07x27 - Asylum

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver". Aired: April 27, 2014 – present.*
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American late-night talk and news satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver.
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07x27 - Asylum

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

John: hi there!

Welcome to the show, still

Taking place in this blank void,

Which makes me look like I'm

In one of those old e-harmony

Commercials, but featuring

The customers who didn't

Find love.

And it's been a very busy week,

Dominated by the presidential


Trump held multiple rallies

This week, including one in

Erie, pennsylvania, where he

Gave a surprisingly honest


Before the plague came in,

I had it made.

I wasn't coming to erie.

I mean, I have to be honest,

There's no way I was coming.

I didn't have to.

I would have called you and

Said, "hey erie, you know, if

You have a chance, get out and


We had this thing won.

John: wow.

Bold move there to neg

A swing state.

But I guess we all had grand

Designs for this year "before

The plague came in."

Trump was going to continue

Ignoring erie like a phone call

From one of his children.

Lots of people were going to

Spend holidays with their

Still-alive grandparents.

And I was going to continue my

Setting foot in danbury,


It seems time makes fools of all

Of us.

But you can see why

The president might be feeling


This month has brought enough

October surprises for him to

Render that term completely

Meaningless... From contracting

Covid, to the multiple damning

Stories about his tax records,

Including the revelation he has

A previously unknown bank

Account in china.

And yet, for trump supporters,

It seems all of that is

Completely offset by this.

The fbi does, in fact,

Have possession of

Hunter biden's laptop.

Emails allegedly from

Hunter biden's


Hunter biden's laptop.

Hunter biden's laptop.

Hunter biden's laptop.




And they found the laptop.

You know what they call that?

The laptop from hell.

John: yes, the laptop from


Not to be confused with

The laptop in hell,

Which I believe is owned by

Jeffrey toobin.

I'm so sorry for everything

That you've seen.

If you're trying to figure out

What the f*ck they're talking

About there, it revolves around

Emails and text messages

Supposedly recovered from

A laptop belonging to

Hunter biden.

But there are a lot of red flags

Here... Including the fact

The "new york post" story that

Broke it was reportedly "written

Mostly by a staff reporter who

Refused to put his name on it."

And the laptop's conduit to

The press is rudy giuliani, who

Intelligence officials flagged

Last year as the target of a

Russian intelligence operation

To feed misinformation to trump.

And giuliani's ability to spot

Fraudulent information is,

At best, not great.

He's so technologically

Illiterate, he has butt-dialed

A reporter and left an

Accidental voice mail,

More than once.

He recently accidentally

Uploaded a video of himself

Affecting a stereotypical

Chinese accent, and just this

Week, it emerged he has a cameo

In the new borat film.

Screenshots from the movie

Were published by variety

In britain's "the guardian"


Rudy giuliani is seen helping

The woman take her microphone

Off and then there is a scene

Where it appears that

Rudy giuliani's hand goes down

His pant.

John: you know, it says

Something about rudy's character

That the weirdest part of

The sentence "rudy giuliani got

Tricked, then shoved his hand

Down his pants in a hotel room

In front of a relative stranger"

Is that it doesn't end

At the word "relative."

But the point is, any

Information that giuliani's


Passing on should be treated

With extreme caution.

And all of this functioned

As a lead up to thursday's final

Presidential debate.

Something everyone was dreading,

After the fiasco of the first

One just three weeks ago.

And perhaps that is why the

Initial reaction to this week's

Debate was one of slight relief.

This was an actual debate,

I mean, as opposed to some of

The other things we have had.

There was a real exchange.

A spirited but civil debate

Last night.

Finally, a debate.

It was substantive and


No one set themselves

On fire in the last

Presidential debate.

John: yeah, true.

Although historically, the bar

For succeeding at these events

Has been a little higher than

"Nobody burns alive."

This is a presidential debate,

Not a beginner's fire juggling

Class at the community center.

And for any other candidate,

Things trump said on that debate


Stage would've been an act of


He insisted we're rounding


The turn on the coronavirus,

Which we very much are not.

He claimed that wind turbines

"k*ll all the birds,"

Which they don't.

And argued that biden's climate

Policy suggests, "if buildings

Had no windows, it would be

A lovely thing," which is just

A very weird thing to say.

And then there was this.

I am the least r*cist person

...i can't even see the audience


Because it's so dark... But I

Don't care who's in the audience

...i'm the least r*cist person

In this room.

