07x26 - World Health Organization

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver". Aired: April 27, 2014 – present.*
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American late-night talk and news satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver.
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07x26 - World Health Organization

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi there.

Welcome to the show.

Still taking place in this blank

Void, made possible thanks to


Just use the code "slurp slurp

John olly's cow juice" at your

Local checkout the next time

You purchase milk.

You won't receive a discount,
but you will receive milk.

And look, it's been another

Busy week, from covid cases

Spiking in the u.s.,

To brazilian police allegedly

Catching a senator there with

Cash between his butt cheeks,

To confirmation hearings for

Amy coney barrett.

They included two full days of

Questions and non-answers, best

Summed up by this exchange.

You know, most of us have

Multiple notebooks and notes

And books and things like that

In front of us.

Can you hold up what you've been

Referring to in answering our

Is there anything on it?

The letterhead that says

"United states senate."

That's impressive.

Except, no, it isn't.

It's really not impressive at

Partly because it's emblematic

Of the fact she dodged almost

Everything she was asked,

And partly because this whole
hearing was pre-ordained

By the republicans.
That pad could've contained

A drawing of a muscular,

Anatomically-correct garfield,

And they'd still have all said,

"That's very impressive.

It's a yes from me."

But although barrett was

Evasive, there were still

Telling moments, like her

Refusing to say she accepts
climate change as a scientific

Fact, arguing that roe v. Wade

Is not a "super-precedent,"

And referring to gay people as

Having a "sexual preference,"

Rather than orientation.

Which is just ridiculous,

Because it's clearly not a


No one just chooses to be
attracted to the same sex,

Or a different sex,

Or to adam driver.

We all simply are.

Dislocate my ankles,

You rusty cello.

Tie my fingers in a square knot,

You emotionally-unavailable

Water tower.

And the supreme court hearings

Weren't the only

Question-and-answer sessions

This week.

Trump and biden held dueling

Town halls on thursday.

Originally, it was supposed to

Be a debate between the two,

But after trump pulled out,

Nbc rewarded him with an hour

Of tv all to himself, something

Which is, if nothing else,

Very much on-brand for them.

And trump's high point of

The night was probably this.

I have to say, you have

A great smile.

Thank you.

Thank you.

He does.

You're so handsome
when you smile.

Is he?

Is he really?

I'm not quite so sure about

That. Unless by "handsome,"

You mean "looks like someone

Dropped their dentures in a

Jack-o-lantern on

November 14th," in which case,

You're absolutely right.

The man's got a smile that can

Light up a cross.

Although as high points went,

That was basically it for

The president.

Even that moment turned fast.

Just watch what happened

Immediately afterwards.

You're so handsome when you


As the daughter of immigrants to

The united states who fled

Eastern europe due to religious

Persecution, the united states

Immigration policies are very

Personal for me.

If you are elected to a second

Term, do you expect to pursue

Your previous efforts to cut

The daca program?


That might actually be

The perfect way to ask trump

A question.

"You have a lovely smile.

Anyway, you'd have doomed

My ancestors to die
in the holocaust.


Trump's town hall, like his

Entire campaign, was extremely

Light on policy details.
Because he doesn't like to talk

In specifics about what a second

Trump term would mean.

He's made very few concrete

Promises, other than, "I will

Not leave, I will not die,"

And, "I will give you covid

But tonight, I'd like to talk

About something incredibly

Important that hinges

On this election.

Because our main story concerns

The world health organization,

Or w.h.o.

You may already be aware of it

In its role as one of the

President's favorite punching


The world health organization

Should be ashamed of


I'm not happy with

The world health organization.
They're a puppet of china.

They're china-centric,

To put it nicer.

They're literally a pipe
organ for china.

That's the way I view it.

Okay, the w.h.o. Is

Not literally a pipe organ for

China, because the only thing

That is literally a pipe organ

For china is a pipe organ.

Because that's what the word

"Literally" means.

Over the last six months,

Trump has consistently tried to

Deflect blame for his handling

Of the coronavirus onto the

W.h.o., China, and the close

Relationship he claims

The two have.

And at the beginning of july,

He turned that criticism into

Real action.

In the midst of a pandemic,

Donald trump is formally pulling

Out of the world health


We will be today terminating

Our relationship with the world

Health organization and

Redirecting those funds to other

Worldwide and deserving urgent

Global public health needs.

