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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 04/11/24 09:52
by bunniefuu
"Perception is reality."

[Piano music playing]

News anchor of the year
lale kiran

a different perspective in newscasting


[Girl exclaims]

Principles of journalism with lale kiran

[Male narrator] this is a story
of a hunter and its prey.

a story of a lion in the woods

and a bird of prey flying
high above the canopy.

[Man] everyone, lale kiran is here.

please find a seat in the auditorium.

[Narrator] she is the lion.

the ruler of the jungle.
The one with all the power.

she could never imagine
being k*lled by a small bird.

she's at the top.

and since she's at the top,
she can't see what's beneath her.

Imagine someone is doing something
they want hidden from the public eye.

For us, that is news.

We take that news, and we report it.

Who cares which side controls
that information or who it could upset.

We as journalists don't concern ourselves
with any of that.

But in the end,
the most important thing to remember is...

Do you know?

[Audience titters]

I see you're a little shy.
That's okay. I'll say it.

The important thing is
that your information is true.

There's one truth in most situations.

We can't care about what the audience
believes, heard, or want to see.

This isn't about putting on a show.

The news should be the truth.

[Özge] yeah, she just finished. Uh-huh.

That's impossible.

The traffic is bad right now.

Then we'll skip makeup.

Right, then meet us at the entrance.

Say again?

Of course. As always, she was fantastic.

All right, bye-bye.

- I'm gonna use the restroom.
- I'll wait by the door.

- So no one bothers you.
- Thanks.

It's occupied.
Could you wait five minutes?

Just five minutes.

I'm pregnant. I don't think I can wait.

Oh, sorry. Go ahead, then.

[Suspenseful music]

[Lock clicks]

Miss kıran?

Hello there.

Lale, I've been following you
since the beginning of your career.

I watched you when I was 11 years old
and decided I wanted to be a journalist.

When I turned 18, I saved all my money
to get a pencil skirt like yours.

My mom called me ridiculous, saying
I was too young to wear a skirt like that.

But I studied hard
to get into journalism school.

All I wanted was the chance to meet you.

I can't believe this is happening,
that you're right here.

This might be the happiest day of my life.
I really think I'm your biggest fan.

[Lale] I see.

You need to set more realistic goals
for yourself.

You should be chasing after
news stories, not me.

[Lale] good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Once again, we have a lot to discuss.

We have a great deal of breaking news
from inside and outside the country today.

Tonight, we'll cover all of it
and talk to live guests.

We're here to deliver the news you want

With the most details.

I'm lale kıran.

And this is the other side.

With lale kiran

Unbiased - modern - reliable - effective
accurate time - accurate information

Absolute truth

The other side with lale kiran

Hello. I'm here for the intern position.

My name's aslı tuna.

Let me check you in.

I don't see your name.
Everyone's already here. They're inside.

Uh, there's no way.
Cuneyt told me to check in.

He said, "they'll be waiting for you."
Here. I'll just show you.

they'll be waiting for you

If you want, I can call him
and tell him to ask lale kıran.

It's okay. Go in.

[Phone ringing]

Yeah sure. We'll break that news tomorrow.

Are you nervous?

Not really.

My family and kenan's are neighbors.

We vacation together.

He told my dad,
"we'd like to see guliz with us."

So here I am. We'll see.

I'm not sure about it.

I heard working here is great.
Lots of perks.

And I'm here with cuneyt's recommendation.

Are you two crazy?
I mean, this is like real madrid.

Just being an intern here is a big deal.
Your résumé will stand out.

If you survive the internship,
they'll hire you full-time.

Nothing can stop you after that.

Especially if someone's
pulling some strings.

No one is pulling strings, okay?
This is just a job interview.

Both sides size each other up.

We check them out. They check us out.

Well, it's müge who makes the decisions.

- These guys are just assistants.
- I don't think they care for young people.

The guy who just went in got told
he couldn't keep his face off his phone.

So anyway,

See you guys in a minute.
Müge wants me to say hi.

Thanks for the reminder.

What the hell? You actually know müge?

[Dramatic music playing]

♪ chain reaction, fallen dreams ♪

♪ you can hear the silence ♪

♪ turn into screams ♪

Müge türkmen
editor in chief

♪ are you ready? Are you ready? ♪

♪ are you ready? Ready for w*r? ♪


- Yes, that's me. And you are...
- It's aslı.

We met at sakli the other day.
We talked about berlinale.

It turned out we were there
at the same time in 2018.

It was late when we talked,
so it makes sense if you don't remember.

No, I'm sure you're right. I'm just busy.

- And didn't remember you.
- What's that?

- Uh... An article for editing.
- Why don't I take it over for you?

I just finished my interview.
I'll be your new intern from now on.

Oh, really?

Well, good luck to you.