John: right.

That is strange for

Multiple reasons.

First, he's implying his answer

Might have changed if the house

Lights were up.

"I can't even see the audience,

But I'm the least r*cist person

In the... Oh, hold on, is that

Tom hanks?

Oh, shit, he's definitely less

r*cist than me, for sure.

But I think I'm still in

The top two."

Also, it's worth noting that

When he said he's the least

r*cist person in the room, that

Room contained... And this is

True... His family.

So he's effectively throwing

Them under the bus there, too.

Look, what is really sad here is

That when people claim trump was

On his "best behavior"... That's

Actually true.

But his best behavior is still

Absolutely appalling.

Because even when the bar is

So low as to be virtually

Nonexistent, like, "don't tell

Your supporters that you hate

Their stupid city," or

"Don't say everyone in the

Audience is more r*cist than

You, " or " don't hire a personal


Attorney who falls for a borat

Prank 14 years after the first

Movie came out," the unshakable

Fact is, unless you set the bar

At "nobody caught fire,"

Trump will always find a way to


And now this.

♪ ♪

Announcer: and now..

No a moving taste of cnbc is

Exactly what you think it is.

Any man who references the

Classic "apocalypse now" movie

And their latest research note

Is okay by us.

The horror, the horror,

Conrad's "heart of darkness."

"Apocalypse now."

He walked through and not

Even flinched with things

Exploding, reminds me of robert

Duvall in "apocalypse now."

Again, trying to speak

Positive about g.e. Because I am

A kind man and I'm a good man,

Not unlike "apocalypse now."

I am a kind man, I'm a good man.

That is from "apocalypse now."

I am a kind man, I'm a good man,

Said to me by the way, and

"Apocalypse now" at the end.

I'm a kind man.

Just like if you have seen the

"Apocalypse now," I will coin

This, sell everything, so the

Kids, sell the car, sell the

Home, I'm not coming back,

"Apocalypse now."

Kind of like the village

Burning with napalm and

"Apocalypse now."

"Apocalypse now" situation.

"Apocalypse now."

Have you ever seen

"Apocalypse now"?

Have you ever seen

"Apocalypse now"?

Many times.

John: moving on.

Our main story tonight concerns


It's absolutely central to the

American story, as is sometimes

Clumsily expressed in cartoons

Like this.

They heard about a country

Where life might let them win,

They paid the fare to america

And there they melted in.

Lovely lady liberty with her

Book of recipes and the finest

One she's got is the great

American melting pot.

The great american melting pot.

John: okay, deeply weird

Metaphor aside, I will say this:

If you're cooking a bunch of

Humans in a melting pot,

Don't include the english.

Believe me, we'll ruin the dish.

We're bland and yet also totally

Overpowering to the palate.

We are basically the cilantro of

The human race.

We've talked about immigration

Repeatedly on this show but

Tonight, we're going to focus on

Just one narrow area of it:


It's the legal process by which

People who are fleeing

Persecution, and make it to

The u.s., Can apply to stay


And asylum seekers are a group

That, in theory, everyone should

Be able to support... They are

The literal huddled masses

Yearning to breathe free who

The statue of liberty has,

For centuries, fricasseed.

But trump is famously not a fan.

He went on about asylum

At length in thursday's debate,

And he loves to riff about it

Whenever he gets in front

Of a crowd.

The asylum program is a scam.

Some of the roughest people

You've ever seen.

People that look like they

Should be fighting for the ufc.

They read a little page given

By lawyers.

I am very fearful for my life.

I am very worried that I will be

Accosted if I was sent back


Oh, give him asylum.

He's afraid.

He's afraid.

We don't love the fact he's got

Tattoos on his face.

John: okay, there's a lot to

Unpack there, starting with

The fact that trump seems to

Think people with facial tattoos

Are just inherently scary,

Something definitively disproven

By the existence of post malone.

He looks like a build-a-bear

Who spent too much time at

The tattoo station.

Also, as you probably guessed,

The asylum process isn't

A simple recitation of magic

Words, by which all manner of

Fraudulent claims are let


Nor is it responsible for, as

Trump's official white house

Website calls it, "the biggest

Loophole to gain entry into our

Great country."

That is simply not true.

Historically, the biggest

Loophole has been to be

The parents of someone

That donald trump wishes would

f*ck him.

And for the record, asylum

Seekers are not all tattooed

Ufc fighters.