Now, that is very bad

News, but do spare a thought

For melania, who must've heard

The sentence, "we will be today

Terminating our relationship,"
and, for the briefest of

Moments, felt hope.

Except, I'm totally kidding,

Spare no thoughts for her...

She's not a baby.

She's totally complicit,

And never forget that she once

Said, "who gives a f*ck about
christmas stuff and

Decorations?," An attitude
fully present in her holiday

Theme, best described as,
"what if trees got periods

And hated you?"

The point is, in the midst of

Everything we're going through

Right now, trump has decided to

Withdraw the united states from

The w.h.o.

And if you're thinking, "surely,

He can't do that, right?"

The good news is, the w.h.o.'S

Constitution doesn't include any

Provisions for members to


The bad news is, there is

Exactly one exception to that

Rule and if the united states,

Which passed a resolution

Decades ago specifying we

Actually can withdraw after

Giving one year's notice.
And that's a pretty weird perk

For america alone to have.

It's like finding out we

Demanded to be the only country

Allowed to wax the pubes of

Every squirrel.

Why would we want the right to

Do that in the first place?

And more to the point,

Why would we ever consider

Actually doing it?

And the thing is, trump is not


He's already submitted a notice

Of withdrawal to the u.n.

To take effect next july,

So the clock is ticking.

And given that we're now on

Track to leave the w.h.o. In

Less than a year, tonight, let's

Talk about what that actually

Means... How important the

W.h.o.'S work is, how valid

Criticisms of it are, and what

We might be putting at stake.

And let's start with what

The w.h.o. Does.

It was founded in 1948 and has

Since grown to 194 member states

...that's nearly every country

On earth.

And very broadly, it coordinates

Global responses to a wide range

Of health issues, including

Alerting the world to threats,

Fighting diseases, developing

Policy, and improving access to


One of the biggest powers it has

Is the ability to declare

A public health emergency of

International concern and issue

Recommendations on how countries

Should respond.

But... And this is really

Important... It has absolutely

No power on its own to enforce

Those recommendations.

It can only act within a country

To the extent that country

Allows it to.

And yet, despite those

Significant limitations,

It's managed to do some

Incredible things in the past,

With perhaps its most notable

Success being this.

Today, a substantial

Milestone in human history.

The world health organization

Says smallpox has now been wiped

Off the face of the earth and

Will never return.

It says it'll never return

Because smallpox can only be

Caught from another person,

And if no other person has it,

There is no other way to catch

It's true.

The w.h.o. Completely eradicated

Smallpox, which k*lled

In the 20th century alone.

In the space of a decade,

It took smallpox from 10 million

Cases and 2 million deaths a

Year all the way down to zero.

And it's amazing that something

Can go from being that

Widespread to completely

Disappearing within a few years.

Smallpox is basically the

Circuit city of infectious


And it's equally as missed.

And it's not like the w.h.o. Did

This with a magic wand; it took

A huge amount of work.

Not only did they have to

Arrange a collaboration between

America and the u.s.s.r., At the

Height of the cold w*r, one of

The last big countries where

Smallpox had to be tackled was

India, and just listen to one of

The doctors involved in the

Effort explain what it took.

To eradicate smallpox,

It meant that we would have

To visit every single house in


And ultimately, we did.

We visited 120 million houses

In india every month for about

We did more than a billion house

Think about that!

They visited a billion houses!

That's remarkable.

It's only a few more houses

Than chrishell visited on

"Selling sunset."

And that's why she's the best.

You pound the pavement.

You get the listings and you get

The results.

I don't know where chrishell

Hustles more,
on the streets of l.a. Or on

The "dancing with the stars"

Dance floor.


But the w.h.o.'S work isn't

Always as lofty as door-to-door

Disease destruction.

Some of its most important work

Involves the development of

The seasonal flu vaccine.

Twice a year, it convenes

Representatives from all over

The world to determine what

Strains of the flu virus should

Go into the annual flu shot.

Which might sound tedious...

Because it is... But it's also

Kind of important.

That, by the way, was the

Original title for this show.

The w.h.o. Is also currently

Tracking and responding to

Dozens of infectious disease

Outbreaks around the world,

Including monkeypox,

Yellow fever, and an ongoing

Ebola outbreak.

And when, let's say,
hypothetically, a pandemic

Breaks out, the organization

Can provide a critical role

As a central clearinghouse of

Information, conducting

Investigations, and releasing

Information to the public.

