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08x20 - Sackler family

Posted: 04/10/24 12:14
by bunniefuu
Hi, there, welcome to

The show, still for just three

More weeks taking place in this

Blank void, which I recently

Learned is sentient.

It's been listening a lot to me,

So I thought

I would give it the floor for a


Void, is there anything you

Would like to say?


I can say anything I want?

Go ahead, speak your




I wish chris pratt wasn't trying

To make the action hero thing


You know?


It's his career, he can do

Whatever he wants with it.

I just feel like the buff thing,

It's not working for me.

Okay, I've got to be


I thought you would be more

Interesting than this.

Excuse me?

You ask someone on their show

And tell them to say whatever

They want.

They can say whatever they want,

And then you tell them they are

Not interesting?

Who does that?

What kind of monster does that?

That is fair.

You know what?

I see why you stopped having

Guests on on season one.

Moving on...

You are not a nice person.

Moving on.

Tucker carlson celebrated


Authoritarian appreciation week

By doing a road-show in hungary,

O.j. Simpson urged people to get

Vaccinated, putting me in the

Strange position of saying "I'm

With o.j.," And new york's ag

Released a devastating report

Of his investigation into


Devastating sexual harassment by

Andrew cuomo which, incredibly,

He is trying to ride out, trying

To downplay the accusations.

I do kiss people on the


I do kiss people on the cheek.

I do kiss people on the hand.

I do embrace people.

I do hug people, men and women.


But that's not what this is


And it's frankly incredible that

Cuomo thought releasing an

Irrelevant montage of photos

Would somehow exonerate him.

Apparently his strategy for

Literally any crisis is

"Put together a powerpoint and

That's it."

But the rest of the world's

Attention was dominated this

Week by the olympics.

They ended tonight and they

Provided some incredible moments

From the athletes, but also some

Controversy from the fact

The games were even happening in

The first place, in the middle

Of a pandemic, to a decision

Taken before they began

Regarding one of the teams


In other olympic news this

Morning, russia is competing

Under a new name at these

Olympics following their doping


They'll be competing as the

"Russian olympic committee."

The russian name, flag, and

Anthem have all been banned if

Athletes do win any medals.

Yeah, though the

Russian name isn't really banned

If they're competing as the

"Russian" olympic committee, is


It's like saying, "a monster

Like harvey weinstein has

Absolutely no affiliation with

The weinstein company."

I dunno about that.

The name there really implies


The new designation is due to

The fact that russia was

Technically banned for operating

A years-long, state-sponsored

Doping scheme, and this isn't

The first time they've been


In pyeongchang in 2018, russian

Athletes had to compete under

This neutral banner instead of

Their flag.

But before tokyo, the punishment

Was downgraded, and they were

Allowed to compete as the

"Russian olympic committee" with

Uniforms that clearly bear more

Than a passing resemblance to

The russian flag.

We all know what is going on

There, in the same way that

Calling this a red plumber

Halloween costume isn't fooling


And while winning russian

Athletes didn't get to hear

Their national anthem on the

Medal stand, they did get this:

[Tchaikovsky's piano concerto

[No. 1]

Yeah, they got tchaikovsky.

That is more russian than the

Russian national anthem.

In fact, there is no sound more

Quintessentially russian, aside

From maybe an old man weeping

Uncontrollably while eating a


If anything, it seems russia

Embraced the r.o.c. Designation

During these games, with the

Official @russia account even

Running a campaign using the

Hashtag #wewillrocyou.

And you don't get to use

"R.o.c." As a fun, sassy name!

That was supposed to be your


It's like if hannibal lecter

Started tweeting #muzzlemedaddy.


You eat people.

You don't get to reclaim the


The thing is, these

Designations were put in place

For a reason... But that reason

Is not something the r.o.c.'S

Been eager to acknowledge.

After a u.s. Swimmer initially

Suggested his race "was probably

Not clean," the r.o.c... Whose

Athlete had won that race...

The russian olympic committee

Have responded via a strongly

Worded statement on twitter

Which says, in part, "how

Unnerving our victories are for


Yes, we are here at the


Absolutely right.

Whether people like it or not."


That is a hard pushback.

And the r.o.c. Was very much not

Done, calling the complaints

"English-language propaganda,

Oozing verbal sweat in

The tokyo heat."

Which is undeniably poetic.

"Oozing verbal sweat in the

Tokyo heat" sounds less like

Russian tough talk and more like

A line from "a streetcar named

Blanche goes east."