They're also people like berta,

Who fled honduras after ms-13

g*ng members tried to force her


Berta refused, they threatened

To set her on fire, so she and

Her granddaughter fled to

The u.s.

They were separated,

Berta was detained,

And I'll let her lawyer pick

The story up from there.

Berta, my client, she's

A 63-year-old grandmother

Who legally entered

The united states.

And she's fleeing for her life,

But she did it the correct way.


'Cause she went to the port of

Entry and basically turned

Herself in.

It's not like she was hiding,

She was trying to be smuggled

In the trunk of a car.

She did it the right way.

I've been here for 17 months.

I've been here for a long time


I don't know why immigration

Won't let me leave.

I don't owe anything.

Only because I came to ask for

Protection from this country.

John: that is ridiculous.

If you asked the cops for help,

And they responded by throwing

You into detention, you'd be

Absolutely furious.

You'd probably also be black,

But let's try and take this

One systemic social crisis

At a time.

And berta's story isn't even

A one-off.

The trump administration's

Attack on asylum has been

Focused, dedicated, and

Deeply resourceful.

And I know those aren't

Adjectives you're used

To associating with this


But in this one area, they've

Been truly disciplined about

Being truly evil.

So tonight, let's talk about our

Asylum system.

How it's supposed to work, and

Just a few of the key ways this

Administration has undermined


And let's start with how it's

Supposed to work at our border.

Ideally, an asylum seeker

Presents themselves to ask

For protection, and an officer

Performs a "credible fear


If there is a chance they might

Face danger if they're sent back

Home, they're allowed to remain

In the u.s. Pending a date in

Immigration court.

Which makes sense.

When a person says their life's

At stake, you want to err on

The side of believing them

While you weigh the facts of

Their case.

If someone says "I'm drowning,"

Your first move should be to

Help them out of the pool, not

Leave them in there while you

Convene a hearing to determine

Whether or not they're a fish

Who is lying.

Now you should know, even before

Trump, the odds of being granted

Asylum were not great, with

Immigration advocates saying

Less than half of all claims

Are granted.

Now that is partly because... As

We've discussed before... Many

Migrants don't have a lawyer to

Help them navigate a complicated


And it's partly because the bar

To qualify for asylum is high.

You have to be able to prove

You're being persecuted on

The basis of race, religion,

Nationality, membership

In a social group, or political


And there's always going to

Be room for interpretation


What qualifies as membership in

A social group or a political


For instance, someone being

Persecuted for criticizing

A drug cartel might well argue

That their criticism is

Political if they live

In a narco-state.

But the trump administration has

Told immigration judges to apply

The criteria very narrowly, as

This attorney explains to a room

Full of asylum seekers.

The asylum process does not

Protect everyone.

Cases that pertain to cartels or

Gangs extorting you are almost

Impossible to win.


I have a problem in my


I can't go back.

This is very common.

They already k*lled family who

Didn't pay.

Criminality isn't protected.

You're saying we can only

Prove it if we turn up dead?

Even then, if it's not

The right reason, it's not


John: wow.

I don't know what's more jarring

There, that man's pitch-black

Joke about getting m*rder*d or

The lawyer taking it at complete

Face value.

"Ha, that's very funny, but

Seriously, if you could die

Holding documentation that you

Were m*rder*d for your religion,

That would actually be a big


So the asylum process has never

Been easy.

But this administration has made

It absolute hell.

Their policy of family

Separation caused widespread

Outrage, but they've done so

Much more than that.

And it's worth slowing down to

Look at three tactics they've

Used in particular.

Migrant protection protocols,

"Safe third country agreements,"

And title 42.

And I know none of those have

The harrowing ring of

"Family separation," but each

Represents another cruel,

Calculated decision that has

Largely flown under the radar.

And let's start with the migrant

Protection protocols, or, as

They're more commonly known,

The "remain in mexico" program.

Very basically, this policy

Forces asylum seekers to wait in

Mexico for their cases to fully

Play out in u.s. Immigration

Court rather than admit them to

Safety first.

We've already done this to over

Wound up in makeshift camps

That have emerged at the border.

And since we started limiting

The number even allowed to ask

For asylum at the border each

Day, in some places, the

Migrants themselves had to work

Out a system for whose turn it

Was next.

The list is a strange thing.

Volunteers who are migrants

Themselves keep them in a

Notepad in the mexican border

City of tijuana.

