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02x33 - Stop Pretending / The Return of the King

Posted: 04/10/24 19:57
by bunniefuu
I know you haven't lost
your memories, Roa,

so you can stop pretending.

What are you talkin' about?

Why would I pretend
that I lost my memories?

That's a whole lot of weird
if you ask me.

So did Roa lose his memories
or what?

I can't tell
if he's acting or not.

[Mimi] Of course you can't,
because Roa

can out-sing anyone,
out-dance anyone,

even out-act anyone.

But if he's pretending, why?

[upbeat electronic theme music]

[girl 1] Is this part
of the show?

[girl 2] So good at so much.

[girl 3] I can't tell
what's what.

[girl 4] How are we supposed
to tell if he's acting or not?

Roa may deny it,

but he's dueling like he knows
Rush Duels inside out.

But why would he be fakin', bro?

Who knows?

Maybe it has something
to do with...


I just saw Roa's eyebrow pop up!

I think you're
on the right track, bro!


Yeah, his cousin.

I know who Romin is.

[Yuga] Ever since Romin
forgot about Rush Duels

she's been focusing
on her music

and it's really taking off!

But if she regains
her memories,

all that might stop.

[Gavin] You're right.
Knowing her,

she would do everything she can

to help us stop Yuga Goha

even if it means giving up
on her music career.


She'd put stardom
on the back burner

for her friends!

But is that really
what's best for Romin?

If we restore her memories,

her big break's
gonna come crashing down.

But if we don't restore
her memories,

she won't remember
that I'm her best friend.

I don't know what to do.

[Yuga] You might not,
but I think Roa does.

He's pretending
he doesn't know us

so he doesn't have to help us
restore Romin's memories.

Why would Roa do that
and let Romin go solo?

Unless it's so you can hog
the spotlight on your own!

Listen up.

Are you here to write a fan fic

or did you come here to duel?

Because you're doing a lot
of one and not the other.

C'mon, Roa!

Stop faking it!

-Fine, have it your way!

[grunts] I draw!

All right! Time to take
this duel to the max!

[intense electronic music plays]

Break through the atmosphere
at supersonic speed!

Ignite your engines to launch
an unbreakable bond!

Nothing will stop
my road to triumph!

I Maximum Summon!


Arise, Supreme Skystream
Magnum Overlord!


-[both] Check that out!

I return one card
in my graveyard to my deck

to activate its effect!

I not only get a monster back,

but you take 100 points
of damage

for each of his Levels!

-Next up...

After I set these two cards...

Magnum Overlord,

attack Royal Rebel's
Heavy Metal!

[shrieking yell]


You're not gonna stop the music
that easily!

I activated the trap card
Gig & Take!

It not only stops Heavy Metal
from being destroyed,

we also both gain life points

equal to the damage I took
from your attack!


That's a savvy move for someone

who's never Rush Dueled before.

I know.

-You can't trick us.

We've known you
long enough

to know
when you're not being real.

Not being real?

I feel pretty real.

C'mon now, Roa.

You can't even look me
in the eye when you say that.

You're not fooling anyone,
especially not your friends!

Why can't you just drop it?

Why can't you just let me
pretend that I lost my memories!

-Well, why not?!
-[all gasping]

I think we made him mad!

-Way mad!
-Super mad!

Big time mad!

He finally admitted

that he hasn't lost
his memories!

Sure did take you
long enough, bro.

You could've just talked
to us about Romin

instead of putting on
this act, Roa.

Yeah, you're right,
I guess I could've.

But this is about
more than just Romin.

It's about me too.

Uh... Roa?


When Otes chose you over me

and gave you
Sevens Road Magician,

I gotta admit
I did feel rejected.

And now, Romin's getting
her big break

with a major label
instead of me.

Don't get me wrong,
I'm really happy for her.

But I'd be lying if I didn't say
it hurts a little.

When things don't go
the way you hope,

you gotta make a change.

So when there was
a chance to start my life over,

I grabbed it.

Because if Yuga Goha
was mindwiping everyone...

you would believe my mind
was wiped too, right?

I was set to make a fresh start

but you had to drag
the past back to me.

I can't blame you.

After all, friends
should help their friends.

Even if it doesn't help me.

-Poor Roa. [grunts]

-It's okay, Roa!
-You're squishing me!

You'll always be our #1, Roa!

Forever and ever and ever!

-Yeah, what she said!

You don't need to start over.

We love you just the way
you are and always will!

You're the greatest!

You... love me
just the way I am?

Of course 'cause being you
is what makes you you,

and we'd never want you
to feel you can't be you!

If the sun never rose again,
it wouldn't matter

'cause you're the brightest part
of my day!

-[all] Yeah, mine too!
-But, Roa,

if there's one thing
you can do for us,

it's to win this duel!

[girl] Yeah!
Win the duel for us!

[crowd] Roa rocks!

Roa rocks!

Roa rocks!

Roa rocks!

Maybe I had it all wrong...

[chanting continues]

'Cause the best fans
in the world

can't be wrong, am I right?