It's pretty clear that making

Russia compete under a

Supposedly "neutral" flag and

Uniforms, when neither the flag

Nor the uniforms were neutral,

Means that this punishment

Wasn't really a punishment at


So let's try and learn from

This, and next time this problem

Arises, let's make sure banned

Countries have a much clearer

Asterisk on their participation.

So instead of a obviously

Flag-themed tracksuit, let's

Put them in a shrek-themed

Sweatshirt paired with

Shit emoji slippers and a

Lobster hat.

Something like this:


Now that is a neutral look.

Good luck guessing what nation

That athlete is competing for

From that outfit.

And when their athletes win

Gold, don't give them something

That inspires national pride

Like tchaikovsky.

Instead, play something awful

That's guaranteed to stick in

Your head and remind you that

Something objectionable has


May I suggest this:

Now I know it's harsh,

Of but let's agree,

It is the ultimate


And now this.

And now, the

Electrifying small talk of

California's "daytime with

Kimberly and esteban. "]]" Daytid

Esteban" starts now.

Welcome to "daytime."

It's monday.

It is monday.



How was your weekend?

Busy but good.

How are you?

I am good.


Doing good.

How are you?



Another day.

What is up?

Have you ever wondered how smart

Your dog is?


Airing movies you can't

Necessarily see at the theaters.

We are ready, we are in this



We are.

This is one of my favorite

Shows we do every single year.

I think it's...


Doing good.

Doing real good.

All rights.

How are you doing.


Not a lot of change from


It's good morning.

How was the day?


Again, good.

Moving on.

Our main story tonight concerns

A public health crisis that's

Exposed the failure of american


No, not that one.

Not that one either.

That's a good point, but not

Actually this time.

Yep, there it is.

The opioid epidemic.

And if you're thinking, "hold

On, didn't you already do a show

About this?"

You're wrong.

We've actually done two of them,

But we thought it would be worth

Doing a third installment

Tonight for a couple of reasons.

First, it's an epidemic that's

Still very much raging,

Exacerbated by both the pandemic

And illicit fentanyl, to the

Point that last year, nearly


That is the highest annual death

Toll ever.

And second, you may have seen a

Bunch of headlines recently

About trials and settlements

Taking place around the country.

There've been so many, it can be

Genuinely be hard to keep track.

But we want to focus on just one

Purdue pharma,

Whose rollout of oxycontin

Arguably fueled the opioid


We've talked about their

Relentless push to sell

Oxycontin before, but more

Material has come out in the

Last couple of years...

Including this spectacular

Glimpse into a 1997 motivational

Sales meeting for the company's


That was purdue's vp of sales

Performing an oxy-themed cover

Of "shout!"

And that has got to be the one

Of the most upsetting decisions

From the late '90s, right up

There with, "give every lonely

Child an electronic imaginary

Friend that will immediately

Die, " and " let's set every

Sitcom in new york city.

And make sure the twin towers

Are prominently featured in the

Transition sh*ts, really remind

People they're there."

Purdue pharma is owned by the

Sackler family, and in recent

Years, purdue and the sacklers

Have found themselves being

Investigated by the doj and

Facing thousands of lawsuits

Filed by state and local

Governments, native american

Tribes, hospitals, and


And they've spent years working

With an army of lawyers,

Attempting to negotiate their

Way out of all of it, which has

Resulted in two major

Resolutions, including this big

News from last october.

It's being hailed by the

Federal government as a major

Victory against a company whose

Drug oxycontin is part of the

Public health crisis of opioid

Addiction that has led to the

Deaths of hundreds of thousands

Of americans.

The maker of oxycontin

Admitted to defrauding

Regulators and paying illegal

Kickbacks to doctors.

It's true!

Purdue has pled guilty to

Multiple felonies.

And it's weird to hear news that

Sounds so genuinely good.

It'd be really nice to get more

Of that once in a while, like

"No once-in-a-century weather

Events for the next few hours,"

Or "billionaire goes to space

And dies there."

You know, something


That guilty plea was actually

Part of a much larger plan we'll

Get into later, involving the

Company also filing for

Bankruptcy, and just this past

March, submitting a

Reorganization plan that would

End sackler ownership.

And the thing is, this might all

Sound like a major victory...

That the sacklers are finally

Experiencing significant

Consequences... But

Unfortunately, that couldn't be

Farther from the truth.

