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02x30 - Rush Duel - Duel of the Rush / Daor of the Rush

Posted: 04/10/24 18:49
by bunniefuu
[thrilling music plays]

-[Nana giggling]

[Nana] Your card printer's
gone poof!

Not cool, bro!

[Yuga Goha]
That's only the first step.

[sinister laugh]

To make sure you can't take
my Monster Reborns

and use them against me,

I'm destroying
all my copies as well!

Now there's no way
you can restore

your friend's memories.

[laughs maniacally]

Monster Reborn is gone?

-That's not good.
-[Kaizo groans]

Well, you know,

it's not all doom and gloom.

[all gasp]

With that card gone,

Yuga Goha can't use it

to mindwipe anyone anymore.

And we're all better off
for that.

I guess that's true.

But Yuga, how are we supposed
to restore those

who've already lost
their memories like Asana?

[Seatbastian] And Nail as well!

And my poor Romin too!

Don't forget about Gavin.

How do we go about
helping them all?

-I don't know.
-[all gasp]

But let's find a way!

-Come on!
-[Luke] You said it, bro!


Who came up with the silly idea

of using Monster Reborn anyway?

Uh, actually, it was you, Luke.


So do you have any ideas?

If we can't restore
their memories,

then let's go and recreate
their memories!

[all] Recreate their memories?

[upbeat electronic theme music

[Yuga] What do you mean
recreate their memories, Luke?

If they got holes
in their brain,

then all we gotta do
is fill 'em back up

and they'll be back
to their old selves in no time!

Yeah, but how do you
build back memories?

It's not like
building a condominium.

We're gonna act out the moments

when they first learned
about Rush Duels!

Are you sure it'll work?

Of course, especially since

you're gonna have
a great director

who will help you nail
the performance of a lifetime!

Does this director's name

happen to start with an "L"
and end with an "uke"?

You know it, bro!

[all groan]

All right, everybody!

We're going to be putting on
a film for the ages

and I'm calling it
Rush Duel: Duel of the Rush!

Do you all have a copy
of my script?

" Rush Duel: Duel of the Rush.
Part one.

Act one. Scene one.

Yuga rides his bike to school
and runs into Gavin.

I mean, he meets Gavin,

he doesn't run
into him literally

because that would hurt, bro."

I'm not the only one worried
this will work, am I?

Hey, Yuga!

If we're trying to make
Romin and Gavin

remember about
Rush Duels again...

Isn't it best if we take them
to the spot

where you installed Rush Duels
for the first time?

Hmm. You're right!

Smart, bro!

If they see you dueling Otes,

they're totally gonna get
their memories back!

Hey, Otes! Come on out!

I need you to star in my film!

I don't think Otes
is here anymore,

because he lost
his memories too.

Oh, man!

He's never here
when you need him to be.

We won't be able
to act out the creation

of Rush Duels
without him being present.

And it's not just Otes.

We're missing many of the people
who were part of this story.

Well, I got a plan, bro!


Who should play Otes?


No! No, no.

No. Yes!

You're perfect!

I can see the spirit of Otes
in your eyes, Seatbastian!

What, you do?

[Luke] Next role,
Yuga's classmate!



Should I cast the human

or the bird?

Sorry, Pigetrap,
the role's Schubel's!

I won't let you down.

[Pigetrap coos]

[Luke] Next, the security drone!

Pick me!



Do you really need
to think this hard?

[Luke] And now
for the final role!


It's always been my dream

to play Yuga so I cast me!

But Luke,
maybe Yuga should play himself.

-I'd be honored.

Director, are you sure
we're done casting?

In order to recreate
the events exactly,

we need to get Romin
to the ruins,

where Otes first appeared.

In the original timeline,

she was there because Roa
sent her to spy on Yuga.

Yeah, you're right.

That means we need to get Roa
to tell Romin

to follow Yuga
down to the ruins.

But the thing is,

due to Yuga Goha,

Roa lost all his memories too!