And it does all of this

On a current budget of

$2.4 billion a year.

Which might sound like a lot,

But it's around the same amount

It costs to run a single

U.s. Hospital.

Which is wild.

It's like finding out that the

U.s. Navy runs on the same

Budget as typhoon lagoon at

Disney world.

I'm not sure if typhoon lagoon's

Budget is way too high, or the

Navy's is way too low, but

Something is definitely off


So at its best, the w.h.o. Does

Vitally important work for

Shockingly little money.

Which is not to say that it's


There are legitimate criticisms

Of how it's behaved in the past,

Among them that during the ebola

Outbreak in 2014, they acted too

Slowly to declare a public

Health emergency, which had

Major consequences.

But the truth is, for trump,

Past performance isn't really

The issue here.

For him, there are two

Insurmountable problems

With the w.h.o.

The first is how much of its

Budget the u.s. Pays.

We pay $400 to $500 million

A year.

China's paying $38, $39,

And $40 million a year.

And it's like they control this


There's something very bad

Going on. And you know what?

I've gotten very much involved.

It's been going on for a long

Period of time, and we don't

Want to be the suckers anymore.

Now, you're probably

Already assuming it's more

Complicated than that.

And it is.

The problem is, trump is

Incapable of acknowledging


In his world, you're either

f*cking someone, or you're

Getting f*cked.

And that's not a great

Perspective when it comes to

Cooperating on global health.

It's not even a great

Perspective at an orgy.

Sure, there's a lot of both

Going on, but those can't be

The only options.

Someone's gotta make sure

Everyone's staying hydrated,

Someone's gotta be available

To tip the pizza delivery

Person, someone's got to

Disinfect the coffee table


It can't all be just f*cking and

Getting f*cked, or there's going

To be chaos.
That's basic orgy management.

Now what is true in trump's

Argument is that there's a big

Discrepancy between what

The u.s. And china give to

The w.h.o.

In 2019, the u.s. Paid just over

$446 Million.

And china, the second largest

Economy in the world, paid

Just $43 million.

That is a striking disparity.

But it's rooted in how

The w.h.o. Is funded.

Because the fact is, only around

Assessed contributions,

Which are basically membership

Dues based on the size of each

Country's economy and


Almost all of the rest comes

Through voluntary


That's where a country donates

Money, but in doing so, can

Earmark exactly what they want

It used for.

And most of what the u.s. Pays

Each year is voluntary

Contributions, whereas china

Chooses to pay almost nothing.

And you could argue this is a

Dumb way to fund an

Organization; it's essentially

The global health equivalent of

Underfunding a public school and

Expecting it to hold a bake sale

To make up the difference.

But the thing is, this whole

Mess is almost entirely

America's fault.

Back in the 1980s,

The reagan administration pushed

A zero-growth policy for

The w.h.o.'S budget, which

Eventually froze states'

Assessed contributions at

So with those contributions

Unable to go up, the w.h.o. Has

Naturally needed more and more

Voluntary donations

As the years have gone by.

And I would say that was the

Worst decision of the reagan

White house, were it not for

Iran-contra, the w*r on dr*gs,

Trickle down economics, and

Failing to publicly say

The word "aids" for four years.

I'm not saying everything is

Reagan's fault, all I'm saying

Is, if I found out tomorrow that

m*rder hornets are only here

Because he started breeding them

In 1988, I can't say I'd be

Entirely surprised.

The point is, that is why we pay

So much relative to china.

It's mostly because we choose

To because the w.h.o. Is

Underfunded because of

Something we did.

So what about trump's second big

Complaint, that the w.h.o. Is a

Literal pipe organ for china?

Which, again, it literally


That is an idea that he and his

Supporters have hammered hard.

The world health

Organization's subservience to

Their masters in beijing has
only become more obviously more


Allowing the world health

Organization to investigate

China is like having el chapo

Investigate the mexican drug

I mean, china lied, the world

Health organization complied,

And as a result, many americans


Okay, now I know that

Rhyme sounded compelling,

But it's
important to remember: not

Everything that rhymes is true.

Here, I'll show you.

"In 1981 james comer was up to

No good, he stood on a boat and

Pushed as hard as he could, and

That's how james comer k*lled

Natalie wood."

That's a fantastic rhyme,

No questions there.