- Thank you so much.
- Your first assignment can be from me.

♪ are you ready? Are you ready? ♪

♪ are you ready? Ready for w*r? ♪

Um... I'm sorry.
There might be a misunderstanding.

Müge told me
to take this article to editing.

Sorry, who are you, miss?

I'm a new intern.

Müge put me to work.

The editor in chief did?

Mon5 - intern

[Narrator] this w*r is between
a lion and a bird.

a w*r between ego

and blind ambition.

one side draws its power from fame,

and the other uses
its power of invisibility.

the bird doesn't care about fighting fair.

to win, it must use tricks.

that's the only way
a tiny bird can take down a lion.

the bird doesn't care about morals.

Closer to my goal.

I took my first step
into the other side studio!

Choose profile

it will try everything.

it will do anything.

because a w*r is not won
by being righteous.

it is won by who wants it more.

and the lion is oblivious.

[Selim] what are you doing?

Stop that.

Oh my gosh.

- How are you?
- I'm fine.

I spaced out tonight.

Did you notice?

- During the professor's interview?
- Oh, gosh. You did notice.

No, I didn't. I promise you.

- Did kenan say something?
- No, he didn't.

Then it's fine.

Are the girls asleep?

Melisa's in bed. But mila's straggling.

I'll go talk to her.


[In french] tell me, how was your day?

[In english] do I really have to
speak french now?

If you don't practice,
you'll forget it, honey.

[In french] come on!
Let's talk about something.

[In english] I don't think
we always have to work so much.


[In english] fine.
I guess tonight we can take a break.

Mwah, mwah, mwah!

Kenan called.

He says you shouldn't do speeches anymore.
They make you space out.

Shit. I guess he noticed.

Don't tease me!

- I see you opened the pool.
- Yeah, we did.

The girls were excited.

You should go for a dip.
I think it'd be good for you. Go on.

I'm way too tired.

Can you hold me?

Good morning. It's seven o'clock.

It may seem quiet right now,
but don't let that fool you.

In a few minutes, you'll find yourselves
swamped with almost no down time.

At eight o'clock is the news briefing
led by lale.

Make sure you're awake and attentive
at this meeting.

Don't goof around at all

Or bring in half-baked ideas.
Also, any unnecessary comments

Will not be tolerated.

These halls are long.
So waste no time moving between offices.

For example, this hall is 47 steps long.
Forty-seven steps you cannot waste.

That's why you need to learn to read
while you walk.

Editor in chief is müge türkmen.

Story pitches go through her,
and she funnels them up to kenan. Got it?


he's the producer of the show.

He's been with müge and lale
since the beginning of their careers.

Kenan sees everything.
But your job is to stay out of his sight.

Because if he sees you,
that probably means you're in trouble.

And lale kıran.

Never set foot in this office.

Even if someone pours gas on you,
sets you on fire,

And your only means of rescue is in there.

- Don't go in. Understand?
- Okay.

What is lale actually like?

What does she do during the day?
Can you tell us about her?

I can spare three more minutes for you.

Today's a good day, so I'll share.

[Alarm beeping]

[Özge] her life is extremely well managed.

she arrives at exactly
the same time every day.

first, she gets a briefing.

she knows everything, I mean everything,
about the broadcast beforehand.

she doesn't like sitting,
and her news meetings are super fast.

Let's stay out of it. Too risky.

[Özge] she and kenan
have their own language.

they don't even need to speak
to understand each other.

happy hour.

i'm not talking about drinks.

between four and six o'clock,
lale picks up her kids from school.

that's her private time,
and it's impossible to reach her.

hence the name happy hour for us.

because even if the world were on fire,
we'd be unable to reach her,

so we have nothing to do.

[Speaking french] melisa.
Give it to me, honey. Come on.

[Özge] long story short,
lale kıran works hard.

There's no one else like her.

I've been working for her
for a long time, and she is incredible.

Every day, I admire her more and more.


That's gul.

She's the ceo.

Lale and her are close friends.

They spend every weekend together.

Though I'm not gonna say much about her

Because kenan and lale are the only ones
she talks to most of the time.

There was this one time
she nodded at me, I think,

But I'm not totally sure.
Maybe she was just stretching her neck.

Lale has entered the building.
So ciao, darlings.

Someone prepare lale's coffee, please.

[Narrator] there is a great crowd of fans
around the lion.

their numbers offer protection.
And they please the lion.

but because of that crowd,

the lion loses sight of impending dangers.

- What do you think?
- Don't be ridiculous, kenan.

Your current one is barely a year old.
It's not you at all.

Yasin's gonna buy it.

He's such a show-off.

I've been craving stuffed mussels.

You have no idea.

I actually dreamed about them.

You and i, we were in kıyıköy
stuffing our faces two at a time.

[Enver] they want us at the studio.