It determines the order in which

The thousands of asylum seekers

Here will be seen by u.s.


No one knows exactly who

Started it or when, but it's

Evolved into a system to try and

Keep order as the u.s. Has

Slowed up the processing of

Asylum claims.

John: look, there are plenty

Of things you'd expect to be

Hand-written in a college ruled


Math homework, sure.

A list of the cutest boys in

Homeroom, natch.

Just an absolute shitload of

Cool ss?

You know it.

What you wouldn't expect would

Be the names of thousands of

Families for whom this scrap of

Notebook paper is their only

Lifeline to safety.

Because how the f*ck have we let

That be the best system

Available to them?

And conditions on the border can

Be dire.

In february, more than 2500

Migrants were living in a camp

In matamoros, where there was

Only one toilet for every

Water was scarce.

And even people who don't wind

Up in those camps can be in

Real jeopardy.

Because migrants in general can

Be targets for cartels who

Regularly kidnap and try to

Extract ransom money from those

They suspect of having family in

The u.s.

This is done so often, there's a

Whole system in place for it, as

This cartel member explains.

We just pull people off the

Streets, take them into a safe


We reach their families in the

United states to ask for money.

How much money are we talking


All the way from $10,000 to

$20,000 American dollars.

We know they can afford it.

That's why we do what we do.

What if they don't pay?

Well, they end up where they

End up.

John: "they end up where they

End up."

He's talking about m*rder

Victims with the same casualness

Most people reserve for lost


And as of may, there were over a

Thousand publicly reported cases

Of m*rder, r*pe, t*rture,

Kidnapping, and other violent

Assaults against asylum seekers

And migrants forced by the u.s.,

Completely unnecessarily, to

Wait in mexico.

In fact, kidnappings are such a

Fact of life, cartels will give

Some kidnapped migrants a code

Word upon release, so if they're

Kidnapped again, the keyword

Would indicate that they'd

Already paid the ransom.

And it's pretty bleak when

Drug cartels have a more

Efficient system for keeping

Track of asylum seekers than

The u.s. Government.

And yet despite the wreckage

This administration has caused,

It's trumpeted its "remain in

Mexico" program as a great


In fact, chad wolf... Acting

Secretary of homeland security

And undisputed chaddiest wolf...

Has touted it, using a pretty

Weird metric.

What we're seeing is about

Half of these individuals that

Are put in the program never

Show up for their court


So individuals that are put in

This program that know they do

Not have a, again, a meritorious

Claim, simply choose to walk


John: okay, real quick...

Get f*cked, chad, you human

Razor burn.

Because remember, these hearings

Are migrants' only shot at

Getting to safety.

It's everything they've been

Waiting for.

And if they miss their hearing,

They lose their case!

So a person not showing up

In court after you force them

To wait in a dangerous area,

Without adequate shelter or

Support isn't proof they were

Trying to cheat the system, it's

Proof your system is not f*cking


And for the record, the

Government can make these

Hearings pretty ms.able.

It may bear no date or

Time, or your hearing may be

Scheduled for when the courts

Aren't open, including one that

Was scheduled at 1:00 a.m.

It can be hard to know about any

Changes to date of hearings

Given that some border patrol

Agents filling out forms for

Migrants have written in

"Facebook" as a street address.

All in all, the government

System is about as effective

As painting

"Meet us at the place" on

A raccoon and throwing it

Over the wall into mexico.

Good luck getting the

Instructions, and if you do,

Good luck figuring out how to

Follow them.

So this program all but shut off

The pathway for many asylum

Seekers to enter the country.

But that seemingly wasn't

Enough, because the

Administration then came up with

"Safe third country" agreements.

Basically, the u.s. Managed

To force honduras, guatemala,

And el salvador to sign up to


And it meant that we could bar

Migrants from seeking asylum

Here, and send them to apply for

It in those countries instead.

Which is completely absurd,

Since for many migrants, those

Are the exact countries they're

Seeking asylum from.

"Oh, you're fleeing honduras?

Why not try el salvador!

It's right next door so you can

Stay in touch with family,

Friends, and the people who want

To m*rder you!"

And if that wasn't bad enough,

None of these three countries

Have robust asylum systems, as

The president of el salvador

Himself admits.

A member of the president's

Inner circle said that asylum

Seekers could end up staying in

El salvador, that that could


Is el salvador prepared for


Well, not right now.

We don't have asylum capacities,

But we can build them.

But you don't have it now.