But I do have to accept that it

Might be untrue.

What they're arguing there is,

The w.h.o. Mishandled the

Pandemic because they're

Deferential to china.

And while there's some truth to

Each half of that statement,

They're not true together.

And let's start with the

Allegation the w.h.o. Is

Deferential to china.
That can be true.

For instance, its member states

Have consistently acquiesced to

China's insistence that taiwan

Not be allowed to join the

Organization as a separate


And w.h.o. Leadership praised

China early in the pandemic,

Citing its "bold approach to

Contain the rapid spread"

Of the coronavirus, which

Does not date well.

Although, it is important to

Remember, the w.h.o. Needs

To be exceedingly diplomatic

With its member countries to

Gain the access it needs for

On-the-ground investigations

As an outbreak emerges.

Also, for what it's worth,

It's not like it was alone in

Praising china's coronavirus


Back in february, trump was

Working out a trade deal with

China, and he said this.
China is working very, very


I have spoken to president xi,

And they're working very hard.

If you know anything about him,

I think he'll be in pretty good


They've had a rough patch, and I

Think right now they have it...

It looks like they're getting it

Under control more and more.

Oh oh, and that was

By no means a one off.

Trump praised china's response

So many times politico made it

Into an actual listicle and
that's a serious unit of


Trump's joining the ranks of

"15 Hedgehogs with things that

Look like hedgehogs," or

"Top 10 actors who died in

Fires, " or " 16 people who were

Literal children in 2010 but

Full grown adults now," which I

Assume was written by someone

Who just emerged from a coma

And forgot how time works,

Incidentally making them

Eligible for "time" magazine's

Very real listicle,

"Top 10 comas."

Now, as for the question of

Whether the w.h.o. Made mistakes

Early on, it definitely did.

It arguably took too long to

Advise universal mask wearing

And to clearly acknowledge

The threat of indoor airborne


But there is no evidence at all
that this was done to appease

China, so much as, in the early

Stages of a pandemic, even

Experts tend to... To use a

Technical term... Not know what

The f*ck is going on.

But let's say, for the sake of

Argument, that you agree with

The president that we simply pay

Too much to the w.h.o., And that

China is calling all the sh*ts


The question then becomes, what

Then? And if you listen to

Mike pompeo, which you

Absolutely never should,

He would argue the u.s. Can just

Go it alone.

If there is a function that

Only the w.h.o. Can do, and we

Think it is important for

American national security or

Because we are good humanitarian

Partners around the world,

I'm confident we will find a way

To deliver that outcome.

Okay, that is just ridiculous.

The u.s. Cannot do what the

W.h.o. Does, for many, many


For a start, if we try and go

Into another country for a

Public health mission, chances

Are we're going to get greeted
far less warmly.

Because the w.h.o. Has never,

Y'know, invaded a nation or

Funded a coup.

As one former u.s.

Representative to the

Organization has said, "people

Coming into countries in w.h.o.

Shirts to work on polio or aids

Are less threatening."

Adding, "no one is looking for

U.s.-Based alternatives to


Which, of course they're not...

Especially having seen the way

That we've handled the

Nobody wants a u.s.-Based

Alternative here for the same

Reason nobody's looking for a

Joe exotic-based alternative to


I'm not saying he doesn't think

He can do it.

But everyone likes the way it

Works now, and his alternative

Might be actively dangerous.

Also, when it comes to global

Health, the u.s. Has a checkered


Before the k*lling of bin laden,

One of the ways the u.s.

Verified he was in abbotabad was

By staging a fake vaccination

Campaign in that town as a ruse

To gather dna samples from the

People living at his compound,

Something which not only put

Health workers in the region at

Risk, but also contributed to a

Major setback in the effort to

Vaccinate people in pakistan

Against polio.

And it's not like we're going to

Make friends by suddenly walking

Away from the w.h.o. And cutting

Off its funding, especially in

The middle of a global pandemic.

As one official puts it,

The u.s. Decision to leave is

Almost impossible to get your

Head around.

And sometimes it feels

Like a bad dream.

And for staff inside the

Organization, they feel


Could somebody explain to me

Really, why?

Why take the fire engines away

In the middle of fighting a



It's taking the fire engines

Away in the middle of fighting

The fire, or getting rid of

The lifeboats while the boat is

Sinking, or choosing to edit

Kevin spacey into a movie just

Weeks before its release date...

