot.

If you need anything, I'll be next-door.

Is Yusuf available?

I think he left already
and won't be back until late.

He's got meetings to attend.

I see, thank you.

You're welcome.

[door closes]



I didn't see you there. Welcome back.

Yusuf is out right now.

Yusuf and Güliz have
been dating for a while.

Why was I not made aware of this?

Hale, damn it, what the
hell am I paying you for?

But I wasn't sure.
They haven't told anybody.

They get along fine, but dating?

Fine, whatever.

But you're in love with Yusuf, aren't you?

Don't think I didn't notice.

You always ask about him.

Now Güliz and Yusuf are dating,

the whole career vs. love debate
gets played out!

Don't worry, I'll keep you
in the loop about what's happening.

I've got your back.

Absolutely, Hale.

We're a team you and I, aren't we?

Keep up the good work.

I have to make a few phone calls,

we'll talk later, okay?

Okay, no problem.


[door closes]

Hello? Aslı Tuna speaking.

That's right, I started
working here today, thank you.

Nice to be here again.

I was wondering if you could help me.

I'm calling about a junior reporter
at the newsroom, Hale İleri.

I need you to
terminate her contract, please.

[dramatic music playing]

Our former working relationship
was not a favorable experience for us.

But if you need a statement...

I don't think you need one
since I am asking.

Thank you for your help.
We should get coffee together, um...

Sure. See you.

[dramatic music continues]

I thought I was going to meet
with the Asia regional director.

Let me explain it.

They delegated
the organizational processes to us

'cause we know this region so well.

Oh. I see.

Well, I don't mind at all, you know.

I guess then, we can begin.

All right then.

The thing is, uh,

as stated here, the proposed position
is for Chief Operating Officer.

But as you are probably aware,
at channel mon5, I served as CEO.

And so, it seems like I've been given
a less prestigious position.

Well, is that a problem for you?

[intriguing music playing]

Then here's to a new and exciting journey.

- Likewise.
- [both chuckle]

[suspenseful music playing]

[footsteps echoing]

[Aslı] Hello everyone,
and good luck to you all.


- Aslı, ma'am, do you need your phone?
- You keep it for now, thanks.

[sound muffling]


[sound returns]

Oh, hi there sir, I'm Aslı.

- Özgür.
- Nice to meet you.

I'll take that.

[intense music playing]

[dreamy music playing]

Thank you.

[man] Welcome back, man.

It's good to be back, thank you.

Here we go.

- Welcome back.
- [Yusuf] How are you, Özgür?

- Great. And yourself?
- Good. How was the start of our day?

- Good.
- [Yusuf] Okay.

Yup, I got that.

[Nunu] Yusuf, are you all right, buddy?

Yeah, my man, and you?

Kenan isn't around?

He's not coming. I mean, I'm not sure.

[Yusuf] Huh, okay, uh...

You're all set, sir.

Okay. Thanks, much appreciated.

- You got it.
- I'll see you.

- [Nunu] We're going live in five.
- [Yusuf] All right.

[Nunu] Three, two, one, you're on Yusuf.

Good evening everyone.
Welcome back to The Other Side.

As we ride the wave
of this unexpected Indian summer,

we'd like to extend a warm welcome

with an exciting new development
from our end.

From now on, our show will,
in fact, have two anchors.

And right beside me is someone
I'm sure you all know very well.

Cam 2, on Aslı.


[dramatic music playing]

Büşbüş has been found.

[Yusuf] When you are sleeping,
no one can tell that you're crazy.

- Are you a psychopath, a mad woman?
- [Aslı] I don't think I have a problem.

There I was, setting up a table for you.

I think you need to
see a doctor, very soon.

You're in serious need of a good therapy.

[Aslı screaming]

[Yusuf] That's a shame.
So you basically fell in love with me?

You animal! assh*le!

- What is it?
- You made fun of me!

- What's wrong?
- You enjoy it?

Don't you feel a little happy for me?

Get the f*ck out! Out!

Good evening, everyone. I'm Aslı Tuna.

I've missed working
in this great environment.

The fact is, I can't even
describe how happy I am.

And I'm very excited and overjoyed
to be appearing on your TV screens

after all this time apart.

Wonderful. Once again, welcome back.

Thanks a lot Yusuf.

- Should we begin our first segment?
- Of course.

[melancholy piano music playing]






[dramatic music playing]

[car horns honking]

What the heck
took you so long, sweetheart?

Get in. Come on.

[music fades]

Thank you for coming.
It was good to meet you guys.

- Thank you.
- Goodbye.

Have a good day, and good luck.

- [man] Hi.
- Hi...

Thank you very much.

- Goodbye, ma'am.
- Thanks.

How do we celebrate?

What do you mean?

- Celebrate what?
- Excuse me?

What? Are we gonna
accept the offer, Kenan?

Lale, are you sure you're alright?

What is that supposed to mean?

This opportunity and money
are extraordinary.

We're gonna come back
like a speeding b*llet.

They're asking me to shut down
my channel. You can't be serious.

- So what?
- So what?

Lale don't compare your
tiny channel with theirs. It's absurd.

It's absurd? You mean that?