So tonight, with the

Bankruptcy's confirmation

Hearing scheduled to begin later

This week, let's talk about the

Sackler family... How hard

They've been fighting to defend

Their name, the details of the

Deal they're attempting to

Strike, and why the whole thing

Is a bunch of bullshit.

And let's start with a basic

Who are the sacklers?

Well, the sacklers are the

Descendants of three brothers...

Arthur, raymond, and mortimer...

Who in 1952 bought the company

That would eventually become

Purdue pharma.

And while arthur's branch of the

Family sold their stake decades

Ago, before oxycontin was

Developed, the heirs of raymond

And mortimer both benefited

From, and in some cases actively

Managed, purdue's boom years of

Selling opioids.

Many sacklers either worked at

The company or served on its

Board, and as the massachusetts

A.g. Points out, some of them

Were pretty hands-on.

They were in the boardroom.

They owned the company.

We have emails and memos that

Show the direct control that

They exercised over sales and


One of the sackler family

Members went so far as to want

To get in the car with purdue's

Sales reps and drive around to

Visit doctors' offices.

It's true, and doing a

Drug rep ride-along is about as

Hands-on as you can get.

And quick side note, spare a

Thought for the sales rep in

Question there.

Sure, they too contributed to

The over-prescription of america

And probably led to their own

Local mini-epidemic, but

Nobody... Not even hitler...

Should have to sit in a car with

Their boss.

And talk about what?

The weather?

And then, when you run out of

Things to say about it, do what?

Sit in silence?

And then say, "actually, I could

Go for a bathroom break right

Now, " and have him say, " I'm

Fine, but feel free to stop?"

And then, what... You stop?

And he waits in the car?

And then when you get back he

Looks inconvenienced?

I would sooner throw myself out

Of the car in the middle of the


Now, the man responsible for

That ride-along was richard

Sackler, who was actually

President of the company for


And yet, interestingly, it's

Hard to find images of him other

Than that one.

In fact, while the sacklers have

Relished slapping their family

Name on institutions, as

Individuals, they've tried to

Stay out of the spotlight.

When richard sackler gave a

Deposition in 2015, purdue

Fought hard to keep it private.

That's why, in our last piece,

We had a bunch of actors play

Him to convey important things

Like the fact he'd said "I don't

Know" more than 100 times.

Thankfully, that deposition has

Since been released, so you can

Finally watch the man in action.

How much money has purdue

Frederick or purdue pharma made

Off the sale of oxycontin?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know the answer.

I don't know.

I don't know but... I just don't


Admit it...

The guy just oozes charisma.

Although honestly?

Having actually seen it, I think

I prefer the version we made:

How much money has purdue

Frederick or purdue pharma made

Off the sale of oxycontin?

I dunno.

I dunno.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know.

How many purdue entities are


I dunno!

Yeah, that's just

Objectively better.

Now, while richard was the most

Involved, he wasn't alone.

His cousin kathe sackler was an

Officer of the company for years

And even claimed in emails that

Developing oxycontin was her


Although, despite that, when

Kathe was called before congress

Last year and asked to apologize

For her role in the opioid

Crisis, she didn't exactly do


I have tried to figure out,

Was... Is there anything that I

Could have done differently

Knowing what I knew then, not

What I know now.

I have to say, I can't... There

Is nothing that I can find that

I would have done differently.

Okay, first, that's not

An apology, kathe.

And second, come on... Nearly a

Year into a pandemic, that's an

Unacceptable at-home setup.

Put your laptop on a couple


Upgrade your router.

And while you're at it,

One-click a ring light.

So, kathe, that's books, router,

Ring light.

It's the little zoom tricks

We've all learned that'll help

You look your best as you

Absolve yourself of

Responsibility for a massive

Public health crisis.

But the sacklers haven't just

Been appearing at congressional


Some have been working hard to

Rehabilitate their image and

Even paint themselves as


Take david sackler.

He's richard's son and a former

Board member himself.

He gave an interview to

"Vanity fair" featuring this

Portrait, which looks like it

Should be a poster for

Natural family planning in a

Christian health clinic.

And in it, he complained,

"My four-year-old came home from

Nursery school and asked,

'Why are my friends telling me

That our family's work is

k*lling people?'" Which doesn't

Seem remotely credible.

For a start, everyone knows

That's not how four-year-olds


You're missing 8 "ums,"

They're completely out of breath

For no reason, and 5 complete


I call bullshit on that fake


But that's just the beginning.