-[all shouting]
-It's your turn.

I was so focused on
what was going wrong in my life

that I didn't see everything
that's going right!

And when I look at this crowd,

I see a lot more right
than wrong!

[all shrieking]

There's only one way
I can thank you

for helping me realize this

and that's by
winning this duel for you!

So who's ready to rock with me?!

-[all] We are!
-All right!

[both grunt]

Yuga! My fans want me to win,
and I never let my fans down!

Here goes!

I draw!

[tittering, shrieking]

I summon Royal Rebel's Guardian!

Then I'll activate its effect!

It'll count as two monsters
when I Tribute Summon!

I'm bringing to the stage

the monster that invaded
the hearts

of all my fabulous fans!

I tribute my Guardian
to Tribute Summon

Royal Rebel's Invasion!

[heavy rock music plays]


But, Yuga,
that is only step one.

That's right, Roa!

'Cause now you have what
you need to bring out a monster

that screams even louder.

Yeah, the real headliner
of the show!


Way to rock, Tyler,
and, um, er...

-It's Toombs!
-I tribute Invasion

and Heavy Metal
to Tribute Summon!

As his chords light up
the stage,

an eruption of energy
throws the masses

into a frenzied fury.


Scream in the spotlight,
Royal Rebel's Hard Rock!


-Hard Rock activates his effect!

You not only take damage
equal to the difference

between our two monsters'
attack points,

but Hard Rock also steals your
Magnum Overlord's attack points!

Bombarding Blast!


-Oh no!
-He's got 6,000 attack points!

I have enough damage
to end this duel!

And there'll be no encore!

[discordant rhythms play]

-This is so tubular!

-Thanks, Yuga.

I forgot for a while

that there's nothing wrong
with being me.

If things don't go my way,
I just gotta try harder.

'Cause in the end,
that's what'll get me the win!

Royal Rebel's Hard Rock,

attack Magnum Overlord
and bring home the victory!

Not so fast!

I activate Emergency Return!

This trap returns
Magnum Overlord to my hand

to dodge your attack!

Oh well, Yuga,
that ends my turn.

That was close.

You really almost
had me there, Roa.

Yeah, but knowing you,

I knew that you wouldn't
make it easy for me

and you didn't disappoint,

even though I truly did wish
that you kinda had.

This duel is so gnarly!

It's my turn. I draw!

I'm gonna Maximum Summon again!

Come on back,

Supreme Skystream
Magnum Overlord!

[both] Not that again!

Hey, I got this.

Maximum Monsters might be some
of the strongest in the game

but I got a trap card that works
extra great against them!

Now watch!

I activate
Distortion Chord Break!

Since you Special Summoned a
monster that's at least Level 7,

you have to send your entire
hand to the graveyard

and then draw five new cards!

His whole hand?

-[Yuga groans]
-Judging by that groan,

I bet one of those cards
is Sevens Road Magician.

-Am I right?
-[grunts, groans]

When that Magician
goes to the graveyard,

my trap's second effect

And it destroys
your Magnum Overlord, Yuga!



He destroyed it!

That is not good, bro!

At least I get to draw
five new cards

and they'll give me
a whole new chance.

Yeah, but it can't make up
for losing your Maximum Monster.

We'll just see about that!

I summon Sevens Road Wiz,

Sevens Road Enchanter

and Sevens Road Sorcerer!

[Roa] Sevens Road Sorcerer?

I've never seen
that monster before!

Pretty cool, huh?

And he can activate
an even cooler effect.

By sending all three monsters
to the graveyard...

he revives Sevens Road Magician
back to the game!

[grunts, laughs]

But that's not all.

My Sorcerer doesn't just
bring back my Magician,

he also brings back
my Sevens Road Witch!


I bet you can build a highway

with all the roads in your deck.

Now I activate
Sevens Road Magician's effect!

He gains 300 attack points!


Those are the two monsters
he used

in our previous duel
to defeat me.

But things are different
this time around.

History's not gonna
repeat itself, Yuga,

because my Hard Rock
is stronger

than both your monsters!

I know.

But I have this.

-What? Fusion?

[Yuga] A planet, a galaxy,

not even the whole universe
can block my way!

Nothing will stop my road
to infinity!

I activate Fusion!

Exist beyond
the dawn of creation

and the end of time
to forge the road of forever!

I Fusion Summon!

Master of the Sevens Road!

[intense dramatic music plays]

-A new Fusion Monster.

How many Sevens Roads
does Yuga have?

I've never seen
that Sevens Road before.

That means I'll be
the first to defeat it!

I activate Master
of the Sevens Road's effect!

He gains 300 attack points

for every Sevens Road
in my graveyard!

Yuga has seven different ones,

so it gains

That raises Master of the Sevens
Road's attack points to 5100!

And that means he can
now deal enough damage

to destroy your Hard Rock, Roa.

But ya know, I need to give it
a little boost

if I want to get rid of the rest
of your life points too!