We don't have it now.

When we have it...

And if he said, "I can throw

Up a tent."

A tent?

That's not... That's not asylum



John: no.

No, it really isn't.

Throwing up a tent doesn't

Inherently give you asylum


There are only two things

Throwing up a tent can give you:

Shelter from the elements, and

The arena for a shame-based

Baking crucible whose only prize

Is the narrow avoidance of

Public failure.

And quick side note: why the

f*ck did the new season of

"The great british bake-off"

Make the first showstopper

Challenge "celebrity cake


Because it gave us squashed

Freddie mercury, something

The baker insisted was

Lupita nyong'o, and a

Photo perfect david bowie.

That baker deserves

A paul hollywood handshake.

The rest of you need to think

About what you've done.

And forcing migrants to sit in

Refugee camps or sending them

To countries with

Non-functioning asylum systems

Is comfortably bad enough,

Before you get to what happened

Earlier this year, when

The administration's invoked

Title 42 of the u.s. Code.

And that isn't even an

Immigration law.

It's a provision that gives the

Government broad power to act

During a public health crisis.

And the trump administration is

Currently claiming that, because

Of the pandemic, it gives them

The authority to shut down the

Border to virtually all


And not just that... They're

Also claiming that it allows

Them to take asylum seekers

Who've already made it into

The u.s., And expel them with no

Due process whatsoever.

It is a transparent attempt to

Exploit this pandemic to do what

They want with migrants...

Although, mark morgan, trump's

Head of customs and border

Protection, has repeatedly

Insisted that nothing could

Be further from the truth.

Title 42 has nothing to do

With immigration enforcement.

I'm gonna say that again.

I've said it before.

I'm gonna continue to say it.

Title 42 has nothing to do with

Immigration enforcement and

Everything to do with

Public health.

John: yeah, mark, we're aware

You keep saying this has nothing

To do with immigration.

But a trump official saying his

Actions have nothing to do with

Immigration is about as

Believable as cookie monster

Saying his actions have nothing

To do with cookies.

Because of course they do.

They're the thing you're so

Obsessed with, it literally

Makes you a monster.

And it's a little hard to take

This administration citing their

Deep concern about the

Coronavirus, even before you

Learn that the cdc was

Apparently forced to issue the

Title 42 order, despite their

Own scientists saying there was

No evidence it would slow the


So this clearly has nothing to

Do with public health at all.

And if you need any more proof,

Stephen miller... Trump's top

Immigration adviser and world's

Tallest minion... Has apparently

Been trying to invoke title 42

For immigration purposes long

Before covid.

He reportedly pushed to invoke

It twice last year, once when

An outbreak of mumps spread

Through immigration detention

Facilities, and again when

Border patrol stations were hit

With the flu.

In fact, using emergency

Public health powers to curb

Immigration was apparently on

A wish list that miller crafted

Within the first six months of

The administration.

Incidentally, the rest of that

Wish list was just what looks

Like a hand-drawn picture of

A ripped stephen miller and

"Maybe an all-white reboot of

'Hidden figures'?"

Circled three times.

And you can kind of see why this

Appeals so much to miller.

Because invoking title 42

Has basically created a shadow

Deportation system that moves

Quickly and is accountable

To no one.

And they've used it a lot.

Since march, there've been

Nearly 200,000 expulsions in

Which asylum seekers were sent

Back without so much as a court


And the government has gone out

Of its way to avoid scrutiny.

For example, unaccompanied

Minors are usually kept in

Shelters, where immigration

Attorneys can find them, and try

And help them with their case.

But by citing public health

Concerns, the government has

Instead been quietly keeping

Kids in hotels, supervised by

Private contractors.

And the rare glimpses we've

Gotten of this have been

Absolutely chilling.

Just watch as a civil rights

Attorney tries to help the kids

But gets stopped.

Are you police?

Are you police?

You can't be here.

Can I ask who you are?

Desperately trying to

Communicate to children, the

Associated place so they are

Being held by the fourth floor

Of the hilton in suites hotel in

Mcallen, texas.

If you are detained, give me

Her name!

Get out of here.

Who are you?

Don't worry about who we are.

Are you police?

Get out.

Get out.

Get out.

Get out now!

John: what the f*ck is

Happening there?

Although I am curious if, after

That interaction, those men felt

They'd successfully hidden

The government's child prison.

"Whew, that was a close one!