- Okay, I'm going home now.
- We'll talk at home.

No, you're not coming.
I don't want you home.

[tense music playing]


Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.

[door opening]

How are you?

Fine. You?

I'm fine.

Did you see the ratings?

We're up by 1.5 points.

So I heard.



Thank you, appreciate it.

But Lale asked me to replace her.
I haven't really...

Not that, Yusuf.

Um, Güliz.

[melancholy piano music playing]

You and Güliz are together, apparently.

We are, yeah.

In fact...

- In fact what?
- [door opening]

Ah, there you are,
the girls said you'd be here.

Dinner with my dad, tonight.

Aslı, they called.

Nilgun from marketing
is apparently swamped, but I don't care.

Please check that for me.

Hey, love.

[Yusuf] Oh, by the way, um,
I've got plans for tonight.

I'm sure it's fine if you put that off.

I was wondering,
do you guys know each other?

I know you guys worked
at the same network simultaneously,

but back then my sweetheart
was as coy as a shy fawn.

But I've known Aslı for a while now.

You asked her to be here,
but you should be careful, honey.

Güliz, we've already
had this conversation, haven't we?

Still, I thought it'd be good
to say it when the lady's around

because she happens
to be a little vixen, so...

Anyhow, you'll get acquainted,
and bond anyway. All right, see you!

Uh, see you around, then.

Sure thing.

[door opens]

["Yaşıyorum Sil Baştan"
by Ari Barokas playing]

It's a date!

You're here to see me, Lale, aren't you?

What? What?

I see you've got that
sly as a fox look on your face.

What is it
you're overthinking this time, eh?

Look at me, my life's
in shambles beyond belief,

but I'm still kicking,
drowning my sorrows.

[Lale laughing]

Good for you, have fun with it.

Also, it was a good show, congratulations.

So? Did you tell them no?

I heard they made you a wicked offer,
and that's for one season only.

Let's say I don't know... yet.

You're saying you don't know
when in fact you're shaking in your boots.

Just take the deal.

Take it and let's battle like before.

Don't be so scared, Lale.

I promise you,

you've started to look like
a bad version of yourself.

Grow a pair already.

- You think so?
- I do.

Now it's our turn, y'know,
the new generation, generation Z.

You guys are welcome to attack us.

Go ahead, but then we'll see the fur fly.

Give it your best shot,

with all your self-righteousness
and ethical babble.

We'll have to wait and see.

[song continues]

[Kenan] I talked to them earlier.

They agreed to back down
from the clause to shut your channel down.

And also...

[Kenan inhales]

[soft piano music playing]

Will you promise
to never stop loving me, all right?

I'm sorry.

Apology accepted.

Don't, if you dare.


I love you.

And I love you. So much.

[narrator] The king,
having the support of his lieutenants,

is also obliged
to protect them, just like cubs.

To preserve its composure,

the lion may find it necessary
to conceal their anxiety.


Here we are. A new chapter.

One final round.

One season.


[inhales sharply]

One last round. I'm in.

I thought this through.
We'll get Nunu and Ali.

We'll create our own style.

The people we're dealing with
are not the type to oppose this.

We won't be dealing with any
of those old fart shareholders.

[narrator] That's why the lion
has to face their demons alone.

With only one ace up the sleeve,

one trump card
they always carry with them.

Their pride.

But first, we need to close the deal.

Do you trust me?

[Kenan kisses]

I do.

Good morning. Welcome, Mrs. Gül.

Please, your office is that way.


[tense music playing]

[knocking on door]

May I come in?

- Sure.
- My name is Nihal, ma'am.

Since we're just getting started,
I've been put in charge of orientation.

Well, how are you? Are you comfortable?
Anything I can help you with?

No, I'm fine. Thanks.

I just haven't met the CEO.

Um, as you know, our orientation
will be at twelve o'clock.

It's actually a meeting for introductions.

You can find all the info
in your company email.

Perfect. Thanks for your help.

Once again, good luck, ma'am.

[intense music playing]


[music fades]

- Hi there.
- Hi, ma'am.

Uh, Lale hasn't arrived yet?

She must be in traffic,
she'll be here shortly.

I think there's a good chance
Lale will do more than one season.

You'll lay a strong foundation here
that will stand the test of time,

like The Other Side. I can feel it.

[Gül sighing]

[clears throat]

What is it?

Nothing, Kenan. Enough.

Something's wrong. I know you.

You can tell me.

I'll tell you later.


[door opens]

[Nihal clears throat] Uh...

I'd love to give you a welcome speech,

I mean, that's actually
one of my favorite things to do.

But, um, I'm sure our CEO
will give you the best speech ever.

[door opening]

Hello. Hi, guys. I'm sorry I'm late.

I apologize.

Have a seat, Mr. Emre. You're not late
because our CEO is not here yet.

[suspenseful music playing]


Please, Ms. Müge,
I was just talking about you.

[Müge] Nihal, thank you, dear.

Meet our new CEO in person.

[tense music playing]


Hey, hello.

I'm sorry I'm late.
The traffic was terrible...

[choir vocalizing dramatically]

[choral music fades]

[tense music playing]