Oh, okay. I'll be right there.

By the way, just so you know...

Lale and kenan used to be a thing.
You know, young love.

They knew each other
from their summer places in kıyıköy.

In fact, nihan was telling me

He was the first person lale slept with.


Don't you think it's a bit rude to gossip?

I know about their past.
It's not like that.

- Well, that's what nihan told me.
- [Clicks tongue]

Sounds really nice.

You're doing everything in your dream?

What's the worst that could happen
if I went to the buffet and had some?

I don't know.

The girls told me
it was getting harder to zip you up.

Let's see your neck.

- I see a little something there.
- Oh, come on!

My weight hasn't changed at all. Please.

Do you know this girl?
She has three million followers.

- More internet celebrities?
- Influencer.

Influencer, internet celebrity.
What's it matter?

They're the same.

They're famous for maybe three years tops.

They can't even name what their job is.

You still think this is all nonsense.

But for this generation,
it's reality, lale.

These guys are here, and they're for real.

For gen x, we're on the top.

For now.

But they're on their way up.

As the crow flies.

Maybe you're making this
a bigger deal than it is.


If you have other plans for this girl,
do whatever you want at some other venue.

But do not drag me into this mess.

Oh, come on. Not again.

- "Come on" what? Am I wrong?
- Our guest is out of the hospital.

- Really? That's great!
- Yes, it is.

- We'll start the show with him.
- Yes.



I'll check on nunu
since he was being dramatic.

Okay, but please don't be too hard on him.

I'll handle it.

Hi, kenan.

Hello, there. I'm aslı, your new intern.


- You have really nice eyes.
- Thank you so much.

[Narrator] it's not just one day.

the lion must prove
it belongs on top every day.

it must win.

every single day is a battle.

because every time
the world looks to the lion,

the world says,
"show me. Why are you on top?"

it must rise to the challenge,

prove that it belongs as the true ruler.

Good luck to everyone tonight.

- Here.
- Everything all set?

The other side

Come on, stop moving around. Hurry.

Monday, tuesday,
wednesday, thursday, friday.

[Nunu] camera 2, move left. Just a bit.

Yeah, right there.

Hurry up.

- And five, four, three, two, one.
- Lale on air.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I am lale kıran.
Welcome to the other side.

Today, turkey was shocked
by a tragic event.

Father of three nuri güvenir
set himself on fire today.

This occurred in front of the factory
where he was unjustly laid off.

The authorities and his former colleagues
were able to intervene just in time,

And nuri only suffered minor burns.

Nuri güvenir was released
from the hospital earlier today

After receiving treatment for his wounds.

And now, to talk about the events
as they happened,

Nuri güvenir will speak his mind with us
in the studio live tonight.

- Roll the clip.
- Come this way. Here.

Now, don't be nervous.

You're okay.

This is your seat.

Here we go.

You're back on, lale.

[Lale] nuri güvenir was laid off from
the factory he had worked at for 28 years,

Only one year away
from reaching retirement.

Now, nuri, I want to say
I'm so sorry, but welcome.

We'd like to hear from you
about what happened.

It's all slander.

I worked there for years.

I didn't steal anything.
I just worked there.

They said I stole from the factory,
but I didn't do it.

[Lale] we don't take sides here.

Call security. This guy is unhinged.

They left the scrap over there.
Off to the side, so I took it out back.

- You did?
- Mm-hmm.

So then what did you do?

- The scrap dealer was there.
- Uh-huh.

- He told me he could take it.
- Uh-huh.

So you sold it.

To the dealer. Is that wrong?

- Whose side are you on?
- No, I'm on nobody's side.

No, wait. I'm only...

- No one is trying...
- What did you call me here for?

- To bash me?
- We're not accusing you of anything.

We don't take sides. We're here to listen.

- Then why did you assume that I sold it?
- I promise that isn't what I meant.

Please forgive me. You misunderstood.

Hey, did you call security?

- Hurry. Come on. Let's go.
- [Lale] we're going to take a break.

you seem a little upset.
During the break, you can calm down.

[Nuri] upset? Of course I'm upset.
They stripped me of my pride.

They took away my dignity. I have kids.

- Girls, time for bed.
- hang on.

wait a moment, please.

What side are you on? Huh? Whose side?

Please stop!

[Nuri] let go of me!

- [Lale screams] calm down!
- Stay back!

It's okay. Yeah. Mom told me about this.

Let's go. This is part of the show.

- No, not yet.
- Come here. Off you go. Come on.

Get away!


Stay back, or I'll sh**t her right now!

Stay back. Security, get off the stage.

- Nuri, please don't. I'm begging you.
- Get off the air!

Hold on. Nunu, don't cut it. Keep rolling.

[Lale] nuri, please.
Will you please calm down? Don't do this.

Okay, nuri. Okay, please listen to me.