It's the worst possible decision

At the worst possible time.

And it gets even worse here,

Because the w.h.o. Is right

On the edge of doing to polio

What it did to smallpox and

Eliminating it.

Just two months ago, it was

Finally wiped out in africa,

And we are now 99% of the

Way to global eradication,

With a current goal for it

To happen in 2023.

Unfortunately, the u.s. Is

The second largest funder of

The global polio eradication

Initiative, and that money

Suddenly disappearing is likely

To set everything back.

And while it almost feels

Inappropriate for polio not to

Make a comeback during this

f*cking nightmare of a year,

We should still probably try to

Prevent that from happening.

And look, it is fine if the u.s.

Has problems with the w.h.o.

It has problems.

But the solution clearly isn't

To walk away.

It's to try and fix them.

But the only way for the u.s. To

Have a say in how that happens

Is to have a seat at the table,

And we're about to just give

That up.

And the thing is,

This is yet another

Depressing example of trump

Seeing something that involves

Shared sacrifice, trade-offs,

And complexity, and deciding to

Just blow it up, because he

Either doesn't understand it,

Doesn't care, or both.

We've seen this with

The paris climate agreement and

The iran nuclear deal.

And now he's doing it with

The world health organization.

And this is incredibly

Because the fact is, we're

Currently on track to leave the

W.h.o. On july 6th of next year

If, that is, trump is


And this means our membership

In the w.h.o. Is yet another

Important thing on the ballot

This year.

And even though trump likes

To pretend we can insulate

Ourselves from the rest of

The world, if the coronavirus

Has shown us anything,

It's that diseases don't

Recognize borders, and we're

Only as strong as our

Worst-prepared country.

And pulling out of the w.h.o. At

Any time, but especially in the

Midst of a pandemic that's

k*lled over 200,000 americans

And a million people around

The world is one of the most

Ill-advised, dumbest things we

Could possibly do.

And I mean that f*cking

Literally. And now this.

And now...

There's an old saying in


There's an old saying in

Politics, which is, you've got

To dance with the girl that

Brung you.

There's a saying in politics

That fish always flop around

Before they die.

Olivia, there's a saying in

Presidential politics that

Summer is for dating, fall is
for mating.

There is an old saying in

Politics, when you are whining,

You are not winning.

There's an old saying in

Texas politics that the guilty

Dog barks the loudest.

We have a saying on our

Campaign, fear the turtle.

As the saying goes, there's

Nothing in the middle of the

Road but yellow lines and

Dead armadillos.

There is nothing in the
middle of the road but

Yellow lines and

Dead armadillos.

They say yellow lines and

Dead armadillos in the middle

Of the road.

You won up and down.


Moving on.

A quick update

Regarding danbury, connecticut.

Dubbed america's "hat city"

By "meaningless bygone

Superlatives" magazine.

You may remember, a few months

Ago, we insulted the unassuming

City of danbury for no clear


And the citizens there

Responded, with multiple

Danburians insulting me in

Youtube videos, and the mayor

Declaring that he'd name their

Sewage plant "the john oliver

Memorial sewer plant" because

It's full of shit just like me.

All of which was excellent.

Disappointingly, the mayor then

Claimed his threat was just

A joke.

So to try to force his hand,

We offered to donate $55,000 to

Local charities on the strict

Condition they made the name


Well, there has been a bit of

An update.

A cheeky back and forth

Between the city of danbury and

Popular show host john oliver

Making a stink in this city.

Tonight, it was front and

Center at the city's virtual

Council meeting.

The mayor reading supportive

Comments from residents.

The community spirit this

Feud has generated is


A vote got pushed to thursday

But the mayor told us the votes

Are there.

He believes the feud is creating

Another tourist destination in

The state.

I've got small bleachers set

Up outside the ponds that hold

All of the solid waste and you

Can sit on your bleacher, have

Your picnic, and watch the plant


And it'll be very, very


There is a lot to love


From to the town's seeming

Enthusiasm, to the fact that

The mayor seems to think

Watching water filtration is

A must-see thrill ride.

No one enjoys sitting in

Bleachers watching raw sewage

Move around.

Just ask any fan of

The new york giants.

It's been a rough few seasons.

But the fact is, things have

Escalated here.

Local businesses started

A fundraiser supporting the

Effort, and have so far raised

$45,000 For area food banks.