David's branch of the family was

Also involved in the launch of a

Pro-sackler website that aims to

"Correct the record," called

Judgeforyourselves. Info,

Which is shocking for a number

Of reasons.

First, because billionaires, for

Some reason, chose not to

Splurge for the dot-com, but

Also because of just how petty

The website is.

It features a list of outlets

That mistakenly used the brand

Name "oxycontin" when they meant

The generic "oxycodone,"

Including a college newspaper,

And over seven hours of video

Presentations in which a

Catastrophically uncharismatic

Lawyer attempts to disprove

Every legal argument ever made

Against the sacklers and purdue.

This terrible website of

Self-serving nonsense has been

Promoted by, among others,

Joss sackler, david's wife, who

You may remember from her

Failure to face the camera in

"Vanity fair."

Now, even though joss isn't

Directly involved in the family

Business, she actually talks

Publicly more than most


She has a clothing line called

"Lbv," or "les bouledogues

Vigneronnes," which translates

To "the winemaking bulldogs" and

Is an offshoot of her

"Members-only wine and social


Joss was also once interviewed

For "town & country," in which

She complained about how

Unfairly the press treats both

Her and her family, noting

That a previous article

Wouldn't refer to her as

Dr. Joss sackler, despite her

Telling them she had a ph.d. In

Linguistics, going on to say,

"They're going to regret f*cking

With a linguist."

And that's one hell of a claim,


Because nobody is intimidated by


You're basically an english

Major who wasted more time.

I'll f*ck with a linguist all

Day long.

How do you make

Two proper nouns into a double


Joss and david.


Linguist, f*cked with.

So to recap, it's pretty clear:

Some sacklers have been working

Extremely hard to try and

Engender public sympathy.

But the real battle the family's

Been fighting has been a legal


And that is what I want to spend

The rest of this piece talking

About, because while the details

Of what the sacklers are doing

Are incredibly complicated, the

End result is both simple and

Absolutely infuriating.

And let's start with that deal

You heard about earlier, where

Purdue pled guilty to three


It sounded like some good news.

But there are some major

Asterisks there, because while

The company pled guilty to those

Charges, no individuals did...

And certainly no sacklers.

And that alone is a big deal to


In fact, just watch as kathe

Jumped to remind everyone of

That fact during her

Congressional hearing.

The sackler family, through

Purdue, has three felony

Convictions, but no one's in

Jail and it has its billions


Excuse me, the sackler family

Doesn't have a felony


Purdue pharma has a felony


I'm an individual person.

Okay, hold on.

I do get the point she's making,

But the fact is, purdue is made

Up of individual people who

Control it.

Think of purdue like lambchop.

If lambchop threatened to k*ll

The president on live tv,

Lambchop wouldn't get in trouble

Or go to prison.

Shari lewis would.


Because lambchop is a puppet

Who does whatever the f*ck

Shari lewis tells lambchop

To do.

Now, the sacklers might argue

That purdue was controlled by

Many people... Including

Non-family members... And that

While they're not facing

Criminal charges, they're still

Facing consequences.

Are they?


And that brings us back to the

Bankruptcy I mentioned earlier.

Because the bankruptcy deal

Purdue has proposed is the

Vehicle through which the

Sacklers are likely to escape

Any true accountability.

Very basically, purdue was

Buried in thousands of lawsuits,

And rather than fighting them

All separately, the company

Filed for bankruptcy,

Negotiating to resolve all its

Debts in one place.

This proposed deal requires,

Among other things, the sacklers

Relinquish ownership of purdue,

Which will be turned into a

"Public benefit company," whose

Profits will go toward fighting

The opioid epidemic.

Now, the company claims the

Bankruptcy will deliver more

Than $10 billion in value.

But a few things about that.

First, the sacklers themselves

Are only contributing around

$4.3 billion to that settlement.

Which does sound like a lot

Until you learn the family has

Assets of around $11 billion,

Which is a massive amount of

Money, but I guess that's what

Happens when your company makes

A highly addictive product and

Pushes its employees to...

I just saw that ten

Minutes ago and somehow it's

Gotten even worse.

Also, you might want to know, a

Lot of the sackler family's net

Worth was built up in a

Particular period.

Because from 2008 to 2017, even

As the opioid epidemic was

Kicking into high gear, more

Than $10 billion was transferred

Out of the company for the

Benefit of the family.