Sevens Road Boost
gives him 200 attack points

for every monster
in my graveyard!

I don't like
where this is going!

Neither do I!

It's time,
Master of the Sevens Road!

Take out Hard Rock
and bring home the win!


Oh no!
Roa's gonna lose!

Ha. I activate
King's Management!

You get to draw a card,

but your Master
of the Sevens Road

loses 500 attack points

for every Fiend
that's in my graveyard.

[intense dramatic music plays]


Ultimate Sevens Magic Attack!




-No way!
-Roa survived that attack!

Yep, it takes a lot more
than one powerful attack

to topple the king!


I end my turn.


I can't believe
he was able to survive.

C'mon, it shouldn't be
that much of a shocker.

I was taught that there's
always a road to victory

if I never give up.

And I can't give up when I have

all these wonderful fans
rooting for me!

And of course my band!

You know, there's nothing
I love more

than seeing Roa up there
smiling on stage.

I wouldn't be smiling
if I didn't have you by my side.

By your side?
I thought we were your backup.

-[all laugh]

[Toombs] We're not just a band,
we're a family!

Forever and ever!

I don't have
many life points left,

but I'm still in this duel
and as long as I am,

I won't let this chance
go to waste!

Now all I gotta do
is rock this turn!

I summon Royal Rebel's Break
and activate its effect!

It Special Summons
Royal Rebel's No Wave

from my hand
in defense position!


Royal Rebel's Break
also gains 5 Levels

until the end of this turn!

Which now allows me to use it

and No Wave
to Tribute Summon this!


Here it comes, Yuga! Ha!

As the frenetic forces of metal
burn bright on stage,

his savage sound plunges
the world into darkness!

Stand tall and vanquish all
who cower before you!

[hisses, roars]

-Royal Rebel's...
-Doom Metal!


Your time's up, Yuga!

Doom Metal has an effect
that can destroy your monster!

So when he's gone,

you have nothing left
to defend yourself with!

-This duel's over!
-[Yuga] You sure?

I activate
Sevens Road Protection!

This trap prevents you
from using effects

to destroy my
Master of the Sevens Road!

[echoing] Hm.

[both] Oh no!

And when I have Sevens Road
Magician in my graveyard,

Doom Metal has to switch
to defense position.

-This means

Doom Metal
can't attack anymore!

That move would be
big trouble to most duelists

but I'm not most duelists.


I summon Followl
of the Dark Wisdom!

And then I activate
King's Greed!

By returning three monsters
in my graveyard to my deck

and switching Followl
to defense position,

I get to draw two cards.

Then I'll tribute
my two monsters

to Tribute Summon
the monster

you've all been waiting for!

All the way from the darkest
depth of the shadows and...?

[all] And forged by the fires
of anarchy!

[both] Fueled by screams
of rage!

Here he is,

the artist, the myth,
the legend,

Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal!

[intense dramatic music plays]


Now use his effect!

Slow down.

Heavy Metal
has a powerful effect

that can win him the duel

but it only works on monsters
that are Level 8 or lower.

And Yuga's monster is Level 9.

That is nothing for you
to worry about!

Because I got a field spell
that will take care

of that little problem!

I activate King's Style
to glitter the stage in gold!

All non-Fiend monsters,

like your Master
of the Sevens Road there,

lose three Levels!


Yuga's monster has
now dropped below Level 8!

That means Heavy Metal's effect
will now work!

This is still my stage, Yuga,
and don't you forget it!

[all cheering]


You've always been great,

but this is greater than great!

I love that you're shining
like never before!

Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal
activates his effect

to destroy
Master of the Sevens Road

and absorb
all his attack points!

Metal Scream of Malice!


Say bye-bye, Yuga!


Hold up!

Due to Sevens Road Protection's

Master of the Sevens Road
can't be destroyed!

You survived all my moves...
so far.

However, even with
your monster in play,

I still have enough
attack points to win the duel.

It's been a long time coming,

but it's time
for the grand finale!

-[crowd] Roa!

Heavy Metal, attack!

Headbanger's Bash!



[alarm blares]

And that's game!


Roa really knows
how to put on a show.

I think our band's gonna be
just fine, even as a trio!

[both laugh]

[sobbing joyfully]

You're the best, Roa!


-You okay?

You dueled great, bro!

Thanks, Luke.

[crowd cheering]

Congrats, Roa!

You earned today's victory

one hundred and ten percent!

It wouldn't be cool if I lost
to you twice in a row.

But if you ever want a rematch,
I'm game.

You're on!

[Mimi] How about right now?

-[crowd shouting "Yeah!"]
-Man, oh man.

Romin, I wish you could've
seen our duel.

[Yuran] This is amazing.

Yuo is searching through
every database in the world

at the same time just like
he used to be able to do.

Does this mean Yuo
has regained his memories?

Sadly, no.

He's working off
muscle memory.

Because while his memories
may still be gone,

his instincts aren't.

I can tell that
something inside him

is trying to piece together
a puzzle,

but what?

[upbeat electronic
theme music plays]

[music ends]