Danbury's local hockey team has

Been selling special hat tricks

T-shirts benefiting als

Connecticut with the name of

The character I played in 2008's

"The love guru."

And mayor mark is even offering

To give personal tours of the

Sewer plant for $500 apiece...

Again, all for charity.

It's all been going very well.

But you might have heard there,

The vote was postponed until

Last thursday, which is how I

Found myself at home, watching

Danbury city council meetings on

Zoom with bated breath.

And I will say, some members

Expressed concerns.

While I appreciate the humor

During a time when we could all

Use a laugh, I'd have to say

That I personally don't find

Anything funny about insulting

Our community, and least of all,

About threatening v*olence

Towards children.
I'm just gonna be voting no.

You know what?

That's fair.

I did invite all danburians

To come get a thrashing from me,

Children included.

Although in my defense, I'm

Clearly no threat to anybody.

I have the physical presence of

Al dente spaghetti.

If I was was a boxer, my weight

Class would be "not detected,"

And my entrance music would be

Norma jean's "please don't

Hurt me." I am fragile.

And that man was not the only

One with qualms.

I'm really proud of our

Waste treatment plant.

One of the first things I did

Years ago when I got on the

Council, along with

Councilman chianese,

Is organize a tour,

And we took a tour of the plant.

And I was agog.

I thought it was, like, this

Amazing machine that turns,

You know, stuff you don't really

Want on the bottom of your shoe

Into something that you can

Drink or almost drink.

So i, you know, when I heard we

Were naming that machine that's

Integral to the community after

This guy, i... No way.

God, I love

City council meetings.

Where else can you hear someone

Talk about the time they were

Struck speechless by

The sheer beauty of

Municipal waste filtration?

Although he does gloss pretty

Quickly over the difference

Between "water you can drink"

And "water you can almost


You can almost drink a lot of


Mercury, antifreeze,

Mountain dew.

"Almost" can do a lot of

Heavy lifting.

Although, I am happy to say

That man eventually voted yes,

Although in doing so, said he

Hoped I'd "come to terms with

The statements I made

Towards danbury."

Which I absolutely have, and I

Regret nothing.

But look, the meeting culminated

In a nail-biting roll-call vote,

After which, the results came


We have 18 yeses,

One abstention, and one nay.

Congratulations, mr. Oliver!

You now have a poop plant named

After you. Whoo!


That is amazing.

And honestly, I do believe that

I was their best option.

Who else were they gonna name it


Neil cavuto?

Yeah, he's technically from
but he already has a shit

Factory named after him, and

It's called "your world with

Neil cavuto."

So the resolution passed,

Although the mayor did have one

That they would make

It official "only if the

Comedian is physically present

When the ribbon is cut."

Which, honestly, is a pretty big

Ask, because danbury is an

Hour-and-a-half drive from

New york city.

And the reason I know that is

For the first time since

We entered this void, I left.

And this is what happened.

Yes, I went to

Danbury, home of the

Danbury railway museum, the

Self-proclaimed world's tallest

Uncle sam, and now, the single

Greatest sewage plant in the

Continental united states.

It was even more beautiful than

I'd imagined.

I'd taken all necessary


Not just because of the

Pandemic, but because I was in

Danbury, connecticut.

My heart pounded as I prepared

To meet my destiny, and to a

Lesser extent, mayor boughton.

Mr. Oliver, welcome to the

Great city of danbury.

Mayor mark, it is a
pleasure to be here.

Let's do this.

On behalf of all the citizens

Of the city of danbury, we are

Proud and honored to name this

The john oliver memorial sewer

You ready?

Three, two...



We did it!

We did it!

Mr. Mayor, if it's okay, I would

Love to say a few words.

There is a reason

That this sewer plant means so

Much to me, and that is that it

Represents everything that we

Need the most right now, because

Think about it.

This place takes the worst that

Humanity can produce and

Transforms it into something

That we can live with,

And now more than ever, there is

Something inspirational in that.

Because at the end of this

Awful, awful year, what could be

More important than evidence

That if we want to,

We can come together, overcome

Our differences, and sort our

Shit out?

Mr. Mayor, I could not be more

Proud to have my name on your

Shit sorter.

Thank you, danbury!

You didn't danbury this up.

None of you are danburying this


That's our show!

Thank you so much for watching!

We'll see you next week!

Good night!



It's history!
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