Now, the sacklers fiercely

Maintain those transfers were


But the doj alleged that they

Were made to hinder future

Creditors... In other words, to

Get the money out of the

Company so the sacklers could

Protect it... And they found

Some pretty damning evidence,

Particularly from david sackler,

Who seemed to directly express

Fears over lawsuits taking the

Family money back in 2007,

Writing in an email,

"We're rich?

For how long?

Until which suits get through to

The family?"

And david, buddy, don't send

That kind of thing over email.

I mean, don't send it in the

Mail-mail, don't speak it, don't

Think it, don't receive an

Upbringing that would plant the

Thought in your mind, and, if

You could, just try and avoid

Conception altogether.

But bare minimum, keep it out of

The permanent legal record.

And if you're thinking, "okay,

So, they transferred money to

The family.

But people can still pursue

Claims against the sacklers

Directly, right?"

Well, no.

Because here's the really

While there are

Approximately 400 civil suits

That do name the sacklers

Themselves, the family is

Insisting that they will only

Agree to this settlement if they

Get what's called a

Non-consensual third-party


And this thing is bullshit.

Because if they get it, all

Current lawsuits against the

Sacklers evaporate and no future

Lawsuits can be filed.

Meaning the sacklers...

Who didn't file for personal

Bankruptcy themselves,

Remember... Are basically off

The hook.

And if it sounds weird to you

That a company can declare

Bankruptcy and then a bunch of

Individuals get shielded from

Liability, that's because it is!

It's really f*cking weird!

In fact, some bankruptcy courts

Don't allow these third-party

Releases at all.

But purdue very carefully chose

One that they knew probably


A few months before filing for

Bankruptcy, purdue changed one

Of its official corporate

Addresses to one in white

Plains, new york, at which it's

Never conducted business, and

Where there is only one

Bankruptcy judge, who...

Completely coincidentally... Has

Supported third-party releases

In the past.

Which is all a pretty obvious


It's not like they moved to

White plains for any other


If you look up "things to do in

White plains"... And this is

True... The first result you get

Is a tripadvisor page

Recommending a helicopter tour

Of new york city.

Which is just incredible.

"Come visit white plains, where

You can immediately leave and go

Look at somewhere more

Interesting to live."

And the sacklers' third-party

Release is comprehensive,

Stating that the released

Parties shall be conclusively,

Absolutely, unconditionally,

Irrevocably, fully, finally,

Forever, and permanently

Released from any and all

Claims, of any kind, from the

Beginning of time.

And this is the list of every

Person and entity they want


It contains over 200 companies

And 200 more trusts where the

Sacklers have tucked their money


This release is ludicrously

Broad, which is probably why

Nine state a.g.s are still

Objecting to it, and two

Branches of the doj have said it

Violates the u.s. Constitution

And specifically violates due

Process, because it denies

Individuals of an opportunity to

Be heard, and yet, incredibly,

Despite all this, it's widely

Assumed that this whole deal is

Going to go ahead.

And while it sounds terrible to

Me, I will say, at least one

Person thinks that's a very good


Although I will say, that one

Person is purdue's current


This is a milestone in public

Health history.

Never before have you seen this

Amount of money, $10 billion

Being devoted to opioid

Abatement, and it's only

Available through this plan,

Assuming we can get it approved.

And I think when people think

About it, they will come around

To the notion, "well, I might

Have liked something slightly

Different, but this is certainly

A lot better than going into

Endless, costly litigation that

May end up with no proceeds

Going to anybody."

Okay, no.

"I might have liked something

Different, but this is better

Than nothing" is what you say

When your dad insists on having

Dinner at chili's, not when

You're talking about the fate of

A company that poisoned a


Which, incidentally, is, I

Believe, chili's current slogan.

That man's

Not even entirely wrong.

The longer these lawsuits drag

On, the more money will get

Wasted in court, and an

Increasingly large percentage of

It will go to lawyers rather

Than victims.

Because right now, under this

Settlement, claimants could

Receive payments from $3,500 to


Which, yes, feels wildly


But some families are

Reluctantly willing to take what

They can get.

Although I will say others, like

This woman... Whose son became

Addicted to opioids after being

Prescribed oxycontin as a high

School student... Are furious

That this is what it's come to.

We want our voices heard, not

Interpreted by the court like

They have been.

I don't want somebody saying

That I love... I'm so happy with

The settlement as I hear at

Practically every hearing.