[thrilling music plays]

So he won't tell Romin
to spy on me.

He's crucial to the story
just like Otes is,

but neither of them can help us.

Then I guess
I got one more role to fill!

Roa casting!

Hey, Roa!

Oops, sorry, Galian!

I totally mistook you for Roa

because you two
have the same vibe.

So how about you play him?

Are you off your rocker?

I might like to break rocks,
but I'm no rock star!

I'm saying no,
and no means no!

And you can't change my mind!
No, no!

[electric guitar chord plays]

[audience cheers]

[Galian] Sup, Romin?


I need you to spy

on that whippersnapper Yuga,
so get movin'!

Who are you?

I'm Roa.

You know, your cousin?

[smoothly] Roa!

[suspenseful music plays]

Hey! Wait!
Where are you going?

Uh, it's really me, Romin!

Time for Plan B!

Casting Romin!

You will not regret this, Luke!

I promise
I'll be the best Romin ever!

Thank you.

We might not be able
to help the real Romin

this time around,

so then let's start off
with Gavin.

Tomorrow, it's showtime!

[all cheer]

[Luke] Ready, set, action!

[upbeat music plays]

[Kaizo] Have a great day
at school

by following every school rule.

All 6,666... of them!

Warning! That is an unregistered
modified bicycle.

Unregistered modified bicycles
are not allowed

on school grounds
without prior permission.

Have you received permission
from the principal?

Uh, maybe!

-Hey, guys! [laughs]
-Morning, Yuga!

-Oh dear!

Another penalty?

It's not like I wanted one,

but that's what happens
when you live on the edge.


Pigekatz is right!

One more penalty
and you are donezo.

Don't remind me!

[Luke] They're doing great!

Now Gavin should be showing up

any time now.

-There he is!

You there! Rule 336.6 states

no running on school grounds.

Must I chew you out
about chewing gum?

Now, everyone, get to class

before you all get detention!
Let's move it!

Did I hear something about
another penalty,

Mr. Ohdo?

What did you do?

All I did was try
to load my code.

Code for a new way to duel,

which I call Rush Duel!

'Cause my code's the road
to freedom!

You should be ashamed
of yourself.

Mr. Ohdo,

I cannot believe
you deliberately

broke the rules!

Without rules and order,

this world will fall into chaos,

not to mention that

in three, and two, and one.

[bell chimes]

You are now officially late
for school!

I will see you at detention.

And do not be late for that!

Is it just me,

or does Gavin seem a bit more
strict than usual?

Yeah, what's up?

Ever since he lost his memories,

he's been acting
a little bit different

to say the least.

[Luke] Don't worry about it!

If we keep doing
what we're doing,

nothing's gonna go wrong
and that's a promise!


Mr. Ohdo should be here by now.


What's this?

[mysterious music plays]

If this is some sort of joke,

Mr. Ohdo...

I am not amused.

[Luke] Just got word from Kaizo.

Gavin will be here any minute.

Yuga, when he sees
you and Otes duel,

he's gonna remember how awesome
Rush Duels are

and his memories
will fill up his brain again!

Okay, people,

this is the final push
to get our Gavin back,

so let's all get on our A game!

Gavin's right outside.


[Gavin] Mr. Ohdo!

You were supposed
to report to detention.

You better not be getting
into trouble again.

Ah! What is this nonsense?


That's not what he said
the first time

he was here.

Hey, Gavin,
you're not following the script.

Can you get with the program,

Warning! You are in breach

of tampering
with Goha Enterprises

Duel Disk System.

If you do not stop
within six minutes,

everyone here
will be issued a penalty.

-A penalty?
-That's right.

And it goes for you too, Gavin.

Is anyone else here?

[overacting] You mean me?
Romin Kassidy?

[whimpers nervously]

Hold on a second! This is crazy!

I didn't know
our school's pop star

also wanted
to be the King of Duels.

Actually, dueling really isn't
my thing.

My thing is playing in a band

known as RoaRomin.


What's all this ruckus, Kaizo?