I'm begging you. Please stop.

Stay calm and put the g*n down.

I won't put it down.

Nuri, please.

Look, you see
the studio is full of people.

And right now,
you're putting them in danger.

If it's okay, I want to let them leave
so they're safe.

Everyone can leave but the camera people.

Okay, sir, I'm staying right here.

We're still on air, but everyone get out
but the camera crew.

Please leave.

- Cameras are rolling, right?
- Yes.

- Move!
- Security, everybody, out.

Hurry. Hurry.

[Kenan] they're rolling. I'm right here.
I'm in charge of the cameras.

All right, continue, lale. Keep going.


Nuri here

Was fired from the factory

He worked at for 28 years,

Just one year from retirement.

I must tell you,

You can't imagine how many people
watching us right now

Can relate to your story.
You're not alone.

Listen, you can drop the g*n.

Tell them your truth.



I worked at that factory for 28 years.

For 28 years, I gave them my blood,
my sweat, my tears.

That scrap or whatever you call it...

The smallest of things...

Nuri, put down the g*n.

All right.


Now would you tell us your story?

You are... You're from mersin.
Right? That's what I was told.

- [Nuri] yes.
- And your parents?


My dad was a porter.

He carried the whole world
on his shoulders.

[Lale] bless him. And your mother?

you have four siblings, right?

- [Cop] where's the hostage?
- She's there.

- [Cop] is there another entrance?
- Follow me.

- [Lale] and?
- I have my own kids.

I have three of my own kids.

I'm not a thief. They stole my pride.

[Lale] we hear you.

I'm sure your kids are watching right now

And listening to your words.

They're aware
of the injustice you've faced.

Stay calm. The cops are here. Tell him
there's something wrong with his mic.

So my colleagues in the control room
have informed me...

Nuri, there seems to be
a problem with your microphone.

Not that.

It's the device on your back.
Something is wrong with that.

We believe all the commotion caused it.
You can't be heard clearly on the air.

We should fix it. Yeah. Please.

Move to the left.


[Women screaming]

[Cop 2] get down! Get down!

[Lale gasps]

It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.

[Grunting and sobbing]

[Relieved sigh]

It's okay. It's over.
Calm down. I'm here for you.

It's all right.

[Narrator] when you're at the top,

you never know who's watching
or what their plans might be.

you are open to danger.

when you're on top,
you and you alone become the prey.

it triggers a fiery jealousy.

that is the curse of being on top.

Are you hungry?

I could get us
those stuffed mussels you were craving.


Selim is probably worried.

- I told him I'd give you a ride home.
- Yes, but still.

Anyway, tonight was a big hit.
We're all the rage on social media.

We can talk later, kenan.

Thank you so much.

- Glad you're here.
- Likewise.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

- The girls?
- They're asleep. They didn't see it.

Oh, thank god.

- What were you trying to do?
- We didn't realize that the guy was drunk.

Whatever, kenan.

What's this lust for news?
Have you two lost your minds?

You have a family here, lale.

What do you think you're doing?
What if he had shot you?

- Selim!
- What?

Why didn't you go off air
and shut it down? Why take it so far?

Get the fucker off the stage.
Is it for ratings?

- You could have died, lale!
- Please, selim. Calm down.

Kenan, you can just f*ck off.

- Why didn't you go off air?
- The guy was insane.

Okay? I thought it would be wrong
to stop the broadcast.

Oh, come on!
Ratings are all you care about. Admit it!


You don't think you're being unfair?

This isn't about you.
It's our house, so you can go.

I can't even look at you right now.

I can't go.

For the girls.

I can't just leave them.

Then take the girls with you, selim.

Just go. Go to nice.

Mila will love it.


- Selim...
- It's okay.

I'll go get us some wine.

You go girl lale!
Lale is a hero! Lale is the best!

It takes courage to be a journalist!

[Narrator] winning is never enough
for those at the top.

they must protect what they've earned.

because the truth can be rewritten.

whoever makes history can easily alter it.

My friend at the network told me.

Lale kiran organized all this.

Lale's lie

The setup was so obvious

They've paid a lot for this

They bought the guy a house.

There's an audio recording of lale kiran
negotiating with nuri #scam

The g*n was a prop #laleslie
fake #dontbuyit

Did anyone believe this playact?

Shame on you
lale, this is below you

Shame on you
we didn't buy it anyway

You still call yourself a journalist?
They've paid a lot

Trending in turkey
# dontbuyit #scam #laleslie

Trending in turkey
# 1 - #scam


Did you see it?

[Phone beeps]

[Narrator] birds are not restricted
by the laws of the jungle.

shivers roll down the lion's spine.
It can feel something coming.

They offered him money

I can't believe it.
Shame on you.


taking shortcuts.

as the crow flies.

#1 - Scam