I'm a mom, I'm not happy with

Any of this, and I know hundreds

Of moms that aren't either and



For some families of victims,

The opportunity to have their

Voices heard is priceless, which

Is to say, a f*ck of a lot more

Than $48,000.

Some have even called in to

Court only to be told it wasn't

The right forum.

One woman called in to the

Bankruptcy hearing and said, "I

Lost my brother tragically at

The tip of the epidemic in 2012.

I would like to speak in memory

Of my brother."

To which the judge replied, "I

Hold hearings on what is

Scheduled before me.

I don't think that this is the

Proper forum to do this."

And the thing is, he's right.

But this also may be the last

Forum these families have to be


Look, it might be true that this

Is the best deal we can get

Under our current system.

But the fact that's the case

Doesn't speak to well to this

Deal, or, indeed, the system


And if you're thinking, "well,

The sacklers are paying so much

Already, what more do you want?"

I'm not sure that's the right

Way to think about this.

Because I'd argue that when your

Family's company recklessly sold

A product as damaging as

Oxycontin, the question might

Not be, "how many billions is it

Right for you to pay?"

It's "how many billions is it

Right for you to keep?"

And I would argue "no billions."

And I'm afraid it gets one step

Worse, because the way this

Settlement is structured, it's

Actually hurting the sacklers

Even less than you might think.

That $4.3 billion they've agreed

To pay is spread out over nine

Years, with the largest payments

Coming toward the end of that

Period, which means they could

Make that money up in interest

And investments and never have

To touch the principal.

In fact, when the sacklers are

Done paying in 2030, they will

Probably be richer than they are


So I guess the answer to

"We're rich?

For how long? "Is" don't worry,

Forever, david, because it seems

That's how the f*cking system


Unfortunately, when it comes to

Accountability for the sacklers,

This is probably it.

Because while, technically, the

Could still be criminally

Charged, nobody expects

That to happen.

And it's just infuriating that

Things are set to end so

Comfortably for a family that's

Made so much at the expense of

So many.

Although I will say, there is

One tiny positive here.

And that's that purdue and the

Sacklers have always heavily

Valued secrecy.

But this deal requires the

Creation of an online public

Repository that will eventually

Contain 30 million documents

Including deposition videos and

The sacklers' company emails.

Which is undeniably good.

But even with that, let's admit,

We're not getting anything

Approaching justice here.

And the sacklers, in sparing no

Expense, have successfully

Bought their way out of this


Well, not no expense.

Because again, despite spending

Millions on lawyers, and even

Creating a website filled with

Legal propaganda, they still

Somehow couldn't scrape up the

$2,500 Required to buy the

Dot-com for it.

And the reason I happen to know

Exactly how much it costs is

Because that's how much we spent

To buy it.

We bought,

And I know that it does

Absolutely nothing to even the

Scales here.

But it does gives me the tiniest

Bit of comfort to imagine it

Might irritate the sacklers just

A bit to know that when people

Go to that site in the future,

This is what they'll see.

Hi, it's me.

The real richard sackler.

Welcome to the premiere source

Of information on the sackler

Family that you can find on the


It's called!

But you gotta get the dot-com!

What kind of f*cking idiot would

Set up an important website and

Not buy the dot-com?

I dunno!

I dunno!

Anyway, if you want the truth,

You've come to the right place.

So click around, okay?

Get a sense of what my terrible

Family has done.

You know, maybe we'll throw in

Some make-up tidbits.

I don't know.

Maybe how to make a great pesto


Anyway, there's some great

Buttons that you press around

And you'll get there somehow.

Anyway, best of luck to you.

All right.


Thank you,

Richard sackler.

This new website lets

You "judge for yourselves"

Whether the sacklers got off too

Easy... Which they did.

On it, you can see richard

Sackler's full deposition, all

Of our episodes about the

Opioids crisis, and there's even

A link that will eventually

Direct you to the document

Repository the moment it's


Also, because the families of

Those impacted by the sacklers

Haven't always been heard, there

Are some excerpts on the website

Of what some of them wanted to


All of this will be up as long

As we own the domain.

And this is at least something

The sacklers can't throw their

Dirty money at and make go away.

Which is not to say that it

Isn't for sale at all,

Sackler family.

It's available for a price.

Let's say $10 billion.

That's our show.

Thanks so much for watching.

See you next week.

Good night!


Me again!

Richard sackler!

Listen, the documents aren't out


I wish they were, but they're


What are you going to do?

Keep checking back, all right?