You're not supposed
to know my name!

I-- I mean...
Warning! Warning! Warning!

You will be issued a penalty!

Is that so?

Oh, why isn't this working?

He should be freaking out
by now.

This is taking too long.

If I'm gonna get this to work,

I gotta skip a few steps
and get to the good part!

-[whispers indistinctly]
-[Kaizo] Got it!

Skip to scene 77!

-[Pigetrap coos]

-[thrilling music plays]
-[all panting]

[Pigetrap coos]

Has the King of Duels

finally arrived before me? Whoa!

[yelps] Hold it steady!

Uh! Oh no!

My Duel Disk's battery
is running out of juice!

Say it again, but this time,

deliver it
with a lot more passion

or Gavin's not gonna believe you
for a second.

[suspenseful music plays]

-I think it worked, Luke.

Last time my Duel Disk's
battery was running out,

Gavin left to go grab my bike,

so he could power it up!

-He did that?
-All right!

We might have hit some bumps
along the way,

but this means history's
repeating itself!

He's coming back!

But... where's the bicycle?

[suspenseful music plays]

Who are those two behind him?

I do not know.

I now understand

what you were attempting to do,
Mr. Ohdo.

You were trying to trick me

into getting a penalty.

That will not go unpunished!

[nervous shouts]

Whoa! Whoa!


-Are you okay?

-Oh man, bro.

-[Gavin laughs]

[laughs maniacally]

[Gavin] This is pathetic!

You thought you could outsmart
the president

of the student council?

You must be completely
out of your mind

to think you could pull off
such a thing.

But then again, the whole world
is out of their mind.

What on earth do you mean?

[vigilante 1]
Duelists are now free to create

any type of duel they want!

It's chaos!

[vigilante 2] Complete chaos.

There are no rules
to keep them in line.

Don't they understand
that creativity

and imagination
are less important

than order and discipline?

[vigilante 1]
That is where we step in.

To remind everyone
that following the rules

perfectly is,
how do you say it? Groovy!

I am all for following
the rules,

but you are taking this
way too far!

[Galian] Yeah! Haven't ya heard
about balance?

This isn't you, Gavin.

Yes, the Gavin I know
believes in rules,

but he believes more
about what's right and wrong!

Not about keeping people
in line!

[Galian] Sounds to me like when
Gavin lost his memories,

he lost his way too!

[Luke] Then it's our job to help
our friend find his way back!

I'm not your friend.

You might not think you are,
but you are, bro!

And we're not gonna give up
on ya!

-[Gavin] That's enough!

Getting back on topic,

all this trouble began

because you created
this nonsense

called Rush Duels.

Why would you do that when Goha

already created a wonderful
way to duel?

So you see, we don't need change
in any way,

Mr. Ohdo.

But if you won't stop
on your own,

I will be the one to stop you!

And get rid
of your silly Rush Duels!

How do you know it's silly

if you've never played it?

[thrilling music plays]

I challenge you to a Rush Duel,

-What? Rino!

You're off script!

I know that,
but the script isn't working.

[soft grunt]

So I'm rewriting it!

To make Gavin

fall in love with Rush Duels
all over again!

That right there
is some amazing improvisation!

Let's go, Rino!

Rino here's got the right idea!

The best way to make our
friends remember Rush Duels

is to Rush Duel 'em!

That's right!
Let's go save Asana!

[Pigetrap coos]

And I will go
and save Master Nail!



-[Rino] You know...

I've always admired
and respected Gavin,

but you're not Gavin!

So let's you and I duel!

And allow me to assist!

[grunts smugly]

[Gavin] Rino, Rayne,

I'm disappointed in both of you.

But if you want a duel...

you'll get one!

-Duel Disk!
-[vigilante 1] Yes, sir!

-[vigilante 2] Sir!

When I defeat you
at your very own game,

oh, you will fall in line.

Now let the duel begin!

Let's go!

Get ready for the rush!

Let's begin!

It's my turn.