I got a bit worried when he

Asked "who are you," but then

Randy said, "don't worry who we


Nice save there, randy!

That's the last time anyone

Asks us questions about this

Mysteriously off-limits hotel

Floor packed with terrified


Now, incidentally, our lawyers

Are insisting that I have to

Clarify that that hampton inn

Said they had made those

Bookings without knowing what

They'd be used for, and have

Canceled their business.

Because the entity you're

Definitely angriest at right now

Is the hampton f*cking inn.

And when you put all this

Together, this administration

Has effectively taken an asylum

System that was already

Imperfect and shattered it.

And the thing is, they're now

Trying to make this damage


Because along with extending

Title 42 indefinitely, they've

Drafted new regulations that

Would, among other things, make

It easier for immigration judges

To reject asylum requests out of

Hand, make it more difficult,

If not impossible, to win a case

Involving gender-based v*olence

Or g*ng threats, and make it so

Migrants are required to submit

Complete asylum applications...

Which have to be in english, and

With all supporting evidence...

Within just 15 days of their

First court hearing.

And that is regardless of

Whether they have a lawyer.

The trump administration's

Attack on this system has just

Been relentless.

And there are lives at stake


Remember berta, who came here to

Protect her 12-year-old


Just watch her lawyer update her

On the outcome of her case.

Well, here we are.

The court appeal was rejected.

They are looking for me.

And they will k*ll me right


I don't want to...

So you are afraid?


I'm scared.

John: yeah, the government,

Acting on our behalf, deported

Berta back to honduras, where

You should know, she once again

Fled, and is currently living

In limbo in mexico.

And the tragic thing is, in some

Ways, she's luckier than many

Asylum seekers.

She at least had a lawyer and

Her case was heard.

But for so many, especially now,

There's just no telling if or

When they'll even get that far.

And if you're wondering, "well,

What we can do about this?"

There is actually one thing you

Can do.

You can vote for joe biden.

And I know that sounds

Simplistic, especially

Considering that our immigration

Policy has been pretty shitty

Under democratic administrations

Too, like the one joe biden was

In for eight years.

And I am not saying he's the

Perfect candidate, far from it.

I personally find his opposition

To medicare for all utterly

Ridiculous, especially in

The middle of a pandemic.

Also, I think aviator glasses

Should only be worn by

Hot pilots, cute babies, and

Cute baby pilots.

But the fact is, a lot of our

Immigration policy is set solely

By the executive branch.

And you should know, biden has

Explicitly promised to end the

Remain in mexico policy and

Restore asylum eligibility for

Domestic v*olence survivors and

Victims of g*ng persecution.

And those could be

Life-saving changes.

One immigration attorney we

Spoke with has said,

"I spend hours every day telling

Asylum-seekers stuck in mexico,

"We won't know until november


They cry.

They pray.

They ask about the latest polls.

I show my countdown timer.

They show me their scars."

And obviously, biden will have

To do a lot more, and we'll have

To hold him to the promises he's

Made, but we can't begin

To fix the damage done by this

Administration until we replace

The administration itself.

If we even want a shot

At change, it's on us to vote,

And then advocate like lives

Depend on it.

Because the fact is, we badly

Need an asylum system that


And that is one that's based on

Compassion, due process, and of

Course, ultimately, cannibalism

By a giant green statue.

And now this.

♪ ♪

Announcer: and now, like we

Said, the movie taste of people

On cnbc is exactly what you

Think it is.

A lot of this is like "the

Godfather, just business.

I call it the godfather three

Stock market.

However much investors want to

Get out, the price structure

Keeps pulling the back end.

Just when I thought I was

Out, they are pulling me back


That is used a lot.

"The godfather."

No, you pulled me back in.

I mean, for an absolutely awful

Movie, I mean, that... That

Definitely is... I mean,


That is an awful movie?

Compared to g1 and g2.

Speak another time has come up

To clean up the ship, to take

Care of the family businesses in

The "the godfather."

It's kind of like

"The godfather" 3, not that


As they say in

"The godfather," this is the

Life we chose.

I was reminded by the

Soliloquy that marlon brando

Gives about sonny saying things

You shouldn't say, hotheaded.

Is that "on the waterfront?"

"On the waterfront?"

I don't wash diane keaton

Movies because her character

Aborted michael corleone's baby

And "the godfather."

I can relate that back to the

Disney sitcom.

John: that's our show.

Thank you so much.

We'll see you next week.

Good night.
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