All right, Rino,
time for you to step up

and get Gavin to fall in love
with Rush Duels all over again.

I summon...

Kurobana the Shadow Flower Wolf

and Stella
the Shadow Flower Crest!

You're not allowed
to summon two monsters!

I can in a Rush Duel
and I'll use them

to Tribute Summon!

[both exclaim]

Even the tiniest seed

can bloom
into a brilliant flower

if it's bold enough to grow!

Harness the power of nature!

Spring forth,
Flower Fan Clematis!

[sharp, broken cry]

[shouts furiously]

-Oh yeah! Now that's

-how you start a duel, Rino!
-Nice job!

Now I'll activate
Clematis's effect.

[Rayne] By switching it
to defense position...

it can't be destroyed
in battle

if Rino's life points are equal
or greater than yours.

Blossoming Shield!

After I set these cards,
I end my turn.

Now that you received
a small taste

of Rush Duels, what do you think
of these new rules?

I must admit,
now that I've seen it in action,

Rush Duels are quite something.

[all gasp]

And that something...

is bad and must be eliminated!

I'm sorry, Asana,

but I can't remove these mods

without damaging R6.

I see.

That means R6 will never be
how he used to be.

And if that's the case,

I'm ending
the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club.


Our club's
about preserving tradition.

And there's nothing traditional
about this.

Now hold up!

I've made up my mind

and nothing can change it.


Hey, Princess!

[suspenseful music plays]

[Nail] I'm curious why everyone
is so eager

to create these new types
of duels.

I'll delete them all
before they completely fill up

our data drives.

[Seatbastian] Please!

Don't do that, Master Nail!

Though I am known for my sense
of humor,

Rush Dueling is one joke

that I'll never accept!

It goes against tradition!

And obedience!
And... the speed limit!

And it must be stopped.

So I will stop it!

You used to think
the same thing,

but then you changed
your thinking.

Once you learned
how fun Rush Duels were,

you were willing
to let your old ways go!

And I know you will again.

I've made up my mind.

Disbanding the club
is the best thing to do.

You sure?

-So what do you think?
-[Pigetrap coos]

I think that the Princess
is way wrong.

[both gasp]

[Seatbastian] Master Nail,

instead of just
one type of duel,

you prefer that many types
of duels exist.

You just don't remember that.

[Nail] You think I don't know
my own self?

Not when
your mind's been erased.

No, you do not! But I've
come here to remind you.

Master Nail, let's Rush Duel!


[Asana] You're challenging me
to a Rush Duel?

[Galian] That's right, Princess!
What better way

to make you remember
that you love Rush Duels

than with a Rush Duel?!

And once you remember that,

I'm predicting
all your other memories

will come flooding back too!

[Nail] I never expected

my own massage throne

to challenge me to a duel,

much less a Rush Duel.

But I never turn down
a challenge.

[grunts] Fine then!

I don't know what's gotten
into you three,

but it seems I need
to remind you who's in charge.

If you want a duel, bring it on!

I'm ready to duel if you are,

Okay, let's duel!

Time for me to bring my A game!

[all] Get ready for the rush!

Rino, Rayne, my family and yours

were raised together
for hundreds of years.

No two families
have ever been this close

and now you decide
to throw that all away.

If you love Rush Duels so much,

then allow me to defeat you
with it!

It's my turn.

I draw a card.

I'll summon two monsters.

Tama the Mancer Cat

and Mezame the Ringing Alarm!


Now I activate my Tama's effect.

I send the top two cards
in my deck

to the Graveyard
and Special Summon

Yurushima the Hermit
from the Graveyard.

[lively rock music plays]

Then I'll use two of my monsters

to Tribute Summon!

From a most proper,
ordered realm...

a warrior delivers judgment
on his enemy

by following...

the rules!

Emerge, Kimeruler
the Dark Raider!

Watch out, Rino! That's one
of Gavin's best monsters!

Gavin may not remember much,

but he still knows
how to duel like a pro!

[upbeat electronic theme music